
Step Lightly


06-18-2013, 12:12 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:12 AM by Yin.)

She couldn't trust anyone; she wouldn't trust anyone. There was no one on the face of the planet who wasn't her brother that she could trust. How could she? The whole lot of them were incompetent fools! Idiocy and stupidity ran rampant in the world and Yin was fed up with it. How could there not be any respectable wolves like her brother Yang? He was so level-headed, so calm, always thinking through things and rationalizing situations. She was the complete opposite of her brother; angry, irrational, a hot head, quick to anger and extremely impulsive. There wasn't anyone that could control her fiery temper, except for her brother of course. She wasn't sure what it was about him, but for some reason whenever he spoke to her or simply touched her, it was like all her fire was put out instantaneously. She could be ready to murder but the moment Yang touched her, she would completely abandon her objective. Her parents had told her she and her brother were twins, their opposed colored tails a clear sign. She supposed that was the reason he was able to affect her so greatly whenever it came to her actions around others.

But he wasn't around right now. She'd separated from his side to investigate the new lands for herself, since no one had bothered to show up at the battlefield to fill them in. Yang had been adamant that she stay with him and wait, but she'd gotten to restless. She wanted and she wanted answers now. Standing around and waiting for them just wasn't going to suit her. She was a woman of action, not idle waiting like her brother. So in spite of his insistence Yin took off, needing to feel the new terrain beneath her paws, to map out the land herself instead of having someone tell her what it was like. And so she'd gone, not knowing where she was going but just needing to go somewhere. Her ivory paws carried her to a sandy beach, but unlike one she'd ever been to before. The beaches back in the areas around China had had tan colored sand. This beach had obsidian stained sand, a strange thing for the white woman. It felt just like any other beach, but the coloring threw her off. But she had to admit, beneath the light of the moon, it looked ten times more astounding than any regular beach could. The giant pillars of what looked to be some kind of rock made the beach look that much more alluring, reeling in the newcomer like a moth to a flame. The gentle crashing of the waves caught her attention, mismatched sea green and icy eyes wandering to the darkened water, watching it repeatedly attack the shore only to retreat and start its attack anew. It was so...peaceful.

A quiet growl rumbled in her chest, but she didn't move from her spot at the shoreline, just beyond the reach of the freezing waves. She shouldn't be standing here, watching water. She should be out searching for someone to give her answers, to tell her exactly where she was and who lived here and who was in charge and everything else that she needed to know about this strange place. And yet here she was, a white ghost with a dark tail, watching the water, surrounded by gargantuan pillars, simply being for a moment.

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06-18-2013, 01:00 AM
Looking back, his prints strayed behind him for as far as he could see...a trail that perhaps his sister might find. They became separated, an unseen enemy attacked them. It was over as fast as it had happened, the only result...a fresh cut on his face and his missing sister. He had tried to track her scent, but the scent of carrion covered it, demolishing his chances completely. He had howled, but nobody answered. Where the fuck was he!? He glanced to his right, nothing but an endless swath of Ocean. The moon reflected off of it, in turn bouncing the light onto him, making him look like a strange dream to the eyes of another. He sneezed, this damn salt air made him shudder. It coated his thick fur, making it feel heavy and dirty. Not only that, but it made his tongue feel dryer then normal...he hadn't seen any fresh water around where he went. He had come by a puddle, but there was a dead rotting bird in it. There was no way he'd risk it, for once, he wouldn't risk it. Not as long as he was alone, but with his sister around, it'd be another story...

He stopped and threw his head back, a long drawling sound escaped his powerful jaws. A cry of loneliness as he experienced being away from his sister for such a long period of time. They were always together, ever since they were left alone, abandoned, left to die as pups in the unforgiving frosts that began that Fall, several years ago. They were always together...always.
When he had a job to do, she'd accompany him to ensure that he would have backup if anything went wrong...and knowing him, something always did.
His teeth snapped shut as a moth flew by. He watched it go higher towards the sky before it made a kamikaze dive towards the ground...

"Hmph, stupid creatures...can't even keep yourself alive for more then a minute." He sneered, the Moth had drowned itself in a rising wave. Shaking his head, he moved on. Not knowing where to go, or where he was...he could do nothing but trek on. The only signs of life he had seen in this scape was the unknown enemy, and a wolves, no prey, nothing. He sighed with frustration, where the hell was civilization!?

He lifted his head, what was that? He sniffed again...a scent? This time it wasn't salt or carrion, no. It was another creature, alive with a beating heart. He quickened his pace, who was it? A wolf, obviously. That much he knew. He fell into a quick trot, his lope crossing line with the shallow waves. He hopped away from them as the cold water shocked his feet, stinging his pads. He neared a strip of giant rocks and boulders that lied on the sand, separating the land. He slowly climbed upwards, the wind tugging his ear fur, whistling, leading him. He carefully peered over the rocks, there below some feet away, standing in the sand was the wolf whom he scented. His fur blended with the rock, his eyes reflected the moon. He clambered onto the rocks and lied down on a flat one, forelegs crossed and a grin on his face. She hadn't seen him yet...she seemed more focused on the view in front of her.


