



06-14-2013, 03:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The wintry weather had hardly abated by the time they reached the edge of the Glaciem territory. Snow didn't fall from the sky, but winds continued to pick up the uppermost layer of it that sat upon the ground and blew it around them, crating a flurry that was difficult to see through at times. Mercianne stuck close to Toprak, still rather nervous about losing her friend somewhere in the disorienting mess of the storm and hoping that they might reach their destination without getting separated. So far they had done well, their quick paws and close proximity preventing the snows from losing them, but with them now creeping up on the border to her pack's territory Merci's new worry was crossing that invisible barrier without realizing and incurring some sort of punishment for her friend.

"We should be close," she said above the noise of the wind, dark brown eyes squinted while she continued to move them closer and closer to the lands where she lived. The fact the weather was causing the whole snowy scene to look unfamiliar and foreign was no help. Had the winds been calm, she would have had no trouble whatsoever locating the edge of the Glaciem lands, would have had no worries about crossing the border unintentionally. As they neared, her steps slowed, her attention focused upon the snowfield that stretched before them. If she could barely recognize where she was upon the border then how was she to find them shelter once they got there?

She started to worry, her ears folding back against her head as they moved while she continued to look about expectantly for something - anything - that might help her regain her bearings. Help came in the form of a tree. It was isolated, mostly covered in snow, but with a definable curve to its trunk from the winds that typically raced across this area of the territory. Mercianne stared at it attentively, her steps hurrying once again toward it, and with relief she saw the dark figure of the mountainside creeping up into view behind it. They had crossed the border into Glaciem territory, but she hoped they were still near enough to it not to cause an alarm. "I know where we can go," she piped up, her voice easy and relaxed once again with a small, matching smile on her face. She continued to lead him past the tree and toward the mountain's base, pacing along its side in search of a gap or crevice where they might wait out the storm before letting someone know of their new visitor.


06-18-2013, 03:32 AM

((OOC my god a big RP XD silly you))

Toprak half lead till he got to a certain point when Merci pointed out that they should be near. He slowed down slightly and let her take the lead, her body language she seemed to get slightly upset. Toprak wanted to cheer her up, and walked closer to her, up untill she saw a tree. She got happy again, her ears perked up. This tree was bent a bit, most likely due to the heavy winds blowing this poor thing, and now grew like that.

Almost like that Merci took off, and in a heart beat Chris took off, catching up to her. As they headed to the base of a mountain. Merci said she knew what they could go, as they looked for a cave type place where they could hide out till morning. After a while they both found a place, it was kinda small but the both of them could get in, as they did, Toprak nuzzled Merci gently, as began to fall asleep. "G-good night...nice job Merci thank you for saving us"




06-18-2013, 10:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Toprak spotted the alcove before she did, leading the way into the tight space with a renewed confidence now that he, too, knew where they were going. Mercianne stopped half inside the small enclosure, shaking her pelt gently as her dark brown eyes adjusted to the faint light. It was hardly big enough for the both of them to fit comfortably, would no doubt draw them closer once they had settled in, but with the winds working their magic outside and driving up flurries that were near impossible to see through at times she knew better than to press their luck by trying to find something else. They could make do.

With a smile of relief, the creamy white wolf padded the last couple steps into the small space and turned once before settling herself upon the cool stone floor of the cavern, curling tightly in place. She smiled with a little duck of her head as Toprak nuzzled her goodnight, murmuring an answering, "You're welcome. Good night," in return. As she settled her head upon the ground, her tail coming up to rest over her nose, she considered the likelihood of someone stumbling upon them before the weather became better. Surely a little sleep would be fine? The winds couldn't die down that quickly, could they? Hoping that no one might become defensive if they did stop by where they currently rested, Mercianne sighed gently to herself and closed her eyes, ears still alert as she relaxed though tried not to slumber.

OOC: What? That's how I usually write. I like being descriptive. xD Also, you referred to your wolf as Chris. x3


06-19-2013, 11:32 AM

Toprak could not rest as easily as Merci did, he laid there unable to sleep. But he watched as she feel asleep, comfort in feeling that she was at least sleeping made him feel good about things. The winds whipping against the mountain made for some loud noises to be heard, even if he wanted to there was no way he could sleep. Though eventually he did manage to sleep, his body relaxed, as he curled in a ball too, he moved slightly closer to Merci, feeling comfort being close to her. His breathing relaxed he now feel asleep, the storm, slowly dying down.

