
�ingvellir (YFIR)

Katja the First


8 Years
09-28-2014, 02:00 PM

Already it was time to add to the lands she had taken from Olympus. The plains known as the Dancefloor of the Gods made for better-than-decent hunting but it left much to be desired as far as shelter. She'd considered expanding back into the other land Olympus had claimed, the valley known as Emerald, but though it was lush and rich in bounty it provided just as little shelter as the Dancefloor. Many of the other lands surrounding them were hostile and inimical to wolves as well as also providing little shelter. There was a grove of willows that had tempted her, but a small group of rogues sheltered there and it wasn't worth driving them out.

But this... a natural canyon carved from a long-dead river, full of natural caves to provide a shelter that would remain comfortable no matter what the outside weather. That was what the pack would need coming into winter.

The silver-ticked pelt of the alpha rippled as she threw back her head and sang out, simultaneously laying claim to this canyon and the land surrounding it, and calling together her pack and any interested rogues in the area for a meeting. She doubted the Olympus kids would be interested in joining them for a meeting, but the request included them. She would need to know what they were interested in training in, if anything, as well as relaying the agreement she had recently come to concerning them, and she would need to inform them of the new boundaries of the territory they were allowed to roam. Her sharp mind, always at work, ticked over and over the things she would need to cover at this, their first ?ing.

OOC: Mandatory meeting for all Yfir members - though I'll understand if IC the Olympus kiddos don't want to show up I'll still need a post saying that they're not showing up. This is the seasonal thing (?ing being the old Norse word for it) that the rules talk about so it may be a slightly longer meeting than usual and I won't require second posts unless your character was specifically asked something or they have something to bring up. Deadline is Friday October 3rd at noon Ala time



5 Years
09-28-2014, 02:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 02:59 PM by Dægmar.)

D?gmar trotted along with a spring in her step. This was what she needed. Duty, activity, something to keep her mind and body going and in motion and despite the chaos that had birthed it she was glad to be in a pack again. A rabbit hung limp in her jaws. An early morning warm up to get the blood pounding in her ears. The wraith slowed to a stop as she heard the call of the Queen or as was said in her tongue Drottning. D?gmar was quickly picking up on the new alphas quirks and manner of speech, it was not unlike those in the land she'd come from as probably obvious by her name.

Lithe form skittered down into an unusual canyon as she followed the Drottning's call. What on earth was the ebony femme doing out here? She had to admit the land was pretty and offered many opportunities to explore not to mention more secure dens. And once more, dens that did not reek of Olympus. She could hardly stand hers.

D?gmar set the rabbit at her feet and gave a polite nod of greeting to Katja. She really wasn't one for bowing unless instructed to do otherwise. "Morning, Lady Drottning. I trust you'll explain why you've called a gathering all the way out here?"



4 Years
09-28-2014, 07:24 PM

The silvery girl would sigh heavily as she caught the sound of Katja?s summons. Her presence seemed to be required quite often since the dividing of her family and while the hunt had taken her mind off everything this call would only remind her of the sorrow she felt for being without those who she cared about. Even her siblings were distant now, though she had no doubt part of that would be from her own doing. She?d yet to speak with any of them about their current situation. It seemed such an uncomfortable conversation she?d found herself very much avoiding it while she could. She knew not what would happen to them and the uncertainty would not help to encourage her to their side.
Still, she had no desire to be contrary, Gaia had become rather complacent since the challenge, she had no desire to fight back now or to rebel. Still she would feel herself craving that celebration, she wanted her family to come together again to witness her and Solo become married. Her heart longed for that moment, to hear the well wishes of her family. Such a dream seemed so impossible now.
Those thoughts would linger in her mind as she pushed herself from the ground and found herself propelling towards the call. She?d have no trouble with the land up until the old borders, but as she crossed over to the new territory she?d find herself using the echolocation trick her aunt had taught her. Thoughts of the woman would only further sour her mood as the longing she felt would increase. No one had understood her as clearly as Natalya. Silently she would make her approach to the two women, her presence would hang back from them, but she would obviously make her appearance. Holding herself proudly she?d angle her ears to catch any sound given to her.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


