
Big bad king of the sea


06-27-2013, 08:43 PM
Posiden huffed as he walked up the mountain side. Why he wanted to get to the top. He had no clue. He just wanted to be left alone. Posieden's dark navy eyes locked right infront of him he trudged on. His thick black coat absorbing the daylight and making him fry. The heat became near unbearable. Time for a break.?

?He forced to a stop. Half colapsing half laying on the ground ground beneath a shaded tree. Locusts buzzed around him as the sun began to set. The red horizon facenated him. Poseiden didn't belive in beauty but he did appreciate the red sun's brilliance. His ears flicked back as he heard somthing alittle ways up the mountain.

?He turned his head to see a wounded elk, limping it's way along the slope. It was upwind of him so it didn't smell him. The large bull licked the wound on its front right ankle but when he went to set it down it buckled and the hoof toppled to the side, causeing it to scream in agony.?

Poseiden licked it arsenal of jagged white teeth. He crouched low as the elk drew near. Once it was afew yards away he pounce on it, head on into its throat. The elk attempted to run but set its bad ankle down sending it and Poseiden tumbling down the slope. Poseiden managed to latch onto the elks belly and grab onto its throat with his jaws as he slammed its skull into a rock so hard it broke off it's antlers and split it's skull.

?He dragged the carcad into the shade and immidately went to bust open the ribs for the soft insides. He wanted to make quick work of the meal before another wolf came and he'd have to beat it off.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-01-2013, 07:35 PM

The last thing that flashed before his eyes was the image of his mother, losing consciousness, her entire form growing limp. Hatred toward this Medusa woman burned in the young man's eyes, his gaze intense as he watched the scene unfold. Only briefly did he glance towards his father, watching him struggle as one of the two wolves grew closer to death. He'd have no more of this. Amenti was no longer under his mother's rule, and there was a possibility that his father's life would be over soon.

A roar left the brute's lips, and he vanished from the gathering. He wanted to go unnoticed in his departure, but his sudden burst of anger made that quite difficult.

In one moment, everything changed. He felt as though his very soul was alight, burning with passion and fury that he could hardly fathom. And so he left with as much speed and sureity he could muster, paws carrying his oversized frame away from the scene and farther south that he had ever traveled before. Still rage coursed vehemently through his veins, though he had subdued himself considerably. But the slightest sound still made his lips curl in distaste, pure ivory fangs peeking out beneath his lips, before he once again retracted back into himself, once again a boy of silence and mystery.

His steady paws carried him up the incline, slowly making the trek deeper into the unknown. The sun was nearly directly overhead now, and he wove in and out of the shadows, struggling to stay cool. Hours seemed to pass before a dull sort of fatigue began to set in, aching the boy's limbs and begging him to stop. The sun had begun to set, as well, casting its fantastic rays of red and orange over the earth. Where was his mother? Was she well? Was his father even alive? Shouldn't he be there for them? The massive youngster shook his head, as though ridding thoughts from his mind. He needed time away, didn't need to see what the aftermath of the two challenges were. It would be too much for him.

The scent of a blood grew strong in the air, causing Basilisk's ears to perk, his attention jumping about for the source of the stench. Lips curled once again, a sneer appearing on his threatening features. He felt an uncomfortable pressure in his stomach, but the last thing on his mind was eating. A low growl bubbled up from his chest, echoing through the vast expanse of wilderness before him.

"Who's there?" He demanded loudly, his voice surprisingly deep for a boy not yet a year old.


07-01-2013, 10:30 PM

The woman had been let down, avoided, and ignored by those she loved and held close that she no longer cared. She expected to be let down, so she didn't expect anything from anyone. She expected to be avoided and ignored so making friends or gaining a family eluded all of her thoughts. Her mother had never seemed to care for her, her father had abandoned them before she or her siblings had ever been born and her brother had left her to a family that didn't want her. The only one who had ever remembered her being there, that hadn't ignored her, avoided her, or let her down, was her uncle.