((well I don't often use other names other then my own sorry DX))




06-19-2013, 04:55 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Despite her best attempt at remaining awake, to keep herself between any one of her pack mates that try to cause her friend harm for trespassing, Mercianne dozed. It was unintentional, accidental, and it showed in the odd lean of her muzzle as it tilted to one side, not quite comfortable where it rested. Her dark eyes were closed, her ears lilting slightly with inattention. Even with the wind whipping outside their cave, she rested, an unexpected drowsiness stealing over her strongly enough to prevent her from even waking from its noise.

A particularly large gust buffeted against the entryway to the small alcove they shared, sending a whispering noise and chilly breeze into the tiny space. It chilled her exposed side and caused her to curl a little more tightly in place, her eyes fluttering open to glance at out into the storm. How much longer would the winds prevail? Would they blow away the strange scent of her friend from the land and allow him a peaceful night somewhere safe for a change? She could only imagine how the night might have gone had they not found each other, if he had been forced to take shelter out in the mess without others to comfort himself with. It seemed a very lonely life.

Her thoughts on the male at her side, Merci turned to look a him from the corner of her eye before sighing gently and stretching her neck out to lay her chin upon the cool stone floor and attempt to keep an eye out as she had intended.


06-20-2013, 03:22 AM

Toprak could hear, Merci moving around, causing Toprak to open his eyes slowly. "Merci, you sleep right now, I will stay up, and wake you up okay? then we can switch okay?" Toprak offered as, he scooter closer to her slightly. "It is also cold here, hehe" Toprak smiled slightly, as his crystal eyes, met her brown eyes. "So sleep I will get you up later, and then you can watch out all right?" He offered again, laying down, making himself comfortable he looked out of the small alcove. The wind still as bad as it was when they showed up, Toprak hope the wind would stay this way for a while, it would help him stay awake also.




06-23-2013, 04:37 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her movements seemed to draw Toprak's attentions from sleep as well, waking him up alongside her. She glanced toward him somewhat guiltily, having wanted to give him time to sleep while she kept an eye out. Of the two, she was the one likely to deter any sort of negative reaction from a Glaciem member, assuring whoever should happen upon them that the wolf she was with was of no danger to those who lived within the territory. He was merely a friend seeking shelter, a night free of worry and full of uninterrupted rest.

He, however, offered to keep watch instead, suggesting that they each take turns looking out and resting alternatively. It was a generous offer, one that brought a grateful smile to the she-wolf's face, but she didn't feel right in accepting. "No, you're my guest. You should sleep," she answered gently, hoping he wouldn't object too much. She wasn't sure she could hold up her side of the argument for very long if he did. "It's okay, I'll be fine," Mercainne assured him, lifting her head slightly from the floor of the cave to glance his way with a smile. "If I get too tired, I can wake you?" It was probably the best she could offer. She was still determined to be the first to greet anyone who might come upon them there just inside the pack's border.

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 01:31 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle made his way through the winds. They'd come on rather suddenly, but that was no surprise to the mountain wolves. Gargoyle had been out trying to catch the scent of some prey near the southern borders, when the storm kicked in. Not that he was having any luck today anyway. Experienced Glaciems knew the score. They could withstand alot, but white outs? Those were deadly. Best to find shelter and stay hunkered down til it passed over - which could be ten minutes or ten hours.

The wait was worth it though. Gargoyle ahd hard tell of perfectly good trackers walking straight over a cliff during storms like these.

The Chief knew his territory like the pads of paw, and he was aware of little crevice of cave not too far away. The storm had reached it's full potenial by the time his grey shadow lingered at the gap of stone. But as soon as he ducked his head in, he was greeted by the sight of other wolves.

Apparently this cranny was already full. "Just my luck," he rumbled, and then he did a double take. "Mercianne, who's this?" The cadence of his voice never changed, but his ears tilted back a hair. The last time a strange male had been on their boards Gargoyle had had his teeth around his throat. That one had been white too. So who was this one?

