
Dodge, Dive, Dip, Duck And... Dodge!


09-27-2014, 07:27 PM

Allen would glance around as others continue to arrive, giving a soft sigh as he noticed a certain presence not with them. Aiko had not yet appeared, and the male wondered if she had paid attention at all. It did irk him some, and Allen was going to have a serious talk with the young wolfess regardless if she showed up to this fight training or not. After some time the Bevroren leader, Athena, would begin to pair them up. Gaze would shift to the blue hued woman he was paired with. Allen would quietly look upon her. The blue coloring seemed... Out of place to him. Perhaps it was because he was so used to Quelt and his siblings being the only ones that he had seen in Alacritia with such a color, but alas there was no time to worry for that now.

Going off a bit, to give himself and his sparring partner some room, Allen would turn to her with a gentle smile. About four wolf lengths were between them now. A good gap. ?Well then, miss, it seems that we are to spar. Please, take the first move.? The older wolf?s words were gentle and kind, no different, really, than talking to any other. He would set himself up in preparation for the spar to commence, a bit excited that he would have the chance to spar someone knew. There was always something you could learn new from another. Each day that passed was an opportunity to find out new things and to live. Every day, Allen would remind himself, was a gift. Keeping skills like this sharp could possible grant a wolf, or their loved ones, another day.

Allen would move almost automatically, necessary defenses coming to his brain and being set. His core was tightened, his breathing coming out calm and steady. His weight was centered and evenly distributed upon his legs. He stood firm, knees bent slightly, yet claws biting the earth, ready to hold his ground in the event of a charge. Ears would lower to his skull as it sank to align with his spine. Dark orbs would narrow and Allen would scrunch his neck, rolling his shoulders forward as he breathed in. Hackles would naturally raise as he tipped his head forward some, giving just a little added protection to his throat. Brow would furrow in concentration, ready for the spar to begin.

Rounds: Zero Out Of Two

Attacks:: None.

Defenses:: Core Tightened, Weight Evenly Distributed, Knees Bent, Ear Pinned, Tailed Tucked, Eyes Narrowed, Neck Scrunched, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Head Aligned With Spine, Hackles Raised, Chin Tipped Forward, Brow Furrowed

Injuries:: None. Fight Hasn?t Begun Yet.

Notes:: <3 Best of luck~ :3

Refs:: None needed.




3 Years
09-28-2014, 02:44 PM

There had certainly been missing members on Bevroren's side and from the smaller turn out still from Isokan Talvi would assume that they too were having some difficulties getting all members to arrive to these training sessions. Isokan was not her problem of course though Bevroren's attendance was partially her problem as the Leraar. At least Kyung had been prompt on this occasion and Devin had shown his face. Any issues could be discussed later however, now with the partners assigned it was time to move onto the fight.

She would split off from the group, following the man she had been paired with and finding a space that they could comfortably train in. The man was roughly the same height as her it seemed, though certainly stronger judging from his bulkier form. Talvi wouldn't let this daunt her however, for starters it was only a practice spar but more importantly size of course didn't guarantee a win at all.

They would come to a stop and he would offer the start of the fight to her. They could politely bounce it back and forth between each other though wasting no time, Talvi would simply accept it and as they stood before each other the pair would ready themselves for battle.

She would move smoothly, each of her paws stepping out slightly to widen her stance as toes splayed out, bending her knees slightly to lower her centre of gravity and distribute her weight and balance evenly. She would lower her neck, aligning her spine and dipping the head forwards slightly to protect her throat as best as she was able. Pulling her ears back, she pressed them against her skull and eyes narrowing both to protect to two areas. Though she held nothing against the man, her lips would still pull back, teeth exposed now in a silent snarl as she watched him cautiously. Adrenaline already kicking in, her hackles would lift anticipating the fight now ahead of her.

