
'Til Death Do Us Part (Medusa x Newt)

Medusa i


5 Years
06-14-2013, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 11:48 AM by Jupiter I.)
OOC: Challenge for Amenti! Medusa has reached the 50 required posts, and a request for gem deductions will go up right after I post this! Dark, please let me know how many rounds you wish to go (:

EDIT: Gem request accepted! Edited to link to accepted purchase

It was time. The serpent had healed her wounds, and she was as ready as ever to face down her opponent. When her vixen had requested it, the midnight mistress had readied herself. This could very well be the last time she saw her pretty Sol alive, and even though Medusa had unending confidence in her leader, she couldn?t help but feel a sliver of a doubt. On their long march to the battlegrounds her eyes focused upon the woman, trying to take in each step, trying to remember what she could in case she would never see it again. She did not discount the idea that something might happen to her in her own challenge; the serpent was no warrior, although she was not na?ve and frail in the art of war.
All she knew of fighting ran through her head, all her experiences flashing by swiftly. Rumors had said her opponent was huge, but this did not strike fear into the harlot?s heart. Medusa feared not for her own life and safety; if she were to die she would not be missed. Instead she thought of Jupiter, concerned, but knowing she would have to let go of her emotions if she was to focus upon her attack. The idea of a large opponent phased her not; she would have speed and agility on her side, two vital allies. The biggest key was to not let the woman pin her down. If that occurred, the only option the harlot would have would be to go for the underbelly, a place she would have little chance of reaching.
They arrived together, the kiss upon her cheek a final affection that Medusa would smile against. It was then time, lifting her head up she parted her lips, her call for the Amenti ruler coming in unison with Jupiter?s cry for death. Come Queen Slayer, defend your throne. She would mentally prepare herself for the chaos that was to come, readying her nerves for the potential damage that could occur to the russet woman who held her black heart. Inside she was at peace; she had no qualm about dying if that was to be her fate, but she so badly desired, above all else, to live and thrive. Not today she mused quietly. Perhaps she would not win, but the serpent would be damned if she let herself become a corpse to mangle. If anything, she knew that her challenge would protect Jupiter, that she would keep the Queen from defending the King in the battle of death that would already prove difficult for the Ludicael Sol.


06-14-2013, 08:11 PM

Shadows curled in silent brooding. Waiting, patiently, for their master to come and break the world. Whispers flew across the winds. Betrayer. Death. Violence. It all followed the roaring sound of duo calls. The world was ripped in two. When the sun seemed to shine the brightest hue it was always the clouds that came roaring in so fast to steal it all away. Rage, slithered threw each bone in her body. It coiled and lashed out across her body in waves. She felt so hot. So close, she could see red, but she needed to remained focus. With the call to her god for the love of her life and another for the kingdom she had built from the ashes she needed to keep her head in check.

She stood for a moment and looked onto the transgressors. Mercy was not an option. They had violated her world. Broke into the vibrate ray of colors she had struggled so hard to build. What reason was for this sentence? Her ears fell back, unsure which call to follow. Kaios was the one and only to touch her in such a way that moved her. He stood by her when everyone else had walked away. When Zara had left her to deal with the after math of the Death of the former Kingdom she had claimed. No one would steal that away. Yet that other call, one so wretched it struck her to the bones. She had worked so hard to collect those that belonged to her. Who was this cunt that called to lay claim on what she had earned?

Violet eyes sang with virtue, as they roved from bitch to slut. Murder was in her gaze towards Jupiter. The sentence was set. Written in stone. Written in her mind and she prayed that Cerberus would reward her honor to him with her soul to claim. She would have that bitches head on a spike in front of her homelands. Decorating their borders and screaming what the truth of their pack was worth. Yet as the sentence was set in her violet vindictive gaze burned towards the other. The puppet on strings. She wondered if she tugged hard enough if she could break those strings and the body that held it.

