
Let me bleed you dry


06-20-2013, 03:19 PM

She had returned to the scene of the crime. No real reason, the body was certainly long gone by now, claimed by her pack or resting in some predators belly. It hadn't sated her hunger at all, it was to big of a crowd, they killed to quickly. Wolves had flocked in from where, some to join in and others to fetch help. She had followed one, and he led her back to his pack, not that he knew that of course. Coral jewels scanned the hills, snow still littered the ground, winter couldn't end fast enough. Between the snow and her heat, she hated everything at the moment. Paws sunk into the frozen substance, looking for the buffalo that typically resided here, but the massive beasts had vanished. No surprise, the she devil wasn't one to make good company. Especially now. She wanted blood.

That bitch had only given her a taste, teasing her tongue. The massive woman wanted more. Her shadow moved up to one of the hill tops, it gave her a view of the surrounding area, blanketed in nothing but white, with a few trees here and there. Haunches dropped to the earth, tail curling around her paws. Memories flashed in her mind as she recalled the woman's last dying breath, her cry for help, and when it came, it was too late. Her death arrived to quickly, to painlessly. And the chances of finding another walking up to deaths door was slim. Though it wouldn't be surprising to see her pack combing the area, but any scent or clue would be long gone.

For the vast amount of wolves that seemed to live here, it was surprising that she hadn't run into anymore. She had only seen a handful of wolves. She found it odd. Shouldn't she be running into loners all over the place, one couldn't walk without smelling another. She was curious if her brother had anymore luck. Last time she saw him, she had interrupted his attempt to fuck some random whore. He was probably off nursing his wounds somewhere. The thought had a smirk tugging at her lips.

Lifting her gaze skyward, eyes settled on the low hanging moon. It illuminated the white landscape, making everything look like it was glowing. The soft light reflected off her silvery pelt, giving her a ghostly appearance. She thought about letting a howl shatter the night, summoning someone to her side. But it was always much more fun for someone to unexpectedly stumble into the jaws of death. Crown dropped to its normal level once more, she had learned how to be patient. Whoever it was that showed up, would be drawn in slowly, she would take her time with this one.


06-21-2013, 05:00 PM

The weather was pleasant. Not too hot and not too cold. Night had descended tenderly over the hilled land, and the moon presented itself generously from the onyx canvas. Pale shine spread over the rises in the land, obstructed by few trees. It lit the way, and the hellion felt comfortable as he traipsed along. The shadows draped welcomingly over his black shoulders, and moonlight caressed his scarred face. The air smelled fresh and soothing, and all was quiet, save the soft chirps of hidden bugs. The canine?s ruffled tail hung limp, swaying gently behind him as his twiggy legs tugged him along aimlessly. His jaws were split apart in an open grin, his tongue rolling out though he was not hot. His eyes did not smile as his lips did, but instead searched frantically over the area, empty of genuine emotion. There were bumps in the earth everywhere. Big ones. Not natural. Not normal. He couldn?t decide whether he liked them or not.

Ever inquisitive, the imp would scamper over to the nearest one. Nature had for the most part reclaimed whatever had been disturbed ? dominating it with a plentiful coating of thriving grass ? but it was still clear that this was not normal. The little beast placed a petite paw upon the slope, and lowered his head to sniff curiously at it. It smelled like grass. Fine enough. He shrugged to himself, and grinned his empty grin again before bounding forward onto the mound. When he had all fours on, he paused again, prodding the ground with a forepaw. Felt stable? His tongue swung up to wipe along his lips, and he would proceed to strut up to the top. Great. He could see stuff from here. With his body rigid, he would turn his nose upwards and don the snootiest expression he could, feeling momentarily majestic beneath the glorious moon. King Caesar. For a moment.

The howl of another broke the tranquility and his imagination, and he blinked his eyes open, his head sinking back down some. Someone was calling! Excitement swam in his ghastly blue eyes, and the grin slapped back upon his face, horrendously stretched and fang flashing. A shrill cry, more of a bark, was sent back in reply. Caesar was not so good at howling. He sounded more like a coyote, but never did it deter him from using his voice. In an instant he?d dropped to the ground, and begun rolling down the mound. He?d been planning on doing it anyways, so why not now while he was going to meet someone? It proved to be sufficiently fun. He sprung up with a fierce energy at the end, and promptly shot off in the direction the call had come from.

Eventually he would spot the shape of another canine up ahead, and his excitement magnified. It was a large, ashen colored woman, and she appeared quite ethereal beneath the moonlight. She was pretty! Caesar skidded to a halt a few yards away, panting. ?Hi!? he barked, his high voice doused in innocence. ?Caesar is here!? he confirmed. His tail swished from side to side, clearly pleased, and his tattered ears leaned forward eagerly.


