
All Around Me


06-26-2013, 03:24 PM

More wandering. She didn't know how to much of anything else. Conversations with others were few and far between, though it had only been a few days since she had met the earth, obsidian marked boy named Killian. He was...he was a good-looking guy, one who shared a similar past with her. She had been able to relate to him, even open up about her past, which she had never done with anyone else. After having spent some time with him, she'd decided to continue on her way, to continue exploring the new land she'd come across. Though since having left him, part of her hoped that she would run into him again. There was a kind of kinship between the two, one she couldn't deny but that her rational mind told her to. Kinship led to friendship and friendship would lead to abandonment. She wouldn't be abandoned again. She wouldn't. But she feel something developing for Killian. It was an unnerving realization for the cream, peachy tinted she-wolf.

Nimble paws had brought the youngling to a new place of the land, somewhere she had never been before. It was certainly a different atmosphere compared to the forest where she'd been in with Killian. It was a lake. But the water was frozen. Whether it be because it was winter, or because that's the way it always was, she wasn't sure, but she assumed it was because of winter. It was an extremely large, and long body of water, expanding farther than she could see. It as beautiful beyond belief though. Ginormous pillars of ice rose from all around the lake, some arching together to form a sort of archway. Alessa had never seen anything like that in her entire life. It was breathtaking, something surely incredible. The young dame was careful as she set foot on the frozen lake, talons scraping at the ice in an attempt to grasp a firm hold as she began to walk across it. Mismatched gems flickered across it's surface, noticing how the water had a slight gold/green tint to it. Surely, the water wasn't infected with something?

The young woman halted a few paces out in the lake, crown lowering as she focused on the moving water beneath, trying to figure out why it had a mysterious glow. She could see something green beneath the surface, but what it was she had no clue. It was interesting, for the small green things seemed to glow beneath her paws. How interesting. Lifting her head, the girl continued on, and still the little things beneath the ice glowed. They seemed to brighten with each placement of her paw, as if they were aware of her presence. Hmm. Icy and fiery gems remained trained on the glowing ice, audits flickering to and fro, attentive were someone to approach her.

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06-26-2013, 04:50 PM

Caesar wasn?t the biggest fan of the cold. He loved the bedazzling and inexplicably wonderful substance that was snow for how it felt and how puzzling it was, and the other winter phenomena too. But he did not like being cold. It was an odd blip in his tolerance for discomfort, but fairly understandable. His patchy fur wasn?t very thick, and it was easily infiltrated by the chill of the north. The biting air sank into his pelt like some wicked spirit, and clung to his flesh relentlessly. It made his malnourished flesh ache more than it usually did, and no matter what he did he could not run or hide from it. Curling into a little ball, tail over nose, didn?t even help. So he sought to flee back southward.

With little sense of direction or familiarity with the land though, the fiend?s progress was scant. Narrow paws stabbed straight through ankle-deep snow as he bounded onward, leaping up and down as to not be hindered by the packed flakes at his feet. It was a faintly amusing, deer-like motion, and his charcoal body stood out in stark contrast to the pale blue and white color scheme of the terrain. He clearly did not belong here. The little beast?s tongue rolled out as his body began to feel the effects of exertion, and heavy clouds of pale vapor puffed from his jaws like smoke from a train. With unexpected endurance though, he pressed on ceaselessly.

There seemed to be naught but snow for miles. He?d been moving for what felt like forever, and it was beginning to appear as though he?d gotten himself stuck in some endless dimension filled with cold and frost. The imp could not stand the thought, and was right about to scream in frustration when he caught sight of the change up ahead. Perhaps a few hundred feet ahead was some sort of large formation, not snow, but still probably cold. At least it was something different though. Slowing to an amble, the little wolf curiously approached.