Sure, he was in a pack member's company and that gave him some level of safety, but frankly Glaciem's borders had attracted too many sickos lately, the Chief wasn't in the mood for pleasantries. He wanted to know who this male was and what he was doing. If he was a friendly, wonder. If not, or if he seemed to be threatening Merci in anyway, well then it was finally Gargoyle's lucky day. He hadn't gotten to rip off a slab of wolf hide in a while.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-25-2013, 11:58 AM

Hearing Merci tell him she would be okay, Toprak sighed and curled up into abit more of a ball to sleep Now asleep Toprak had plesent thoughts in his sleep, though it did not last long. He was awoken to the voice of another, a male wolf. Opening his eyes slowly, half asleep Toprak was startled by the extra wolf. Had it not been for the small cove Toprak would have jumped up, but cause of where they were, he couldn't pushing himself back abit. Toprak looked to Merci, his head throbbing, he hated being awoken from his sleep. Listening to Merci talk to this other wolf, seemed to be the boss of her pack. He did not come off pleasent and all ready Toprak had ill feelings for this new male. Not talking he just listened to the conversation worried to interject, till he was spoken too.




06-25-2013, 06:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her assurances seemed to do the trick, and without a fuss Toprak curled up a little tighter on the floor of the cave and went quietly back to sleep. Mercianne smiled gently at her small victory, grateful to give her friend a break for a change. It was not often she was able to do things for others, though she was learning with her still new healing skills. At least in this way she had been able to help someone out, to do a kindness for them, and she was grateful to have been able to let him rest.

Turning her head, she rested it back upon the cave's floor and set her dark brown eyes on the entrance to the shallow shelter they had found, listening to the whistle of the wind and watching as the white of the flurries played across the dark backdrop of the night sky. It was mesmerizing and eerie, but not altogether unsettling. It was just another feature about the north that she had grown to accept. Just like the sometimes random dark spots that would appear through the snow when the weather had taken a turn like this.

But as the dark shape began to materialize and coalesce into a grey figure who practically filled up the small entrance to the cave, Merci realized what she had mistaken as a shadow was actually a wolf. Gargoyle stood before them, seemingly cursing his poor luck in taking shelter in an already full cave, and before he could take any real notice of who he had found she rose to her paws. Her head lowered with a timid smile, her tail wagging in an eager greeting behind her. "Gargoyle," she greeted, her quiet voice friendly if not surprised.

When he directed his attention toward her company, she sent a swift glance Toprak's way, hoping the presence of the rather intimidating-looking male had not startled him too much. "This is my friend, Toprak. We were visiting when the winds picked up, and this was the only place I could think to take shelter." It sounded like a weak explanation to bring a stranger to Glaciem territory to her own ears, particularly considering how tight security along the border had been of late due to unwanted attacks. But she hoped her own good standing with the pack, combined with Toprak's general friendliness, would appease any worries the Glaciem Chief had.

Gargoyle I


06-26-2013, 06:12 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Well seemed that Gargoyle's protective soul wasn't needed here this day. The low grumble that had been threading in his throat died away. The male in the back looked more likely to wet himself than anything. Which in Gargoyle's book at the moment, was actually a good thing. That made him stop and think. Oi.

The Chief shook the snow off his shoulders. Mercianne said the male was a friend. Well, as there were no signs that the male was a threat, Gargoyle let himself mentally relax. On the outside his gaze and tone remained the same, he didn't have much control of them - or was it that he had too much control? "Toprak, was it?" Gargoyle lifted his nose in a sort of salute. "Well if your Merci's friend, you're welcome enough here." He shot a side glance at the fae though, telling her he would've liked to have known in advance. Then again, maybe she'd been coming to introduce the male formally, but the wind had stopped them. Very probably.

"My apologies if I startled you," the Chief rumbled on. "There was a time when the rules were that guest rogues and even friendly wolves from other packs were welcome upon our snows." His voice quieted, "Mercianne was there in the beginning, perhaps she remembers." His tattered ear flicked at the coming memories, "But time and a great many wolves that each deserve to have their larynx ripped out, have proven that it's wiser for us to remain on guard." There. Gargoyle summed up the situation in his own colorful, drawling way.