06-18-2013, 01:26 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:15 AM by Yin.)

And then the momentary peace, something extremely rare for her was shattered completely, the fragments lost among the crashing waves before her. She felt him before she scented or even saw him. Her parents had trained her well enough as a youngster for battle, heightening her sense of awareness. Not many wolves were able to do this, so her parents had told her, so being able to sense an incoming intrude or threat was something that was highly valued. It was like she was much more connected to the earth beneath her paws, which allowed her to expand her senses beyond what was a normal capacity. It was like she could feel the drumming of his paws against the ground, despite his distance from her being great. But once he came within her area, her sensing of him became more acute. She could feel his eyes drilling into her spine, watching her from afar. Without completely turning around the ivory she-wolf inclined her head towards the breeze, nostrils flaring as she hunted for his scent. There. Unfamiliar, and rogue, with the hint of another's on his pelt. The other scent was remarkably similar to his. Could he have a sibling that he traveled with, like Yin did? She was sure he could smell Yang on her if he hadn't already caught her scent. Even if there was a slight similarity between them didn't mean that she was going to welcome his presence with open paws.

Nape bristled, ripping against her shoulders, mimicking the waves crashing against the beach, audits rotating backwards as his voice drifted into her ears. Lost? A snarl worked itself up and over her pearly lips as they pulled back to expose her gleaming dentures. Yin pivoted to the right, sea green and icy eyes coming across the rogue's figure as he laid perched atop some of the rocks not to far from the shoreline. The snarl thrummed inside her chest as she let it ripple out into the atmosphere, crossing the distance between the two to reach his ears. Why are you? she replied threateningly, body tense, muscles coiled and ready to react at the slightest provocation. So much for peace.

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06-18-2013, 01:59 AM
An exasperated sigh escaped his lips. This one should he put it...uptight. He stood and yawned, her threatening gesture didn't bother him at all. He could kill her now if he wanted too, but he didn't want to, nor did he feel like it. With a shake of his fur, he bounced from rock to rock, ignoring her angry defenses. He landed neatly on his paws, the sand spraying out on all sides of him, sticking to his legs. Head cocked to the side, a grin still on his face he raised a brow at her.
"Chill out will ya? I'm not gonna eat you. Geez, what's up with girls these days." He rolled his eyes. If she wanted to be left alone, well then she'd have to chase him away. It would do good for him to have a little teaser around, he could use the exercise anyhow. With amusement on his features, he knew that this girl would probably get all the more angrier...unless she didn't know what to make of him since he was not showing any threat to her. The breeze that carried in from the waters stirred up the sand between them, ruffling his fur and his right ear which flopped against his head.

"Say, you're not alone are you? Your scent is mixed, you were traveling with someone. A relative maybe? Did you get separated? Chased away? An argument perhaps? Or maybe you just wanted to get some air? Either way, my question was not answered. As for me, I'm just...out for a stroll."
It was a lie, obviously. But she didn't know that, nor would he tell her why he was around here...not with her attitude. How could he trust someone like that? He snorted as sand whipped up his nose, curse this damn landscape! He hated it! With his sister it wasn't so bad because they played around or she teased him about it, but alone with someone he didn't know, it frustrated him. Especially when the beach irked him in front of a stranger!
The moon shone down on his fur, an ethereal figure standing on the shore, the only giveaway of his silhouette against the rock was the white of his body and his deep clear blue eyes. The color of clear Caribbean waters...ironic, considering he didn't very much like the ocean. But his sister did, oh how he missed her...clearing away his trailing thoughts, he waited for an answer from this seemingly bi-polar she wolf.


06-18-2013, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:17 AM by Yin.)

And her reason for distrusting and more or less hating the rest of the world was standing right in front of her. It was wolves like him that irritated her to no end. Walking around like they owned the place, like nothing could hurt them, like they knew everything. Some people just needed to wake up and realize that they weren't kings or queens of the world, that they were at the mercy of the world and her will. She could rid them from the face of the planet if she so wished, making it as if they had never existed. Some just needed a real hard bitch slap to the face. Then again, she held nothing personal against this guy, he was just part of the rest of the world, the rest of the world that she so happened to have a problem with. Had Yang been with her he would have calmed her down and spoken the with the man, asking him questions, trying to befriend him. The ache that had sprung up inside of her chest at her separation from her brother pulsed heavily inside of her chest, making her acutely aware that she needed her other half with her. Would he come looking for her or would he wait until she came back to him?