He lifted a foot to warily poke the edge of the iced lake with a toe. The moment flesh made contact with ice, he yanked it back, staring with wide eyes. It was cold, smooth and slippery. Caesar had seen ice before, but never a whole frozen lake. He was slightly afraid, but the thing instilled more excitement in him than fear, and the former soon overpowered the latter. Still cautiously, he placed his whole right forefoot upon it and pressed. It held sturdily. The silent decision was made, and his other front foot was settled slowly upon it. The gremlin?s slight weight was not balanced evenly enough though, and his front legs began to slide forward. A soft, high cry left his lips as he clunked down to the ground, his front half now on the ice. Fear rose again momentarily before a most ingenious idea planted in his skull. A messy grin stretched across scarred lips, and the tiny creature pushed off with his hind legs, lifting his forepaws slightly. He went gliding smoothly across the ice on his belly, and a giggle of joy bubbled from open jaws.

He soon lost momentum though, and slid to a stop a few yards from the lake?s edge, a bit to the right side of it now. A pouting frown tugged lips, and he scrabbled against the ice with his back feet again. It was a fruitless effort though, for he could gain no purchase. Laying on the frozen surface, the imp glanced around for a moment, spotting another up ahead near the edge of the lake, far around the bend of where he?d approached the lake from. Tattered ears perked, and with interest he would try to scoot and wiggle towards the other creature, who must?ve been some fifty feet away. Scooting made little progress, so he would grunt and attempt to push himself up onto all fours. After falling once and trying again he managed to achieve an awkwardly bent stand, and with claws gripping the ice furiously, he began to pad forward, a bit more accustomed. Impatience pushed the slow stride a bit faster, and just as he began to approach what he could now see to be a female wolf, he slipped again. A high-pitched yowl twirled from his lips as he spun to the ground, shooting forward across the ice on his stomach towards the stranger.


06-26-2013, 06:26 PM

This lake was a very interesting place. She had never seen one that such intriguing plant life swimming beneath its surface that would glow. She didn?t know that was even possible. This new place was full of surprises and part of her was rather curious to know what other kind of secrets it held. She suspected that she wouldn?t be leaving any time soon, given that she rather hoped that she would run into Killian again, but that was wishful thinking. She cursed herself for having enjoyed his presence. That was wrong and more importantly it was dangerous. She couldn?t get close to him. He had been abandoned, so that could very well mean he could abandon her too one day. And she didn?t want that. She didn?t need that. Not again. For the sake of her emotional state.

A chilled breeze swept across the lake, ruffling her cream, peachy tinted pelt, as well as bringing a strange new scent along with it. It smelled rogue, so it wasn?t a pack wolf. The distinct scent belonged to a brute. So a rogue male. Had he spotted her in the middle of the lake? Mismatched eyes flickered in the direction that the scent was coming from, noticing an obsidian man at the edge of the lake. Alessa turned around, her body now facing the stranger, watching in quiet observation as he slowly touched down upon the frozen ice, only to have his forelimbs slip out from underneath him. The front of his body slammed down on the ice while his rump remained up in the air, still on the rather more stable snow covered ground. A high-pitched cry left his dark jaws and the young girl stepped forward, as if to aid him, but it seemed he had an idea, so she remained where she was, watching him. Instead of trying to regain his footing, the man slid forward on his belly, sliding across the ice, a pleased grin curling his ebon kissers as he giggled with pleasure. Obviously, he had never been on a frozen lake before.

He eventually lost momentum not too far from the shore. She watched him as he tried to get himself going again, but to no avail. Now this time he tried to lift himself back to his paws, but he continually fell, unable to find a steady grip on the slippery ice. And then finally he was able to lift himself up to an awkward stand, yet a stand nonetheless. He began to move forward, perhaps interested in figuring out who Alessa was, but he miscalculated his speed, causing him to tumble towards the ice again, only this time he was careening in her direction. Knowing that if she tried to run, she would probably end up in the same position he?d been in, the light colored she-wolf made an attempt to slowly pad out of the way, though she wasn?t quite quick enough. The stranger came sliding towards her, catching her hind paws, throwing them out from beneath her, sending her hind end crashing into the ice. By pure luck she was able to keep her upper half up, but it took a lot of effort for her to hold herself up without completely toppling over. Sure that he?d gone past her, Alessa slowly brought her back paws beneath her again, allowing several moments for them to adjust before she turned in the direction of the stranger, slowly beginning to pad towards him, wanting to see if he was alright.

