
There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 09:50 PM

Eloping, running off with a lover that no one approved of, running off in the dead of night without a single howl in goodbye. Defile, Siler, both of them traitors for eloping. She had run off once the chaos rose within the pack, and when the unrest settled it was clear that she would not return to them, everything her parent's had worked for, it was all gone because they made a terrible, horrible, choice and they had not hunted down the two eloping brothers. She let out a small hiss. She had scars throughout her fur, but all of them were very, very faint.

Her sleek fur, the blacks and browns, blended in fairly well with the dead of night, her stomach, not so much. The midnight full moon above her shown down into the clearing in front of her. It was a lot of rocks, some small like pebbles, some towering over her, allowing her to hide herself in the shadows. There'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more. Her mind told her to sleep, but night was an assassin's best friend, and she would not give the night to her mind to sleep off. She would stay up and worry about how much she had screwed up in her life. That's right, none, she was a princess, and everyone else there was about to learn it. "Rise above the noise and confusion." Her words ominous and daring in her own mind.


06-24-2013, 11:02 PM
The moon shone on his rugged dirty pelt as his paws carried him quickly through the forest. He had struck again, another prize added to his bundle of treasure to be put in his den with everything else. Jack was a sly one, quick with words added with a confusing touch. He smirked as he ran, his prize held gently but firmly in his teeth. The bundle on his back bounced with each stride as he brushed past ferns and bushes and leaped over rocks and boulders. Nobody had suspected him until it was too late, but now they would not find him. The ragged pirate new exactly which hidden trails to take and which ones to leave a mark, so as to confuse any pursuers. He was a trickster alright, only having been caught a few times to escape yet again. Brown eyes glinted in the moonlight as he thought of his latest victim. A brute whom thought he owned everyone and everything. Well, with just a few words of flattery and Jack had befriended the male. Forging a counterfeit bond of trust so that he could get closer to what he wanted. A token worth more then anything he had stored in his hideaway. What he would do with it was beyond him, but for now it would remain his. Along with the other stolen goods he had taken from other wolves as well. Satisfied with the weeks takings, he quickened his pace.

As Jack neared his hideout, he scented something not far from where he was. Stopping to taste the air, he picked up the scent of another wolf just over the rise. Curious as to who would be out here so late, he followed the scent as quietly as he could. Once at the top of the rise, his gaze fell on the other wolf he had detected. The pirate swept himself into a nearby hollow where he could watch her, hidden. Undetected was he, hidden away from prying eyes. A master of disguise and trickery, as well as a silver tongue. He managed it all this one. He moved carefully so that his pillaged bundle did not make a sound against the sides of the hollow. He stooped low to the ground as he drew closer. He remained still when he reached the edge of the hollow, still hidden, however. And with a curious and drawling note to his tone, asked:

"And what would a dame such as yourself be doin' way out here by yer lonesome? Don't you know there are all manner of dangerous creatures about? Like Pirates?"


06-24-2013, 11:20 PM
[So completely sorry this post sucks!]

Cansista turned, pretending to be a feign fae that was lost out into the wilderness. She pretended to be scared, and she knew that it was part of her strategy. She had been raised in the light, yet she turned dark with deceit over time. "Oh good sir, thank you for arriving when you did, I heard of a vicious group of pirates on these rocks, even assassins!" She said in a high pitched voice, in the back of her mind, she was just laughing really hard. Only one assassin here, and that is me. She knew that he was referring to himself as a pirate, so how would he deal with the fact that she thought there was a group of vicious pirates in the rocks, crevices, everywhere.

Her brown and black fur, the one with tints of grey, she prayed would seek into the rocks, seeping their way in and conquering it, hiding herself. But she knew the black would stick out. She was pretending to be scare after all. "Good sir, my name is Thestrel." She said, completely lying to his face, she had done it before, and she would do it again in the future.


06-25-2013, 04:26 PM
The ragged pirate watched this lost woman. Brows raised in an expression as if to say "Oh really?" There was one thing, however, that Jack found questionable. Something that was a dead giveaway: "I heard of a vicious group of pirates on these rocks, even assassins!" The man stood, and glanced side to side as if expecting something else to jump out of the surrounding rocks. But he knew nothing would, this was his domain. His hiding spot that he had been using for weeks now. Looking at her again, he studied her for a good minute before speaking.
"Well if this place did in fact have these...vicious pirates and assassins, then you my dear are staring at him. So pray tell, who are you and what are you doing here? Speak before I decide to send you to Davy Jones' locker!"He cried, voice resounding off the walls. This woman had no idea who he was, so he would use his tongue to ward her off. Trick her, like he did all others.

Jack adopted a keen eye, enabling him to interpret his targets pretty well. This girl, was an actor. He could hear it in her voice, it was something he had mastered as well. So he could easily discern the liars from the truth sayers.
The creature waited for the damsel to speak, to see what she had to say next. Heh, Other Pirates in HIS domain? Not a chance. He was the only pirate on these lands as far as he knew, and one day he'd be ruler of his own land as well. Perhaps King of a Pack. Yes, he quite liked the sound of that. Even better, one day he would be the Pirate Lord! Now that was a goal he would strive to attain.



