
Leave your heart on the table [Joining]



07-20-2013, 01:22 PM

OOC: Lets get Arya the Renegade into pack <3

Her eyes gazed around the surroundings, with fire in them almost as her rage was unsurpassed around her foes. She had, once again, lost her meal to the wind and the noises that traced through them. She almost hissed at the others, and her tail was raised and wagging in an aggravated action. Her fur bristled along her neck and spine. Her thoughts and memories rushed through her mind and once more, she was off. Scenting the air, raising her nose to the sky, and a rabbit?s sweet scent filled the air. She was not normally an angry woman, but that had been the third meal she had lost, she hadn?t eaten in nearly two weeks.

She often found that she took up jobs to kill enemies to get food, but the assassin business had been very slow as of late, perhaps it had just been the lands. She would probably never discover it, but it reminded her more and more that she had to start settling down. Perhaps there was a pack that could use her talents to the best. She had always been the best warrior out of all her siblings, her father had been so proud, even declared her the heir, but things changed and she was the only one left of her siblings, at least she was pretty sure, she never would see them again.

She had killed her own mother; many would say only a monster could do that, but there was more to it than that. Her father had said it was a rite of passage; she would have to kill her mother to be the next heir. So she wanted to make her father proud and she followed the orders, she killed her mother, and her siblings saw, they drove her out and killed her father. Her siblings were no longer her family. They were blood of her blood; however, they were estranged to her. The loner?s fur blended with the area, her eyes focused on one little point, the rabbit that would be hers. She slowly stalked forward, her haunches light as she moved stealthily.

As she followed it, she was checking things in her mind, was she downwind? Was she able to get this rabbit from the surroundings? Many questions filled her head. She stopped thinking and leapt at the rabbit, killing it instantly. Finally something to put in my stomach. She thought as she sat down and she tore into the rabbit, she loved rabbit, it was tasty, but at the same time it was small and she couldn?t fill her stomach completely. She scented around and noticed she was just outside a pack border, perhaps 5 or 6 body lengths away. It was certainly a good thing she had not crossed when she caught that rabbit, or she would have been in a heap of trouble.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.


07-20-2013, 02:34 PM

Despite the paranoia that had him pretty much glued to his wife's side, it was getting rather difficult to spend his days inside their den. Not that he minded being around Song all day, every day, it just that the den was rather claustrophobic after while and Cherokee was a large man. Small spaces and a big body didn't exactly go very well. So he'd ventured out from the den, making sure his wife was safe and sound before taking his paws to his new home, deciding that in his stretch it would do him some good to explore his new home. He hadn't seen much of the mangroves since having arrived and now was as good a time as any to acquaint himself with it. He needed to know his home very well before the pups came.

Obsidian and ivory paws carried the man through Ludicael, mismatched gaze dancing across the landscape, audits flickering to and fro with attention. A gentle breeze swept across the midnight pelted man, bringing along with it the scent of a foreigner, as well as the scent of blood. Slightly curious and wanting to figure out if this stranger was a threat to his family or not, the man moved on forward, powerful limbs bringing him to the source of the scent. It was a woman and she was devouring a rabbit just a few feet from the Ludicael border. Cherokee padded to the border, ivory jade and silver gems focusing on the woman as he cleared his throat, hoping to catch her attentions. Were the Sol's aware that a loner was at their borders?

Talk like this



07-20-2013, 09:37 PM

OOC here!

Arya had not paid much attention to her surroundings when she ate, though she figured it wasn?t the smartest idea she had, but she wanted to just eat without worry for once in her life. She glanced up when she heard a throat clearing, the male before her must have been one of the pack since he was standing in the scent lines, and he wreaked the scent that marked the borders. She looked around to make sure he was one of the only ones, something she had learned to do the hard way. "Hello sir, I-I never crossed the borders. I?m Arya." She stated, wanting to make sure he knew that she had never dared to pass the lines that she had just figured out were there.