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06-27-2013, 01:29 PM
Since they're on slippy ice, this prolly won't turn into a full fight, si? :'D

The black ball of fur scrabbled uselessly at the ground as he sped onwards, his course set to overlap with the position of the stranger. The collision was inevitable, and as his moving body writhed and twisted, he braced himself somewhat for impact. Shrill babbles of distress bubbled from his open jaws, his tongue flapping free. Ghostly blue eyes were stretched wide to capture the unstoppable shrinking of distance between them. In a flash he was at her hind, his head pulling away to the right and snapping his jaws safely shut before his bony shoulder crashed into her hind legs. It sent him spinning off behind her with a grunt, and her hind end down to the ground.

When the furious kinetic energy drained from his body, the hellion rolled once onto his back and stopped, letting out a squeaking sigh. The tumble n? slide had been quite exhilarating and somewhat frightening, but he hadn?t been hurt. He lay where he was for a second, blinking up at the sky. It was a suffocating veil of absolutely nothing but grimy grey. Such plainness in the environment was a bit scary ? like a cage ? and he didn?t like it. Lungs drew in another breath as he looked away, his head pulling forward to glance over his chest towards the approaching stranger. Just as peace had begun to settle over him, fervor broke into his mind once again.

Caesar?s eyes snapped wide open again, gawking as his lip drew back in a stiff line of neutrality. His body was held rigid, his breath caught in his lungs. Her eyes. Not really both of them, but that one. Most of her seemed decorated for the snow ? pale fur and an ice blue eye. But that one. It burned with ruby and orange, like fire. And fire meant warmth, and Caesar very much wanted to be warm. His jaws unhinged, his tongue peeking out just a tad as a noisy, ragged inhale scraped the silence. In an instant, the ghoul had writhed and flipped himself onto his stomach, and then staggered to his feet. ?She has the fire!? he cried. ?Give it to Caesar! He needs it!? He propelled himself toward her with quick, awkward shuffling and bouncing motion, claws gripping the ice. Fangs clacked together, and with a grand effort he would try to throw himself at her and snap upon the eye he so coveted.


06-27-2013, 02:08 PM

OOC: No, probably not lol it would be pretty hard to fight on slippery ice xD

He was a tiny little thing. Significantly smaller than her. His obsidian coat was matted with dirt and burrs and kinds of debris. Bones could be seen protruding through his unkempt skin, ranging from his shoulders to his ribs, to possibly even his hips. He had ghostly, pale blue eyes and a half torn ear. He was the smallest, most emaciated brute she had ever encountered. She didn't even they could get to that state. All of the males she'd ever met in her life were well taken care of, stocky and bulky with muscle, usually larger than her if not the same size. This tiny thing was a scrawny pipsqueak compared to her. How could he let himself get to such a state?

She approached him slowly, cautious of how he could react to her approach as well as trying to keep a steady footing on the slippery ice. He lied on the ice for several moments, allowing himself to roll onto his back and simply stare up at the sky. It wasn't until she was about a foot or two away from him that he acknowledged her presence, turning back onto his belly as he scrabbled back onto his limbs, a crazed look on his face. Brows furrowed together, ivory dipped plume whipping back and forth with uncertainty, audits pinning themselves flat against her skull as he exclaimed about fire, about her having fire. Fire? What fire are you talking about? There's no fire around here. Just ice. She rumbled uncertainly, a sinking feeling punching her in the gut as the tiny man launched himself towards her, as if trying to take something from her.

