
The grass isn't greener on my side


07-13-2013, 08:15 PM
Tenari gave a sigh as she walked into an area of destruction. The battlefield wasn't a good place to meet someone, but she didn't mind. She had been alone to long to carry on without a pack. The French-speaking female looked around, her intelligent green eyes scanning the area.

"Quel endroit horrible!" She said softly under her breath, walking in a brisk pace. She moved carefully, not wanting to stain her paws red- even though her paws were so dark it would be unnoticeable if they had red on them. Despite her want to keep clean, she was walking at almost a run, her eyes scanning the blood coated ground as she moved at an efficient pace. Her gait was smooth and effortless, her body moved with grace as she seemed to dart across the land, looking for another wolf. She had felt pain- her rejection while young, her best friend, who seemed to always be there for her dying. She wanted to be in a pack, to have friends at her side.

"Est-ce que quelqu'un ici?" She asked, sitting down and her nose searching for a scent. Tenari slowly stood up, a lonesome, beautiful howl filling the air as she waited for an answer.

Translations: "What a horrible place!" ; "Is anyone here?"

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