
Someone save me from this MADNESS



1 Year
09-28-2014, 01:43 PM

She had enough of being trapped in this tiny den. She needed to get out, to do something! The wind was howling and the rain still poured, but Charmeine was done with being stuck. She was bored and had so much energy, surly one little trip out into the world wouldn't do her any harm. The girl waited until her mother was sleeping, knowing that she would not approve of her little adventure. That thought made her hesitant, but the gray masked girl still poked her head out of the den. Wind pulled at her face, quickly soaking her soft puppy fur. She giggled, it felt strange to have fur so wet! Pulling her head back in she shook herself, scattering little droplets of liquid everywhere. Taking a tentative step outside she felt like the wind could easily pick her up and carry her away. The thought made her heart race and her head pound, her mind screaming at her to go back into the den. But she would be fine! Charm was a strong girl -- or so she thought.

The small pup poked the whole front half of her body, the wind picking her up and making her feel like she was flying. Wild giggles left her maw as the wind let her down on all four paws again. Feeling great about this choice, the girl stepped out of the den, casting one look back at her mother before she was finally out of the den. Charm looked around with wide blue eyes, her coat nearly completely soaked already. A large gust of wind blew against her coat, forcing the small pup onto her side. Blinking in surprise she tried to pick herself up, but the wind was just too strong. Whining, the girl tried one more time and was able to pull herself on to her little paws, but when she turned around, she could no longer see Guin laying in the den. In fact, she could see little of anything at all. The gusts of wind had pushed her further away from her little save haven than she had thought, and now she was lost. Letting out a sharp bark the girl spun around, but the wind pushed her down again. Charm lay in the mud, tears streaming down her wet face as she let out a little puppy howl, begging someone to come and find her.


Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



3 Years
09-28-2014, 01:59 PM

The horrible weather had continued on, perhaps he was simply imagining it but Dutiron felt they were past the worst of it and that things were slowly getting a little better. With it near impossible to hunt in the weather, prey hiding just as much as they were hunting parties had needed to head out to gather food and now the young Destruction was returning to the lands with some of that now, heading around to deliver it to those that weren't able to get out and hunt for themselves. On that list and his delivery point for that day was Guinevere and her daughter. He hadn't actually met them yet, Dhiren normally taking care of the pair though of course the man had more duties to his name now and Dutiron had offered to help his elder brother out a little more.

He was on his way there when suddenly a cry for help would meet his ears. Lifting his head momentarily he would attempt to glance around at the scene though with this horrid weather eyes simply couldn't search quite as well as normal, plus the person required help, unbeknownst to him was hidden in the mud at this moment in time. He would drop the meal, this cry for help certainly more important and would continue forwards letting out a shout of his own to try and catch her attention.

At last he would spot the child, distressed and lying in the mud. "Hello little one." He spoke as softly as he could without his voice being lost to the wind. Continuing to approach her, certainly intent on helping her. "I'm Dutiron, would you like me to help you?" He would introduce himself as he came to a stop near her and offered his help before charging in, picking her up and possibly causing more stress.

image by lunarcat7



1 Year
09-28-2014, 09:25 PM

She didn't even know that there was someone coming to her aid until a soft voice called out to her. Panicked eyes locked on the tall man, the small girl scrambling sideways in fear. Charm whimpered softly, but calmed down when she realized that he wasn't going to hurt her. He had a soft look to his face and his words were kind, calming the pups mind. She nodded her head sheepishly, knowing that there was no way that she could make it out of this alone. He said his name, and the shivering gal tried to say her own. "Char-char-meine." She stuttered out, the rain and wind making the girl super cold. She felt like ice as the rain relentlessly poured on her small form. This big man said that he could help her, and she certainly did need that. "I d-don' know where my momma i-is." She whined, large eyes filling with tears again. "I-I j-jus' wan' my m-momma." She cried.

Charm tried to stand up again, but just kept slipping in the mud. She was quite the mess, all coated in mud and soaked by the rain. This is why her mother had said not to go outside. Guin had been right, she should have stayed in her den like a good little girl. But she had been so bored... she just couldn't stand it any longer. Charm had learned now though that her mother didn't just say things for the sake of opening her mouth and hearing her on voice, she truly did worry that the wind could carry the girl off. Whimpering and giving up on trying to stand, Charm just crawled towards the nice man who offered to help her. The small girl wrapped her front legs around him and clung desperately to his leg. "I w-wanna go h-home."

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



3 Years
09-29-2014, 06:19 PM

Fear was a pretty good feeling to have of course when a stranger suddenly approaches you. Dutiron wouldn't take it personally at all, the girl was rather young after all and with all this horrid weather certainly hadn't really had the chance to get out and meet others within the pack. Now was hardly a great first meeting for her either though Dutiron wasn't going to leave her alone in hopes that someone she did know would find her soon.