09-28-2014, 07:48 PM

Her howl was far away when it came, the young boy laying languidly outside his den as his large ears lifted and swivelled towards the sound. Immediately he would pull himself, up drawn towards the call without hesitation just as he had answered each of Natalya's calls and his mother's own calls for pack meetings. But this one? He followed it almost unconsciously, following the pull even as it beckoned him out of the dancefloor and away from pack lands. A new land claim? He was curious now? As he drew closer he caught Gaia's scent and quickened. But his pace would change again as he got closer to the source of the call, Whisper's Gorge? This was his aunt Svan's old territory, she had claimed it after his mother had claimed this place from the Valhalla bitch. His aunt had long since left, having left the pack to her daughter only to have her disappear too. He didn't know what had happened to the pack since then or if there was even a pack that had rose up in it's place.

He arrived shortly after Gaia it seemed, watching her seat herself before Katja and the woman he vaguely remembered as D?gmar. Head tipped as he moved to Gaia's side and seated himself to her right, immediately touching his shoulder to hers comfortingly. A soft nod would be given to D?gmar in a sign of recognition, mentally reminding himself to try and cut her off and meet with her after this meeting. He wanted to learn to fight and she might be the one to teach him. He didn't want to bother Katja with such trivial matters. A smile and a nod would be given to Katja as well. He respected the woman and was actually glad Gaia had listened to reason and decided to stay for the time being. He believed that if they bided their time then everything would work out for the best. "This is Whisper's Gorge, old Valhalla used to be here before my mother took it over and handed it to my aunt. Lots of places to explore?"He whispered to Gaia, hoping that the idea of adventure might coax her into a better mood. If he was correct there was a hole in the ground here too that lead to the underground caverns.




1 Year
09-28-2014, 09:22 PM

Much was happening within the borders of this new pack. He had yet to seek out his siblings and talk with them, but the boy knew he was getting closer and closer to it. Eventually he would need to just suck it up and get it over with. More than anything else he feared rejection. Solo seemed to have sided with him at the challenge, but just because he was willing to defend Gaia (when wasn't he, exactly?) didn't necessarily mean that he agreed with all that was said. Nemesis didn't know where his siblings stood on the matter. Part of him was afraid to find out.

He made quick work of the distance between the valley and where Katja had summoned her wolves. When Gaia and her bright red beau came into view, he paused, his gaze falling to the ground as he tried to work up the courage to approach her. He clenched and unclenched his teeth, rolling his options over in his mind.

In the end the desire to not be alone beat his fear of rejection and he found himself slowly moving to approach Gaia on her left side. Stopping beside her, he greeted the pair with a simple, "Gaia, Solo," and then sat down. His eyes fell to his paws as he struggled to think of something to say. "Gaia..." The young Olympian trailed off, his mind blanking for a moment. "Do you think maybe we could talk later? About...all of this?" The challenge, their mom, Yfir. Everything.

"Speaking" Thinking


09-28-2014, 11:37 PM

Her battered body was steadily healing after her spat with the Olympus bitch. During their spat, Helios had ordered an attack on herself and her son. But the victor had halted them, claiming herself and Hypnos under her rule and protection. A sly grin curled her lips as a call rang out, pulling her from her den. She had no objected to the claiming, but she had yet to speak to the woman about the matter. She was uncertain if she would stay and return to life as a rogue. She had yet to speak or even see Apollo. Had his family poisoned his mind and turned him against her? Had his love been only a fleeting thing? She was not entirely sure and she needed to find out. Part of her desperately hoped things had not changed between, but at the same time, she knew she could not be tied down by someone who didn't seed eye to eye with her.

Nudging Hypnos, she would leave the den and trot towards the call. Perhaps after this meeting she would talk to her new Alpha and then go find Apollo. Lithe body would weave a path to the steadily growing crowd. There was no doubt on her mind that this pack now had a target hanging around its neck. Virgil had returned out of the blue and promised misery upon the ebony Queen. But despite that, she felt as though she owned it to the woman, she felt inclined to return the favor of protection. Her tail would curl at her hocks her indigo gaze sliding from face to face. A few of Virgils kids had arrived. It had been a wickedly smart move to claim them. Her gaze would flicker to the Queen, a slow grin pulling her lips back. "My Queen." She would dip her head in greeting, seating herself among the crowd, though near the woman without encroaching on her personal space.