Every thing the woman gained after leaving Valhalla was ripped away from her by Jupiter. She had lost so much blood in that fight that it left her laying in the battlefield for a few days the time she woke up she was ready to tell her uncle what she had lost, what had been taken from her, to get reassurance. He didn't let her down, he listened and when she was done talking he told her she had her whole life to try again...that he knew she could do it. The one thing he did that she hadn't expected was for him to give her hope. He told her her brother had come home...unfortunately when she found him, he left her feeling betrayed a second time.

Eyes that seemed to hold the coldness and hate she felt toward the world scanned the area she now traveled. She had not once in her travels been to Faller's Fjord, but she figured it didn't matter where she went...every one was the same though she hadn't intended to run into any one. Her plan was the same, avoid them as they would surely do her.

It was maybe an hour before she cot scent of the two males. She was by no means a tracker but she could tell that there were two different wolves in the area and that they were both male...but what she couldn't tell was how close they were. She had never been good a distinguishing how new a scent was. That was part of the reason she hadn't become a tracker. Shortly after catching their scents a thump came and then what sounded like something being dragged reached her ears only moments before a deep voice asked who was there.

The one who spoke was the one she chose to go to first. Though before showing herself to him she looked him over. He was dark, much darker than herself as she had peppered fur of black and white...he was simply black with a hint of violet. She liked that feature, it made him look...handsome, but he was younger than her. Not even a year yet though his voice sounded as if it belonged to a man. Finally she stopped examining him from the shadows and showed herself...though her red and blue eyes never left him. "Me, though from the sounds of it, another lurks near by."

She was gorgeous and she knew it, but didn't care. Habit was the only thing that kept her from looking like what her mind and heart felt. Still she stood tall when on the inside she wasn't. Still her voice was soft, seducing, and honey like when on the inside she felt nothing but that of hate and coldness to the world. Few things could changed what she felt on the inside...though she doubted she would find any of those things today...or in either of the two men, one of which stood before her and the other still hidden.



07-01-2013, 11:03 PM
Poseiden's head lifted from the bloodied carcus. He snorted. Two wolves had come, possibly attracted by his kill that HE had worked for alone. He lifted his head to see a young wolf. Huge in size for an obvious youngster. Poseiden had considered running him off or even killing him but in the back of his mind, the urge for someone who could even posibly understand him or even become what someone calls a 'friend' made him want to alow him to stay.

He sighed, looking at the youngster who was a good few yards away from him." I am Poseiden. You look hungry, im willing to share." ?his horrid, deforemed voice echoed from his throat.?

His ears flicked to the side hearing someone in the bushes. He gave a sigh. Maybe he'd give this social thing a try. "alright, i guess three can share an adult male elk. You there, in the bushes" he adressed. His deranged voice rang as he spoke. " You can come too." He lowered his head, tearing off another chunk of flesh.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-04-2013, 06:42 AM

Before the male he had addressed spoke to him -- he caught his reflection through the mess of trees and shrubbery that surrounded them -- a female approached. A woman with fur of black and white. His own gaze locked on hers, and briefly the two seemed as though they might stand off; both stood tall and confidently. But he receded, his posture slackening ever so slightly. Basilisk was young, but not completely naive; if these two wolves knew one another, he would not be able to defend himself against them if they chose to ambush him. The slight sneer that had appeared on his face disappeared as he no longer sneered, instead a serious looking coming over the boy's face. He was not yet a year old, but certainly as large as a small amount by now. Time would only tell if he would grow much larger, but it was looking as though he would.

The male then spoke, his voice unpleasant on the ears.
"I'm Basilisk," he introduced himself simply, creeping a bit closer to the kill. The stench of blood still filled his nostrils, hunger beginning to tease his insides. Perhaps he would take him up on that offer. He glanced towards Pepper, eyes curious. Perhaps this encounter would help him forget of his mother's failed challenge --- of his father possibly lying dead on the battlefield.
"And who are you?"


07-05-2013, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 07-05-2013, 01:43 PM by Pepper.)

When the boy first saw her it was as if he were ready for a fight, but within seconds he shrank down. Not so much to look pitiful but just enough to show her he didn't want to fight her. Even the sneer that had been plastered on the boys face was now gone. That in itself might have made her smile had she met him before everything she knew went wrong.