She watched with narrowed eyes, the snarl having died inside her throat as he descended from the rocks, acting as if she was just standing there, expressionless instead of hostile. He landed before her, obsidian sand flying away from his paws at his landing, a grin plastered across his lips as he raised an eyebrow at her, telling her to relax. Onyx whipcord lashed dangerously from side to side, shoulders rolling as she fought to control herself and the anger that was bubbling beneath the surface. Who are you to tell me what to do? she rumbled, a hint of a growl tingeing her words as he began firing questions at her. Lips remained pulled back against her gums, pearly dentures gleaming against the pale light of the moon. Say, you're not alone are you? Your scent is mixed, you were traveling with someone. A relative maybe? Did you get separated? Chased away? An argument perhaps? Or maybe you just wanted to get some air? Either way, my question was not answered. As for me, I'm just...out for a stroll. So he had scented Yang on her. She had expected as much. Nosy bastard. No, I came with my brother Yang. I left him behind near the battlefield because I hate waiting around. She snorted at the last set of words, not believing them for a second, his scent having told her otherwise. I'm not the only who's scent is mixed. Where is your sister? Did she decide to leave you behind? Or were you separated? Yin boldly threw out her assumption that his traveling companion was his sister, though she knew she was more than likely right. Sarcasm laced her words as she turned the tables around and presented him with his own questions. Treat others as you wished to be treated. Yin was excellent at that. Whenever it came to being pissed and sarcastic-like, that is.

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06-18-2013, 02:58 AM
Hansel brushed his nose with his forepaw, black against the white mask under his nose. She was a tough one, he could tell. Obviously she was pissed, and the way she stared at him made him feel like he did something to her that he actually didn't do. What was her problem? Was she upset because she was alone without her brother? Just like he without his sister? Was it possible she just couldn't do without...? Perhaps they did have something in common. He opened his eyes again, the itch gone from his muzzle now. He kept his paw I mid air as he sat and extended it forward, creating a line of sand between them. He glanced at her, his expression less comical, but still keeping friendliness on. He didn't feel like fighting, and with her, he knew that any little thing would set her off...his sister would know how to approach this. He was but the opposite of her, knowing nothing about other Females other then his sister. They were very close, he had never know what it was like to have a mate, let alone a girlfriend or a crush...and in his mind, he always thought that the chances of that ever happening would be close to zero. Who would want a wolf like him? Outside, he showed a demeanor that said he didn't care...but on the inside, he felt lonely...

Clearing his throat, he glanced at this guarded and very ticked off dame. "I just asked some simple questions, no need to bite my head off about it. He shrugged. his cut began to bleed again, he had forgotten about it until he rubbed his muzzle. Causing it to reopen. It was a deep cut, one that had already begun to smell of infection...especially with the sand that kept whipping into his face, it wouldn't heal properly. Not to mention his lack of medicinal knowledge...his sister usually helped him out."To be honest...I did get separated from my sister...I have no idea where she is, or whether she is alive or dead." His eyes watered a little at the thought of finding his sister dead somewhere in the forest...what if that thing had killed her? He'd be alone, never again to laugh or joke with her, or tell her that he loved her and that she was the best sister a guy could ask for. Blinking away the liquid formation, he looked at this she-wolf. She knew where her brother was, did she not cherish what he did? He'd give anything to have her at his side right now, she'd at least know how to keep another from trying to rip his tail off. For now, he just put on a mask to hide his falling heart.


06-18-2013, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:19 AM by Yin.)

Yang had always told her to control her anger, to try and be more approachable to others of their kind, but she just couldn't find the ability to do so. In her mind, everyone and anyone was a threat. She really had no reason to view the rest of the world like this, but she was bitter. Their family had been taken from them, drowned and starved with a drought and a flood. Her family had done absolutely nothing to deserve such a fate and yet they no longer walked the earth. Yin's family had been everything to her but now she didn't have them. She only had Yang, her last connection to her now dead family. So yes, maybe her resent towards the rest of the world wasn't fair, but she didn't think she could feel any other way. Maybe she could change her way of thinking later on, maybe not. Only time would tell.

Seeing as though he wasn't about to pose any kind of threat anytime soon, the ivory she-wolf relaxed, but just slightly. Lips curled back over dentures, hiding them from sight once again, muscles loosening, their tenseness fading away. Unable to become fully relaxed around this man, she remained standing, though her body posture didn't scream hostile so loudly. She watched him with mismatched eyes as he scratched his muzzle before bringing his paw down, drawing a line in the sand. She followed the movement with her eyes. Was he giving her space? She glanced back up at him, head cocked to the side in curiosity as his head been not to long ago, wondering why he'd done that. But she didn't have time to linger on his actions because he was speaking again, saying that he'd just asked some questions and there was no need for her to ite his head off. Right then she felt kind of stupid for her irrational behavior, but she couldn't help it. That was just the way she was, especially when her brother wasn't around. I'm sorry. I don't...really know how to be around others without my brother. she rumbled quietly, a spot of color catching her attention. Blood. He was bleeding. The ruby liquid oozed from an injury across the bridge of his muzzle. Unlike a fresh wound, this one had the smell of infection. How long had he been sporting that injury?

