
To All Alacritis Members


06-20-2013, 11:14 PM
I know this isn't the right sub-board for this but I couldn't find an out of character place to put this.

After eight years of role playing and being a part of different forums and different role playing communities I want to say that Alacritis is by far the best forum I have ever joined and is currently the only one I am a member of. The community here has been nothing but polite, kind and even loving to me and it's extremely difficult for me to express just how much I appreciate this. I have not seen this level of friendliness anywhere else. I know there is a bit of conflict going on right now and we should all know that agitation during such conflicts is natural and that it's okay to have disagreements and be upset. We are all different people with different feelings and different levels of tolerance. But I also want to say that disagreements should not be the basis of leaving a forum that you have been dedicated to, especially Alacritis which I truly believe to be a special and unique place. I am in no way saying that anyone is wrong in their opinions. But I hope for the personal sake of our members and for the sake of our community that we do not allow disagreements to push us to quit forums or quit friendships. I just want all of you to know that you're loved and that you're thought of.