
If death is your friend, let me be your lover


06-21-2013, 10:56 PM

This place was oddly sandy and murky to the girl. She had gotten so used to this kind of terrain though since of trying to find Valhalla. The large female and her bright vibrant blue mane looked about with some sort of direction. She sighed though, having no clue where she was going only made her more mad. Though she knew it wasn't her cousins fault she felt like she should blame him. Perhaps give him a smack when she got to Valhalla. That would make her feel so much better. The girl hadn't run into too much trouble. Just a female that had slightly irritated her and fascinated her all the same. Vahva was already strange as it was, without other pissing her off. She felt like talking in a whole other language in which she had learned from her mother. A foreign tongue that no wolf in ala would probably know. As she walked, she stepped by a carcass of a dear that had been caught within the sand. The girl stopped to study it for a moment. It looked like it hadn't been killed by a wolf, all that was left was some meat and a few bones, hardly would worth making a meal. Yet, Vavha was full the large female had eaten only a few moment ago with the birds she had been able to snatch up. A small feather was still on her muzzle, as the black and white girl swiped her paw against it to make it fall off. She shook herself and stretched, well she could only keep walking couldn't she? Vahva pulled her back paws out and felt her spine pop. For a wolf who was only two years old she was rather big, getting this from her father she was towering over her mothers height. Perhaps an average male's height. With black on top white on bottom and blazing red eyes. What made her stand out the most was the blue mane in a Mohawk fashioned hair style reaching to the middle of her shoulder blades sticking out at least a foot in length.

Vahva lifted up her nose when she scented someone else, this time it was another male though. Hopefully he wasn't as annoying as her cousin had been. He could point her in the right direction? No, Vahva wanted to get to her destination herself. She had decided that she would not bother to make others remember her if they didn't want to. She was discreet and did not care. Though she cared to have friends, if they were to accept her stubborn and thick attitude. The girl flicked her tail and looked around the snow reached her ankles here besides for the spots of sand in it. Winter was no joy, but luckily her thick coat saved her from the cold which was why the rogue life was alright for her until she went to her birth pack. Vahva finally gave a yawn until a shape appeared, was that the male she had scented? She barked a little greeting, hoping that he wasn't unfriendly, she really didn't want to fight, it was a waste of her time. She just wanted to get to Valhalla as soon as she could.



06-22-2013, 01:09 AM

It was with a reasonable satisfaction that the fiend marched through the wetlands. The earth was soggy and muddy, and he enjoyed the feel of the slush pressing between his toes as he stepped. Narrow paws pushed easily into the muck, and he giggled as he lifted a forepaw slowly, weighed down by the sticky substance. The mud had caked all over his thin legs by now, but he cared little for appearance or hygiene ? that much was clear. It was squishy and fun, and that was what mattered most. And not only that, but this was probably a good place to find dead things. He could find himself a friend, or a doll. It certainly would be nice to have a new doll. His last one had fallen apart on him, and pieces of it had been stolen by cruel birds. He?d be much more careful with the next, he was sure!

Squishing onward, his haunting blue gaze traced the landscape. Grasses sprung up in plentiful bunches, untouched by winter?s deathly grasp. He reached out to snap at a particularly tall stalk as he trudged along. There were also the occasional pools, where the water had gathered and refused to sink into the earth. Caesar avoided these with care, keeping to his mud. The sky above was faintly dark, not due to the time of day (for there was still quite some daylight left), but because of the hefty clouds that sat above. They smudged the sky with grime, and forced upon the day a dreary atmosphere. It affected Caesar?s mood little to none though, and with a small bounce, he continued on his way.

