
Here Lies A Fool


06-14-2013, 01:59 PM
in the game of thrones, you win or you die

Aditsan Achak

there is no middle ground

Pain and suffering was all there was to be felt anymore. A bully, a villian, scum, worthless cur. He had been called many things in his past, and many more things in the future no doubt. He did not care, his eyes preened for the ever so pure ones. The ones who were of completely one breed. All arctic, all timber, just as long as they were 100% pure to their breed. He saw them as followers, ones that he could use. He had a twisted way of thinking of things, but as always, Aditsan didn't care. He had his own nickname for a reason. He was the listener of spirits. He could work out those weak points, just anything to get his way.

He was alone, he knew, and so he said his name proudly. "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior." He could never forget who he was, the whispers to himself were all he had left to remind himself that he was worth it, he was always worth it. His eyes flashed caution. The green orbs were calm as well. It was complicated, his eyes always were complicated.

Wear your scars like medals of glory



6 Years
06-16-2013, 09:04 AM

Azalea moved through the west on no particular mission. Bobbing up and down over the dry and lifeless dunes of the desert. She hated this place, desert life was not for her, but it was the fastest way to get back to Valhalla. Of course... it would be faster if there were some distinguishing marker to tell her which was to go.

Her eyes flashed up the sun, squinting to keep from being completely blinded. The burning orb of light in the sky was her only salvation. Without it she would be clueless. The sand burned her pads but she knew better than to seek the shade of what rare shrub she would come upon. Snakes, scorpions, and other dangerous creatures would surely be occupying the space already. If not... well it was not a chance she could afford to take so far from home and without any company but her shadow. As far as she knew, her shadow wouldn't be running for help if the lass were to get injected with any kind of venom.

She passed down into another valley, dreading the climb up the next sandy rise, when she heard a voice. "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior." She stopped in her tracks, hackles rising. Eyes scanned the surrounded ridges while her mind tried to persuade her that she was just hearing things. It was too dry here to smell much of anything.

Eyes still searching, Azalea broke the next dune and surveyed her surroundings. Sure enough there was another wolf. He was a salt and pepper mixture of grey and tan. He appeared to be speaking to himself. Azalea's face fixed with worry, perhaps he was suffering a heat stroke? It was winter though and in the desert that meant cooler temperatures and more rain than the rest of the year combined. If she got stuck out here past dark she would have to endure the wicked cold.

"Exucse me?" She inquired, cautiously. She did not approach.



06-16-2013, 05:21 PM
in the game of thrones, you win or you die

Aditsan Achak

there is no middle ground

The peppered male turned at the sound of a voice, and a small little growl at first. However, it was a lady. The fur was arctic, except the face, at least that is what he could determine from her. His eyes narrowed, as if wondering why this female was interrupting him, he was in no mood for trying to woo her either His green eyes in a tangent. He was debating what to do, and there were several possibilities. I don't care what they say, nor the games they play. His thoughts slowly becoming processed and organized. "May I help you?" He asked, a bit irritated, not just from the sand that was chaffing his paws.

A small cough and a glance later and he had a perfect escape route if things turned ugly. Most didn't agree with what he had to say about different matters. Took my life from negative to positive, just want you to know that. That was what the pure ones did to help him, took his life from negative to positive just in the brink of time before he died. Grab somebody sexy tell them hey, give me everything tonight. A grin on his face, even if she wasn't necessarily as pure as he was, she was still quite beautiful. However he knew that she wasn't the one, too polite. He was quite shocked that the scorpions hadn't gotten him yet, nor did the heat stroke, nor did the dehydration. He knew that these dunes posed no dangers to him, he would make it through and he knew that if he did that, he would find the one.

Sometimes Aditsan just wanted to stretch his claws and dig them deep into the fur of the people who had the nerve to talk to him while he was in one of his moments. But this female didn't even approach him. When she had spoken, she said it cautiously, and so he had known that she was too much of a coward to come out full force with what she had to say. Yet, he was still curious so he would hear her out.

Wear your scars like medals of glory



6 Years
06-17-2013, 12:42 PM

The male turned to look at her. His eyes surveying her body as any wise wolf did. It was a well calculated move in any situation, sizing up your potential opponent. Azalea did so with all wolves that she didn't trust, so to never be caught off guard should an attack ensue.

When the wolf was almost done giving her the run over, his eyes narrowed and his body language in general because more tensed. It was subtle things like this that grabbed Azalea's attention and made her thankful of her wary nature. Should she be so ever trusting as her mother, she would wind up raped or killed. Perhaps it was a rude thought to hold, considering her mother had been raped, but Azalea did not pity her mother. She had never seen her mother as a leader which was why she was so complacent about Epiphron and now Chrysanthe taking the reins.