She was a small thing, significantly smaller then her by 10 inches. The bitches weight didn?t even seem to match her own. She was slim and built for speed and yet the behemoth queen was built for both. Sade had though her height and weight had made her sluggish. Yet when shadows shifted and move there she was. When one moment she was there and the next she was not. A queen of assassins was not a title to be taken lightly. Her paws pushed deep into the crushed snow. Elongated claws punctured the ground with the bulk of her weight. She was almost shaking with her anger. Yet confusion shown in her eyes along with bereavement as she looked the female over.

?You call onto the shadows. Dare to demand what blood and tears and ashes have built. Who are you? What madness inflicts you to think you can take a kingdom that needs no taking? Who?s subjects adore their leader and desire to live in peace?? she all but snarled at the woman. Her body was tense and she was doing all she could to contain herself yet the rage to swallow the soul of this woman was more then overwhelming. It was a pity. Should the call not been married with the other. Should the puppet with the strings be acting to her own accord then perhaps the scene could have played differently. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed the thrill of violence. She was confident that the rage that was seething deep into the pit of her stomach would help keep her mind focused on the task at hand. She would not fall victim to her own perversion.

ooc: We discussed doing 4 rounds. This is just her getting clarity on what the hell is happening before she fights.


06-14-2013, 08:39 PM

Do you hear the people sing?

Singing the song of angry men!

It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again.

When the beating of your hearts echo?s the beating of the drums,

There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.

Mirror reflectors passed the shadows as they followed in the distance. Mimicked between the dark and light of two torn souls. She was the perfect coupling reaction. The soft swish of her tail had turned to stone as the call from the drums of violence filled the night. Pounding in the earth that stirred her blood to boil. Who dared to call to their god? Who her mother prayed to so religiously? How dare they do this! Everything was building and she had been so happy. Unity was so hard to come by and yet they had it, if only for a fraction of a second. Yet stones cant seem to fly in any direction then that of their home. Resentment was building deep inside her stomach. What her mother had given to have it all, to feed them and love them and protect them all as her own children. What had he given? Nothing but what his name stood for but none of that mattered even as the resentment settled in her stomach like a cold black stone. He was her father and only they could torment him or possibly destroy him. If only their mother could see the truth of it all.

Her home was meant to be Tortuga and this had put a damper in their travels. Their mother was meant to bring all of them to her new home. So she could say goodbye to her lovely brother. Well, her brothers, but who could say what the hell Salamander was becoming. Who were these wolves calling sentences that were never meant to be set? She could feel the heat of her mother?s rage in the depths of the shadows. It was as if it electrified the snow and brought it life threw her pain. Nothing was more admirable then her mothers passion and loyalty. It was never yielding and even their aunt Zara she could see the love in her mothers gaze. She wondered if she would ever know such things.

She stood in the distance. Her gaze shifting towards the bitch who called for her fathers head. Regardless of how she was feeling about him she wanted no one to touch him. Her dark lips flew back in a deep snarl. The mocked imagery of her death over and over again played in those violet eyes. If she killed him. Her head would belong to them at some point. If only she was older, just a little bit bigger, she could fight the queen and steal her crown for her mother?s approval. She still wanted to journey to Tortuga and to wander her new home but she would fight for her family above anything else. ?I see the bitch cares not about his family. Such a heartless little harlot.? She snarled, her gaze shifting towards the other who challenged her mother.

?Amenti is no place for little fever ridden pawns. If you win our family will revolt against you and consume the very source of your soul!? She warned, yet she kept her rage to herself as her mother shot her a warning look. Her ears fell back. She knew that look. She knew her mother didn?t need help but she couldn?t help the outrage that was building in her heart. This was her birth land being challenged by some stranger and for what reason? She had never seen this wolf before so what desire could she have for their home? If she won it did she honestly think no one would challenge her? That they would all stand by idly and allow her to conquer their home? She was sorely mistaken. Her gaze shifted, where was her brothers? Her aunts? Champion and Zara? Hadn?t they heard the summoning? Weren?t they just as outraged as she was! What would her new alpha do if his treaty crumbled before him? Would he offer a place for her mother? Would she take it? So many questions reeled in her mind.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
06-14-2013, 09:42 PM