After a little while of roaming, much to his delight, he spotted another creature, and she him. The hellion?s torn ears perked to her bark, and he offered one back, grinning deviously. Wide eyes shimmered as he bounded closer, mild excitement buzzing in his veins. He studied her curiously, the hollow smile stretched across his face. She was taller than he, as most were, and had a most interesting blue mane. Her eyes were red, the color of lovely, lovely blood. He liked that. ?Has this one come to die?? he chirped his question, completely genuine. He sure hoped so. He?d always wanted a wolf doll, and she?d make for a pretty one. And the swamp was, as noted before, quite the perfect place to die. Alligators and snakes and no doubt countless other vicious predators. The mud was potentially dangerous too, though Caesar was lucky enough to be so light that his chance of sinking in and getting stuck were slim.


06-22-2013, 01:52 PM

Vahva usually would want to ignore a wolf like this, but he was much too small for her to pick on at all. She wasn't one to pick on others anyway, she hated to cause trouble even though the back of her mind said that she shouldn't care at all. The large female tilted her head at this question that escaped his lips, why he was practically the same age as she was. Why would she want to die so soon, but the question sparked her curiosity for the subject just as it did with the deer carcass not that far away. He wasn't the cleanest creature, but he showed no signs of hurting her, or even wanting to despite his question. Her paws were too big to sink in this stuff, there was no hope of her getting stuck that was for sure. At least she thought so, and she had been in pretty sticky situations before. Her tail flicked from side to side, at such a young age and so many scars all over his body, what had he been doing this entire time? She wanted to ask him, but then thought against it. Why the hell was she caring so much she had no clue.

Vahva walked closer to him and lowered her head, her red eyes flickering like a light in the fog. "I'm far too young to die just yet, why?" she asked the question rolling over her tongue so easily. Why had she asked that, she wasn't quiet sure herself. After all, if he had asked her if she had come to die, he must be evil right? Yet, there was nothing about him that seemed to be intimidating in that way, not to mention that he was so much smaller than she. He couldn't do much damage to a wolf who had pack training. She wanted to know what this boy was about, why was he all alone. Was he like her? Or so much different. Vahva had always been interested in the strange her whole life, but some of it pissed her off. Few wolves would kill because they were afraid of the unknown. Vahva was not, she would never be afraid of the unknown even if she tried to be.

"My name is Vahva(Vak-va), what is yours?" A name was an excellent place to start as any was it not. Exchanging names and then remembering faces because she definitely want to see if she wanted to run into this guy again. If she didn't knew any better, she would have thought hi to be a yearling. Yet from what her cousin had told her his brother was only twenty four inches in height. A runt of the male gender, so this guy could be the same. Vahva didn't smile, but her salmon colored tongue licked over her jaws blood on her teeth from her last meal of birds.



06-23-2013, 02:00 AM

The female approached, and he swayed slightly to the left, his feet still planted in the sticky earth. The gremlin?s head cocked to the side, and he continued to examine her with a pleasant curiosity. She responded, and he was a tad disappointed for but a second. Then a wicked grin cracked along his narrow muzzle, and he quipped swiftly, ?No one is too young to die.? Everything could and would die eventually, some earlier than others. The seeds that would never make it to the earth, the bird eggs stolen and devoured by rodents ? the puppies snatched away by predators. Death was everywhere, and pitiless. He rolled his bony shoulders once before piping up again, offering his explanation freely as his expression sank to mild neutrality, ?Because Caesar wants a new doll.?

He arched his back to stretch, his thin muscles shuddering before he stood straight again. The fiend?s lips were touched with the slightest of smirks ? a haunting and secretive thing to match emotionlessly staring eyes. Her blue mane was certainly pretty. He wanted it. Maybe he could pull it off, or maybe she would end up becoming a doll even if she didn?t plan on it. His tongue flicked out to wipe idly along his whiskers. Ears flicked gently as to snare her name as it came his way, and he shrugged. ?Caesar is Caesar.? Wonderful words of wisdom. The creature?s attention drifted from the matter of questions and concerns to just what he would do about all this. He was without a doubt interested in the wolf before him, but how to get what he wanted?