Pale lips curled back against ivory daggers, a growl erupting from her now parted jaws. She hadn't done anything to provoke an attack and yet here he was, trying to bite her face off! Given that she was much larger than him, she didn't think he would be able to reach her face, on top of the fact that he could barely keep his footing on the ice. So she simply raised an ivory toed paw, swiping at him, trying to knock him away from her or at least halt his advance. What the hell was his problem?

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06-27-2013, 03:28 PM

Greedy jaws would snap, but he would not reach her. A well-timed and placed foot knocked into his chest. On solid ground, the fiend would?ve certainly had better balance, but here all of that left him. His weight shifted to press at an undesirably unstable angle on the ice, and he slipped to the ground again with a grunt, claws screeching. A bestial hiss gurgled in his throat, and he snapped at the air as he went down, saliva trickling down his twisted lips. ?She lies! She lies! She?s keeping it all for herself!? his voice tore across the air, the edges of each syllable frayed and vicious. How could she not know? Even Caesar had seen his own eyes before. She just didn?t want to share!

Quickly he hauled himself up again, beginning to grow slightly more accustomed to standing up on the ice, though not greater stability could be achieved. For but a split second, his brain whirred, thrusting about its wily plans and loose strategies. He couldn?t just go at her again. Before he could reach her and get a grip, she would be able to intercept and knock him off balance again. So he had to intercept the interception, cling to her like a leech. Nobody would stand on ice like they did on earth, he told himself. He could find a way to knock her over too.

The imp panted for a moment, his fur bristling and persistence flaring in his ebony veins. He was cold and he needed that fire! Damn the stupid ice for hindering him. Suddenly he hopped forward again, his lip curled to display jagged teeth that glistened with welling spit. Swiftly his narrow muzzle shot upwards and forwards, his front lifting up slightly as he feigned a bite towards her face. Muscles were tense, his ears twisted back and his narrowed eyes mildly focused, ready to lock onto any sign of motion. She would either try to push or bite him again, he was certain. This time he was prepared.


06-27-2013, 03:51 PM

Her strike with her paw was spot on, knocking the smaller man on the chest, pushing him away from her back onto the ice. His limbs gave out beneath him and he thumped back onto the frozen ice with a grunt, saliva dripping from his jaws as he snapped towards the empty air, screaming at her that she was lying. Lying about what?! She had no fire with her, was he demented or something?! The cream, peachy she-wolf took a step back, mindful of where she placed her paws as to not cause herself to tumble down onto the ice as the smaller man who called himself Caesar had. A glance was given down to the ice to watch where she placed her paws, and that's when she saw her reflection. She'd seen herself plenty of times, she was no stranger to her own appearance, but it was then that she noticed her eyes. The left one a cool, icy blue, nearly identical to the ice below her pads, but the other was a fiery orange, resembling flames. Flames. Fire. Was this lunatic trying to gauge her eye out because it looked like fire?! Only with her luck she would run into a crazy, demented man who thought her eye was fire. Lucky her.

I'm not a liar and I'm not keeping the fire to myself! You idiot, that's my eye! A snarl worked itself from her pale jaws as she watched him incredulously. This was beyond crazy! And then he was lunging at her again, partially lifting up as he aimed towards her face again. Alessa rose to her own hind paws, allowing the front half of her frame to rise up from the ice, bringing her to tower over the smaller man, right forepaw coming down from atop him, looking to smash his muzzle down and possibly disorient him with the hit. Haunches tensed, plume flagging out for balance, talons digging into the ice in order to help her maintain her balance. She wasn't usually one to ask for help, but at the moment some kind of help would be nice. Kililan's face popped into her head but she dismissed the thought. She had no idea where he could be and she wasn't about to call for him to help her. She could handle this crazy lunatic on her own. Or so she hoped.