Medusa's call went noticed by nearly everyone in Amenti, Basilisk was sure -- all the young boy knew was that a woman was calling, his mother, and she didn't sound impressed. Half-asleep, he stumbled onto all fours, uncomfortable at the thought of her talking to some angry lady without him being there if, you know, he had to protect her. He'd never actually had to step in, but he damn sure would try. Basilisk had been growing stronger by the day, now the size of a small adult, even though he was hardly more than half a year old. Beginning to realize that his mother and father were not exactly the most loved creatures in the world, judging by how others tended to interact with them, he grew nervous at the prospect of someone wanting to hurt them. Hadn't Newt told him there were wolves like that, out there, that would try to hurt him?

His mornings would begin late, waking late after his siblings and setting out on his own. Basilisk would run, far, as far and as fast as he could without collapsing from exhaustion. Training, or something, he supposed. All he knew was that it was making him stronger, the outline of bulky leg muscles beginning to form on his legs, his chest growing wider it seemed by the day. And as the days passed, he grew more resentful of the wolves who seemed to have something against his parents. They were mere whispers, spoken among the adults of Amenti, of revenge. Or perhaps Basilisk had imagined them entirely. The invisible wolves, threatening to tear down any semblance of normalcy in his life and tear it to pieces.

Not quite frantic, but certainly excited -- and not in a good way -- Basilisk escaped the confines of the family den, immediately trailing his mother's scent, as well as Syn's. The journey was far quicker than he had imagined, or perhaps he was so engulfed in confusion that he lost track of time. His mother, Newt, the invincible Queen, and his father, the slayer, the one who washed the scum from the earth himself. Destroyers. Royalty. They wore their titles proudly in the young boy's head, sculpting him, inevitably drawing him into the the chaos and evil that they had themselves created.

Soon the scene came into view. He was drawn to Syn's side quickly, forcing himself to say silent, hopefully unnoticed.

Eyes widened a the fire in his mother's eyes. His own fur bristled dangerously, passion brewing within his own chest. This stranger was challenging for Amenti, for ownership. A silent snarl curled his lips, revealing small, pure-white teeth. With a quick trot, he slid beside his sister, unabashed in the way he brushed against her. Though he offered no display of affection, his presence alone seemed enough for him. "Who's this bitch?" he questioned, his words harsh and unrelenting as he slid down to his belly beside Syn, eyes never once leaving his mother and this other woman challenging her.


06-15-2013, 06:49 AM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


Another giant was joining the throng. Champion had heard the howl of the challenger and been upon her paws at once, but she had strode to the battlefeild with a calm, easy stride, scenting the world around her as she went. The customs of the southerners were quite odd when it came to these sort of matters. In her birth pack, if someone wanted to lead, they had to start off inside climbing rank until they reached a high enough one to challenge one of the leaders themselves. If an outsider wanted power, well then they'd better bring an army with them.

But in her travels Champion had seen plenty of strange things - this was hardly example enough to turn the course of her mind for very long. Custom or not, what she cared about was Newt. The Grey Lady, was much more than a superior to Champion, she was a friend, the first creature who had induced her to join pack life since her futile time in Tortuga. Newt was a mammoth - passing Champion by all of an inch, and she'd shown herself one heck of a bloodletter. All things Champion could respect, but she'd come to Amenti with the intention of keeping an eye on her friend. So far, her protective instincts had been needless - but now...

Champion caught the scent of Newt's offspring and picked up her pace, entering the battlefield and the location of the duel half a minute after they did. She was Amenti's Beta, and had seen the pups around plenty of times - offering to babysit them more than once - after all, she'd been the midwife at their birth. But she'd never held conversation with them.

Didn't matter to her. Champion might not be allowed to interfere with the challenge once it had begun, but the pups had just gotten themselves a bodyguard. And with the way they were running their little mouths, it was quite likely they'd need one. A playful smirk tugged at the corner of the mammoth's mouth. They were right after all. Champion stepped up, coming level with the younger pair, and seating herself with a flop of her overfluffed haunches. "Easy children, have some faith in your mother."



