
Looks Are Decieving


06-28-2013, 01:40 PM
The tall woman walked at a leisurely pace, nothing seeming to threaten her. She was an intimidating sight, long legs and thick ebony fur, marred with russet trailing from the top of her left eye like a scar, then flowing down her cheek, throat and meeting with the flare of colour on her chest that spread to cover her entire front legs. A thick abundance of fur around her neck gave her a feral look, almost like a lion's mane. Sitting down, she wrapped her obsidian tail around her paws to stare at the lapping waves as they caressed the shore. It was a beautiful sight, especially in the morning, the rising sun setting the gleaming aqua into an array of sparks and rippling flames. Her dual coloured eyes, strange as her pelt, drank it all in, absorbing the beauty of the moment before it was gone. She may have looked like a born and bred fighter, but inside she was naught but a pup, sweet, gentle, angelic.

Maybe there would be another to join her and have a nice conversation? She would have liked that, she loved company. She knew if it was going to happen, it would, and watched the water. Getting tired of it, she wandered around the clearing, murmuring softly to herself a song she knew from her childhood.

They don't even know you, all they see is scars, they don't see the angel, livin' in your heart. Let them find the real you, buried deep within, let them know with all, you are, that you, are not, your skin.


06-28-2013, 04:31 PM

White paws touched the frozen ground. It wasn't chilly, it was just hard and firm. Basically impossible to dig in the soil. But the male paid no attention to it, his mind was way too far off to think about the frozen air of winter.

Something had interrupted his view as he topped over the hill looking over the lake. It seemed like the trees refused to grow in a perfect eye of the sun set, impossible to miss the portrait of oranges and reds. It seemed like the sun had turned to lava, and the boy looked down despite the beautiful sight.

Anything the brute had come across always seemed to remind him of those horrible days, that treacherous life back at home, on old Alacritis. His life as a young pup that had to scalage for any type of way to live. Shelter, food, he couldn't even remember a time he found water in those 2 years. He had never killed, but he had to eat off the remains of another wolf who had lost his life for food.

Such a broken life he had. But by the time he looked back at the sun, it was gone. But he had spotted a you g girl down by the water. Of course he didn't want to go and talk to anyone, he didn't want to have anyone connected in his spiral of destruction. But maybe one person would hurt. It seemed like every time he got close to someone, he hurt them.

The Black brute let out a low, deep howl before trotting down the hill to the female before him.

"Um... Hey."



06-28-2013, 07:34 PM
The lady looked up as she heard footsteps behind her, and a voice filled her ears. Um... Hey. It said. The voice emenated from a large brute with grey and white fur, whose eyes were just as mismatched as hers. The dame smiled at him, walking closer to stand in front of him as she greeted him kindly. Hi there! She barked happily, smiling broadly. I'm Udosa, who are you? She asked, her tail wagging slowly through the air behind her.

Sitting down, she tried to smooth down the wild mane of fur around her neck and appear less ferocious, because she couldn't change the pigmentation of her derma, making that the best she could do. The ebony woman looked up at the first wolf she had met since her first year, bi coloured pools glowing faintly as she waited for his answer. Her attempts to flatten the wild and unruly fur around her face was completely unsuccessful, it simply fluffed right back out.


07-01-2013, 01:11 PM

His eyes eyes the girls fluffy mane around her neck. It embraced her entire being, it stuck out like a sore thumb. And even though she tried to lick it down like a cat, it seemed untamable. But Rum hasn't paid too much attention to it, nor did he make a face at the crazy fur.

"I'm um.. Rumb--"

His voice cut off, he absolutely hated his actual name. That's why he had shortened it. He didn't know why he was about to speak Rumble, he hadn't told anyone that since he was a very young pup. When he used to jump with excitement and wanted to go out and explore like the other pups did. Something changed him though, he wasn't quite sure why he turned into a cold hearted jerk. Or why he hated other so much, why he didn't want to talk to anyone anymore. Maybe he realized that he didn't have a father, and that someday he was destined to be one. But how could he be a figure that he couldn't act, or something he never learned to be?

