



06-16-2013, 07:33 PM
What's Happening...?

Grey orbs looked to the night sky, watchig the louds slowly move by, like a snail. Slow and steady. Unfortunately, Loccian wasn't so lucky. Things have not been steady or slow. She had to deal with ehr brothers death, have help from Bronze to regain her strength, get back to her duties as Seracia's Contessa, deal with the loneliness of not having Bronze by her side as much as before, finding and adopting Reficul as her own, going to Maverick's wedding in Valhalla. Eyelids puleld together, head lowering ad sighing heavily. Too fast... too soon... She mumbled to herself.

Right now she was just outside the barn thinking, Reficul sleeping soundly within their stall, falling asleep easily with the aroma of herbs. Just thinkign about the girl caused her eyes to slowly open, the corners of ehr lips being pulled back in a small smile. She was happy the little thing made an appearance in her life, she really needed it, needed to love something and hlp it, and for it to be returned, even if it wasn't the way she would have liked.

She sat with her back against the wall of the barn, tail wrapped around her legs, and head slightly up, continuing to watch the clouds move by the moon.


Bronze i


12 Years
06-16-2013, 09:01 PM

For so long, Bronze had grown accustomed to a life of waiting. Wandering, with no goal in mind save for survival. Self-protection had always been his first priority; yet now, even as the winter began to grow harsh, the threat of hunger never seemed to loom overhead. They'd been blessed with plentiful food, and even the young children seemed to be flourishing in Seracia. It had been so long since he'd been able to ignore such things and instead, focus almost entirely on his mental life.

Such things, honestly, seemed to him to be far more difficult. How unstable his emotions were, the desires he felt often conflicting and growing stronger and subsequently weaker the next moment. One moment he was enraptured in Silent's presence, as though relieving scenes from years he craved to return to; she made him feel young again, and he clung to that feeling desperately as though he might somehow travel back in time and relieve those days. And he did, each night he slept with his limbs intertwined with her own, the feeling of flesh against flesh powerfully intoxicating.

And yet upon the arrival of morning, he tended to be drawn back to Seracia, worried for Loccian's safety, unwilling to abandon the duty he'd appointed himself here. Warrior. Defender. Not that they really needed any defending, thus far. Bronze would wait though, maintaining his strength in case Seracia needed him.

But this night, he felt unsure as to whether he should seek Silent out again. A sigh escaped his jowls as the brute pulled himself onto all fours. The barn was nearly void of all noise, save for the gentle snoring of a creature from the opposite end. It was common for more than one wolf to inhabit the structure, and half a dozen or more to be sprawled about beneath the safety of the building during bad storms. It was far more safe there than nearly anywhere else in the territory.

Quietly he crept out from the darkness of the barn, briefly stunned at the brightness of the moon and stars that twinkled overhead. During the night, Bronze's posture was significantly more relaxed, less on edge. Even a slight bit of confidence oozed from his stance, beside his ravaged mind, as he slid around the corner of the barn, nearly running into Loccian.

"Loccian," he greeted her simply, only slightly surprised at almost stepping on her. Bronze stepped back a step, though his eyes were warm as he watched her, muzzle dipped towards the earth in respect. "How's this winter night treating you?"



06-16-2013, 09:28 PM
What's Happening...?

Lost in the night, the young shewolf did not notice the crunch of snow beneath ones paws until a figure to her side suddenly popped into view. Head snapped to the side instantly, a wolf nearly running right into her but luckily didn't. Storm grey eyes focused on the figure, running up the legs, chest, neck, and finally settling upon the scarred face of Bronze. Loccian, How's this winter night treating you? Her ear swiveled forward, catching his voice. Though his eyes were warm she found it hard to keep her gaze steady, instead, pulling away from him to look back to the sky.

Well... though, I've been finding the chill comforting lately. It seems like the only thing I can feel since fully coming back, something I know is real. Her voice was soft, yet holding a tone in it unlike herself. Sadness, yes, thought it has been there for some time now. Perhaps confusion... loneliness?