06-15-2013, 12:13 PM
It was interesting, yet for them it musent be. Samona was young, and this was her first time being an observer to see who wins the territory. Yet, in the romancing optics of the madam it would seem as if those back up the current leader, newt. Medusa wouldnt be very welcome then? The atmosphere was dark, deathly. How could things change, so so quickly. The sight of two other youngesters caught Samona's eyes. The children. Oh how it was a relief to finally meet someone of her age.

The soft, tender flesh that lays so gently upon the lithe, twisted stillhoutte would blow ever so gently, bristling in a reincorporating manner. The strong ligements the darling beholds thump the ground and make there way to the male, Though when she finally gets there the respected distance would remain. " That huge ones your mother? Impressive!" The silky tone of the madonna was unbearable, sultry and teasing. Though it was true, his mothers height was rather impressive making her offspring in the future to be huge! How god damn alluring. Then the mismatched optics would lock onto the female, how confidant was she? Samona loved it.

The thick lashes would flicker across the heavenly voids, awaiting for the battle to start. In hope the right one will win. Glancing back over to the female in curiosity, she wondered what the reaction would be at the very end. It was then The masked mistress would move away, to get a better and more quiet view near a boulder. Company was a hard thing to adjust to, so samona thought its best to be alone, it wasnt that bad. Maybe because she didnt no what company was.

The tension was building, yes it was exciting. It felt as if she wanted to join in, yet be crushed in seconds. The flame set in within her soul would spark, reborn into the world of solitude. Maybe one day she'll use it. Being a rouge at seven months isnt easy, by now most would of be crushed, eaten by vultures, dying of starvation. Yet, Samona was here, srong and healthy and bursting with a personality.

Medusa i


5 Years
06-15-2013, 05:33 PM
OOC: Just a note that Kaios & Jupiter?s death match is occurring at the same time in the same place, so those who are in this thread can probs look over and see that, but if you?re in this thread you can?t be in that one unless there?s an exit (:
FOR THE JUDGE: *Lu said I wouldn?t get points off for defenses until the actual rounds began, just wanted to note this so that I don?t get deductions [: BECAUSE I AM LAZY.

She was not left waiting long for her opponent, but in that time Medusa pulled away from Jupiter, making sure to give a decent amount of distance between herself and the Ludicael Queen. She did not need her fight distracting her vixen, nor did she need for their battles to run into one another. It was not much of a wait for Medusa?s opponent, and when she came it was obvious. She was gigantic, eight inches taller than Medusa and bulky with muscle. This did not strike fear into the serpent?s heart; there were ways to defeat larger opponents, ways that an opportunist such as herself could easily discern. Immediately the midnight-mistress stood up, hoping to walk wide circles around the Amenti ruler, eyes analyzing the woman.