To be honest...I did get separated from my sister...I have no idea where she is, or whether she is alive or dead. Forgetting about his injury for a moment, she realized that he didn't correct her. So the other scent did belong to his sister. Traveling pair of siblings, just like her and her brother. Sharing something in common with a stranger was...interesting. And then she noticed something strange as she watched his fa?ade; moisture. There was moisture gathering at the corners of his eyes, but he blinked it away quickly, making her wonder if she'd really seen that. Could it be that he needed his sister to function just as much as she needed Yang to function? A new feeling began to stir in her chest, one apart from the ache of not being with her brother, one she'd never felt before. Compassion. Oh. I'm...I'm sorry you got separated. I know how it feels to be separated from your other half. She was starting to make some kind of progress right? She'd chilled out a bit and was having a somewhat normal conversation with this man who's name she didn't even know yet. A step in the right direction?

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06-18-2013, 03:07 PM
Hansel shook his head, his wound irritated him as it began to sting again. He noticed she had stopped growling at him, but her posture was still somewhat defensive. Well, Can't expect her to let her guard down right off the bat. Even I'm still wary of her, who knows what'll tick her off! His thoughts ran through his head as he tried to figure her out. She missed her brother like he missed his sister. That much he knew. But if she couldn't be without, then why did she come here alone? Surely her brother would come looking for her, or maybe she would choose to return to her brother if she thought he'd be hostile to her. Even though his job was to kill, he'd never kill in cold blood. Unlike most assassin's, he had a heart...sometimes. Though his personality seemed the total opposite of what an assassin's should be. He had noticed that she watched him draw a line in the sand, a slight confused look crossed her features as she didn't know what to make of it.

"It's understandable, still kinda learning how to be without my sister. But it's hard...seeing as how we are always together. She's all I have in this world, we don't know what to do without each other."He shook his head again, this damn cut was really starting to bother him again. He found himself on the ground now, pawing at his muzzle with both paws as he tried to relieve the burning pain that sat under his skin, taunting him. He wondered if this she-wolf would see it as a sign of weakness and take the opportunity to attack him. But the way she was now compared to earlier, he knew she wouldn't do that. From his experience, only cold blooded creatures would do that. Whining escaped him as he tore at his injury, the stinging...make it stop! It infuriated and pained him at the same time, and the curled his senses, blinding his nostrils. Blood spilled onto his tongue, this was not the metallic taste that usually poured, no. It was a foul taste, riddled with dirt and grit and indeed the curse of infection. He could feel it boiling inside him.

Hansel felt vulnerable, and in front of a stranger even more so. When the stinging and burning subsided, he remained on the ground for a moment before standing. His pride fading the more he realized he needed Gretel. Shaking his head once more, he sat with extended forepaws. Glancing at this white dame, he realized he had not yet known her name."I know our meeting was kinda...sudden and impaled with hostility, but what's your name? I'm Hansel."He added quickly, wondering if she'd feel more comfortable if he introduced himself first.


06-18-2013, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:21 AM by Yin.)

It's understandable, still kinda learning how to be without my sister. But it's hard...seeing as how we are always together. She's all I have in this world, we don't know what to do without each other. So he too needed his sibling to function. It was kind of pathetic at times, to think that she couldn't go for very long separated from her brother without snapping. She was an adult now, not the young yearling from a few years ago that always wanted to tag along with her brother if her parents separated her from him would have a fit. She was sufficiently grown enough to be on her own, but she didn't want to be. He was her only family, the only one she had left in the world and she couldn't bare the thought of loosing him. She couldn't loose him, not him too. That would be too much. I know how you feel. Yang is here in this new place with me. I've only been away from him for a couple of hours but I already feel the insistent need to return to his side. She sighed quietly to herself, wishing her brother was beside her before the man before her caught her attention once again.