"Rum. My name is Rum."

The moon had finally become bright enough to fill the whole sky with its tiny star children. And the lake reflected off a beautiful grey light that lit up the entire land. Rum was looking up at the stars, trying to avoid any serious eye contact with the female. His eyes were then searching the countless stars that splattered across the blackened endless sky.



07-02-2013, 09:32 PM
The ebony and russet lady smiled kindly at the male before her, catching the cuttoff in his voice as he introduced himself. Rum. What an interesting name this male had. Her bi coloured orbs caught his lack of eye contact, how he avoided looking at her. She tried not to be insulted, tried not to think he was avoiding her because of how she looked. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Rum. What are you doing here? Am I invading a pack's territory or something? She asked, pleasant voice ringing through the air, ending with a nervous laugh. Her head spun around as she tried to sniff out the scents of a pack in the area, leathery olfactory sensor twitching wildly. When her cyan and evergreen gaze returned to the male, she tilted her head quizzically and waited for an answer. She couldn't sit still though, now she was on edge. Her last encounter with a pack had been terrible, nearly ending with the loss of her life. She shifted around restlessly, eyes moving like lightning to survey the area around them.

She settled after a while, her gaze moving to the stars as well, then staring unblinkingly at the moon, it's light making her entire ebony frame glimmer, and her eyes shine silvery white, reflecting the lunar surface. Her throat constricted with the sudden desire to let out a song, but she held it back, fearing she would only make the male even more fearful of being in her presence. Her chest felt heavy from holding it in, her lungs felt like bursting. With a sudden feel of abandon, she threw her soul into the air with a long, wavering note that trailed along the stars and weaved through the trees. The song was full of emotion; much sadness, a small amount of anger, barely a hint of fear. When her heart was light again, she looked back at the male and waited for him to respond to her outburst, her questions. A single red streak coming from her dark green left eye stood out against her black fur, trailing down her cheek, throat, meeting with the blaze on her chest. She hated the brilliant splash of colour, it gave her away when she was trying to hunt. Removing this from her mind, she continued to patiently await his responses.


07-15-2013, 02:10 PM

His chin was still pointing to the ground, but his eyes looked up at her as she spoke. Pack territory? His calm and emotionless expression still hadn't changed, his eyes once again coming off her for a near second before looking back at her.

"Oh no.. Of course not. I just came across the sunset.. And here you were."

Of corpse there was no type of love I'm his voice, even though his words seemed to be that way. He hadn't meant it like that.

"And then... Why are you here?"

He hadn't been social since he last met with his sister and mother, it was hard for him to speak to strangers. He did t really want to have friends, he didn't really want to destroy something that could do good. He knew he was sick, he knew he was dying. So why was he here talking to this lovely woman before him?



07-18-2013, 04:15 PM
After a while of waiting for an answer, finally the man's voice filled her auditory sensors. "Oh no.. Of course not. I just came across the sunset.. And here you were." She heard nothing in his voice that would make her feel as if he had feelings for her, his vocals were distant, almost emotionless. She nodded, understanding completely, for the dying sun had attracted her in the first place, but was not the only reason she was here. This place reminded her so much of the place where she had met the last wolf for quite some time, probably the only wolf to think of her as pretty. She had been reminising whilst she watched the sunset, at least, until Rum came across her, and earned the honor of being the first wolf she had met with in these lands, and the first since... She stopped that train of thought immediately, before the pain that followed ensued.

"And then... Why are you here?" Rum asked next, surprisingly. The black and russet dame parted her maw to speak, the simplest, and least emotional answer tumbling from her maw. Well, for the same reason as yourself. Though I was already out and about as well, exploring the lands. She told him, smiling. She was a definate adventurer, it was integraded so deeply into her being that she was never able to stay in one place long. You seem very sad, and very distant. May I ask what's wrong? She inquired, her pleasant voice filled with compassion. She was never one to want others upset, she preffered to have fun and make them happy to the best of her abilities. So she waited, bi coloured eyes curious, gladatrix frame sitting calmly with her thick ebony tail wrapped around her paws.