
doin' time


06-21-2013, 03:04 PM

Warped cries of joy splashed the air ? a cackle here, a bark there. Amongst the tangle of vicious, barbed vines, a tiny creature danced. Thorns bit at his sides and broke off to stick in his matted fur, and several fresh cuts were dashed across his body. His delight was odd and unfitting. Another hoot of laughter fled his open jaws as his thin body darted through an opening in the branches. He yelped only slightly as thorns scratched his legs, and went back to giggling. The plants were gnarled and crooked, and the whole place looked purely sinister, but it made him feel comfortable. It felt familiar, and the labyrinth of briar plants and few narrow passages offered a sense of security. It was also one of nature?s crueler displays, and he enjoyed that too. Things probably came to die here, or died, even if they didn?t mean to. The thicket was extremely expansive. Who knew what could?ve been lost here?

The air outside was a fine temperature, and the full fury of the afternoon sun?s rays was broken by a cluster of clouds. Ample light filtered into Gambit Briar, speckling the earth with a tasteful amount of shadows. The imp wove in and out of particularly thick tangles of branches, light rippling over his back as he passed beneath the vegetation. He leaped over some lower hanging twists, and into one of the various hollow spaces in the thicket. Branches covered the air a few feet above his head, and swam around in a vaguely circular shape. It was like a chamber. He stood still for a second, his muzzle swinging left and right as his crazed blue eyes roved over the scenery. He liked it. The grin remained plastered to his face, and he would plop to the leaf-coated ground. Limbs were pulled tight to his chest as he curled into a little ball, glancing about. Maybe he could live here. That would be good. It just needed a few dolls, and nice things.


06-23-2013, 07:40 PM

Whatever deity that had chosen to create such a godforsaken place was surely scorned by the russet prince's thoughts as he weaved as artfully as possible through the labyrinth of thorns. He cursed audibly, the word stricken by a half-cry as his right foreleg stung and dripped blood down it's innermost side. Tail curled protectively around his back left hip, unwilling to tear or tangle amongst the briars. He growled and spat at the plants, flustered with their very existence and his inability to escape their snares. Lime eyes narrowed in pain as he trudged through, walking a very fine line between two large patches of bramble bushes, intent upon keeping out of them. He didn't know how long this path would go before he had to delve into the depths of the floral-demons, but he knew he had to get out - and so he would push forward.

Noises had been heard for some time, letting him know he was not alone in this puzzle of places. He wondered if the other was having as horrid a time as he was trying to get out of here. It would be then that the prince's mind struck an idea. Perhaps the stranger could help him out of here. Of course it was quite obvious that the other hadn't escaped yet and probably had no clue how to, but somehow it seemed like less of a trial if he didn't have to go through it alone. "Hello?" He cried out in the most inquisitive of tones. Deciding it was best to stay where he was, he withdrew into a sitting position, keeping his limbs and extremities pulled in as closely to his core as he could.



07-03-2013, 09:31 PM

The beast remained squeezed in a little ball for a few more moments, his grin still curled about his lips, cutely pleased. He listened to the sounds of the occasional bird, and the rustling of other animals that were surely here; Mother Nature?s brutality could not keep her children out. And then a distinct word rose above the murmurs of sound, and Caesar?s head lifted up from the mass of tangled fur that he?d melted into. Someone had said hello! And so he responded in a way that seemed just the polite thing to do. ?Hi!? he barked loudly, grinning from ear to ear though whoever had spoken was still some distance away and unseen. He needed to go find this stranger!

With much excitement, the imp leaped up and shook himself, flinging bits of dead plant from his fur. In a flash, he was off, darting through the underbrush, ignoring the various tugs and scrapes at his skin. In moments he?d found his way to the apparent owner of the voice, and halted some few yards in front of him. ?Hi!? he barked again, still grinning, ?who?s this?? Inquisitive blue eyes traced over the strangers form as Caesar remained standing, panting slightly. ?He?s so red,? he cooed his thought aloud, interested.