He was shaking his head, as if something was bothering him, as he lowered himself to the ground, swiping at his muzzle with both paws. His injury. Yin watched him with furrowed brows as he swiped at his muzzle, as if trying to relieve himself. She could only imagine how he felt with that cut on his nose. She was sure the salty atmosphere wasn't making things any better. A pained whine tore from his blood-stained jaws as the ruby liquid began to ooze from the wound, slipping down his jaws to coat the inside of them. He wrestled with it some more before it apparently calmed enough for it to be bearable, the man able to bring himself back to his paws. She would've helped, but she had no clue as to what herbs were good for what, so she was pretty much useless. She could take him to some fresh water ponds she'd spotted closer to the rock pillars, but helping others wasn't something she usually did so she kept her jaws shut, audits pricking forward as he spoke again, introducing himself as Hansel. A bow of acknowledgement was presented to Hansel before she introduced herself. I...I um, apologize for that again. But it is...nice to meet you Hansel. My name is Yin. Another successful answer. Was it possible she could be able to be around others without wanting to tear into them?

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06-18-2013, 04:55 PM
Well, nice to meet you Yin. You don't have to worry, although my job is to assassinate, I'll never kill in cold blood.
His right ear flopped with the breeze. He was an odd sight to another, not many had physical features like his. But he didn't mind,it was a part of him he liked. It made him different then most wolves, even though he got teased about didn't bother him anymore. What used to be a hated part of him, now became his best distinct quality. He looked Yin over, what were her distinctive features? For one, he noticed the coloring on her tail and her eyes. It was strange to see those markings on a wolf, and her eyes especially. As strange as it was, he had never seen a wolf with two different colored eyes. It was sad really, but he never cared much to make friends. He always tried to keep from making relationships with anyone, mostly because that wolf could end up being his next target.

Indeed,his life was a lonely one. With the exception of his sister that is. Other then that, he didn't really try to make friends. But maybe it wouldn't hurt to have at least one...he swiped his tongue over his nose, the foul taste was still there. If only Gretel were here. He silently cursed himself, sure she was the only family he had left, but he didn't have to depend on her for everything. He felt stupid, useless, like a helpless pup always needing its mother. Not that he would know what that was like...they were abandoned in the forest. Maybe that's why he grew up with a distant heart, one that refused to make connections with others. But he was changing. Slowly, but surely...or so he liked to believe. The realization came to him, sooner or later he would have to learn how to be on his own. Pulling himself from his thoughts, he focused on her. His wound throbbed, that creatures claws were as sharp as knives and must have had something on them if his wound kept pestering him like this.

Hey, do you know where we are? I'm not from here...I'm sure that's obvious.He looked out over the water, the endlessness that reached as far as the eye could see. Then returned his gaze to the dame, was she from these parts?Where's your pack, anyway?


06-18-2013, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:23 AM by Yin.)

Well, nice to meet you Yin. You don't have to worry, although my job is to assassinate, I'll never kill in cold blood. He was an assassin, a man who had been trained to take the life of another. Her parents had told her about wolves like those. Usually they were cold-hearted, merciless wolves who's only goal in life was to complete the next mission, to take the next head that had been branded. But he didn't look like any of those wolves that her parents had told her about. Then again, assassins didn't have a specified look that they all had. Assassins could come in all shapes in sizes. Some looked like they could be assassins and others didn't. Hansel didn't really look like one. Not that she knew what an assassin looked like, but still. I wasn't worried. Usually it's the other way around whenever others are present. she reassured him. Despite his job description, she wasn't in the least bit threatened or fearful. She could handle her own if need be.

She could feel his gaze on her, roaming her figure, studying her. She glanced away, allowing her two-toned gaze to fall on the dark water so he could feel like he could examine her without being watched. She had already taken her fill of him. He was a somewhat ordinary looking man, with a coat composing of the mixture of black and grey, with some white thrown around his muzzle, paws and tail. The only distinctive feature about him, besides his blue eyes, was his floppy right away. She wasn't sure if he'd been born like that, or he had gotten his ear like that during an assignment, but surely it was something that many were able to recognize him by. Nothing bad. Made him stand out in a good way. Being different was good. She would know with her opposite tinted tail and mismatched eyes. And then he was talking, asking her if she knew where she was and where her pack was. Did he not smell the lack of pack on her? She allowed her dual-colored eyes to fall back on him as she spoke. I would like to tell you, but I myself am not from her either, so I'm just as clueless as you are. And as far as a pack, mine died couple of years ago. My brother and I have come to his new place in search of a new pack to join. she answered quietly, onyx tail swinging gently between her hocks, audits twisting to and fro as she listened to the ocean, patiently waiting for a reply.

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06-18-2013, 06:37 PM
as far as a pack, mine died couple of years ago.
The words struck him like a chord. She wasn't part of a could he have missed that? Was it because it had been so long since he himself had been part of a pack? That he could no longer discern pack wolves from the loners? The thought bothered him. His whole life he had been a loner with his sister, and the few times they had tried to join a pack, there was always one pair who seemed to constantly try to run them out. They were unwanted everywhere they went. Sometimes he hated it, other times he was glad that they had the freedom to do what they wanted...but it did get lonely.

