
Things Are Strange


09-27-2014, 07:16 PM

So he went to the victor?s pack, as he said he would. But honestly Thanatos? courage began to waver when he was alone again. Once more the boy fell into his usual state, moving along at his own slow pace and taking things in. Things were different, and that other pup kept shooting him glares, yet the gimp-legged pup had done nothing to him so Thany didn?t bother with him either. This was his home, it was, yet... He would give a soft sigh. No. It wasn?t really home. The woman had taken not only the title of the pack to make her own but their land... Insult to injury, truly. But perhaps, Thanatos thought, he might still learn something yet. He had been back here for only a short time yet...

Thanatos would stop just as he crossed into the territory of Emerald Valley. As his mother said, the woman, Katja, didn?t really have to manpower to keep all of him and his siblings here. But the boy knew he couldn?t go off on his own. He was still but a child, and not yet truly out of his shell he wasn?t eager to go far beyond ?home? without another.

Coming to rest under a tree the boy would close his eyes, giving a sigh. ?Great gods and goddessses... Please help my family... Win our home back... Our freedom... I want us all... To be happy...? He would say quietly.

Walk "Talk" Think