With a heavy sigh the woman leaned further into the wall behind her, body slumping over, tail laying out on the ground. Her gaze remained on the sky, running over the stars, here and there, before focusing on the bright moon. It feels as though I am losing contact with this place, the little connection I had with it... She started to feel numb, not because of the cold, but emotionally. As if she was slipping away, and would soon fully fade away.

When she paused though, she turned her head to gaze at Bronze. The male she had found injured, fixed him up, grew feelings for, ached for during her time away, loved to be around when she finally came back... The male who she had noticed being out longer than usual, growing distant, coming back with the scent of another in his coat. Like Octavian... before everything took a turn for the worse. Slipping out from under my very paws. She finished, grey eyes growing dull as she looked into his own, but quickly pulled away from, instead looking to her paws.


Bronze i


12 Years
06-17-2013, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2013, 05:44 PM by Bronze i.)

Their brief encounters had been rather short, brief, filled with bits of small talk and not much more. How could he possible express the confusion he had felt? He had promised her he would care for her, and make sure she recovered -- and he had, but not the kind of emotional care she likely needed. He always made sure she was well fed, that no new scars were visible on her body, that she was generally well-off all around. Gaining some weight that she had lost. Remaining overall intact and unharmed.

"I understand all too well," he answered softly. Her eyes avoided his own; he did not blame her for not wanting to look into his vacant stare. "I was born far, far north of these lands. The cold is comforting to me, as well, even if it is painful to others." He was perpetually drawn to the mountains, to the towering peaks that seemed forever capped in snow. And yet he had settled down here-- and once again, wanderlust had begun to seep through, tearing at his very core, making him vaguely uncomfortably and anxious.

Loccian's words were tinged with sadness, a loneliness that was undeniable. She admitted she felt as though she was losing the connection she had with this place -- did she mean Seracia? "I'm sorry I've not been here for you as much as I should have," he apologized finally, his voice stoic and low in volume. "I've been feeling a bit lost myself." But honestly, when did he not?

Her eyes fixated on him again, and he was the one who averted his gaze this time, focusing instead on the brilliant night sky. How he longed for the days when he was alone, focused merely on survival, growing hardened and unfamiliar with such painful emotions. But would he really give up such companionship for his former life, it being so difficult? "Slipping out from under my very paws," she commented softly, and he felt his gaze lower, eyelids narrowing so only the slightest slit of his eyes shone beneath. Silently he lowered himself to the earth beside her, back pressed against the wood of the barn, a gentle sigh escaping his jaws. "Has to get worse before it gets better," he mused, his voice deep and slow.



06-24-2013, 01:19 PM
What's Happening...?

Eyes closed, chest rising as she took in a long deep breath. I'm sorry I've not been here for you as much as I should have... I've been feeling a bit lost myself... Has to get worse before it gets better. The more she thought about it, the more she realized she was being selfish. That she was being needy, becoming a burden, something the male beside her didn't want to deal with. Loccian didn't want to be that... Didn't want Bronze to feel like he had to be here. She wanted him to be here because he wanted to, wanted her company.

Has to get worse before it gets better... She repeated, reopening her eyes and exhaling, eyes going up to the sky. She doubted that saying, very highly. Tell me Bronze, in all honesty. She began, not taking her gaze off the sky, voice smooth. Do you hate me? She was very serious. Loccian wanted to know what was going on wth him. Did she do something that annoyed him? Was her wanting his company becoming an annoyance? Just because she liked him, liked when he was around. Got what was needed, company? Am I your substitute for something? Became a burden, an annoyance, a problem?

Her gaze grew dull, and from the way the moon was hitting them, appeared silver. She tried to keep calm but her voice held a hint of anger, fear, guilt. Her body slightly trembling, containing all the emotions whirling within her. She wanted an answer, needed to know what was going on so that she could try to fix it, if it as even fixable.

I don't want to be any of that, don't want you to feel like you have to be with me because you think I need you... The tone changed, almost becoming a plea. Her voice rose, eyes went wide in a panic. It was out there now, and hopefully, ,he would give her something to work with, give her something so that she could finally make a choice.