A cold breeze rolled in from behind him. This one colder then before, ruffling his fur. He stood and neared the white damsel, knowing this approach could prove to have an outcome of injuries if not fatal. He pressed his nose into her fur, a sign he often used with his sister for comfort. He knew what it was like to lose family. He just wanted her to know that this assassin had more heart then most. Recently, he thought about changing his job, but he wasn't sure. It was all he knew, yet at the same time he felt conflicted about it. Yin's scent filled the mans nostrils, infused with the stink of his rotting injury it smelled bittersweet. The wind brought upon it, a strange scent. One of which he had smelt before but couldn't remember what it was...maybe just the scents of the surrounding area, or something in the water. Nothing to worry about...right?


06-18-2013, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:24 AM by Yin.)

It was strange to her that he hadn't been able to tell that she didn't belong to a pack anymore. The only other scent on her pelt belonged to her brother, but that wasn't enough to merit the conclusion of her belonging to a pack, was it? It had been several years since she and Yang had lived in a pack. She was nearing the point where remembering what it was like wasn't even worth the effort. She and her brother had been doing well on their own. In her mind, being apart of a pack again wasn't necessary. She had all she needed with Yang. It would be difficult for her to try and incorporate herself in a pack when she hadn't been a part of one for such a long time. Her brother was willing to try though, so begrudgingly so was Yin.

And then the chill breeze was sweeping over the two lupine, chasing away her thoughts with its chilly fingers. Not only did it chase away her thoughts, but it brought Hansel closer. It appeared that he was just closing the distance so that the sound of the waves wouldn't drown out their voices, but to her utter disbelief he stepped up right beside her, pressing his nose into her shoulder, just like Yang did whenever he needed to comfort her. Yin froze, a whisper of a growl slipping unnoticed through her lips as her mismatched eyes flickered to his now up close and personal frame. His touch was both unwelcomed and soothing at the same time, making it seem as if her brother was right beside her. Unable to resist it, she allowed her own nose to brush against his shoulder, her answering sign of comfort. Did he and his sister do something similar? She could taste the rotting of his injury among his pelt, mixing in with his own musky scent. But that's not what made him tense up. She pulled away from his slightly, her chest bumping his because of the position they were in now, her own nostrils flaring against the breeze, testing it. There was a new scent on it, one she had never encountered before. What was that? Did Hansel know? By the feel of his muscles, she had a feeling he might.

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06-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Hansel was ready to pull away when he heard a rumble in the cautious dames chest. But before he could react, he felt her nose in his fur. The two strangers comforted each other, something he so badly needed now that his sister had disappeared. The waves crashed against the rocks, tide rising higher as it sprinkled his pelt with drops of salt water. She pulled away, his chest bumped hers, so he backed off a few paces to give her space. At least she didn't try to chew his head off, he just wanted to reassure her that she wasn't alone in the way she felt. He himself, felt embarrassed. He had never shown his feelings to another other then his sister..but without her presence now, he didn't want to feel alone. Perhaps this would form a bridge to a new friendship, even if both wolves were reluctant or afraid to. He gave her a small smile, then his fur stiffened as the breeze rolled in again.

His body tightened as the wind brought forth the scent again.
This time, he drew closer, the unseen predator that separated him and his sister. He knew it was dangerous, a force that was more dangerous then any wolf he had ever known. The stench intruded into his nostrils, impaling him with fear. He had never fought something so vicious before in his life, and last time he tried, he lost. Waves of fear rolled off of him like the ocean. His heart pounded, and his eyes widened with the threats that surrounded him. His head whipped back, his eyes darted in all directions as he tried to see where his enemy was. But his enemy remained unseen, though the stench grew stronger. Without looking back at Yin, he uttered a single whisper:



06-18-2013, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:25 AM by Yin.)

They didn't know each other except for the fact that they both had a sibling that was missing at the moment and they both needed comfort. She wasn't a touchy feely kind of girl, especially with strangers, but Hansel knew how she was feeling, knew where she was coming from and vise versa. They were comforting each other through touch. She essentially didn't see anything wrong with that. She'd never had a friend, but with the fact that they could relate to each other so easily, she could see something of a friendship forming between the two now-strangers. Yang would be proud of her if she made a new friend.

He was just giving her a smile when suddenly the breeze decided to swing back in, carrying that strange scent that she'd caught just moments ago. It didn't smell remotely wolf, but it smelled hostile. Dangerous. What was lurking out there? She could feel a sense of fear envelop the area around her and she realized it was coming off Hansel. The assassin was afraid of this unseen danger? That was a first. She didn't an assassin would be afraid of anything. Seems like there's a first for everything. He turned away from her, azure eyes dancing back and forth in the darkness trying to locate the source of the stench. She could smell the scent becoming more pungent; the danger was getting closer. He didn't turn back towards her, but whispered for her to run. Yin snarled, her anger from before rushing through her veins, thrumming through her body as audits flattened themselves against her pale skull, limbs bringing the ivory woman to stand beside Hansel. I'm not going anywhere. she snarled, allowing her left side to brush against his right side, showing him she was going to stand beside him. She didn't run from danger; she confronted it.