The shadow swathed miscreant shifted his weight from his left side to his right, focusing once more upon the female. An innocent smile blossomed upon his lips, broadening and sweetening the previous smile in a most natural way. ?Has Miss Vahva Bluemane ever had a mud bath?? he chirped, his bushy tail lifting to sway lightly from side to side. Mud baths would be the way to go. And he rather liked them too!


06-23-2013, 12:35 PM

He was very straightforward about her questions. Nothing seemed to be a lie behind them, besides who would lie about that anyway? Though what he had said was kind of true, no creature was too young to die. Yet there were lots of things Vahva wanted to do before she died, so she would not die today or tomorrow, and she would not let anyone else force her too either. Caesar had mentioned her being made into a doll, did he collect the dead and keep them like toys? Well wasn't that interesting. He was so tiny she wouldn't have guessed, then again so far this world was full of the strange. Her blue mane washed up in the wind as her red eyes flicked with the curiosity of this strange man.

"Well what I meant to say is I'm not ready to die yet, not until I've at least done something worthwhile. But when it happens, how about we meet here? If your willing to wait for a new doll you can follow me around and listen until I die or when I'm ready I'll meet you here. But I tell you, faces grow quickly into bones if you don't reserve them right." Vahva said flicking her tail. Did she actually just say that? She did, and she slightly regretted it but with a heafty sigh she decided it was too late to take it back now. After all, if she was going to die, what use was there anyway. She wouldn't mind being his friend forever, at least that's one wolf who would now remember her name forever. Vahva listened to him as he mentioned a mud bath. A small chuckle arose in the ladies throat.

"I've fallen in mud plenty of times but had a mud bath no I don't believe I have." Vahva shook her head. She didn't have to fear anything from him, his obsession with the dead was nothing really. Everyone was different, weather they were distant or close to others by souls or not. She sat down with a plop in the mud splattering into snow piles to the sides. Snow and mud, it was a wonderful combination wasn't it. Specially on a girl's whose lower half was pure white.



06-26-2013, 07:14 PM

The beast?s pink tongue wiped quickly along his lips, pulling over his whiskers before slipping back into his jaws. He continued to stare intently at the maned woman, the unfeeling grin frozen upon his face. The goon shrugged as she spoke of not being ready. Caesar didn?t care. He simply wanted what he wanted, tangled obliviously in selfishness. He arched a brow when she mentioned meeting up again. How would he know when? He was about to question, but kept his mouth sealed when she continued. Following her? He nurtured the new idea in his mind, and found that he rather liked it. It could have meant waiting a long time though? He could always try and speed the process! And in the meantime he?d have company. The grin upon his face flushed with a fresh, genuine joy. ?Caesar will follow,? he crooned contentedly. If his plans didn?t work out, then he would follow and wait until he could have that nice blue mane.

The gremlin took a step to the left, restless. He blinked his large, frosty eyes at the female?s final comment. Grow into bone? For a second, he was confused. He refrained from asking though, and in a moment understood. The decomposition. The stripping and melting of skin from its framework. He loved that. It was such a beautiful transformation. The mortal flesh fell apart to leave behind the more sturdy bone. The stuff that held everything up. The stuff that everyone had inside of them. And it was all the same for everyone too. Why, his bones would be just like Vahva?s, save for smaller. He felt comforted at the thought of it all.

Ebony fur shivered as Caesar was tugged from his train of thought. He tilted his slender and scarred muzzle upwards slightly, the thin and innocent smile still twirled along his lips as he focused back on Vahva. ?A mud bath is very worthwhile,? he chirped, his tail wagging lazily. ?Here, she comes, she comes,? he beckoned her closer and began to dig in the sodden earth. His front bowed down, and forepaws dug frantically to pull away wet ground. The mud was easier to dig in than dry earth, and after a few moments of frantic work he?d carved a decent hole in the ground, about three or four feet long and nearly a foot deep. It was something to be proud of. Water had begun to pool slightly in the bottom. ?Come, she lays,? he beckoned again excitedly, panting.