09-29-2014, 12:37 PM

The boy would lift himself from the ground when his mother nudged him. Luckily they were close enough to where the gorge met the dancefloor, and the boy would move, breaking into a bit of an awkward half-run to make sure his arrival to the meeting would be prompt. He had developed a bit more of an independent streak from Chryseis, having gone tothe hunt on his own. But he still followed her now, and he would still come to her without hesitation if she ever called, but this was the second meeting he would go to without her at his side. He was growing after all, and soon, when the seasons changed, he would be just a bit older.

A breath would be taken as he came upon the others. Faces of the pack he would start becoming used to were there -- the red male, the silver, blind wolfess whom was close to him. The lady that lead the hunt... And the victor of the challenge, the one who started the punishment of his parents they deserved -- Katja. Hypnos held respect for the silver ticked black woman. Leg aching as he finally stopped due to the run over a bit of harder terrain he would carefully sit, leaning more to his left to take some pressure off it for a while. Of course he sat next to his mother, wondering what she might think of this place. Perhaps they could at least stay a while to thank the other for offering them refuge?

?Lady Drottning.? The young boy would greet, tipping his head respectfully towards her.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-29-2014, 12:49 PM

{{Ooc:: Thany isn?t actually there yet. A second post will be put in before the second round actually starts, cause Thany isn?t about to break his usual habits, meeting or not.}}

The meeting was quite the distance away. It did not seem to come from the valley, either, but from a different direction entirely. The call was of the viking woman. The pup would frown some, rising from where he was resting. He didn?t like thought of going somewhere unknown, but little choice was in the matter, wasn?t it? He?d have to start his way towards the meeting, slow as the boy was he?d probably end up being one of the last to actually arrive. Sea green eyes would turn in the direction and Thanatos would set off from where he lay at the Dancefloor. Hopefully he wouldn?t be late, but the boy would not rush himself. He had to be cautious -- being alone and still small enough he could make quite the tempting meal for a much bigger predator after all.

Walk "Talk" Think



5 Years
10-02-2014, 03:05 PM

Gods above, if it had taken any longer to get a fix on where her beloved granite queen had gone the caramel behemoth might have gone mad. She had heard of a challenge on Olympus and it's lands, which could only have been taken up by the Viking queen she had allied herself with. Now here she was, at a place called Whisperer's Gorge, an interesting place, suited to her interesting queen. The golden princess lumbered across the terrain with a single goal in mind. She would be finding her queen again. Immense paws struck the terra without sound, stunningly silent for such a beast of a woman. Hungry cornflower optics roamed over the terrain, seeking the familiar angular form she so craved. That body would never be as close as she wanted, it was made clear so long ago. However, she felt a strong affection toward Katja. She was one of the few in this land of heathen's that understood the world in the way she did. It had been something she'd enjoyed from the start, and it was part of what kept her following this woman. Katja was strong, she was sure of mind, she was trustworthy. Loyalty to the Drottning need not be evoked.
The call had long since faded, it's echoes on the canyon walls forgotten by the stone that had cradled it. Finally, a gathering came into view. Among it, a blinding crimson form. Interesting. So many of these forms were smaller than her own, and most were children. Had Katja lowered herself to ruling over whelps? Brows shot up only briefly, before the woman raised her great golden crown to fix her cerulean gaze upon the ebony masked femme. It had been a while, but the the Drottning was still as lovely as ever. "Vissir ?? a? ?? g?tir losna vi? mig svo au?veldlega , ? k?ri drottning ?" (Did you think you could get rid of me so easily, oh lovely queen?) Lyrics like distant thunder would inquire as she met with the rest of the group. The broad planes of her face were played upon by a wry smirk, and she winked casually at the moonstone eye'd woman. Without any other word, she simply awaited what her queen had to say.