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06-18-2013, 10:00 PM
ooc//We can both control movements of the Lion :3

Hansel's legs refused to move, even after he had given a warning to Yin. The stench grew powerful, now he was certain he knew exactly what it was. He felt the dame brush against his fur, another feeling he knew was not normal for her. But it seemed to him that this was something new to her, just as it was to him. He glanced at her briefly before a low humming sound resounded off the rocks momentarily before being drowned out by the crashing waves, once more sprinkling him in a thin layer of mist. His paws begged him to run, but his mind thought otherwise. A growl erupted from his throat, dangerous, menacing, challenging the unseen opponent. His lips unfurled, revealing his ivory saber like canines. He didn't want to seem like a coward, that's not who he was. Sheer strength did not work the first time, then again they had been ambushed by this monster. He turned his head slightly towards Yin, keeping his blue gaze towards the rocks.
I don't know what this creature is, but it's a vicious thing. If it's the same one as before, then be ready. He's huge, his fangs are longer then anything I've seen on a wolf, and his claws will slice you open. He's as quick as lightning too...Stay on guard.

As soon as he had finished, a caterwaul split the air around them. Hansel jumped and his head whipped around in time to see a flash of pale color slam into him. He yelped as he hit the ground, a massive weight pinned him down as he felt claws rake his sides. A screech pierced the night air, the stench filled his lungs as he made out the face of his attacker from days before. This was the creature that separated him and his sister. He struggled, trying to slip away from it, but it gripped him good. The sand gave way under his scrabbling body, allowing him no purchase on the sinking ground. His paws finally found purchase on its heavy body, pushing its chest up to keep its teeth from grasping his throat.Yin! Get out of here!He cried out, not wanting her to get hurt or worse, killed.


06-18-2013, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:27 AM by Yin.)

Hansel was seemingly frozen in place, the fear that was radiating off of him keeping him rooted to the spot. She brushed up against him, trying to show him through physical touch that she wasn't about to abandon him. Sure, they were strangers, albeit with something in common, but obviously he was in danger right now and she wasn't going to leave him to fight alone. Besides, she needed an outlet for all the pent-up anger that she liked to carry around and a fight was as good as any outlet. He glanced back at her before a humming sound split through the sound of the waves, rebounding off the rocks before being drowned out. What the hell was that?

And then Hansel was growling, a threatening sound that would have sent her running or cowering had she been a lesser, more scared wolf. Instead it only fueled her own anger, a similar dangerous snarl ripping from her larynx. Her companion turned towards her but didn't take his azure gaze from the rocks as he filled her in on what he knew about this danger. I don't know what this creature is, but it's a vicious thing. If it's the same one as before, then be ready. He's huge, his fangs are longer then anything I've seen on a wolf, and his claws will slice you open. He's as quick as lightning too...Stay on guard. She listened intently as he relayed the information, her two-toned gaze scanning the rocks, trying to identify what exactly was that had Hansel so on guard. But not even a moment after he'd spoken a sound unlike any she'd heard before split the air, a giant tawny figure bursting from the shadows up in the rocks, slamming its mass into Hansel, slamming him into the ground. The creature screeched, its claws slicing through the brute's side like nothing. It pinned him to the sand, scrabbling as it fought to find a grip on his throat. Hansel pushed against him, trying to keep the creature from snagging at his vital throat before screaming at her to escape.

I'm not going anywhere! she snarled, throwing her large frame at the creature, forelimbs outstretched, ready to latch on. Sharpened daggers dug into the creature's vulnerable nape, sinking through the tawny coat, talons digging themselves into its spine and haunches as she fought to get a grip on the writhing animal beneath her. The beast screeched again, its attention momentarily taken by the ivory she-wolf as it pushed the brute beneath it away, rearing back as it tried to dislodge the wolf from its back. Yin snarled viciously, sinking her teeth deeper into its flesh, making the beast screech even louder, its jerking becoming more violent as it fought to remove the dame from on top of it.

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06-19-2013, 02:28 AM
He felt the weight of his sudden burden lifted off of him, allowing him to breath again. He scrambled to his paws in time to see the writhing mass attempt to dislodge his attacker, a flash of white in the pale moon. A ghost in the night, tearing with tooth and claw at this foreboding monster. He snarled, his body ached with new pain from the creature, but that wouldn't stop him. He took his chance and slammed into the monster, knocking him to the ground as it stumbled and slipped in the sand. He fastened his teeth into its back leg, and gripped its haunches with his claws. He shook his head from side to side, this beast would pay if it killed Gretel...