She stood up, for she had finished her rabbit already, she gave her muzzle a quick lick before bowing her head. He was not a target so there was no need to be aggressive. She found that assassins had a key and needed to be kind; for no one would suspect that they did kill for a living, and being nice to others made them think she was never capable of what she did. She even added a bit of a shaking effect to her movements, though she intended on keeping her thoughts of the subject a secret to all. I enjoy killing men, men think they?re so smart. Poison was a woman?s weapon.

She breathed in the scents, watching around to see if anyone else was around, paranoia seeping in. "I-I?m sorry I-I?m so close. I-I?m just looking f-for a place to stop traveling at." She said, almost falsely, though that time she actually meant it. Perhaps this place could fit my profile? Or perhaps their soft, maybe they are false. Perhaps they are the strongest in the land? The possibilities were endless. Her tail lowered to flat against her stomach, in submission, her ears back, flattened against her head. It was complete submission and she felt like an idiot.

He closer her eyes briefly, regaining herself almost. She had a devious smile to her on the inside. She almost wanted to be sincere to the male, but he might have been like her father, tricking her into killing a family member, making all her siblings estranged. Truth was, killing was that she was good at, and she liked doing things that she was good at, it made her feel almost alive.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-20-2013, 10:30 PM

Hardly a day ever passed when she thought about who she once was--a conniving fox of a lass buried beneath the self-fabricated guise of happiness and amorality. Deceptive from the start, she'd overthrown her birth pack what seemed like so long ago, having instilled thoughts of mutiny in those around her and putting bruises upon her body, only to smack the blame for the marks upon the heads of the alphas. Despite her efforts to plan ahead and anticipate her future moves in a manner similar to a master of chess setting up their own schemes, she never foresaw herself leading a pack, let alone ripping the throat from the rapist and terrorist that had plagued the wolves of Alacritia without mercy. Jupiter had never been a justice-driven individual and never would be; though she excused her own actions with such a claim the killing had been done for self-preservation and for selfish reasons. She had cared only for the protection of herself, her pups, her mate, and Ludicael, not considering the brute's own pups or mate, or even his own pack.

But she wasn't guilty.

Even as the blood from his jugular had poured upon her paws, violence-seeking essence drinking from the crimson about her toes, she had not bothered to glance from the fray and into the audience--not at his mate, not at his pups, and not at her own pack member, Luana. The young, kind-hearted lass had been so distressed at Kaios' death. Why? was all she had to ask on the matter. Out of all of the things about the murder of the male, it was the only thing that made her feel even the slightest ounce of regret, and even that was minute.

Her paws had always been one of the darker portions of her body, the gradient always having faded smoothly up the planes of her powerful legs but always avoiding the particular notice of the femme. Had she not remembered their tones, she could have almost convinced herself that it was the king's dried crimson that had permanently stained her, but she knew better than that. The only thing permanent he left upon her was the marks on the left side of her neck, the scabs promising nothing but a scar. Should she have believed in the afterlife and the haunting that he had preached, she would have sworn she could hear him laughing from the grave his family had most likely dug for him.

During her thoughts, her movements had been slow to not disturb her healing wounds, but as a stuttering voice snapped her from her pondering she couldn't help but pick up her pace. A name uttered in a voice she didn't recognize gave her a calling that was more than familiar--Aria? came her puzzled thoughts, misunderstanding the context of the conversation. As she entered a portion of the mangroves that put her in the line of sight about five or so yards away, she paused to examine the woman that had presumably given the introduction.

The lady was a beige figure layered with lighter tones of tawny and darker hues of a pale chocolate, sporting fiery eyes that were sharp in contrast to Jupiter's celestial own. The smattering of white upon her underbelly reminded her faintly of one of her pup's, though Oberon's primary was of pitch instead of the lady's earthen tones. A shadow of a male, identified by his single alabaster sock, stood nearby and she quickly identified the wolf as Cherokee from their previous meeting. Leathery lips pulled upwards at the slightest as she recalled that his mate was pregnant, and she nodded to him first in her approach, turning her optics upon the stranger upon her borders next.