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06-29-2013, 03:17 PM
sorry for short post D;

?Yeeesss!? he screeched, half in agreement, half in vile protest. Duh it was her eye! It was the fire! And she was keeping it to herself! It made her warm, and once he had it, he would be warm. He was so certain, so convinced of his own theory. She wouldn?t be anymore, but apathy was an unknown demon that had been long attached to the little creature?s mind. Adrenaline had flooded his body, hissing through his flesh and the erratic cells of his brain. Blood and fire! He needed it. As he lifted slightly, she reared. Perfect. In an instant, the gremlin?s left forepaw shot out to try and jam into the exposed area of the woman?s stomach in hopes of tipping her off balance. His twisted jaws turned upwards slightly more and snapped open wider to try and catch the paw the swung down at his face as his front came back down the few centimeters it had risen, settling his right forepaw back on the ground. His ears stayed twisted back and his eyes narrowed, his claws gripping at the ice furiously while limbs spread evenly for more balance. The beast?s hackles had fluffed, a patchy mohawk down his back, and his tail stuck out behind him to aid in balancing him on the slippery surface. Energy and craving shook through his body, tickling static bolts.


06-29-2013, 03:33 PM

Of course the girl that was only looking to help others would run into a crazy lunatic who was convinced that her eye was living fire and was now trying to rip it from her face. Of course her kindness would backfire on her. She expected it to, sooner or later, since not everyone was looking to be helped. At least not in the way that she was willing to help. And of course she would be stuck out all alone in the middle of a giant lake, with probably no one for miles. Was this the way she was going to go? Mauled to death by some crazy little man who wanted to tear her face apart and take her eye as his prize? What a pathetic death. And with no one to care.

His screeching voice broke her from her morbid thoughts, bringing her pack to the present, to the fight that just possibly could turn into a life or death one, one she wasn't sure if she would be able to win. She'd thought her having reared to slam down her paw against his face would've done the trick to give her time to make an escape, but the little gremlin had anticipated her move. Damn him. His left forepaw struck out, hitting her square in the stomach. A yelp of pain slipped past her jaws, as her body crumpled in on itself, a snarl of erupting from her agape jaws as the lunatic clasped down on her forepaw. Alessa allowed her body to twist as gravity pulled it back down towards the ice, the left side of her body taking most of the brunt of the impact, a whoosh of air exploding from her lungs as the air was knocked out of her. Pale lips curled back, dagger like teeth exposed as she took a quick breath, exhaling it in a vicious snarl as she attempted to rip her paw from his jaws. If there was ever a time in her life that she needed help, it was now. But if it was going to come or not, she would have to see.

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07-01-2013, 04:16 PM
ooc;; Killian to the rescue!

Only a few days ago, Killian had been near this area with a girl who was now an important friend to him, or if he was being honest with himself, maybe a little more than that. Whatever she was, he felt that he couldn't simply go days without seeing or speaking to her. Beside, he had important news. In the time that they had been apart, he had not only grown attached to the creature perched on his shoulder, but he had also met a female who had provided him with an interesting offer that he intended to accept.

Vahva's idea had been to intriguing to ignore. A new pack, one he could help build and mold in a way he wanted it to be. Perhaps the vessel for his revenge? The black and blue female had asked him to help her recruit and he had readily agreed. He couldn't turn down such a momentous offer, and he already knew the wolf to start his work with. Surely Alessa would show some interest in a new pack?

The navigator had carefully tracked her here, to the frozen lake, intent on telling her his plan as soon as possible. As they neared the lake, Smee leapt gracefully from the back of the brute to run ahead, sensing something his master had not. He recognized the girl immediately, watched as the tiny black wolf went after her face again and again, and finally got the upperhand on her. Making sure his master had noticed, Smee ran around to distract the nuisance while Killian judged the speed he would be able to manage on the ice.

He hoped his companion would be able to move a little quicker with his light weight as he ran out toward the smaller male, hoping to catch him off guard and knock him down. A wicked snarl escaped his maw as he closed in on the pair. He wouldn't be letting anyone harm Alessa - not today, not ever.

thank you wolfie!