She would stand still for a moment, before swiftly moving forwards to close the distance. She would however as she drew nearer, twist slightly to her right, and approaching the man's left side rather than head to head. Rising on her hind legs, careful still to keep her head lowered, muzzle close to her throat for protection, her legs would aim to wrap around his torso, one along his back and the second at his chest in a hug of sorts as hoping to hold him in place. Her toes on her hind paws would grip the earth as she pushed her weight on him both for her own support more than any attempt to guide him anywhere. Her jaws would seek contact with the left side to the upper portion of his scruff towards the top of his head.

Allen vs Talvi - Spar

Round 1 of 2

Defences Widened stance, toes splayed, knees bent, even balance, aligned spine, lowered head & neck, ears pulled back, eyes narrows, lips pulled back, hackles lifted

Attacks Approaching Allen's left, "hugging" around his neck and aiming a bite to the top-left side of scruff

Injuries None. First round.


09-29-2014, 12:32 PM

Here there was no pressure in needing to highly damage one?s opponent; to fight as if defending one?s life. That was one thing that Allen had always liked about spars, how they gave the chance to get in practice for the true fights but without need for serious injury. He was almost a bit sad that he would not be able to watch Renhet as she began her first spar against a small woman of Bevroren. He felt they might be a good match-up, and hoped his great niece would do well. It was just a shame she was the only one of the children to arrive.

The woman, Talvi, would set her defenses, and watching her to do so got the adrenaline pumping in his own veins. The basic defenses would need to be kept throughout the fight -- eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, and being mindful of where his tail was. At the moment it would remain tucked up under him, the previous mentioned defenses set in place. The two were roughly of the same size, though being a male he had a bit more natural bulk to him. Dark eyes would shine from their narrowed positions. He would breath in, keeping his core tightened for strength, as he prepared himself for whatever attack she may launch.
She would come at him seemingly head-on, though Allen knew this to be a favored tactic of many first beginning a fight. Closing the distance between oneself and their opponent was the first necessary step and, generally, he noticed a wolf would then favor to head off to either the right or left of an opponent to attack somewhere near the front. Brow stayed furrowed, trying to concentrate on her path. Rather than make a move to get ready to dodge, Allen braced himself to receive and counter whatever she had in mind. Keeping his weight even, his balance centered, all the calico had to do was wait those few seconds.

Her body would twist slightly to the right, his left, and Allen would take just a step forward, keeping his head lowered and aligned with his spine. His shoulders stayed in their rolled forward positions, sacrificing a bit of the scrunched area of his neck so that he could turn his head towards the left of his own body as Talvi?s body lifting off the earth. Her left foreleg would land across his back, her right foreleg wrapping closer to his chest, resting along in front of his shoulder. Rather than having tried to dodge that move, Allen would instead roll with it, even as he felt Talvi?s fangs sink in to the upper portion of his scruff, though, due to his step forward, it was now closer to the middle of the scruff where her jaws landed.

Allen would throw his weight down as an anchor, to support both himself and the woman on top of him. As her jaws found their mark his own would seek the left side of her own body, aiming to grab hold of the lower part of his side, closer to where the belly would begin, roughly three-fourths along her length. With the rest of his legs in place, shifting some so that he would be able to keep his weight distributed and maintain his balance, Allen swiped his left foreleg toward Talvi?s back left ankle, hoping to catch her off-balance. The strain of reaching forward would also have her fangs sink in a bit deeper to his neck, making the puncture wounds now a little over quarter of an inch deep.

Rounds:: One out of Two

Attacks:: ?As her jaws found their mark his own would seek the left side of her own body, aiming to grab hold of the lower part of his side, closer to where the belly would begin, roughly three-fourths along her length.? // Paw swipe to back left ankle.

Defenses:: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, hackles raised, core tightened, weight evenly distributed, head aligned with his spine, shoulders rolled forward , brow furrowed, legs planted to help support Talvi?s weight while he swipes at her paw

Injuries:: Quart inch punctures to upper-left part of the middle of his scruff.