Everything before the match to the death seemed like so long ago. This brought cause to an odd feeling of nostalgia as her maw parted to deliver a simple salutation of, "Hello." Regular things that had been important to her seemed petty now, but habit caused her to find the will to care. This was Ludicael, afterall--the pack she had fought for, the homeland she had battled to gain control of, and the residence of those that she cared for. The residence of all but two, that was. It'd only been a couple of days and she already missed the presence of Medusa and Deteste in her life, but trusted them with Amenti too much to be distraught by their absence.

As she'd approached, she'd also managed to drink in the snippets of the lady's dialogue and quickly caught sight of the fresh kill she'd indulged upon. The woman had indeed never stepped paw over the newly-marked borders, which Jupiter had refreshed after the near-torrential rain they'd experienced the other day. It was now that she took the time to address the heard words, stance neutral and tail only slightly flagged to the most minute of degrees upwards. There was no need for a display of dominance when the fae cowered so thoroughly before them.

"Where might you be going, if you don't mind my asking?" she inquired, colorful, humor-laced voice in contrast to her unrevealing stance. Before, she might have immediately offered a place to rest but now, Jupiter had enemies. She had an angry widow that undoubtedly wanted her head, as well as the dam's maturing children. Amenti had before been a pack with lethal potential and it seemed as if the death of their king and the downfall of their alpha had revived that within them. For all she knew, this could be one of Newt's slaves. More lives than just her own were now under her wing--the birth of her pups had marked a higher notch than even her pack on her ladder of responsibilities. For as long as they were vulnerable, she would protect them while they could not.

"I go by Jupiter, by the way. Alpha of these lands, which are known as Ludicael." The planet-marked queen could not count the times she had encountered wolves who were unaware of the packs they encountered. After almost a year of keeping herself as thoroughly informed of the going-ons of the adversaries scattered across the lands, the concept of not knowing about them seemed almost a little odd to her. But, just like everyone, she'd been there once. Despite that, she'd be damned if she ever reached that point again.

Weight shifted and ears flicked, orbs stealing a glance at Cherokee. She'd heard no words for him in her approach, and wasn't sure if he'd introduced himself, or even spoken at all, for that matter. As it seemed, only time would tell, so she focused once more at the fae before her.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-20-2013, 11:29 PM

His clearing of his throat caught the attention of the woman and she quickly cleaned herself up, swiping at her muzzle before bowing to him, tucking her ears against her head and her tail between her hips. She was nearly cowering before him and it confused the dark man. No self-respecting wolf, at least none that were deathly afraid of others, cowered before a pack wolf. It didn't give a very good image. At least not to Cherokee. Then again, these days he was running around on edge and every foreign wolf could be a threat to his growing family, so it made sense that he was rather hesitant about the earthen colored woman cowering before him. Dark brows furrowed together, scrunching together over his mismatched eyes, trying to place his paw on why he had such a weird feeling about this woman. Hello sir, I-I never crossed the borders. I?m Arya. I-I?m sorry I-I?m so close. I-I?m just looking f-for a place to stop traveling at. He could smell the truth about her having not crossed the borders. Her scent lingered on the outside of the borders, confirming her statement, but Cherokee couldn't find himself fully believing her story. Either something was up with her or he seriously needed to take a chill pill.

But just as he was about to respond to her, the sound of pawsteps caught his attention. Ivory and obsidian audits flickered in the direction of the pawsteps, dark crown craning around, mismatched gaze falling on the familiar fiery figure of his Sol Jupiter. She approached the border, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the dark man. My queen. He greeted quietly, dipping his head in respect to the Sol as he took a step to his right, allowing the fire traced ruler to take the center stage in the questioning, the simple Ludicael member standing to the side in simple observance, ready to provide his aid were the queen to need it.