The Chief gathered her hind legs and sat down, still more or less outside of the crack, even if his head was poked within. There wasn't anymore room, but he didn't mind. Thanks to his size and coat and temperament, he could take the punishment from the winds. And there was always the offhand chance they would abate as quickly as they'd begun.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-26-2013, 11:32 AM

He did not speak, and just listened, hearing the way the other wolf known as Gargoyle. Toprak could feel the way he spoke, he was a strong wolf, important, powerful, all of that Toprak looked like a small weak wolf. This why he never really liked the idea of a pack being compared. "well I tried to stay away packs, don't worry about me. Merci managed to change my mind to come here. But I am a rough Wolf, I hear stories all the time, though I am not one to fight, I can win almost any argument. But I am sorry there is no space for you to get out of the snow, would you care to switch, I am an arctic wolf, if not for Merci I would have just feel asleep in the snow, and woke up in the morning." Toprak offered to switch with this wolf, who seemed to be a bit larger then he was. It was true, had it not been for Mercainne Toprak would have just found a little brush and slept there. He only came here for fear for her safety. His crystal eyes, ran from Merci to Gargoyle, he could see how he was the leader,




06-27-2013, 11:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was difficult for the timid wolf not to shrink at least a little under Gargoyle's stern stare, and she did if only just. He an imposing figure even without his authority, and considering he held such respect with her from being the Chief of her home the effect of a mere look was tenfold. She knew she had slipped, had pushed things bringing a stranger, even if known to her, within the Glaciem borders. Things had been just so unpredictable of late, especially amongst their unwanted visitors, that she should have expected such a greeting. It rattled her, admittedly, but Mercianne was relieved the issue was not pressed. Surely he could see that her friend meant no harm?

The Chief's attention turned itself upon her company and addressed him with polite formality, explaining, in general terms, the overall sense of guardedness that hung about their borders. Her brown eyes cast downward reflectively when she was mentioned, being able to remember the past in which the Glaciem had been a welcoming, open-border territory. And knowing who had paid the price to change that, those few who had died at the hands of strangers, dampened her good mood. Too many, she thought. Too many had lost their lives because they had been taken advantage of. And it pained her that there was no way those tragic events could be reversed.

As Gargoyle made himself comfortable half in and half out of their tiny enclosure, she was surprised to take note that Toprak spoke up then, offering to trade places with the over-large wolf if it suited him. The considerate offer drew her slightly from her depressing thoughts, a half smile crawling across her lips. Likely the ever gracious Chief would decline, but she hoped her friend's offer might further prove to Gargoyle that he was really no trouble to them. Quite comfortable with merely playing witness to the conversation rather than playing an active part in it, she seated herself in the space she had occupied when lying down next to Toprak and offered what little extra space she could.

Gargoyle I


06-28-2013, 06:14 AM


The newcomer had his own way of speaking. He explained himself as a rogue, and as not much of a fighter, both of which matched perfectly with Gargoyle's initial observations. The case was shrug-worthy; the male seemed to be exactly who he said he was. He even made the generous offer of switching places with the chief. Perhaps there were some alphas who would've felt entitled to accept it, but Gargoyle saw his rank as 'someone who protects' not 'someone who lords over'.

"Unnecessary, I'll just be moving on," rumbled the Chief, but truth be told the offer did the male some good in Gargoyle's eyes. He'd seen alot of darker souls in his day, heck, he was one himself, but he wasn't getting any of those vibes off Toprak. When threatened, Glaciem was a pack that met things head on, eyes blazing, but when approached peacefully, they were close to welcoming. The male could take his time; stay for a bit, and enjoy the company of Mercianne. Gargoyle had best to keep moving. He'd try going uphills a way,s maybe find himself a spot that afforded a good vantage point above the swirls of snow.

He'd already said that the male was welcome, so the role of the leader here was done. The kids could go back to talking. Before going though, Gargoyle gave a curt nod in the direction of his she-brave, "Miss Mercianne," and then removed his giant giant frame from their door way.


(unless called back)



06-28-2013, 01:10 PM

Before Toprak could really interject or anything, Gargoyle pretty much said he was fine and would be wondering off now. Toprak watched, as the male leader wondered off, as he was out of his site Toprak turned his head to Merci. A light smile grew across his muzzle, as he rested his head back down, his eyes on her. "I guess we both can sleep now" He said as he stretched and yawned, turning his had a bit cracking the bones in his neck. Toprak wanted to move closer to Mecci, so he offered her to move a bit, give her some more space. "You know you don't have to use so little room, I am not that big or scray, you can lay down in a better position.