3 Years
10-02-2014, 03:49 PM

The call, while clearly Katja's, rang out from far away. Freyja's brows drew together, eyes narrowing, as she slowly rose to her feet. What on earth was going on now? It did not sound incredibly urgent but she moved quickly all the same, not wanting to appear weak or lazy. Still, the howl sounded only vaguely, farther away than Freyja would have liked. She crossed the harsh terrain with little mind for the pads that carried her, scraping them and bruising them as she trod over jutting stones again and again. She came upon the gathering after many others, eyed the faces which were both familiar and foreign, moving instead to the side of wolves she knew. She saw Daegmar, at least, and Katja. Freyja would not say she moved to sit beside them but rather she chose their quarter as opposed to that of the children. After all, those who had seen more than a few seasons of life had to stick together. Freyja would eye the gathering cooly, but not unkindly. Despite her occasional (nigh constant) displeasure, everyone there was a pack member, or so she had to assume. She would fight for any of them just as she might for one of her own family... To a certain extent, anyways. The gilded goddess turned her attention then to Freyja, having satisfied herself with the setting and those who had come. "Lady Drottning," she said formally, still uncomfortable with the strange language her leader was accustomed to. But if that was the title she sought, Freyja would comply.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2014, 05:58 PM

The young titan ghosted into the meeting, silently entering behind the russet Olympian. Unlike the boy he followed, Laufey veered off before reaching the blind girl. He wasn't sure what to make of them yet and not knowing any of them, decided not to sit next to them. Instead he moved passed them, dark blue eyes momentarily shifting to take in the unnaturally colored boy before sliding back to his destination.

Approaching Katja, the young brute dipped his head in greeting. "Lady..." Laufey hesitated, hoping not to butcher the unfamiliar title that was getting ready to leave his mouth. He tried not to make it sound like a question. "...Drottning." Did he say it right? He hoped so.

Unable to resist, Laufey snuck a peek at Freyja. She was pretty and fierce and sharp...and the draw of her was extremely, extremely confusing. He wanted to look at her and listen to her and follow her around. It was a frustrating feeling. He didn't even know her! What was so great about her anyway? She was just a stupid fae that happened to wander into the same pack as him.

Unable to control or resist the weird mix of emotions, the boy wandered away and found a seat within listening distance of Katja.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
10-04-2014, 05:10 AM

It wasn't with willing steps that Andromeda made her way to the meeting. All meetings in her life had been within Olympus, many with her mother summoning the pack and one with her great aunt instead calling them all. That had been her least favourite meeting, to learn her mother had left and then of this drama lingering within her family. It was safe to say things had only gotten worse from there and whilst she and her siblings may not have been prisoners and in fact still welcomed as any of the more loyal followers to such events as these, Andromeda still felt somewhat drained as she made her way to the gorge.

Those previously confusing moments within her life were nothing compared to this and the golden Olympus girl was certainly torn. The members of the pack were far from horrible she had learnt, even with this vendetta between the families. A part of her wondered if it would be far easier to be a prisoner, to be able to fully hate Katja and her pack. She of course wanted to be back with her entire family, though it was her siblings now that held her loyalty the most and Andromeda would go nowhere without them.

Silently she would join the gathering, glad to see Nemesis and Gaia together, Solo of course at her sister's side. With no sign of Hephaestus, Thanatos or Hemera she would frown softly though not question it as she instead settled beside her brother, speaking only a soft greeting to he, Gaia and Solo before forcing her orange gaze to look towards Katja.


10-04-2014, 04:55 PM

When Thanatos finally arrived so many others had already gathered to the meeting, and the young boy would look around quietly. So many strangers, and family too. It was those wolves, the one he knew, that he padded over to, settling beside Andromeda quietly. He was a bit lately, but being as young as he was, and slower, it seemed natural. He would smile at his sister some, his teal eyes shining brightly. He seemed to be unbothered by this, at least at the moment, certain that the gods would have his mother save them all. "We'll make... it through..." His words were soft, and he was fighting his natural awkwardness around others to try and give them all some support. He would shift on his paws, however, deciding that, if he could, he would have just left with his siblings and avoided this whole thing.