No matter the outcome of her attempt to circle the giant, in a few seconds she was able to discern the woman?s obvious advantages; her size made her strong, her jaws likely punishing if they managed to get a solid grip. She was powerfully built as well, a woman who would not be easy to defeat by any means. In long distance, she would certainly be faster, if her stamina was up to it. There was a triad of things after all; a triad between strength, speed, and stamina. Where one or two were strong, the other was weaker, unless one was a god. This woman was clearly mortal; no flawless god. Medusa knew that her best chance was in being light of foot and swift of movement. Physics demanded, after all, that those who were lighter could cut sharper corners, for they had less momentum to redirect. Medusa would have to be prepared to move quickly, to attack for vulnerable areas, and to keep herself on her toes at all times. The damage to her own person would be heavy, but she was the sort of woman who could enjoy pain. Some of her clients had been sadistic, after all.
She would continue her attempt to circle the Amenti ruler as the violet-eyed woman spoke, regardless of if the woman would circle with her or not. Medusa was not going to be an idle target; she?d been training this week, making sure she could move swiftly with agility, that she could redirect her weight quickly, that she was well-balanced upon her feet. Her stamina was also a potential asset, given her recent training, although it was definitely not as up to par as her lightness of foot.
The woman would speak up, demanding Medusa?s reasoning in a pattern of speech that the harlot found stiff and formal. Where were the curses, the demands for her head? What was the point of trying to piss somebody off if they weren?t going to throw around some derogatory names? The names in question were thrown about by children, presumably the offspring of Medusa?s opponent. The midnight mistress would let out a gentle croon, pleased with the names. ?Thank you, my dears,? she would tell them, enjoying the attention she was receiving. She liked being the lime light, even if it was as the villain. Their hatred towards her was intoxicating, their words savory. She did not see them as insults; Medusa was well proud of being a bitch and a harlot.
After speaking to the kids she would finally offer a response to Newt?s inquiry. ?I am Medusa, a harlot as your children have so nicely pointed out,? she would state. It was only polite for the woman to know her name, after all. ?I challenge in order to protect the one who would hold my heart. That is reason enough for me, and it is all you need to know,? she announced. All the while she would be circling, keeping her distance, waiting for Newt to make the first move, waiting for opportunity. *Defenses were set in place, defenses that Muse was too lazy to list but that were complete. She was a serpent, waiting her opponent?s attack, waiting for opportunity.



06-15-2013, 06:46 PM
sooo this is happening after the cyanide/morphine deathmatch obv., but i wanted to post here anyway. morphine just won't interact with anyone in case she loses her dm, so her presence can be easily voided in that case.
plus i wanted to use this sexy table seren made for meee


The wraith seemed to be drawn to gore and agony like a moth to an open flame, so when the banshee?s screech resounded to announce a warrant for death and distress upon the island, Morphine would be quick to greet the challenge as she leapt to her paws, the fine strands of pallid fur upon her spine bristling with excitement. Adrenaline freely pumped throughout her petite form as she maneuvered towards the epicenter of the summoning call, metallic eyes alive with malice and heart pulsing vehemently within her chest. Despite the fact that she had the baggage of developing hellhounds beneath her slightly-bulging abdomen, the wench moved swiftly towards the battlefield, desiring to make a prompt entrance even though the beckon for demise was aimed towards an unknown perpetrator and not the ice queen herself. Regardless, she would meet the challenge as if it were her own detached skull that was wanted to adorn the battlefield and her blood that was needed to cloak the earth like a red carpet, skull and tail in alignment with her spinal column in her signature warrior?s stance. A smirk plastered itself to her pristine countenance as she approached the scene, pupils falling upon not one, but two challenging canines that were simply parched for blood, offering both females a glance but no words of encouragement. She recognized neither, though the stench that littered both of their bodies wasn?t entirely foreign to the witch ? they both smelled similar to the tawny lass she had encountered once before: Aria. Instinct forced her to put two and two together, deciphering that the trio of women belonged to the same pack she hadn?t known existed until weeks prior.

The aroma of another pack ? one that was strictly familiar to the ex-Tortugan ? wafted through her nostrils as she entered the fray, gaze flickering over to the couple whose defeat was sought, both canines complete behemoths that towered well over a foot higher than the dainty phantom of twenty-eight inches. She registered both countenances as familiar: the superior reigning duo over the pack that had aligned itself to her former ? one meant to defend her metaphorical crown, and the other meant to defend his actual crown. A simper drew itself upon her visage as she observed the black traitor of Tortuga and his russet challenger, curiosity striking her as she pondered just what dastardly deed Kaios had done to deserve the bounty over his head from one outside of Tortuga, for she knew there was hatred for this brute oozing from certain Tortugans. But, the woman was unable to give it much thought, for the second battle intrigued her just as much as the first to see a canine challenging a mammoth. She strode nearer to it, straying from the small and bitter crowd that had gathered in support of the gargantuan two, whelps that appeared not much older than half a year offering such biting words to the serpentine witch that dare challenge their enraged mother. Approval towards the dark temptress sprouted, empathizing with the underdog for her own potential had always been questioned due to her petite size. But she would refrain from placing bets upon either of the four gathered, simply interested to see the aftermath as she plopped her rump into the tainted floor of the battlegrounds, pupils dancing between each present in anticipation for action.


