
Gift of the Gods


06-17-2013, 01:44 PM

Battle-worn frame paced towards the western regions of Alacritis, where the pack he had heard rumors of resided. Valhalla, a pack rumored to be large but noble, and perhaps the first pack that had attracted his attention as a potential home in the land. His life had already been marred by war, and scars laced his body as proof of it. Peace was what he sought, though he would not hesitate to defend his home. The large wolf?s mixed colored coat had thickened to support the winter weather, and stood out against the occasional snow patches that graced the land.

Adonis was not known for being the chattiest wolf, or being overly friendly. Always polite, and respectable, the wolf tended to veer away from pack politics, preferring to do whatever job he was assigned. With the females, flirted though none held his heart even though a few had caught his interest. He lacked these ties, and perhaps that was one of the more prudent things that he missed in life. He missed the companionship, the friendship, and the comrades while at war. He missed having a home, having lost it all to the bloodshed of war.

He drew to the edge of the border, and rested back on his haunches, gazing around. Tan muzzle tilted back, and a long call drew from his vocals, summoning an alpha or another wolf of rank to accept him. His years at war, and dealing with politics as a right hand warrior, had him preferring to meet with the alpha directly, though he knew he was in no placement to be picky. Tail curled along his frame, a sigh escaped him, as he settled and waited.



06-20-2013, 12:17 PM

It was mid-day, just as quickly as Syrinx had announced her position as beta, Chrysanthe had denounced it. The ivory goddess sighed, she wasn't incredibly bothered by it, hell she wasn't really sure why Syrinx had chosen her, sure she adored the youth and yes they were good friends, but she hadn't been a part of Valhalla long enough to be a sufficient beta... she was still a touch uneasy about this whole... various change of leadership thing. From Collision to Cairo... to Pip and a male she couldn't remember, to Syrinx to Chrysanthe... it seemed so unstable. Her cranium dropped, her vengeance was complete... so why did she feel so empty? Maybe because she had no family, no pups? It wasn't for a lack of trying on her part.

A familiar voice pierced through the air and languid oculars curled forward, before she set off in a heady gallop. Crystalline blues widened as she rocketed through the now familiar territory, what was he doing here? Had he come to join Valhalla's ranks? So many questions! So few answers, with a heady bound she cleared the last bit of foliage in her way and skidded to a halt before him, ivory pelt gleaming in the sunlight. She blinked animatedly before a bright smile covered her mouth.

"Adonis! I have missed you my friend! How have you been? What brings you to Valhalla?"She smiled brightly at him, plume gently dusting the earth behind her.



06-20-2013, 02:51 PM

His call rang through the air, and he was not kept long till a breeze carried with it, a familiar smell, growing closer. ears pricked forward, head rising to look at the foliage before him, and moments later a ivory dame made her appearance, a face he was happy to see again. her warm words met his ears, and a smile fluttered upon his maw. lips pulled back, revealing his teeth, and a gentle laugh escaped him before he answered her.

?M?lady, it?s a pleasure to see you again, Evie.? He paused, giving her a conspiratial wink. ?I am well, and I am actually here to seek acceptance into Valhalla. I believe my life can be peaceful, though my skill?s will not wane here.? his voice was soft, and warm, as he spoke to his friend. He wagged his tail, happy to be in the current company. ?How have you been, my friend?? His question was genuine, matching the honest warmth that he found in her tone. He had made his decision about Valhalla after he had hunted with her and saw for himself what spectacular warriors the pack held. If the rest of the pack were this skillful, it would make sense that they were one of the most formidable packs in the lands.




06-27-2013, 03:40 AM
ooc: setting this thread before morgan leaves c:

The call of a stranger, Chrysanthe was in a deep sleep when she heard the howl. Yet her response was nearly immediate. A flick of her ears, and a few blinks to ward off the sleep in her eyes, and she was on her feet - trailing off in the direction of the howl. Hopefully he wouldn't remain waiting for long, she disliked leaving her guests unattended. Luckily that wasn't something that she had to worry about for long - another had managed to get to him first. Evelette, the woman that her brother had seen potential in at the meeting. She smelled her, heard her voice before she arrived on the scene. The ivory woman seemed to know the male in question - greeted him with a friendly tone to her voice.

Chrysanthe saw no reason to greet him differently. She would end up cutting in before Evelette had the chance to respond to him, but should she go to answer him, the alpha would wait for the other female to finish. She wasn't here to break up a reunion between friends - only to respond to this brute's call. Looking at him, he seemed to be interesting enough, with dual colored eyes and a heavy frame - built like a soldier. Would he want a position like that within Valhalla? She could always use another gamma, but there was a noticeable lack in hunters as of late. "I am Chrysanthe Adravendi, Valhalla's alpha. I'm glad you've taken interest in this pack - but I'm curious. What brought you to our borders?"

Perhaps he was looking for a place to settle down? He was an older male, a bit past his prime, but that was easily combated with experience should he have it. If anything, she was glad that he had gotten a good impression of them, even before ever showing up.


07-13-2013, 12:05 AM

Evelette's tail gently drifted back and forth behind her, overjoyed at seeing the warrior she had grown to become such good friends with. Why were there not more souls such as this? The earth would be such a better place! He would inquire, of course, about her first, a true gentleman if she had ever met one and an easy smile would drift across her maw. Before she had the chance to reply Chrysanthe would draw forward, she arrived without speaking and Evelette took this as a go ahead to answer him.

?I have been well my friend! I haven't seen the young lad that recruited me into Valhalla, I do hope he is well, but I have been fine, adjustments of course, but nothing I believe I cant handle.? A warm smile was given too Adonis, before a gentle flush covered her cheeks and the flustered dame shifted. ?Where are my manners? Chrysanthe may I introduce a dear friend, this is Adonis, Adonis this is Chrysanthe, the Queen of Valhalla.? The dame introduced them cordially, she had never personally met Chrysanthe. But she supposed now was as good a time as any.