The Tawny Lion roared in anger as it scrambled to reach the wolf on his back. His feet slipped out from under him as the male-wolf barreled into him. He used the opportunity to roll towards the shallows, trying to shake off the she-wolf on his back and kick away the male who fastened itself to his leg. He raked at it with his back paw, slicing again and again at it's neck but the thick fur kept snagging. He reached his left paw around his side, attempting to grab the she-wolf in his claws. The waves crashed over them, he was able to keep his head above them, but the other two were unfortunate as his weight fell on the Female. Hansel sputtered as saltwater washed over him, filling his mouth. The foul taste forced him to let go as he inhaled a mouthful of water and salty air. The Lion kicked, slicing him in the chest before he flew farther into the water by some feet.


06-19-2013, 03:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:30 AM by Yin.)

The ivory dame narrowed her eyes, pinning her ears back flat against her head in case the beast she was attacking decided to try and rip a chunk out of her head, which by the looks of things, wasn't completely impossible. This beast was fierce, like nothing she had ever encountered before. This would be one hell of a story to tell her brother when she went back to him. A snarl reached her pinned audits from the direction that Hansel was. Good, her attack on the creature had given him the time to regain his footing once more. Her plan had worked. Not really aware of anything that wasn't the creature beneath her fangs and claws, a sudden slam into its side momentarily disoriented Yin, but she recovered quickly, tightening her death grip on the thing's nape, it's coppery blood filling her mouth. She swallowed it down, the life source leaving a bitter taste in the back of her throat. She wasn't about to raise her head to see where her companion was, but she didn't have to after about a moment. The creature roared in anger and pain and she could only assume that Hansel had taken a bite out of from somewhere. This thing had messed with the wrong pair.

The knock from Hansel had off set the thing's balance, causing it to tumble in the sand. The porcelain dame flattened herself against the animal beneath her, allowing herself to roll with his movements, avoiding a nasty impact with the sand. She could hear it kicking behind her, trying to dislodge what she hoped was Hansel, its left paw reaching around towards its shoulder, trying to snag her. She tried to move out of the way but there really wasn't anywhere that she could go, allowing the creature's razor sharp talons to slide through her right shoulder, sending lightning bolts of pain down her leg. She snarled against its flesh, digging her talons forcefully, deeper into its spine. Ruby liquid oozed from her wounds, winding down her pale legs to dot the animal's tawny hide. And then, the ocean decided to jump into the fight, a wave crashing over the fighting trio. Unfortunate for Yin, she was in the wrong position as the beast fell into the water, its weight dragging her into the dark ocean. She sputtered as water filled her nostrils, releasing the beast's hide as she desperately kicked at its spine, trying to push herself away from it and reach the surface of the water.

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06-19-2013, 03:18 PM
Darkness. Cold. Rushing water. Crashing noise. Sharp objects penetrating his pelt. Hansel fought the water, he had been tossed into it by the sharp-clawed beast. His head broke the surface, the sodden male inhaled a mouthful of air and seawater as he struggled to find his bearings. Turning back, he saw the Beast rolling around in the water, trying to dislodge his attacked. He saw it flipping over to stand above the water, but it struggled just as much as he did as the tide rose. The Beast leaped away from the deeper parts and towards the shallows, waiting to grab Yin in his clutches. Ears flattened to his skull, the beast hissed as he bared his fangs. Amber yellow eyes appeared as the devils eyes himself. Slits focused on the two wolves before him, but mainly on Yin who was closest. He crouched, waiting for her to erupt from the water so he could take his chance and finish her off...oh how the taste of blood teased and tempted him.

Hansel grunted with the effort of fighting the waves, he had been kicked farther then anticipated. He reached out for a rock that he swept by, clinging onto it so the water wouldn't take him away. He spat out water as he desperately searched for Yin. Glancing towards the area where he had seen her last, he saw the lion crouching and waiting. Clambering up, he heaved himself onto the rocks and heavily bounded towards the shore. He wasn't about to let it kill her, he'd rather die first. With a burst of strength, he sped across the rocks. His paws hit the sand, sending debris flying around him as he rushed towards the Beast. With a mighty leap, he landed on it's back, causing the creature to roar in anger and flail as it tried to reach him. Hansel snapped at its ears, tearing them and blinding it as the blood seeped into its eyes. He clung on with sharpened claws, teeth digging into its shoulders. He would distract it for Yin. Smoky gray and tawny pelts writhed on hind legs as they took turns clawing and swiping. The beast scoring across the Ghostly males neck and shoulders as he held on for dear life.