06-16-2013, 06:26 AM

Reflections shimmered against the cool sun. Transcending memories into bodies and exploring what once had been. Determination was a funny companion and one she had known well. This puppet knew nothing of the delicate matters it took to run a pack. She knew nothing of formalities or the royal bond it took to corral everyone into safekeeping. This was a mistake and she knew that if she won there would be sever consequences for them both. This wolf could have simply chosen to fight her as an equal rather then attempt to steal her kingdom. That was a fatal move and she would see to it she corrected it.

The way this woman looked onto her children made her bristle in anger. Yet, it was a good distraction, It seemed the woman thrived on reactions and she was unwilling to give her any. Her face was completely neutral minus the rage that sang in her eyes for her puppeteer. Jupiter would pay with her life, either here on the battlegrounds or at war in some not to distance future if she won. She was over stepping her bounds as a leader and causing unnecessary strife for her pack. It was clear she cared for nothing but her vengeance and she hoped that her pack could see the betrayal she was putting them threw. She was risking their lives for the satisfaction of her hatred, which was not an honorable trait. It was selfish and inexcusable.

Her ears twitched with the dripping acid the female spoke with. It was amusing really. This woman reminded her of herself. The day she had come to the battlegrounds to steal the crown from Sade had been on Zaras orders. Yet she had felt conflicted on killing the queen due to not knowing her. It seemed this woman cared not that they had no true qualms and already seemed to hold a seed of hatred for the queen slayer. This helped to sooth her mood. Kaios was capable of handling himself. She would have been content to observe his battle on the sidelines with her children and know if he fell it was on Jupiter?s paws. Retribution would come later but now the stakes were higher and the consequences would be dire.

?Should you have listened carefully you would have noticed my Daughter spoke of her father and your queen.? She said blandly, yet she was content that situational awareness was not the specialty of this wolf. She could use this to her advantage. Her tail flicked behind her as she gave Champion and unspoken order. Observe this fight. Record what unfolds and warn the others of what?s to come should this amateur beat me. she didn?t utter the words aloud but she knew Champion would understand regardless. Softness filled her gaze for a moment. It was an honest moment of true emotions for her comrade and it was gone in an instant.

His words rang in her heart. He loved her. That was enough fuel to help her destroy this pawn. ?Seeing as you are ignorant of the ways of royalty I will educate you. When it comes to challenging another for their thrown it is wise to speak your terms.? The voice of her father seemed to fill her head. She had been brought up as royalty, the heir to Voltaine, she had never wanted such responsibility as that role dictated. How ironic it was that she had stolen a crown and slaughtered the former queen and stood before this wolf to defend what she had taken with blood and honor. ?Since you are so eager to feel the grip of violence I will allow you the first move just as Sade allowed me. However, I will not be as merciful as she was. If you lose, you forfeit your life by any means I deem fair and as for your queen. Should she accomplish in killing my male then we shall be in open war. These are my terms? she said with finality. There was no arguing with what she declared. She hoped that Champion could support her decision. She wouldn?t allow death to be brought to those that weren?t worthy of it and the slaughter of a king was condemnable by death.

Her violet eyes were focused on her opponent. Nothing would distract her now. She watched as the girl circled her and allowed her body to move when needed to ensure she was never behind her and she was always in sight. She had given the option of starting this fight to the challenger just as Sade had down to her. Her body wanted to stiffen yet she allowed herself to relax. Her paws had moved to give her body balance. Her legs were limber and firm to help with dodging any direct attacks or to counter attack depending on what she chose to do. Her tail was level with her body and her ears were back. Her head was level with her body, protecting her neck and her coat was pushed upright into attention to give a harder chance of scoring flesh. It was winter after all and the behemoth was built for the snowy region of the north. Summer was her weakness and winter was her element.