"May I help you?" He was irked but not aggressive. This triggered Azalea's less refined side, making her simmer below the surface. All she meant was to be sure that the lone wolf was okay and he had the audacity to come back at her like this?

"No, I don't believe you can." Her words were pointed, sharply edged to show her frustration with him. Whoever he was, he was not that much older than Azalea. Perhaps the age of her aunts and uncle. "But you can answer me now: have you lost your wits? Talking to yourself in the middle of the desert? Is it water that you need or a doctor?" Azalea was surprised at how her tongue lashed now. She wasn't usual so sharp but maybe that just came with growing up?

Whoever this was, she was certain she was ready to be rid of him. It was partially a lie that she was telling herself though, for she found herself dying to hear what would come out of his mouth next. This sort of company was much more entertaining and unpredictable than any company in Valhalla, the rush was absolutely thrilling to her.



06-17-2013, 03:48 PM
[WARNING: Swearing]
in the game of thrones, you win or you die

Aditsan Achak

there is no middle ground

Adit had been called many things, but for a wolf to assume he was going crazy from the heat or dehydration, that was a new one for him. It made him angry, not just angry, furious. "You'd do best to watch your tongue bitch, before I have to teach you your place." The hiss was purely vile, and he made a point to note the sexism that he knew. That he was better than her because he was a male and she was a female. He had grown up in a patriarchal [men dominated] society. His theory behind it was that it was better than racism, colored fur over white fur, like he knew one man to be. He had run into him on his travels.

His eyes met hers, a pure challenge almost if she could call it that. "I speak to myself because it reminds me who I am and what purpose I have on this planet. Now stay out of my fur." He said, turning to walk away from her, almost because he was mad, but partially because he just didn't want to talk to the bitch in front of him, he wanted her away from him before he lost his cool. Normally he didn't do such around the ladies. "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior." He found himself listening, whispering, meditating into his deep core mind. He knew who he was, but he needed a reminder every day, every hour, every minute. If he forgot, who was he to be?

Left, left, left, right, right, right, that is all life seems to be. He told himself, his eyes calm, as he turned back around, undecided if he would walk out on this fine young lady or if he would stay and preach.

Wear your scars like medals of glory



6 Years
06-17-2013, 07:10 PM

It had always been that Azalea had head an expressive face and now was no different. It was possible that is what made her appear so... soft. She really didn't think of herself as soft at all. In essence she was a lot like her father, refined but not entirely against killing a wolf for the right reasons.

"You'd do best to watch your tongue bitch, before I have to teach you your place." Sexist son of a bitch. Azalea's lips drew back and her stance fixed to one of defense. "Clearly you don't know who you are talking to, rogue." The stranger met her gaze, eyes locking in a battle of wills. "I speak to myself because it reminds me who I am and what purpose I have on this planet. Now stay out of my fur."

Azalea snorted. She had four paws on the ground and a pack waiting for her return to keep her mind of her "purpose." Whatever floated his boat though, she supposed. "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior." Her ears tipped forward, straining. "What did you say?" She questioned, her voice calm now. Her anger was quick to pass as the wolf seemed to have made clear he was not going to fight her.

She took a moment to appreciate the fact that she should have been terrified. She came dangerously close to taking part in her first battle. It was something she took strong interest in but hadn't practiced in a long time. Not since her brothers left.

The peppered wolf was facing her again and now Azalea moved closer. She was more relaxed now, advancing a few feet before stopping. There was still a good distance between them but not as extreme as before. This was a more social distance.




06-17-2013, 10:59 PM

Cormalin padded over the sand, keeping his nose locked into the scent that was Azalea, their new heir. There was another scent with hers that her own overlayed which troubled him. Azalea was still young, and hadn?t reached physical maturity in size and weight. The scent he caught other than hers was male, the maturity in it a musky tang of testosterone. He picked up his pace, breaking into a smooth trot, black fur rippling under the light slipstream, arriving in time to hear the male?s hiss directed at the Valhallan Heir. He kept the growl that wanted to rise from his chest silent, face solemn and expressionless as he approached.