Note:: If you need a diagram where his attack is intending to land I'll provide one. :3




3 Years
10-03-2014, 04:09 PM

Her first moves happened quickly and by the time she had settled, jaws finding their place at his scruff it seemed that she had been rather successful in her ambitions. A little off the previous mark, hitting the thicker skin lower down the scruff than the delicate layers closer to the head though with his own movements as well teeth would lightly puncture, proof that she had gotten in her first attack without complete failure.

Of course Allen would react swiftly however, whilst she had not sought a deadly target point, Talvi had still found herself in a somewhat stronger position at that moment, her balance of course relied upon his own and as his weight dropped it would startle her a little, bite would accidentally tighten more than she had intended, tearing the skin further. Allen however would show no weakness at the wounds and the fight of course would continue.

Her balance now regained once more, steady in her position and widened back paws and stretched toes kept their grip upon the floor. Her grip had released slightly so not to cause the man too much damage still remained in place as each plotted the next moves to make. Whilst many of her previous defences remained in place out of habit, her ears still firmly against her skull, eyes narrowed, hackles raised and throat of course now protected by Allen himself, a spot he would not be able to reach without first ridding her from his shoulders. Her tail remained out straight, keeping her spine in line though there was little that could be done for her side now, stretched across him as she was and Allen would take his chance there now.

Her front left paw would slide as he twisted, unable to keep the grasp across his chest any longer. Though of course his jaws had sought their place before she could fully release the grip of her own and place her front right paw upon the ground once more as well. Balance would of course be knocked further as he made an attempt for her hind leg, though the front left now resting lightly upon the ground would block the attempt from completely sweeping her and instead unsettle her further, her right leg would for now still remain upon his back, though doing little to aid her as she toppled slightly down to her left, hind legs fortunately preventing her from completely rolling. This change of position would mean that likewise Allen's attack wouldn't land completely as planned and instead would seek contact at the lower ribs, fortunately the blow hadn't been delivered with force behind it, the ribs remaining intact though teeth still pierced the skin covering them.

Such an area was not one easy to hold onto and whilst she ran the risk of a further scrape if he attempted to grip, she would retrieve her paw now and fully stabilise her balance across her paws. Her head would once more be tucked into place, keeping her neck and tail straight to align her spine once more. Knees would bend till she was lower to the ground than the man before her and then she would spring once more, aiming once more for his left but for the throat this time rather than the scruff. Here she was careful to exercise control however, a light contact, one that might lightly pierce the skin but would definitely allow the man to escape and retreat. In a real fight perhaps she wouldn't be so kind though she certainly did not wish Allen dead.

Allen vs Talvi - Spar

Round 2 of 2

Defences Back legs wide and toes splayed to keep them rooted whilst upper body relied more upon Allen for balance, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, spine aligned. Stabilise balance across all four paws, knees bent, head lowered

Attacks Sink underneath Allen before aiming to 'bite' the left side of his throat

Injuries Puncture to skin around lower ribs, possible scrape as retreat (depending on Allen's actions)

Notes Sorry for the delay Keno. Days ran away from me and ended up getting some work at the last minute.


10-14-2014, 12:01 PM

Both of the two wolves had their successes and failures in the first round, even if their attacks didn?t go completely as planned. But when you fought a living, breathing opponent, spar or not, they were going to move. One wouldn?t just stand there and allow themselves to be attacked -- they?d fight back. At least, most of the time. But regardless the purpose of this spar was battle training, was it not? So they had to fight to prepare themselves in case battle was upon them. It was not a settling thought, honestly, but Allen would prepare for it all the same. He had no choice if he wanted to be ready to protect Isokan; protect his family.

Yes, overall Talvi was probably in a stronger position, but the tide of battle could swiftly change if one used their head. But considering the reason behind this battle there was no need to go all out. The goal wasn?t to seriously hurt or maim each other after all. Not that there wasn?t pain, no, the bite Talvi landed upon his scruff stung, but it was more minimal damage compared to some injuries in battle. It was one he could endure without too much consequence. Even with her bite tightened, however, he would not give in, moving on with his own attack.