The girl would stutter out her own name and pleas to head back to her home and mother. Though rather muddy the facial markings upon Charmeine certainly resembled Guinevere's and he highly suspected that this was her child. "Alright." He would begin "Shall we try and find her then?" He would once more offer his help, attempting to remain calm about the situation in hopes of making the girl feel a little better as well.

image by lunarcat7



1 Year
09-29-2014, 06:47 PM

Still desperately clinging to the man's leg, she sniffled and tried to hide her face from the rain. She should have never wandered out here, her mother was right when she said that it was too dangerous for her. But what was growing up without learning things the hard way? She was thankful that this man had been here to help her, otherwise what would have become of dear little Charm? The child shook just thinking about it, not giving up her grasp on Dutiron's leg. He offered trying to go and find her momma, and Charm nodded her head with vigor. But... she didn't know where she was! "I d-don' know w-where Momma is." She whined. The poor thing didn't even know from in what direction she came from, everything was turned around and upside down. Maybe not the best first outing, although she was going to be sure to stay in that den from now on. Well, at least until the rain and wind calmed down enough for her to actually get around. Looking up with big, round eyes she searched Dutiron's face "Do you k-know where Momma is?" She asked, her head tilting slightly to the side. He was big and strong, maybe he could see past the storm. All she knew is that she was cold and wet, and very, very dirty.

Charm didn't even want to think about how much trouble she was going to be in when she got back to Guin. Finally able to pull herself up to her paws, she wobbled a bit as her tail fanned out behind her to help her balance. Her little jaws open as she tried to bite into Dutiron's leg as she slipped, not meaning to hurt him at all. She just wanted to stay up, that was all. She was already so tired from trying to fight the wind, her lids calming from their super wide open state to being half lidded. When she got back all she wanted to do was nap.


Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



09-29-2014, 08:09 PM

A rather loud clap of thunder would wake her from the slumber she?d found herself in, her first thought was to curl tighter around Chareine. She knew that the girl would be frightened by the storm, so Guinevere would try to comfort her tiny daughter. However, there was a very cool place beside her that should have been filled by her spunky daughter. Bright eyes would fly open as the realization of her missing presence would overwhelm Guinevere. Whining her form would rise immediately, taking note that the girl was no where to be seen within the den, Charm was gone.
She?d stifle the worried scream that threatened to leave her throat as she rushed from the den. Immediately the wind would whip around her and the rain would soak her. Where was Charmeine? She could have been anywhere, the wind whisking her small form away. She really would cry out as the hopelessness of the situation would take her, but she knew she had to keep her head on her shoulders. Determination would take its grasp of her mind and would push her worried thoughts away. Charmeine was alright. She had to be.
Pale paws would soon become covered in mud as she searched, there was no scent to go by and she could hardly see a few feet in front of her. But by some miracle she?d spy the form of Dutiron not so far off. She would rush to his side, unsure if he?d seen the girl or would be able to help her look but oh how she needed help. As he drew more near the sight of her daughter?s small form would come into view and an immediate relief would wash over her as she was suddenly at the girl?s side. "Charmeine!" She?d fall into the mud herself, uncaring that she got dirty. She needed her daughter in her grasp.




3 Years
09-30-2014, 06:40 AM

Charmeine would continue to cling to him, making it difficult to actually go anywhere in the starting attempts to find Guinevere. Despite his attempts to soothe her though, it seemed that she still was rather worried, sobbing that she wasn't sure she would be able to find her mother, though began to realise it seemed that perhaps with Dutiron's help she would manage to do so. Slowly she would untangle herself from his paws and now stand before him, still a sodden, muddy mess bless her though he was probably equally as bad himself, perhaps just still a bit more white upon most of his body.

"I'm sure we can find her together." He would respond giving her a small smile and gentle nudge of encouragement. "What do you think, shall we go this way?" He would point out the direction he would have originally headed to had it not been for this little need for a diversion though still rather than taking the lead entirely make the girl hopefully feel she was of some use and the little venture back to her den would perhaps be more entertaining than miserably following a grown-up back home.

Before he could move however he began to notice someone else heading towards them. Guinevere he was quick to realise and she would throw herself at the ground beside her daughter, calling her name in relief as both parties were likely comforted by the embrace. "There you go, we found her." He would point out to the child before taking a step back to give the mother and daughter their space. Perhaps he should go retrieve their meal from wherever it was he had dropped it and then he could fully leave them in peace.

image by lunarcat7