Talk like this



07-21-2013, 12:35 PM

OOC here!

She didn?t feel convincing, she felt like just an idiot who was making a fool of herself. She gazed up, though not direct eye contact, as she wasn?t going to dare start a fight, at the alpha of the lands who had introduced herself as Jupiter. She stopped shaking, feeling like that was what was making her feel so awkward around them. "My greetings lady Jupiter, I?m Arya? Arya Salivanti.? She said to introduce herself, it was in truth, her name, though she wondered why she used her real name instead of her ?name? that she went by for assignments. She normally went by Elettra or maybe even Rosealia, depending on the case.

She found herself going soft, like she was no longer worth the title of assassin. "I know not where I am going; only that I am looking for a place to start new, I don?t have the best past, and I?ve done things I?m not proud of." That was the only indication she gave of her former work, and she hoped that they wouldn?t pry on the subject of her and killing, she wasn?t lying per say, it was very complicated. She didn?t have the best past, and sometimes she regretted agreeing to kill the wolves, sometimes they were very young, barely out of puphood, so she was looking for a new start. All she had to offer was her claws.

Her brown eyes had a reflection to them, one that confused her. Perhaps it was envy, or want. Did she want a pack, a place where she could be an integrated member of? She decided yes, and so she stated it outright. "If it would be alright with you, I would seek acceptance as a member of Ludicael, I find myself better with guarding and attacking those who threaten packs though." The words rang true, and there was another part of her past that she was far from proud of, killing her parent, her mother.

However, she was better at fighting; it was what she was raised to her. Her pack had been quite different, loners showed respect by cowering before pack members. Dominance was always displayed highly by alphas and the lower members always submitted in the deepest regards. They each had a role and everything ran smoothly. Alphas were the only ones to have pups in her old pack too, a rule that if broken, led to the pups being left to die and the parents being exiled.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-22-2013, 07:01 PM

Jupiter acknowledged Cherokee's greeting with a flick of her ear, a glance thrown at him signaling that if he wished to leave, he may. Gaze wavered back to Arya as her introduction swept forth. The cowering woman before her seemed to have stop quivering and the she-wolf wondered why the girl cowered so. There were many that came to her this way but why they felt the need to grovel before a stranger, even if it were the leader of a pack they weren't apart of, always puzzled her. Having always been a more relaxed individual, she found such shows a little extravagant. Silence threaded her lips shut until the woman's second set of dialogue came, and a grim look crossed her expressions.

"Mmm," she acknowledged shortly, tone and features slightly dark, nodding once. "Haven't we all..." Such speech was not constructed as a question but more as merely an agreement.

The lady went immediately into a straightforward approach in regards to her membership and such a method of address pleased her. A chuckle rumbled from her larynx. "Then, as your first duty, should membership truly be your intention, will be to rise and never grovel before me in such a manner." Though her words were firm, her tone was gentle, neutral expression lapsing into a little more of a friendly one. Wariness still lurked in the back of her mind, though, and before readily drawing this lupine into the realm of Ludicael--the realm where her pups lay sleeping--she decided to keep the lass here until she discovered more about her.

Haunches lowered to the ground as she made herself comfortable, celestial eyes of vibrant violet peering at the newcomer with curiosity. Should Cherokee have still been present by this point and time, Jupiter would glance to him and nod to him in dismissal if he'd chosen not to leave earlier. It was then and only then that she would move on. "So, what is it that you regret?" she asked, tipping her audits tentatively forth, deciding that the woman would need to be open with her before she welcomed the female into her ranks. "Murder? Breaking the heart of another? Standing by when you should have stepped in?" Questions were formed carefully and with thought, and she shook her head slightly. "All of those are things I could relate to. So, what offense have you done?"