06-26-2013, 05:45 PM
A strange little creature prowled the night, weaving in and out of her view. His dark form had been visible from her position, it was rather amusing watching him bound from place to place as though he had no idea what he was looking at. She shook her head slowly, a soft amused laugh bubbled briefly in her throat. It was queitly cut off by a shrill noise that supposed was meant to be a bark. But to what? She didn't howl, hadn't made a noise. A brow lifted as the lanky shadow came racing towards her. How interesting. He skidded to a stop, his words eagerly reaching her ears. Caesar is here! So he spoke in third person? This wolf just got more and more interesting. Coral eyes roamed over his tiny form, he looked as though he hadn't eaten in months, his coat was poorly kept, bones sticking out. He looked so breakable. Plume wagged behind him, everything about him screamed excitement, like she was the best person in the world right now.

"Hello my dear. As always her voice a low lusty purr, rolling off her tongue and wrapping around you like silk. He had stopped a few yards away, outside of her striking zone. "No need to be so far, I don't bite." A coy smile curled her lips upward as she let a shiver roll down her spine. He appeared to be so innocent, eyes wide with naivety. He was oblivious to the threat she held. The killer that resided in her eyes, the very faint smell of blood that seemed to linger around her, though it was currently masked by the smell of her heat. Poor boy, so clueless to the fact that he may never see the sunrise again. She had remained in her seat position, crown tipped towards him, her outward appearance made it seem like he was the only wolf in the world that matter, that he was current addiction. When all she really wanted was the blood that pumped through his veins.

OOC- *drools on acrylic art*


07-03-2013, 10:23 PM

She spoke to him with a lovely voice, something sweet and enticing. It made him feel comfortable, soothed even ? clearly oblivious to any potential malicious undertones or hints. When she urged him closer, his lifted his brows high with surprise, cocking his marred head to the side. ?She doesn?t?? curiosity and surprise painting the childish, high edges of his voice as he questioned. Her phrase had very much gone over his head. ?But everyone bites!? he grinned, bounding a few feet closer despite his own comment contradicting her statement. Caesar loved biting. And as far as he knew, everyone else did. After all, how would you get food down your food chute if you didn?t?

He had neared curiously, a single forefoot still raised for a moment before he set it back down. Did she want him to touch her or something? He lowered his head slightly, his coal nose wiggling as he sniffed the air and inspected her. She had very interesting markings, and oh what lovely eyes. The imp?s tongue briefly slipped from his jaws to wipe along his lips as he stared, unblinking at her face. ?She has very nice eyes,? he commented. Eyes were very interesting things. All round and shiny. They looked so squishy, but they weren?t really. Some were dull and lusterless, while others were interestingly hued and bright, like gems to be taken and kept. He wanted them. A soft sight left his lips before he straightened, focusing more on the marking on her face. It was unusual too. Sudden and odd, like a mask. Even more so than Caesar?s own, fading shade on his face. ?She?s got an interesting face thingy. Does it come off?? he piped. There was a strip of darkness going up her nose to her forehead, like a tab that he could grab and peel off. Would her skin come off with it, all neat and fanciful?


07-05-2013, 02:14 PM

His childish grin and surprise was comical. A smile tugged as the corner of her mouth, holding back a laugh. The tiny brute moved closer, fearless, or clueless. Probably clueless. Amusement glittered her thought while her outward appearance remained void of expression, expect for her smirk. She has very nice eyes. She didn't respond, whether or not it was a compliment didn't matter. His next statement, however, was more than interesting. "I'm afraid not." Coral pools looked down at him, now that he was closer, his small size was drastically different from hers, forcing her skull to tip forward to be able to look at him evenly. "You're awfully mangy looking." Tones made her comment sound like a compliment rather than an insult. She leaned towards him, words a dangerous noose. She wondered what he would taste like. He had hardly any meat on him, if any at all, just skin and bones. Her mouth watered. But she would wait. Would he linger around to play her game? Or would he flee? It didn't seem as though he had the brains to know when to run, otherwise he wouldn't have come closer.

"Caesar," He had spoken his name upon his arrival, announcing that he was here. "Do you have a home?" She didn't really care, only wanting to know if someone would come looking for him, should he have the misfortune of disappearing suddenly. She played her part. Pretending to be harmless, innocent, a helpless damsel. It was irritating really, having to lure some in this way. But the results were more than satisfying. She could picture it already, his blood staining her pelt, bathing her in red. Stop! She shut her thoughts up, not wanting to ruin everything just yet. She would play along for now, laying in wait.

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