Walk "Talk" Think



2 Years
10-06-2014, 10:31 AM

Hephaestus heard the call and wondered at it. Wasn't it coming from a good ways outside the pack's claimed lands? For long moments he remained in his reclined position, considering whether or not he was expected to go, but finally came to the conclusion that yes, she was calling for the entire pack which would in theory include him. He finally stretched his way up to his paws and moved toward the call. He was clearly going to be late as it was, so finally he shifted into a heavy lope. The call was coming from the canyon outside of Olympus'... Yfir's territory, and his gaze slipped around with interest as he came upon the group. He wasn't much for exploring, but there was so much here that was different than the territories of either of the two packs he'd grown up in that it managed to catch his interest. The alpha didn't seem to have begun to speak so perhaps he wasn't really late - though that was merely a vague thought in the back of his mind as he plopped down beside his siblings and continued to crane his copper-marked face around to see everything.

Katja the First


8 Years
10-06-2014, 12:42 PM
Was going to wait until all the new people hopped in but in the interest of giving you more time to respond I decided not to. XD So if you haven't already posted here and you're in the process of joining, basically your character's already assumed to be here so just go ahead and post as they were already here if you want.

Daegmar was the first to appear. Punctuality was something Katja appreciated in a wolf, and the green-eyed female seemed to count it among her other virtues. She would bear watching, when Katja was ready to promote from among the pack. "I will explain when all have arrived," she acknowledged the woman with a tilt of her muzzle. No need to repeat herself so many times.

Gaia - the eldest Olympus girl, the former heir - was, surprisingly, the next to arrive, followed shortly by Solo. She inclined her head to the girl in appreciation for her cooperative attitude before recalling the girl's disability. "Thank you for coming, Gaia Olympus. Your presence here will make many things easier." She did offer a nod to Solo, a silent thanks for his own punctuality.

The bold younger Olympus male was the next to arrive, but as he seemed inclined to engage his sister in conversation so Katja made no attempt to interact. He was followed closely by the gold-marked former Olympus slave, who was looking like she was recovering well after the challenge. She addressed Katja as her queen, and Katja wondered when she would be asking to take her adopted child and leave the pack, or if she would join fully. The alpha inclined her head to her in reply - regardless of whether or not she left, the former slave had fought valiantly for her and her son's honor and Katja would respect her for that. Her son's polite greeting earned a solemn nod of his own from the alpha.

Immediately a familiar scent and form caught her attention as the viking she'd accepted into Ebony sauntered forward. She shook her head, suppressing a sigh. "I wouldn't dare imagine it, Ascomanni," she replied dryly. "Are you considering giving up the wandering life once again? You would be welcome to join us if you wish."

The next two to arrive were Freyja and Laufey, both with the same greeting on their tongues that Daegmar had addressed her with, and she made a mental note to correct that nonsense before it took root. Laufey she took special note of, knowing now the truth of his parentage now and taking note of the traits she recognized as coming from her cousin. Had Orochi told him yet? Did he plan to? Should she? Interesting questions, but ones that would need to wait.

More of the pack trailed in, and finally she judged it was time to begin. First thing is first - "I would be pleased if you all would address me as Katja or simply Drottning if you must be formal. 'Lady', 'Queen'... These are terms associated with the nobility of this land. I am not a noble. I am what I am through right of combat, not bloodline. Take no offense from this correction for none is intended, I wish simply to state a preference before it becomes ingrained." Her eyes swept the group calmly, coolly, before she continued onto the real business of this meeting in her usual blunt fashion. "I have expanded Yfir into this territory. The small game are plentiful here, and the caverns will provide greater protection from the coming winter. I will not require anyone to move from their current den if they do not wish to, but I strongly recommend it."

Now to introduce them to an aspect of her culture that had elevated it above all others of it's time - the assembly known as a Thing. She considered a moment how best to explain it... "This meeting is more than simply claiming a territory. It is the custom of my people to gather together periodically - not as a festival or a sacrifice, but a more political gathering. It is there we would meet with the leaders of our people to hear decisions made by our leaders, to bring forth our own grievances to be judged, to vote as required, and to voice concerns and opinions without fear. That is what I wish for this pack. Once a season I will call upon you to gather together in this manner, strengthening our bonds to the pack and each other and thereby, strengthening our pack."

She paused a moment to allow the explanation to settle. This was already more words than the quiet woman generally spoke at one time, but she was nowhere near finished. Had she not believed so strongly in this pack, in the concept of it and in the Thing, she may have felt distaste for the speaking. As it was, she found it more tiring already than any battle she may have engaged in.