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



07-22-2013, 09:01 PM

<3 I has permission to skip Cherokee from WolfEyez

Arya rose, these packs were not like the ones that she was from, and she was completely fine with that since she preferred not to grovel in front of others, only when it was necessary for her specific job or something she wanted to get done [like joining a pack]. She was asked a question, and for once she felt like she could respond truthfully with an entire story, but she said one word, then another and another. The words were almost painful as she spoke them. She was, of course, pretending about most of the pain, the only true pain was with her mother, and the children who had been killed by others because she refused to kill them.

"Murder, many many murders. There was a time, when wolves paid me in food or shelter to commit the crimes against woman, man, sometimes children though I did refuse to hurt children. I?m ashamed to say I did kill the men and women." She admitted to the female who called herself the alpha of the lands, and she felt a bit complete coming clean, though deep down she still have that petty urge to rip a throat out. Her duty to wolves was to kill; she was an assassin by heart technically.

She had no idea why she spoke the truth the wolves before her that she barely knew. "I apologize for the strange amounts of submission, in my homelands, loners always cowered before pack members and lower pack members cowered before the higher members and so I just assumed it was the same here." She gave an excuse for what she figured was odd behavior to them judging by their reactions to her. She probably appeared weak, or fragile, over worried. But she was far from all of those. One day she hoped a pack of her own would grace her, but it was not the time.

She noticed the male seemed to stay silent, it made her know, or think, that either he was just a very silent male or there was still the formality of letting the alpha do the talking on what she always seemed to call ?pack business?. She didn?t even have a name for the male, but the female?s name reminded her of one of the gods she was raised to believe in. Jupiter was the king of the gods, and he was married to the queen of the gods named Juno.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-29-2013, 07:45 PM

Sometimes, it was the simplest questions that broke people. A simple "what's wrong?" or "how are you?" could bring those stubbornly refusing to reveal their emotions over the edge and bring them to tears. Hearts and minds were fragile things--as easy to break as they were hard to repair. Even as Jupiter's own conscience began a slow descent she was aware of how the tension within her was building once more, but when it would break was completely unknown to her.

Arya spoke of murder. Jupiter shuddered slightly.

There was no innocence to the woman. She was not misunderstood. Forgiven? By Jupiter? Maybe. But not even for a moment did a piteous thought cross her mind or a fleeting "she's just misunderstood." The queen allowed for a deep breath to cycle slowly through her lungs as she listened, audits pressed attentively forward. She only stole the slightest of glances at Cherokee, wishing that he'd left for such a private conversation as she'd dismissed him, but cared not now; ears couldn't close like eyes can.

"Should you have your eyes upon this pack, I need to guarantee that you are not a threat to the men and woman here." Her words were careful, even, but had a sort of openness that signaled that there was not judgement in her lyrics. A sort of understanding seemed to radiate from her under the professionalism in her attitude. "I don't expect extravagant displays of submission. Only loyalty. And should one of the members here ever get under your skin for any reason and you feel your paws itch and your jaws ache with blood lust, approach me and we will spar. Should you do otherwise and harm one of us, though, the fight will not be as friendly."

Jupiter had changed. She was different, somehow. If there was confidence in her words it was perceived only by the listener, but the fact that it wasn't exactly an empty threat hung heavily in the air. The healing wounds upon her bodice showed that she'd survived something, and though it could not tell the full and heavy tale of the death match she'd initiated, they were evidence that fighting was not completely unknown to her.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



08-26-2013, 10:40 AM

So sorry that I've been gone! Also sorry this sucks

Arya gave a nod, a small smile forming on her muzzle, glad that if she did run into anything, she had a sparring partner, whom would probably end up sparring with her quite a few times. Though Arya found herself to be rather easy to work with when she was in a pack, it was life as a loner whom had turned her into who she was. Her tail had a wag to her, and she calmly spoke, but they were words that she had never really said to anyone before. "I promise I'll be no threat, and I will come to you if there are any problems at all that would get to me." With that, she finished and awaited the female to speack one more.

Arya Salivanti

what do we say to death? not today.