07-03-2013, 12:57 PM

Yes! Inside, baneful satisfaction howled as the fiend?s paw hit her stomach and her paw went down into his mouth. His head swayed from the force, arching down a bit as his previously attacking paw fell back to the ice to stabilize him again. She was down on the ground now. Oh he was so excited. Saliva dripped from between crooked fangs as he gripped her foot ? but only for a moment. She yanked, and wrenched it free, though hopefully not without injury. Previously clasped jaws fell open with a fuming hiss, like steam erupting from a broken pipe. A vicious grin etched along his scarred face, and he took a small step close. So close, so close.

Before he could do anything else, there was this little thing scurrying at his feet with purpose. The imp?s attention was instantly drawn to it, a paw lifting to swipe heartlessly at it with intention of sending it flying away. Stupid little animals. Why did they attack Caesar? Did they want the fire? And then he glanced up with surprise to the sound of a snarl. Another was charging in, very close and not stopping. The imp arched his back and ducked his head a little, his hackles flaring up in black spines and his lip pulling back to flash the horrid array of teeth that sprouted from dark gums. There was no time to move away successfully ? not on the ice ? and in an instant the foreign body had crashed into his own and sent him flying to the right across the ice. He skidded an admirable distance before staggering up again, his ghastly eyes flashing an abhorrent glare towards the bigger male. His jaws parted again and another horrid hiss ? a grating sound from the slick depths of Hell itself ? scraped the air, bestial and noxious. With that, he turned and fled the other way. One wolf, Caesar could do. Two? not so much.Exeunt Caesar


07-03-2013, 01:25 PM

She was successful in her dislodging of her paw from his rabid jaws, though she wasn't lucky enough to come away without injury. The crazy little gremlin's teeth dug deeply into her paw, leaving pretty good looking gauges behind, crimson liquid oozing from the injuries. A growl of pain ripped through her gaping jaws, audits flattening against her skull at the sound of the little man's hiss. He was certainly not any kind of wolf she had ever run into before and one she hoped never to run into again. He stood before her, a hungry look in his eyes, but before he could do any kind of real damage, something caught the imp's attention. Mismatched gems flickered to the source of his distraction, noticing small rodent like creature running up to the man, taking his attention away from Alessa. That little creature...She recognized him. He had been observing the day she'd run into Killian. Killian.

Crown snapped to her right, gaze coming across Killian's charging figure. How had he found her? She wanted to call out to him in relief, but she held her tongue, watching as he came charging forward, his powerful frame knocking into Caesar's, barreling the smaller man a food distance away. She watched the obsidian runt as he stood, making a noise that she had never hurt from a wolf before scampering off, finally leaving her alone. A sign of relief passed from her jaws as she slumped forward, lids sliding close over her eyes for several moments as she allowed herself to breath for a moment. Crown was lifted, lids peeling back as she looked up at Killian. You saved me...But how did you know where I was? She murmured in disbelief.

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07-09-2013, 07:11 PM

Smee's agility on the ice had proven much greater than that of the small wolf. He escaped the majority of the fiend's attempts to strike him, only enduring a few slight scratches. Killian arrived in perfect time, the smaller brute blissfully unaware of his approach until he was in striking distance. Killian slid to a stop, digging his claws into the ice. He watched the male run from the area, a snarl tearing through his lips, before moving swiftly to Alessa's side.

His gaze traveled over her, examining the wounds caused by the fiend that had attacked her. He immediately set to licking clean her wounds around her paw as she caught her breath, while Smee set himself beside them to clean his own cuts. The brute lifted his head when Alessa spoke, and sat back on his haunches beside her, a tiny smile forming on his lips. "I'm a tracker, it was what I was trained to do as a kid." Tracking was his best talent, his pride and joy. "I happened to be looking for you already, and I guess I got lucky enough to save you here. Are you okay?" He tilted his head slightly to the side, continuing to carefully examine her.

"What was he attacking you for anyway?"

thank you wolfie!