"To this end, our first order of business... the children of Virgil Olympus." Her eyes slid to the Olympus children, took them in before continuing. "I have no intention of simply handing them - you - back to Virgil. It is a matter of pride as much as it is anything, I will not lie and claim otherwise. There is, however, no reason for your lives to be on hold while you are bickered about. You will each receive a mentor and training in whatever field you desire, including the two younglings. Or..." Here she paused, fixing the four yearlings with a hard, evaluating stare. "You four have family outside of Olympus. Raisa Xanilov counted you among her children, and therefore you are the adopted siblings of the young Xanilovs. Your sister Valeriya rules now in Ebony - I have made an offer to her concerning your captivity, and she has accepted. If you are willing to give your parole, your sworn word you will make no attempt to escape or be led astray, you four will be allowed the option of residing within Ebony's borders with your siblings. You would be given a warrior escort to Ebony, and there you would need to remain unless you are given escort back to Yfir. You would remain members of Yfir, but you would live and train among Ebony. Before you decide you must know that to break your word in this is to be forsworn, to be known in all lands as an oathbreaker." She continued to let her gaze linger upon them for a moment before turning back to the remainder of the pack.

"As for the remaining yearlings and pups - you will be assigned a mentor for training in your chosen field. Please do speak up now with what you wish to specialize in, so that I can more concisely match you. Additionally as we have few adults and each will likely have multiple students, each pup will be assigned a yearling guardian. This yearling will be expected to act as a mentor to the youngling and be responsible for them as their assigned adult will be to the yearling, though the adult will train both yearling and pup. If you do not express a preference one will be chosen for you, so please do not hesitate to speak now."

OOC: all yearlings and pups are required to respond to this by Friday October 10th. No one else is required to respond at this time unless they haven't posted yet, or they really really want to post a second time. Next post I make will open the floor to anyone who wants to say something so basically everyone will be required to post after that one.




10-06-2014, 01:35 PM

Orochi had been on time, but part of him was still distanced from the crowd. Had he done something terrible by trying to pry into his own heritage from his fathers side? After all it seemed like Katja his "cousin" held some scars from the past that he regretted pulling back into her brain. It made him feel pathetic, he thought he had it figured out. He thought he knew everything there was to know about the world. When in reality, all that being with his mother taught him, was how much she hated the world, and how much her conscious had no longer been there. He looked at his brother for a moment though, the main reason he had come to Yfir in the first place. Yet, his dark ears moved to listen to Katja very carefully and with interest. He would focus from now on, there was much to learn and he did not want to be a burden. His tail curled in frustration of his thoughts.
Everyone here was a stranger, and now he felt cornered even if he didn't show it. As Katja said what had to be said he would nod his head in understanding. He would train hard, make her proud, then maybe one day she'd forget about looking at him as his father. Maybe he wouldn't be so painful or angry on her eyes as he had seen at the borders. Yet that was a simple fantasized thought.




3 Years
10-08-2014, 05:21 PM

The meeting would begin soon after her arrival. Though the truth of the matter was that she had very nearly been late, and on some plane of her thinking she knew that, the woman preferred to believe Katja had been waiting for her arrival. The gilded woman allowed a small smile to mold her features as she settled in to listen. To hear that they had been addressing Katja wrong hardly surprised her, though she thought it a bit stupid to correct it now after so much time had passed. Whether she liked it or not it would probably stick in the minds of several followers. Freyja wondered if perhaps she might continue calling the dark warrior Lady Drottning for the sole purpose or irritating her. She mentally shrugged, deciding to return to that thought later, and tuned herself back into the announcements being given.

To think that this region was to be theirs as well was exciting. With so many wolves under Katja's command, willing or otherwise, it was good to know they had ample space to provide for one another. The young goddess decided quickly that she would take her leader's words to heart and relocate herself somewhere closer to the heart of their now joined lands. No more running helter-skelter every time she was called. As Katja went on, she only grew more convinced, learning that such gathering would be rather frequent. That was no skin off her paws, if people wanted to blather to one another, well. Oh well. Freyja surveyed the crowd, picking out those who might be most interesting to learn about... or, more likely, eavesdrop on. Pack life could be so boring after all, all these boundaries keeping others out and whatnot. If she couldn't stir things up within her own group she might as well not take any part in any of it.

