


09-27-2014, 09:13 PM
just a warning that this post may be disturbing to some bc of art's twisted ways :p

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? as the deity?s oversized paws reunite with the bloodied turf of her enclave?s interior, the repulsive aroma of decay becomes prominent -- intoxicating as it writhes through flared velveteen nostrils, stimulating an influx of adrenaline to course through iron veins. a wry smirk chisels the porcelain folds of her disfigured countenance as her mismatched gaze engulfs the premises of her { twisted } asylum, avid pupils yet lingering upon her macabre embellishments located towards the rear of her den as robust appendages propel her towards the miniscule collection with fervor. and as the tyrant queen?s battered physique draws adjacent to her trophies, her frigid gaze softens faintly with fondness and a tinge of arrogant pride, rump descending upon its perch as silence encumbers her. broad crown droops in the slightest to allow her clenched jaws access to the decapitated skull at her paws, decadent incisors relinquishing their hold upon the dulled cerulean eye she had seized from her sibling?s socket to discard it within the empty socket of her victim?s head. securing it within its place, the deity?s skull yet again elevates as critical eyes admire her handiwork, pupils loitering upon the russet pawn?s verdant eye { located within the opposite socket } that now festers and crawls with maggots. such a sight is gruesome; and yet, the phantom remains enthralled by her own gory creation, a criminal smirk subconsciously worming its way across her visage as her gaze lingers upon her abhorrent medals, too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice the intruder that had managed to infiltrate her crypt.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]



09-28-2014, 11:36 AM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? her mourning has ceased, indifference the sole emotion left to plague her as a result of her { darling } brother?s ABANDONMENT -- no longer shall she weep and pine for a boy so negligent, and no further shall she aimlessly journey across the earth in pursuit of him. rather, the porcelain doll has made an irrefutable statement of independence by returning to the lands of her birth unaccompanied, uninformed of her sister?s retirement from her crown, and consequentially, ignorant to the fact that the elysius? misted crypt is under new { and undeserving } possession. thus, as the pompous princess approaches the familiar enigmatic scenery of her former domain, she readily disregards the borders, nimble limbs propelling her beyond the threshold with an aura of supremacy and contempt, pastel gaze frantically surveying her cryptic surroundings in search of her pallid matriarch.

velveteen nostrils guide the princess to her kin?s dwelling, strides tentative as she breaches beyond the entrance and into the lion?s den -- a bold { or was it stupid? } notion if any. the overwhelming stench of rotting flesh welcomes the elysius dove and her porcelain countenance scrunches with disgust, vivid gaze immediately locating the familiar and battered physique of her only sister, loitering toward the rear of the miniscule enclave. a grin threatens to tweak velvet lips, and yet, as her pupils trail down the length of artemis? form and onto the revolting object at her paws, the dove surpasses the urge, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead with discernible intrigue. she halts within the entrance of her sister?s domain, encumbered by momentary silence as she observes the pale tyrant with curiosity, her rump greeting the earth with a faint thud. ?artemis,? she unveils her looming presence with a murmur, countenance now void of the emotion it previously held.


10-01-2014, 07:03 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is the obtrusive murmur of her only sister that extracts the phantom queen from her morbid reverie, a silent snarl painting the premises of her disfigured countenance as she wrenches her skull in the direction of her cavern?s entrance, expecting to locate the silhouette of a daring intruder { and perhaps a lost advocate of her carmine beauty }. however, the nimble physique of the elysius dove manifests upon her threshold instead, and immediately the intensified emotion dissipates from the deity?s facial features in favor of stark indifference. yet beneath her beguiled exterior resides an insurmountable rage that only festers as she commemorates her siblings? desertion, and her tongue clicks thoughtfully against the roof of her mouth in a poor attempt to contain such fury that reigns over her interior.

?you left,? is the indisputable proclamation that shatters the momentary silence that had encompassed her enclave as a result of her sister?s abrupt invasion, her vocals methodically cloaked in total monotony. her mismatched gaze flees the petite form of her sibling in favor of the skull at her feet, her pupils purposefully lingering upon novocaine?s discarded eye as she contemplates the extent of the wrath her newly-returned sister would be forced to face for her prior transgressions. gone was the merciful tyrant of the past; the deity is no more than vendetta personified as of late.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]



10-06-2014, 12:53 AM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a brow ascends upon the vixen?s forehead as pastel eyes detect her matriarch?s displeasure; however, as the former tyrant?s snarl dissipates from her features once recognition strikes, the nymph allows herself to settle in slight. she reclines upon supple thighs, posture retaining unwarranted supremacy as she offers her sister the warmth of her grin, porcelain features enchantingly radiant with palpable mirth at this reunion. and the babe cares little that her elder sibling?s countenance reflects naught but apathy -- figuring it to be the typical indifferent facade the tyrant adorns -- and consequentially, oblivious to the aura of contempt emanating from artemis? battered exterior. rather, the vixen expects to be embraced by her sister, and is left unfulfilled and mistaken as the phantom queen presents her with beguiled apathy.

and despite the outward composure of the elysius tyrant, the youthful vixen is shrewd, observant -- she can discern the obscured danger wrought within artemis? sentiment and knows to be cautious of her proceeding words. ?i did,? she confirms, vocals lack of the trepidation which sears through her interior. the affectionate expression of her own visage withers as her vibrant gaze yet shifts along with artemis?, lingering upon the abhorrent collection if only momentarily. and while she is more than aware of the former tyrant?s physical capabilities { and that it could potentially be her own body parts assembled across the cavern floor in mere seconds }, she knows, too, that she can outsmart the elysius deity to save her own skin and avoid the phantom?s wrath. ?-- and i regret not informing you of my departure beforehand. but i awoke to find my counterpart amiss, and could you not imagine my worry?? her words are a gentle croon -- an incent to entice. ?you must know my loyalty resides within the family, and he is my family, too.? the babe knows of her sister?s conviction upon family loyalty, and knows it well. however, she is uncertain as to whether or not artemis will see to it as a justified reason for abandonment, or a mere excuse.


10-06-2014, 02:59 PM

                    the deity is encumbered by silence throughout the duration of her sister?s prolonged speech, ears having careened backwards in order to better register the pompous princess? soprano as it floods her den?s decrepit interior. pallid lids flutter over mismatched eyes as her thoughts swarm beneath, heavily contemplating upon the dove?s verdict; shall she be merciful, or shall the girl face similar reprimanding to her negligent littermate? morbid visions of red -- of GORE -- flash before her mind?s eye, and a subconscious smirk begins to unfold across the premises of her decadent countenance. yet nephele?s reasoning for having fled their kingdom is one that forces the phantom queen to reconsider, and her haunches vacate their perch atop the tainted earth as she pivots to face the poised beauty, her malevolent expression dispersing of frayed lips as her frigid gaze fixates fervently upon her youthful sibling?s own.

?and you were unsuccessful in locating him?? she inquires carefully, willowy appendages propelling her towards her sister at a sluggish gait -- each pawstep methodically placed. and as she approaches the vixen, it becomes apparent that her sibling had, indeed, failed in her mission, as cerberus? musky odor does not intertwine with the dove?s own sickly sweet aroma. yet the tyrant queen does not retract her question, curiosity laden across her features as she awaits the girl?s confession -- of omission.

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]