07-09-2013, 09:45 PM

She had never been so glad to see a wolf in her life, that was saying something coming from the girl who usually tried to avoid others. But Killian was her new friend and she would always welcome his presence. How could she not when she enjoyed it so much, but in this particular instance, she was beyond relieved at having him by her side. He had saved her from the crazy little man Caesar and she would forever be in his debt. Sure, she'd helped him the other day with his paw, but he'd saved her life. What a way to payback a little old favor.

He rushed to her side after the little pest scampered off, his ruby eyes scanning her frame, zeroing in on her injured paw, leaning down to lick at it without even asking her consent. She would've laughed, had it not been for the pain his touch was causing, a hiss of a breath slipping through her pale lips. Mm, that hurt. He abandoned his cleansing of her wound to look at her, a smile curling his dark lips as he explained how he'd found her so quickly, asking her if she was okay. Pretty good tracker if anyone asked me and yeah, I'm alright. My paw kind of hurts a little and so does the rest of my left side, but I should be fine. She leaned up, letting her muzzle brush against his own in a kiss as she slowly pushed herself up onto her haunches, peachy ears turning at the sound of his voice. My eye. He thought my eye was fire and he was trying to rip it from my face! Can you believe that... She shuddered, flashes of his crazed face replaying in her memory. She hoped to never run into the crazy little pipsqueak again.

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07-10-2013, 06:10 PM

Alessa's sharp hiss was something Killian had expected, so it hadn't deterred him from his efforts to help her. He owed her this favor, after what she had done for him. Without her help when he hurt his paw, he may have been helpless in the snow for days, unable to continue on toward his goal of revenge. He had her to thank for keeping him alive, thought she probably didn't realize it.

Her compliment caused the grin on his maw to widen. Admittedly, her kiss may have contributed a bit to that as well. "I really appreciate that. And I'm glad that you'll be okay. I'd offer to find you some herbs, but I'm no good at that stuff and I figure Smee knows about as much as I do." He gestured to his smaller companion who only glanced up momentarily before returning to licking his wounds.

A sad chuckle emitted from his throat after hearing her tale. "Fire, seriously?" The crazy little wolf had been even crazier than he had anticipated. "He must've been desperately cold," Killian said with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm just glad you're okay. It would've been a shame to come bearing good news to someone who just lost her eye."

thank you wolfie!


07-10-2013, 07:03 PM

Despite the pain his touched caused her, he continued on cleaning her wound until he was satisfied that he'd cleaned it well enough. Alessa raised her paw to examine it, sniffing at gently before licking it, the sting from her saliva causing her to tense in response but the sting faded in the next moment and she dropped her paw back onto the ice, holding it against her belly as she looked towards Killian. A smile curled his ebon lips and she couldn't help the answering one that twisted her pale kissers in response. He was even more handsome when he smiled. He should do it more often. I really appreciate that. And I'm glad that you'll be okay. I'd offer to find you some herbs, but I'm no good at that stuff and I figure Smee knows about as much as I do. She shrugged, brushing off his thanks, thinking her words to hold little value.

I'm just being honest. Hey, don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt anymore. It should heal up just fine in a few days. This isn't the first time I've gotten hurt. A glance was spared towards the little creature that was accompanying Killian, realizing that it was the same creature from the first day they met. Hm. That was pretty interesting that he'd made friends with it and now took it along with him. It was actually kind of cute. Attention was returned to her friend as he spoke up again, catching the bit about good news. Good news? Now you have my attention. The cream peachy wolf shifted a bit on the ice, closing the gap between herself and her friend, though not enough for them to be touching, mindful to keep from putting weight on her now injured right paw.

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07-20-2013, 08:02 PM

Frowning momentarily, he shook his head as she brushed off his concerns. He understood where that was coming from having been the victim of injuries himself, but he couldn't help but be concerned anyway. It would do him no good to tell her that though, so he simply allowed his smile to return and gestured to her injured paw with his own. "Well, now we'll match for at least a little while," he teased as he curled his body close to hers, aiming to provide comfort to distract her from any pain she felt.