The woman's brows did draw together in concern, however, when Katja pressed on to the next matter at hand. Parole? What kind of spineless garbage was she spouting? When you held prisoners you held them. Freyja would rather tear those who'd wronged her limb from limb, regardless of their ransom value, than give them the opportunity to escape. She looked away towards the horizon, breath baited. Siblings, even? This could not possibly end well. The Olympian brats would either escape on their own or be aided to the same end... Freyja forced herself to clamp down on the inside of her cheek, less she burst out in front of the pack a a whole. She decided to level the younglings with a glare instead. To hear that she would have to mentor the insolent creatures was one final kick in the ribs, which she took with a quiet sigh. Life in Yfir was less thrilling than she had hoped for... and it rankled under her fur that she had for some reason agreed to this willingly. But and oath was an oath, right? She considered that bitterly, waiting for Katja to lay on which of the brats she would be ferreting around.

"Talk" "You" Think



1 Year
10-09-2014, 08:46 PM

The meeting got underway as Katja moved to address the group. There was quick lesson in the appropriate way to address the new alpha and then she got down to business. Goaded by curiosity, Nemesis listened carefully. So this was the pack's new land, huh? What about the Valley? A twinge of sadness shot through his chest. It was yet another reminder that Olympus was no more. His ears drooped at the thought. It was going to be okay. He needed to keep reminding himself of that.

Keeping the same dry tone throughout, Katja continued. She explained the meeting a bit and introduced a way of governing a pack that was entirely new to the boy. He'd never heard of such a thing. She was going to let them all talk about how they felt? How odd! And how different than what he was used to. In Olympus it was the gods will and their will only, as interpreted by the Oracle. No other word mattered. The idea was odd, but definitely not unwelcome for the outspoken Olympian.

Suddenly it felt like all eyes were on him and he couldn't breath. What about him and his siblings? His ears perked. Was she serious? Would she really let them go to Ebony? It had been ages since he'd seen his other siblings. It took the boy only a second to make up his mind. "I'd like to go to Ebony."

"Speaking" Thinking



5 Years
Extra large
10-09-2014, 09:08 PM

Katja began to speak and the young titan gave his attention completely to his Katja. The boy's ears reddened, his eyes darting away in embarrassment. Well, he'd tried. It could have been worse, he could have given her no respect when she demanded it of him. He made a mental note to refrain from calling her Lady again.

A breeze carried Orochi's scent to him and Laufey turned searching eyes upon the group as he sought him out. Spying him, the boy moved to stand next to his brother, attempting to bump his shoulder as he came up beside him. His voice low and for Orochi's ears only, he said, "I'm glad you came." It was true, he meant it with every fiber of his being. There was much they had to catch up on, much Laufey had to speak to his brother about. Questions plagued him; he would have answers even if he had to harass them out of his brother.

Katja asked the other young members how they wished to train and Laufey, already having a mentor, albeit, an unofficial one, spoke up, "Katja, I wish to continue training with Daegmar as a warrior."


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


10-09-2014, 09:54 PM

When one of his siblings spoke it was Nemesis. Thany had been quiet, waiting for his older siblings to speak up first, but it seemed they hesitated, perhaps far too long. The boy would flick his ears back some, a bit of worry gnawing at his gut. Teal gaze would shift to the others before Thanatos would shake his head a little. The intelligent pup was braver than he appeared much of the time. Maybe not so bold in crowds... but it was something he had to work on. Interacting in pack life like this could help. He would take a breath, direction his eyes back to Katja, doing his best to be bold, to show no fear as his namesake would as he took a step forward.

"I'm staying. Part of Yfir territory is still the home I know. Even if I must be apart from my other siblings... I... I won't give it up." He would shuffle some on his paws, fighting to keep his voice level, to keep it clear. But he would not take his gaze from the silver ticked black furred alpha. No... he would not show weakness. He was an Olympus... he would overcome this challenge and many others. "I... I want to be a warrior." He would keep his gaze for a moment before courage started to waiver again, a little breath leaving him as he took a couple steps back, sitting beside Andy again. What would his siblings think? He'd look to them now, trying to meet their gaze and give a small, sad smile... but would any of them look this way.

Walk "Talk" Think