
These Times


06-14-2013, 09:23 PM

"you have no idea what it's like when the monsters of your nightmares come back for you."

Memories of another life, echoed in his mind the bloody screams of the forgotten lingering. Blinding white light flashed before his eyes, and a searing pain ripped through him. Fear oozed from his pours, his legs thrashing wildly, as he lay upon his side. Growls and yips escaped his jaws, throwing insults at the monsters who chased him. Muscles rippled underneath his black coat, as he ran faster then he had ever ran, the well lit meadow ahead of him, a sanctuary from the dark forest that entangled his nightmares. Orbs widened in fear, breath coming in harsh gasps he ran, as the exit to the meadow slowly began closing up. Weeds grabbed at his legs, thorns digging into him, the mud sucking him down, he wasn?t going to make it- he never did. Something leapt upon his back and he came crashing to the ground with a heart-broken howl as the darkness over-took him.

Blue eyes snapped open, the brute leapt to his feet, his breathe coming in wild gasps as he frantically looked around him. Bewildered, he wondered where is was, his head thrashing around as he tried to make sense of the forest around him. Cold winter air, blasted through the trees ripping into his fur, and it hit him like a brick wall. He had been out scouting the lands, and decided to rest under the tall oak tree, and he must have fell asleep. Again, it seemed that he had been made victim of his recurring nightmare. His heart slowed, muscles relaxing slowly. Slowly he sank onto his haunches, tilting his head to look up to the night sky. The stars shined, against the navy blue sky, and a sigh escaped him as he rolled his shoulders back. Why was this happening to him?




06-14-2013, 09:35 PM
What's Happening...?

Eight, nine, ten... She stopped, brows coming together. She had gone out for a walk, just wanting to get away from Seracia, form the people there. Since being back she was finding it hard to get back in the rhythm, act normal. It was impossible though, Octavian's death had affected her mind. Changing her. The voices making her... do this. Grey orbs ran over the small scars across her legs, cuts created from her own fangs. Punishment, guilt... fear.

With a heavy sigh she pulled away, pushing herself up, paws carrying her further into the lands. She had counted those too many times, knew exactly how many were on her legs, and what each one was for. That's not why she came out here though. She wanted to clear her head.

When she finally stopped the shewolf lifted her head, grey gaze scanning the terrain. Was she lost? Not entirely, Loccian knew she was east of Seracia, just wasn't familiar with these lands. Out of curiousity she moved further in, tail hanging behind her, head held out parallel to the ground. She sniffed the air, taking in the cool scent of the winter lands. She had almost forgotten it was winter, lost in her thoughts a majority of the time.



06-15-2013, 10:25 AM

"you have no idea what it's like when the monsters of your nightmares come back for you."

Artic cold winds, buffeted his thick black coat, carrying with it the scent of a stranger. Head tilted, turning towards the direction of the scent, those his crystalline blue orbs couldn?t discern where this stranger was, a sigh escaped his maw. He wasn?t particularly in the mood for company, but the gentlemen had never been one to chase off company. Perhaps she was having just a bad of a night? Tail curled around his form, his body relaxed, as he waited for this new wolf to make their appearance known. His mind wandered to the cave that he and his mate had been staying in while they mulled over their pack options, and he wandered how his love was fairing.

He hated leaving her in the cold weather, though his outings rarely took more than a day or two. He wondered what she was up too. Another blast of cold wind brought his mind into the present as the scent of the other wolf again washed over him. Looking up at the stars, he waited, assuming if she sought company or someone to speak with that she?d make the first move.




06-15-2013, 04:55 PM
ooc: Sorry for crappiness. D:

What's Happening...?

Slowly she moved through the plains, head rising, a sigh escaping her lips. Grey orbs looked to the stars that dotted the night sky, thoughts running though her head on their purpose. Many times she would look to the sky and think about the stars. Many wolves would say they were like the sun, just smaller. But in the back of her head the woman was considering them to be the spirits of those who have passed. That the ones loved and that go unnoticed rise to watch over us, and that's what people mean when they say somebody is not entirely gone, that they are watching over us.

The small shewolf shook her head at this. It's silly to think such a thing. She mumbled, lowering her head and continuing on. After a bit though a scent drifted into her nose, the breeze blowing towards her from the nearby forest. She came to a stop to try identifying it but after a few seconds she could not place a name or face to it so assumed it would be a loner. Running through her head immediately was the possibility of this wolf not being friendly, that she should just steer clear of it. There was a part of her though that wanted to see if this could be a friendly wolf, make a real friend.

With her mind made up she moved on, moving swiftly through the plains, making her way into the small forest. She moved silently, even with a blanket of snow on the ground. Weaving between the trees, hopping over a log, until finally she could see the outline of a body sitting just a few yards ahead of her. Her pace slowed down to a walk, clearing her throat to let the wolf know she was there. Lovely night, isn't it? She asked, stopping a few feet from the dark wolf, her voice soft, gentle.



06-25-2013, 11:28 AM

"you have no idea what it's like when the monsters of your nightmares come back for you."

His thoughts tumbled around inside his head, memories flashing back and forth, from the random flashbacks to a land he couldn?t remember to the argument with Aislyn, meeting Blu again, the time since. So many thoughts, they made him want to scream. His mind was seemingly on warp speed and when another voice broke into the tirade, halting the waves like an angel, he turned his blue eyes towards them, a slight smile on his jaws. ?Lovely night isn?t it?? The voice prompted him, the question needing a response. A polite nod, his head bobbing gently on his relaxed muscles, and his jaws opened, allowing the articulation to trickle out.

?It is a lovely night, ma?am. My name is Chronos, I am a wolf of..? He broke off, sparing the ground a confused look. ?May I be so bold as to ask your name?? He spoke again, leaving the topic that seemingly brought more confusion into his mind. He turned his body to face her, and relaxed back on his haunches again, curling his tail around his body, a sigh leaving in aging frame. He had finally put some weight back on, though he was far from his former glory. His time away had done damage to him, and he?d never be as strong as he used to be. Now seven years old, his prime years were waning, and in the cold winter air, he felt his bones creaking with age, with every move he made. Though he still had enough charisma, and grace to appear regal and young, and at times, a spark would enter his eyes- and even he could almost forget the trails and hardships he had suffered. Sometimes, Chronos felt young, but tonight, he felt old.




06-25-2013, 06:30 PM
What's Happening...?

She gave a small and friendly smile when the male turned at her voice, grey orbs meeting blue. The male returned the smile, even giving a nod of his head and responding to her question. Ears perked up as he introduced himself as Chronos, a wolf of... He broke off though which caused a spark of curiosity to form, but she would not question about it, especially since he moved on to something else. He would not want to be bothered about it.

He asked her for her name, but she didn't answer right away. Loccian waited for him to resituate himself, watching him turn his body to face her before sitting. My name is Loccian. She responded, givig a respectful dip of her head to the dark male. If you don't mind me asking, are you a rogue sir? She asked curiously, flashing him another friendly smile before sitting back on her haunches. The woman curled her bushy tail around herself, ears twitching at the sounds the wind made brushing against objects.

Loccian didn't want to seem nosy, she was just curious. He smelled like a rogue but there was a tint of something else in his fur that she could not put her paw on. And if she knew where he was from then she could get an idea of what kind of wolf he was like, and if he was someone she could interact with comfortably, then make a friend.