Cormalin stepped to Azalea?s side, towering above her as his mismatched gems of sapphire and gold locked onto the strangers? form. The male had turned away, still speaking. ?Purity of blood makes no wolf superior. Especially out here in Alacritis. And kindly mind your tongue while speaking to the Heir of Valhalla.? His heavily furred tail swept to gesture at the young female at his side. Her anger toward the one with the superiority complex was there then gone. He was pleased that she hadn?t let herself be drawn into a fight. And even if she had, if the male had hurt her in any way, the whole of Valhalla would have fallen upon the male?s head.

?These lands are ones of change. If you are the rightful Lord of the Serpent?s Graves, then why are you not there in that land, leading the wolves there? Why are you here , instead?? There was no rancor in his baritone voice, merely conversational tones of mild interest.


06-18-2013, 03:04 PM
in the game of thrones, you win or you die

Aditsan Achak

there is no middle ground

Aditsan snarled at her, he didn't give a shit about who she was, and every wolf was just a wolf. Then another appeared and started going off about how she was the heir of this one pack, Valhalla, and how purity never affects anything, asking him personal questions. "There are no packs in these lands, so I ask you, why are you two here, instead of Valhalla? Before you dare question me about my whereabouts, I question your own. All wolves are the same, blood and breed don't matter to you. I can see that, but then I ask you, if they do not care to you, what makes you say that ranks and heirs matter to me?" His bark was far worse than his bite to them, he could assure himself that. He had the sense of question though, they told him 'Purity of blood makes no wolf superior.' So why did they insist that ranks made a wolf superior, that was not what he believed.

"I said rightful, ones right can change under.... pressurized circumstances. For example, my home land was invaded by a force, which appeared to be made of several packs. I would be there if these invasions did not make me leave. Now I kindly ask you to stay out of my personal beliefs and personal life if you know whats good for you." He hissed, it was a pure challenge to get her to start the fight. He would never start a fight with a lady, no matter how annoying like these two wolves were. He was still trying to wrap his head about what they said. "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior." He whispered to himself, hoping that they would stop trying to talk to such a high born.

Wear your scars like medals of glory



6 Years
06-18-2013, 06:40 PM

Suddenly Cromalin was there beside her. ?Purity of blood makes no wolf superior. Especially out here in Alacritis. And kindly mind your tongue while speaking to the Heir of Valhalla.? Her eyes watched the dark wolf as he spoke directly to the odd wolf before them. The yearling female lifted her head and gave the male a look of "what now?" Of course he became aggressive once more, snarling in Azalea's general disrection. "There are no packs in these lands, so I ask you, why are you two here, instead of Valhalla? Before you dare question me about my whereabouts, I question your own. All wolves are the same, blood and breed don't matter to you. I can see that, but then I ask you, if they do not care to you, what makes you say that ranks and heirs matter to me?" She tipped her head, "No packs in his land specifically but there are packs on nearly every side of this desolate place."

?These lands are ones of change. If you are the rightful Lord of the Serpent?s Graves, then why are you not there in that land, leading the wolves there? Why are you here , instead?? Azalea was quiet, eyes flicking from one male to the other. "I said rightful, ones right can change under.... pressurized circumstances. For example, my home land was invaded by a force, which appeared to be made of several packs. I would be there if these invasions did not make me leave. Now I kindly ask you to stay out of my personal beliefs and personal life if you know whats good for you." Azalea took another step forward, "If we know what is good for us?"

Azalea almost laughed, surely not making the situation any better. "If your pack is no longer, and you appear to be the only, why should we fear you when our numbers are far greater? For all the wit and cunning you may have you would not outmatch the entirety of Valhalla." He was mumbling to himself again but this time she heard him clearly, "I am Aditsan Achak, first of his name, rightful ruler of Serpent's Grave and heir to its throne. I am a pure one, and I am superior."

She moved forward again, her stance rigid and her steps wide. "Aditsan Achak, if you are so are noble and so supremely superior, why do you not reclaim your home? Go back to where you belong. I wish you a swift journey and pray you do not cross with Tortuga because I doubt they would stand for your babble." She sniffed, nose tipping up as she turned tail away from the damned wolf. Her eyes met with Cromalin's but only for a second as she walked past him.

She was ready to leave. "Come, Cromalin, we are done here."




06-18-2013, 07:06 PM

A dark chuckle left his larynx as he approached the scene. The male was aging, but out here in these lands, out side of his pack, he would not show anyone weakness. It wasn't to be allowed. Not while the other Alpha was pregnant. Not while he had kids that had just been born. Out here he walked with the same regalia he always seemed to have in, or outside of his home when he had been in his prime.

"It's too late doll. Seems as though Tortuga has the misfortune of coming across this whiny whelp just the same as you."