06-25-2013, 04:58 PM

This was a night of daring proportions. Killian had remained tucked away in the northern lands, where it was cold and his paw could be kept numb. He had befriended some, made acquaintance with others, and spent a significant part of his time alone. His injured limb had been blissfully without feeling for weeks and it had been a pleasure beyond words. But now, he craved adventure, and so he moved eastward. The lands he ventured into were slightly less frigid, yet still cold enough to keep most of the pain at bay.

His paws carried him swiftly and quietly over the terrain. He had mastered the art of stealth in addition to his keen sense of direction, which had only added to his skill as a tracker and a hunter. While only an average sized wolf, and one with a permanent injury at that, he still had the ability to be formidable in almost any situation. He was often mistaken for a weakling though, and that he proved unfortunate for many an opponent since the incident that had forced him out of his pack.

Voices carried over the air as he approached and he slowed to a stop as they filled his ears and drew him out of his thoughts. He halted several yards from the pair, observing them carefully from his standing place. In the night, his dark fur made him almost invisible, save for his piercing garnet eyes. The wolves had not noticed him as he had approached, but he would ensure that they did once he was satisfied. Killian was an intelligent male, and it took very little observation to see that both of these wolves were skilled in the art of acting. They were clearly not showing their true selves to any extent, but he wasn't certain to what extent they were covering up. He himself had developed a bit of a skill for acting, but wasn't one to often put it to use. He had to restrain himself from laughing as he listened to their exchange. It was quite ridiculous, really.

He approached them slowly, coming up behind the male. His deep, powerful voice filled the air with his question. And what, pray, is a pirate exactly? Of course he knew. He had heard the term used frequently, though he assumed when it was directed toward him that it was in an entirely different fashion than with this other male. It had been a term of endearment for him, when he had been home. Pirates were what they had nicknamed the skilled trackers, and they were fearless, loyal companions who had a quick tongue to use whenever necessary to avoid an unfortunate situation. Killian had always been told as a pup that he was destined to be one of the best they ever had. Oh, how that opinion had gone sour.


07-19-2013, 05:37 PM
[Sorry this is very very late and sucky

Cansista just looked at him blankly, a pirate who didn't understand sarcasm, or perhaps he did. She looked at him with a smile, a devious smile. "I was sent up here on a mission, as an assassin I take a lot of missions. I was told there was a pesky pirate to take care of." She was just trying to scare the poor soul in front of her when her attention turned to another. He walked right in on the conversation. "Well there sir, it appears a pirate is an assassin without the stealth. Forgive me if I'm wrong." She said with a small little laugh.


07-23-2013, 04:31 AM
The rugged mans tail flicked in acknowledgement of the new male who had arrived. Though his attention was mostly fixated on the woman before him. He raised his brow slightly at her words. Her? Come to find him? Ha! Jack Sparrow was never caught! And when he was, it was never for long. The cynical man smirked at the woman. "Oh? A pesky pirate eh? Well lass, are you sure you've got the right one? There are many a foot but none so good as I. And a pirate does not need stealth, He glanced over at the male, directing the last part of his sentence to him, "Such as yourself. I scented you coming for some time, so stealth is not really necessary in pirates. We're not ninjas or assassins for the most part, so what use is it to us really? As long as we get away with our prize and strike fear or confusion into the hearts of our victims, then all is well." He smirked again, brown eyes flicking back to the woman as he skirted the pair to stand at a short distance.

He sized up the pair, both clearly the same intentions as he in the way of the tongue. The woman would use her words to attempt to scare him, the boy would probably play tricks upon his as well. But Jack was prepared for any and all onslaughts. Rolling his neck and shoulders, he simply adopted a non threatening stance, preferring to use his own arsenal as well.



07-31-2013, 12:49 PM

Killian grinned at the female, amused by her assessment. The male that stood between them did seem over-confident and had a skewed perception of what he believed a pirate to be. The brute chuckled, raising an eyebrow at the male before him. "Had I not wanted you to scent me, I wouldn't have purposefully stood upwind from you," he said, tones of sarcasm lacing his words. No wolf in his right mind would give himself away that easily if he didn't want to. The navigator had made no sound in his approach and had stayed well out of nose's reach until he had decided to make his presence know. There was no way this one had known he was coming any earlier than he intended. Navigating and hunting were his specialty, and keeping himself concealed had been a primary part of his training.

His voice rose again over the night, in a question this time. "Do tell, though... What makes you think I am one of these 'pirates' as you describe them?" He stepped closer to the female as the male pranced away. "I have no interest in obtaining prizes, or causing others to fear me." Well, except for my old pack of course, he thought as he finished his statement. Those were the only wolves he would seek to frighten or take anything from, and only because of revenge.

Without revenge, Killian was nothing but a kindred soul and a talented tracker. Was that enough, though? Was that what he truly wanted to be? Lately, his feelings on the issue had come into question, but he had continued to put thinking about them off until later. He did so again tonight, turning to the female and giving a brief bow of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, miss. I have no doubts that you are quite the talented assassin, and that you could take care of this oaf with little strain."