Before anything could be said between the two the other male spoke up. His voice deformed and to anyone else would have probably made them shrink back, tuck tail and run. But not this girl, this girl's ears perked up and her head turned toward his voice. To her it was interesting as even though he sounded terrible he didn't scare her away either. She couldn't see him from where she stood and apparently he couldn't see her either due to the fact that he only spoke to the boy.

She stood silently as she listened to the boy give his name, her tail flicked once to her right as she debated on giving her name or just leaving. Before she had the chance to make up her mind the other man had addressed her, he hadn't seen her so he must have heard her tail hit the bush she was standing next to. He was inviting HER to eat, to share his meal with him. She couldn't help but wonder if she was dreaming or if the man had just lost his mind.

She stood there for several moments as the boy before her seemed to look hungrier and hungrier by the second. She wondered when the last time he ate was as she stepped out to were the other could see her. Still she held the same posture and her voice remained as it was when she had spoken to the boy, Basilisk. She looked at the man who had seemingly invited her to eat with them, but he had done so with a hint of reluctance in his voice. Looking at both of them she gave her name as she walked to the man next to the elk"I'm Pepper."

This man too was black, but he had a few grey markings and dark blue almost black eyes. She placed herself in front of him and on the other side of the elk. She couldn't help but ask his motive toward offering his meal as no one had ever done anything that included her without having a motive. "Why offer to share your meal. One you worked for and to one you don't know." she raised her brow as she looked at him from her now seated position. She truly wanted to know.



07-12-2013, 09:21 PM
?? ? Poseiden put his head down tearing another bite of flesh off. A low snort escapeing him. Not of irritation though, one of lonelieness. Poseiden, had never really had a friend. No one had ever stuck around after "hello." sure he acted tough and mean but deep down he really wanted someone to talk to. Someone to walk with. Someone who understood why he was so mean and cruel. Someone who could possibly understand his pain.

?? ? The outcast looked back to the girl. "Because you guys actualy stayed to talk." His voice crackled. "no one has ever been brave enough to stick around." He shrugged. They'd asked for his name. He'd never spoken of it in convorsation. "I'm Poseiden." then he realized that the other wolf, Balisk. That was a pup? Damn, very well fed pup. ?"Hey, Balisk, is your mother anywere around? She may be hungry too." He could get lucky out of the deal and get out with three friends. Maybe he'd finaly find a family.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
07-17-2013, 08:25 PM

If only he knew that his father had been killed, it was likely he would not be quite so placid -- so at ease. Despite his previous outburst, the anger and hatred he'd felt bubbling up in his chest as he wandered here, had subsided. Albeit only briefly. Still the boy maintained an air of innocence that could not be taken away from him. Only time would tell what his return to his family would bring.

His gaze was averted, to rest upon the strange man with the raspy voice. he answered Pepper's question -- she'd wondered why he would invite them to eat, when neither of them had hunted for the food themselves. Basilisk certainly wouldn't share his kill with another, but if the male was willing to... his mouth nearly watered as he sniffed at the air. "Poseiden," he repeated his name simply. A weird name to match a strange creature. He seemed glad that they bothered to talk to him, despite whatever flaws he might have.

He shook his head then, slinking forward slowly. Was he serious about sharing his meal? "No, she's not around," he said curtly, shrugging his large shoulder slowly and deliberating. He was quite a ways from his mother -- and didn't really want to think about any that. With a swift movement he moved forward, jaws parting and driving his teeth into the soft flesh of the small elk. Just as quickly as he dove forward, he pulled away, tearing a piece of the animal's flank from the rest of the body. His muscles were tense, as though he feared this male would strike him and take back the meal he had offered.


07-24-2013, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 08:51 PM by Pepper.)

The woman looked across the elk at the odd sounding male as she listened to his voice crackle with his words. She found herself thinking that those who weren't brave enough to stick around weren't worthy enough to call them selves wolves but she kept the thought to herself for now as the man was still talking. But it wasn't to her, it was to the pup.

When Poseiden finished speeking the boy asnwered. She felt sorry for the boy as his mother wasn't around and hers never seemed to care for her. "I am sorry your mother isn't around Basalisk." her voice rang out to the boy before she spoke to the man "Well Poseiden, those who weren't brave enough to stick around aren't worthy of calling themselves wolves if you ask me." she offered him a smile before taking her first bite of the kill