Bronze i


12 Years
06-29-2013, 09:34 AM

She seemed upset with him, despite his apology. Bronze was not an expert at figuring out the emotions of others, especially those that he was close to. Brown eyes were soft and startlingly understanding as he watched her, completely unsure of how she might react to his apology. Before he knew it, she began speaking. Her words were harsher than he expected, and the brute's ears flattened against his skull as he took them in.

"Do you hate me? ... Am I your substitute for something?" Eyes narrowed, gaze falling to his forepaws. A low growl seemed to bubble up within his very chest, as though he was disgusted by her words, but the bitter sound faded almost as quickly as it began to fall from his lips. "I will never hate you," he answered simply, his voice void of warmth, or annoyance. It was painfully empty, as he gathered his composure and wondered how to answer her without losing her all together. "You are not a burden to me. Loccian, I am not the kind of wolf to simply deal with someone out of kindness. I spend time with you because I care for you." Muzzle raised a bit to watch her, but lowered again, as though he was afraid to look in her eyes. "I have been distant because I fear that you've grown attached to me. You deserve someone who can devote their heart to you. Mine has always been taken -- and my mate has returned. I have found her." He clenched his jaw, muscles visibly rippling in his face. None of it had been planned, but fate had its own plans it seemed.

"I want to help and support you, endlessly, as a friend." If she could give him that much. If not, he wasn't sure what he would do. But his choice had been made, evident by the solemn look in his dark brown eyes that watched her with visible hesitance. "I care for you, truly, and don't want you to ever feel like a burden to me."



06-29-2013, 09:50 PM
What's Happening...?

She had heard it, the growl that seemed to last only a moment. And his words, they were just as painful. Slowly she lowered her head, dull gaze looking at her paws as he continued on. Continued to bury the stake into her heart. What truly did it, was the mentioning of his mate. Mine has always been taken -- and my mate has returned. I have found her. Her eyes went wide, body growing stiff. That was the reason, that was why he was growing distant.

Before he could finish she had pushed herself up, head still down and gaze on the ground. The fur along her nape and back had begun to rise, tail out and waving as if it didn't know what to do with itself. Too late for that... She whispered when he told her that he cared for her and didn't want her feeling like a burden. The information added a ton of weight. She had been growing these feelings, making him uneasy when his mate came back.

There was only one thing she knew to do.

Her body grew calm, tail dropping to hang limply behind her. Her head sunk lower, turning away from Bronze. He didn't think of her the way she did him, and now that she knew, she would leave him be... no matter how horrible the pain was that resulted from it. Loccian didn't want to bring anything to him that would bother him while he was reconnecting with his mate.

Good luck... with her. Her voice was void of any emotion, and with that the shewolf took the first step. She walked away from him, the feeling in her heart growing larger than before. Though he told her he wanted to be her friend, it didn't put a dent in the loneliness that sprung up and overwhelmed her.

Off into the night she went, it was the only thing she could do.



Bronze i


12 Years
07-08-2013, 09:29 AM

Bronze hadn't expected a good reaction. His brown eyes watched, soft in their gaze as she listened. He had told her, perhaps a bit off-handedly, that he'd had a mate -- but that she had been gone for years. He wouldn't have led her on if he'd thought there would be any chance for Silent to return.

But fate happened in strange, unexpected ways. She seemed startled, her muscles tensing as she realized what he said. A soft sigh escaped his lips as her demeanor changed once again. She lifted herself suddenly, her hackles raising. A mixture of anger and sadness, as well as confusion -- all he could do was avert his gaze from her. Her words were bitter, almost said out of spite, and he felt pained for ever leading her on. But had he, really? He had cared for her, unsure of whether his feelings might grow. And they had -- but had immediately been stunted by his love's return.

"I am sorry," was all he could mutter before she was out of earshot. Silence overwhelmed him, and he too raised, slipping back into the comfort and darkness of the barn.

- exit Bronze -