
Random actof kindness


06-27-2013, 10:06 PM

Awaken walked down the path silently. The "pep-in-his-step" prominant with how he bounced as he walked. His tail swished from side to side with each step of his hind paws. The sun on his back felt good for once, he like the snow but he needed to get out. He was beggining to forget what heat felt like. It was still cold but it felt good to be out.?

He slowed down when he came to the water's edge. It'd been forever since he'd drank water that he didn't either have to lay on to defrost or that wasn't eaten as snow or licked off an icicle. He drank his fill and went to turn and leav but something caught his eye. Washed up afew feet away from him and flopping about.

He eased up to the creature noticing fins and shiney scales. The poor fish had washed up on shore and couldn't flop back into the stream in witch he came. He was faced with a debate: eat it or release it. He wasn't very hungry at the moment and didn't want it to go to waste.?

Awaken sighed lowering his muzzle to the fish, whom was gasping for water on the surface. He nudged the fish down tward the water and gently pushed it in. The fish sat idle for a moment before swishing its tail and dissapearing into the murky depth.

Well there was his random act of kindness for the day. He sat back on his haunches watching the sun rise. The red sun peaking out from behind the smokey clouds that filled the dark violet skies. The lake lapped at the bank createing a peacefull melody. He liked it here in the mornings. It was always just so beautiful


07-04-2013, 12:54 AM

Water, water, water. Rivers branched out in thin fingers all across the land, nourishing and encouraging all sorts of life. Plants sprung up enthusiastically from the earth, and the various cries of animals filled the air with sweet song. Not far away, the gentle hiss of rhythmic, rushing ocean water caressed the air with soothing background notes. The sun was pleasant, and heat was speckled with cool spots of shade from the trees? generous bodies. The air was moist and fresh near the streams, and life flourished all around.

While Caesar was very wary of the water, he did not completely avoid it. The places around water were always good, and he very much enjoyed this environment. Eventually thirst forced him to stalk along one of the riverbanks, searching for an area that was shallow enough. As he continued along, he spotted the form of another, messing with something near the water. Timidly, Caesar slipped closer, stretching his neck in attempt to see better. It was a fish! A fish that he was pushing back in! ?Whaaaaaat?!? he screeched, making his presence known if it hadn?t been already. He just let the fish live! Had he caught it, and then pushed it back?!