07-01-2013, 04:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Mercianne nodded her head politely as Gargoyle declined Toprak's offer of trading places and then excused himself in search of some other place to wait out the storm. She watched as his large, dark figure exited the doorway of the caverns and then disappeared into the storm. He was a hardy wolf if there ever was one, a good reflection of the strength and compassion that was the Glaciem pack and the wolves of the north. She was certain he would be able to find shelter elsewhere.

Attention back upon her, smiling, her friend reminded her that they were free to rest now. "I guess we can," she responded with a little nod of her head, sliding herself back down onto her stomach and curling up in place as Toprak offered her a bit more room. Assuming she was taking up too little place because he brought attention to it, Merci relaxed her body slightly, allowing her curled limbs to uncurl a little and take up a little more room within the cave. "I know you aren't," she said, resting her head upon the cave floor, "but I'm comfortable like this."


07-01-2013, 05:20 PM

Toprak smiled and relaxed his body as well, the winds still blowing but not as crazy now. He managed to shift a bit and get comfortable, in his mind illusions danced in his head, him and Merci playing having fun, then going on a head a bit, a new life is born, the puppy to the two of them. And though Torpak didn't know if that would happen, such thoughts pleased him very much, as he smiled away in his sleep. Oblivious to the real world as he slept, he was glade that he found his friend again and this time he had no intensions to leave her side unless she kicked him away




07-02-2013, 05:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The winds were terribly distracting, driving away sleep for some time, but eventually even they could keep her awake no longer. Mercianne drifted, dozed, and fell into a calm slumber, her coiled body relaxing in sleep. No dreams entered her thoughts, only quiet, soothing sleep. Outside the winds howled, sputtered, and then ceased, leaving the dark world of the wintry night peaceful and still after the raging white out that had driven them to seek shelter here. The timid white wolf sighed gently as the calm outside seemed to further ease her body into restfulness, enjoying a night out from the cold and with a friend even if it was not with the direct safety and companionship of her pack.

It took the first stirrings of sunlight that slithered through the cave and touched her face to wake her, when she blinked her eyes open, shutting them tightly against against the light, she rustled and lifted her head from the floor of the cave. Morning. And sunlight. The storm was gone. The revelation drew a small smile to her lips, and as her eyes adjusted to dimly lit cave, keeping her eyes out of direct sunlight, she turned her attention toward Toprak where he rested, wondering if he still slept or if he only rested in wait for her to wake.

OOC: Made a time jump to morning since I figured it was late by the time they finally fell asleep.


07-04-2013, 07:55 AM

Still asleep Toprak didn't hear Merci, he was a stubborn creature to wake up in the mornings. Toprak snored away, but still smiling as his ears twitched excitedly. He wasn't sure if it was his dream that ended, or Merci calling him again, but with in a few minutes to his friend waking up he to awoke. His eye lids shot open, crystal blue eyes danced around as his eyes adjusted to the light now. Once his brain started to work, he remembered he was inside a tiny cove thing, with Merci they ran here to get away from the snow storm that hit. Yawning, and stretching in place cracking some of his bones Toprak smiled "Good morning, Merci how did you sleep?" His eyes feel upon his friend, as he smiled to her.




07-07-2013, 01:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A restful snore from her companion was telling enough that the white wolf slept on, and Mercianne smiled a little humorously at the sound. She said nothing and barely moved, not wanting to disrupt his slumber prematurely, and merely turned her head to glance outside of the cave they shared. Everything was still in the morning light though she could see where the snows had been altered by the winds. Still, the changed landscape was just as lovely and serene as she should have expected it to be on a day like this, and knowing that they had good weather to look forward to, she was certain that the day was off to a good start.

Eventually Toprak stirred, yawning widely and stretching where he rested. Merci shifted just slightly to allow him more room within their cramped quarters to do so, and perked her ears as he greeted her. "I slept really well," she answered with a gentle nod of her head for assurance and glad that her answer could be positive. With the storm raging how it had been, it was truthfully a wonder either of them had been able to sleep at all. "Did you?" she asked gently though she expected a similarly positive answer. He had fallen asleep fast and stayed asleep for longer than even she had, so she could only assume he had had a restful night as well.