Her reaction to his announcement of good news cause an even wider grin to spread on his face. Killian truly hoped she would enjoy everything that he had to say, but he figured it was best to start with what was right in front of her just in case. Smee seemed to take his queue as he ceased licking his wounds and smiled at Alessa. "Alessa, this is Smee. I'm sure you remember him from our rough housing. He kinda followed me around for a while after that, and asked if we could travel together, so here we are." The little marten simply gave a nod of his head as his master spoke, but added nothing.

"I do have some other news, though. I met a female recently who presented an interesting idea to me..." He paused, debating his next words. "I think I am going to join a pack, and perhaps start my own once I feel that I am ready."

thank you wolfie!


07-20-2013, 08:46 PM

She could see that despite her having brushed off his concern, it made her feel good to see that he would still worry about her even if she was saying that she was alright. That's what a good friend did right? Worried about others even when that someone wasn't worried about themselves. Well, now we'll match for at least a little while. Pale lips curled into a thankful smile, her heart skipping several beats as Killian curled himself around her, almost curling himself around her, as if trying to lessen her pain. Guess we're twins then. She giggled curling herself into Killian, allowing her creamy peach skull to rest on his earthy paws, a relaxed sigh slipping past her pale lips. Her mismatched gaze flickered to the little rodent like creature that was still grooming itself, its tiny lips quirking into a smile for the she-wolf and she found herself smiling back to the little creature. Audits flickered backwards towards her friend, listening as he introduced the little critter as Smee, Killian's new companion. A companion. Well that was pretty cool.

And then he continued on, explaining how he'd met a female who introduced the idea of joining a pack, and possibly starting his own. Alessa raised her head, craning around to look back at Killian. I think you'll make a great alpha one day. She whispered, nuzzling his cheek affectionately.

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07-29-2013, 03:50 PM

For these few moments, Killian felt himself again. He had been so affectionate before, always his sister's protector, always concerned with the well-being of those he cared for. It made him feel as though he was truly a good wolf, and even if that feeling was to be temporary he would savor it as though it would last forever. Whatever Alessa was to him, and whatever she would be in the future, he would protect her without hesitation. She was the first wolf he had cared even remotely for since leaving his pack, and that meant more than words could describe to him.

Her compliment only heightened his good mood, encouraging him to grin. It made him feel good to know that she thought so highly of him, albeit under false circumstances. What if she knew his purpose? Would she still believe he could be a good leader if she knew it would be only to seek his revenge? It was unlikely and Killian wasn't willing to take that risk, not yet at least. He knew it was unfair to keep her in the dark, and yet part of him just didn't care. He drove the thoughts out of his head, returning his focus to her. His head tilted to the side in a question.

"Have you thought about joining a pack, Alessa?"

thank you wolfie!


07-29-2013, 04:51 PM

Home. It was a word that she could now add to her vocabulary because that's what Alacritis was becoming to her; a home. And it was all because of Killian. Had she not stumbled across him that day when he had hurt his paw she would've never discovered such a great guy and amazing friend. She wasn't sure if she believed in fate or destiny, but she did know that things happened for a reason. Albeit, she hardly ever knew the reasons behind the things that went on in her life, they all served a purpose. The abandonment of her mother helped shape the woman that she had become today, always willing to lend a helping paw to others. Perhaps Killian would be another step in her development as a wolf. Would he be around long-term? If it was up to her, she would want him to stay with her always. She felt a pull towards him, one she didn't quite understand but that made her certain she felt something for the earthen man.

She could see the grin curling his inky lips and it made a warm bubbly feeling stir in her chest. She loved seeing him smile. Alessa allowed herself to lean close into Killian, molding her smaller body into the shape of his, peachy ears rotating backwards as he asked if she'd ever considered joining a pack. Honestly, that's never crossed my mind. I've been on my own for so long that I've just become so used to being alone, on relying solely on myself. But I think I might be reconsidering joining one. Why do you ask? Peachy crown was tilted back to look at her friend, mismatched gaze meeting his ruby one as she waited for his answer.

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