As he twisted he would feel both her grip lessen -- perhaps not to cause him too much injury in this practice spar -- and her left forepaw slide from it?s place to fall upon the ground once more. Allen was trying to compromise her balance in the sweep for her back left ankle, but with her front left leg resting on the ground now rather than completely manage to sweep the appendage out from under his opponent he would unsettle her balance a bit further. This would cause Talvi to topple downward slightly to her left, changing their positions up so that his bite would not land at the area intended, but lower still, connecting to her lower ribs. Fangs would pierce the skin, but with lack of force her ribs would be fine. At worst he would have only intended to bruise them in a fight like this. Crippling his sparring partner certainly wouldn?t earn them any points with their allied pack, now would it?

Allen would release her ribs a mere second or so after completing the bite. To hold onto the area would be risky, and compromise his own defenses. So upon the release he would take two quick steps backward, as well as shifting his degree to the right by a step. In the very brief second or so of a breathy they held the brute did a subconscious correction of any defenses that may have slipped during their shifting of positions.

His ears had remained flat against his skull, unchanged throughout the fight, just as his eyes remained narrowed to protect the vital organs of sight. Tail would instead raise from it?s tucked position, however, aligning with his spine, to aid him in balance as the next set of attacks would begin. Brow furrowed in concentration and determination -- serving as a smaller defense for his face. His core remained tightened, keeping his breathing a bit more steady, while with all four paws still upon the ground his weight was evenly distributed between them. Knees were bent slightly, his claws digging into the earth to give him a bit of a ?ready? position to respond to the next move Talvi threw his way.

His head would lower some, re-aligning with his spine, with his shoulders rolled forward into place once more. His chin was tipped downward just a touch as well, to give a bit of added protection to his throat. Due to the damage on his scruff scrunching it too much would irritate the injury and cause more pain, so he would sacrifice that defense. Hackles remained raised, however, to keep some sort of added buffer against bites.

Surprisingly Talvi sought to drop lower to the ground so that she lower than he was. Allen would move simultaneously with the blue and silver femme, not one to just sit there in the heat of battle and let his opponent dictate how the moves would go. The calico male would spring forward as well, and due to his shifted position when Talvi fell back upon the ground, her jaws would fall upon his left breast rather than his throat. He was trying to throw his weight forward, more of an aim to stun his opponent than to push her back, but because of that attempt the man ended up throwing himself more into her jaws, making her initial punctures deeper than intended. Along with the counter ram attempted Allen would shift his head to the left, aiming for Talvi?s neck above her left shoulder. This time he sought a hold of his own, the bite aimed to deliver moderate damage. A bit of seriousness was need, surely, but nowhere near what either was truly capable of. Being of Bevroren, former Glaciem, Allen had little doubt his opponent could have been a much more nasty opponent if this were a serious fight.

Allen vs. Talvi For Fight Training Spar

Round:: Two of Two

Attacks:: Frontal ram, more of an attempt to stun Talvi [doing additional damage to Allen, as shown in injuries], as well as a moderate bite and grip attempt upon the left side of Talvi?s neck above her shoulder.

Defenses:: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail raised and aligned with his spine, brow furrowed, core tightened, weight evenly distributed across all four paws, knees bent with claws digging into the earth, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, hackles raised

[First Round] Quarter-Inch Deep punctures to the upper-left part of the middle of Allen?s scruff.
[Second Round] Quarter-Inch Deep punctures to the upper-left part of the middle of Allen?s scruff. Minor tearing to the same area due to Talvi?s shift when he made his paw swipe and she slid slightly downward and to the left. Moderate punctures to the left side of Allen?s upper chest, worsened then the initially planned bite due to Allen throwing himself into Talvi?s jaws with his ram attempt.

Notes:: --