06-27-2013, 03:49 PM

The boy was a curious one, but she couldn't believe that she had just made a deal like that. Her eyes went up in displeasure for a moment until he spoke again deriving her attention from her thoughts. After he said that he would follow, he started to do something. She watched him dig, and the mud pile up like cool water. Interesting, Vahva was curious about this boy, and even more so it made her feel like he wasn't even part of this world. Perhaps just different from the rest, she knew the feeling of his eyes looking at her. Her mane had caught his interest, and it was something she did take pride in. Vahva would be watched until she died now, and knew that the feeling of those eyes would not unsettle her somehow. Her red orbs looked at him as he beckoned. His voice in strange strands, like a stranger digging her own grave. Her body moved forward, muscles moving with her on the strong and large body of hers. Her eyes were locked on Caesar as she came to the small pool. Had he used up so much energy just so she could take a mud bath? It was an odd thought, but her nose tried to smell through anything that would harm her. There was nothing, as she eased her paws into the hole.

The feeling wasn't that bad, in all honesty she didn't expect it to feel like this. Her body lay in the mud as she splayed herself out, soaking her fur in the cold feeling that was slick, and rather interesting. Vahva wasn't too keen on being dirty, but it felt like she was in a thicker lake of water. Her body was complying to the shivering feeling as she dug her claws into the dirt and turned towards Caesar, still keeping her guard up seeing as he was the one who wanted her dead body anyway. Her muddy tail flicked splashing mud onto his dark fur. "This is the most fucking strange thing I've ever done, but it isn't that bad." She smirked, she was not the cleanest mouth in the world. She could also have her way with things, as she rolled over to be more comfortable and sat up. Mud covering her pelt, it was a feeling she would not soon forget that was sure. Vahva hummed a little bit and shook her head. "Do you do this kind of thing often?" she asked curiously.



06-30-2013, 03:08 PM

His inky lips curled in a devilish grin, like something that had been stitched to his stretched and marred face. She lay! She lay! Perfect! His body tingled with anticipation, his tail quivering a few more times with joy. Claws kneaded the mud at his feet while he stood beside her, panting a few more times before his aching lungs regulated their pace once more and he wiped his tongue over his lips. The imp looked to the maned woman with wide blue eyes, shimmering with pleasure, though it still appeared a somewhat void emotion. He nodded enthusiastically as she looked towards him. Right! Right!

The grin remained plastered to the fiend?s muzzle, wide and messy. ?Not bad, not bad! Good!? he nodded again rapidly, approving and encouraging. ?Now she stays, she stays. She puts her head down,? he urged. A mud bath was not just plopping in the mud and then being finished. You had to steep, to soak. ?They must cover her back,? he squeaked, ?the mud will make her skin nice ? feel very good, yes.? He would attempt to begin pushing the thick and cool mud onto her back. ?Caesar does it sometimes, yes,? he replied idly. Sometimes. It was nothing organized or lavish like this. He just liked rolling in mud and dead things.


07-05-2013, 10:16 AM

Vahva blinked, so he wanted her to cover her entire body with mud? Alright then, she would comply, just because she was so interested in this strange man. As she slipped into the mud again she shifted her weight over the 36 inch tall female dunking her head in the dirty water. She held her breath for a few moment and wiggled around before standing herself up again. Now her blue mane was sticking to her fur like it was hiding from something. Covered in head to toe dripping with dirty liquid Vahva thumped her tail in the water splashing some on Caesar. The experience may have been the most strange, as she shook herself, small strand of hair stuck out covered in brown mud. It was hard to tell if any of her feminine charms were under all the muck.
"Your turn." Vahva smirked as she jumped forward. She attempted to place her jaws softly on his scruff and pull him into the mud puddle, or at least push him with her paws into it. This was the playful part of her heart going into affect in which she didn't do often. Yet, this had been fun after all, all she was doing was returning the favor.