He offered both the Valhallan heir and the black brute a flick of his tail in greeting. He was merely passing through. Escaping the coolness of Tortuga for something a bit warmer. Something ab it more easy on his bones before he had to return back to his family. For now though he could certainly relive his younger years and enjoy pestering the brute who believed himself high and mighty. He turned to face him giving him a vile look.

"When it comes to packs always mind your tongue. Rub a wolf the wrong way and the whole pack may come try and claim your tongue. Your pretty little head would be piked on a stick at my borders if it were me."

A poisonous smirk was given to the male as he stared at him with merciless bi-colored blue eyes. This was going to be fun. He was hardly done torturing the boy. Perhaps someone else wold come along. Pick and prod at him. Get under his skin. Nnoitra was a master with words. It was his one goal. To get under the skin of another and make it crawl with absolute irritation. The man then began to circle him, his post threatening, intimidating him. Trying to taunt him almost.

"If we are nothing here then neither are you. Shut your damned lips fool before I claim your tongue as my next snack. Now disappear oh Aditsan Achak before Nnoitra Jaeger rips your voice box from your throat and dines on your innards."

His lips raised to reveal his teeth as he continued his circling. A vicious growl rumbled in his chest before dying away. He was far from angry, but he had no patience for wolves like this. Rose themselves to a higher standard than anyone else because they were "so called royalty." They were just as bad as the wolves who felt the need to flex a muscle and use just brute strength in fights. If not worse. He despised these wolves and had no problem picking a fight with this one. Perhaps his tormenting the younger male would unravel him some and get him to go away.




6 Years
06-18-2013, 09:05 PM

ooc: forgive my out of turn post here, couldn't help myself

The white phantom approached with a ghastly chortle. Azalea's eyes locking to him as she stopped her progression away. Nnoitra. Tortuga had arrived. Though it was neutral ground, Az still got a sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach at the site of him. By all definitions he was too far south and too far west. Too close to Valhalla.

"It's too late doll. Seems as though Tortuga has the misfortune of coming across this whiny whelp just the same as you." His tail waved in an off hand greeting and Azalea smiled grimly. "You must excuse me, Nnoitra, I should work more on my sarcasm." Her words had been sarcastic, in the most dry of ways. Aditsan Achak was not her wolf to school. At only a year old, it was not yet her place to teach important life lessons to strange outsiders such as this one.

"When it comes to packs always mind your tongue. Rub a wolf the wrong way and the whole pack may come try and claim your tongue. Your pretty little head would be piked on a stick at my borders if it were me." Perhaps it were wrong but Azalea liked to hear the white demon speak. With such confidence and conviction. She didn't doubt his words, painting a portrait of how the peppered wolf could end up. Azalea was not a sadistic wolf herself and would never be capable of such vile acts. Best left to Tortuga.

"If we are nothing here then neither are you. Shut your damned lips fool before I claim your tongue as my next snack. Now disappear oh Aditsan Achak before Nnoitra Jaeger rips your voice box from your throat and dines on your innards." Her lightly colored brows lifted over her eyes. Curse her nature, now she felt guilty for wishing Tortuga upon him. Alternately her curiosity was again piqued as she wondered how the scene would play out. In what way would Aditsan Achak respond to such talk?

But she would stay on her course unless her presence be requested. Things with Tortuga were calm, an agreement in holding that both should more or less leave the other alone, but that didn't mean it would stand. Nnoitra, though an apparent trouble seeker, didn't seem like the type to break such arrangements.



06-20-2013, 05:00 PM
[Hover over text for translation]

in the game of thrones, you win or you die

Aditsan Achak

there is no middle ground

Adit had heard many things, but to question why he was not with the people he had to rightfully rule, he was angered. "Some battles should not be fought, if I were to return, I would be slaughtered by hundreds of wolves on sight. Hostile takeover." He admitted, before turning away and walking farther away. Than another female approached, disrespecting him and everything he believed in. He just couldn't take it anymore.

It had happened again, and he snapped into one of his more bitter moods, as if he hadn't dealt with enough already. Digging deep into his foreign roots, he shouted out, a different language. Imb?ciles, tr?s bien, marquage sur moi. Je vous laisse, je vous laisse!" He had done that only a few times before, he use to shout out while charging into battle, and commanded his father's subordinates in battle with the French commands. But this was different, it was anger.

He walked away, not caring about any of their reactions to his shouting, his fur in a bristle. Again, his bark far worse than his non-existent bite. We'll make a soldier of you yet. He remembered that one line from his father. He had been told to kill a female, something he could never do.

[Short exit post]

Wear your scars like medals of glory