Round: 0/4

Attacks: None

Damage: None
Defenses: Legs evenly distributed and lose to help with fluid movement and keep her grounded and balanced. Tail and head are level with her body to also help with balance. Ears are back to protect them. Fur is raised to support her skin and give her an extra layer to protect her skin beneath it. Eyes are focused and watchful for any signs of advancement. She is moving slowly with Medusa, ensuring her back is never facing Medusa.
Ooc: Just a side note, since she is an Avenger she is awarded plus 7 points in her battles.


06-16-2013, 09:14 PM
The land of giants was a twitter with motion this day, howls lifted, calling to Newt and Kaios at the same time from the battlefield. Massive head would lift, torn and tattered ears turning to catch the echos of the howl. She recognized that voice... Medusa? Great beast lifted herself from her frosty bed and turned towards the battlefields, the path a well known one to the old warrior woman. Though it had been some time since she had been there last the back of her neck ached at the memory of her last brutal battle. Shoulders rolled easily, catching and absorbing the sound of her paw falls. Head remained lowered, protective though it was not her who was called to defend her home this time. It was Newt, but Zara would be there to support her like she should have when she had originally sent her friend to collect the old queens head. Her trek was a moderate pace, blindness keeping her from setting off at a good clip. Nose twitched the whole way to keep her course straight and true to her destination. She hadn't recognized the howl that had beckoned Kaios, the one who was hopefully calling him to his death. A life without Kaios... Zara shivered with excitement, slowing as she approached the already large gathering. None had come to show their support of the one who challenged Newt but many had gathered to support Newt and a few had gathered to support the female fighting Kaios. No one to support the poor bastard though... If Zara had had her sight and had known that no one was looking she would have snickered at him but who knew, maybe everyone was watching her approach.

Champion was there already, as were Syn and Basilisk but no Sal to be seen. That was too bad, he had always kind of been Zara's favourite. A firm nod was given to Newt if she was even looking before blind eyes turned to the slowly circling female who had called them all here. It was Medusa... There was no denying that scent. Zara's heart dropped a bit, it would be a waste... Medusa's death would be a loss. But Zara would say nothing to her and not acknowledge her beyond a lingering glance. After a moment Zara took a seat beside Champion, nodding to her easily. They had only met a few times but Zara didn't mind the female from what she could gather, a young warrior with a good heart. Blind eyes slid over Syn and Baslisk, they were getting bigger, heart beats starting to slow to compensate for their size. Then there was one more, an unfamiliar scent but young... The massive beast of a female stood and walked towards the pup. "What are you doing here all alone?" she murmured to the pup as she seated herself beside the child, ready to move her if the battle came their way.


06-17-2013, 06:23 AM

So much was happening. Her father had come to keep with Jupiter. Her mother had come to defend their home. Why was this witch challenging their mother for their home? Why hadn?t she simply challenged her to a fight, why a challenge for their kingdom, hadn?t they stayed out of other pack matters? Why would another alpha risk war over her father? It was all so aggravating and confusing. Her ears fell back with her unreleased rage. She wanted to rush into battle and snap both wolves in half. Break them for trying to break her family.

Her brother had come to the call. Her violet gaze looked onto him as he questioned who this bitch was. She had said her name was Medusa and had revealed in the names she had thrown her way. Even if she was stupid to think all of them were directed at her. ?I don?t know who she is but I hope Mama beasts her till there is nothing left for Cerberus to collect.? She growled, her tail was slashing back and forth with her outrage. ?As for the wolf that is calling to our father, I don?t understand why she wants to kill him. Why would any wolf put their feelings above their pack?? she questioned, she knew how their mother felt about their pack. Sometimes the pack came before them and when it happened she was proud to know her mother cared about them all.

Another pup came into the battlegrounds. Curiosity was battling with her rage as she looked onto the small female. Who was she? She smelled like home. Was she new? Had mother taken her in? She was impressed with their mother?s size and she couldn?t help her chest puffing out with pride for her mother and a little bit of arrogance. ?Yup! That?s our mother. She can be your mother too you know. Mama has a soft spot for pups. Maybe we can be sisters!? she said happily, she had been born of two brothers. Well, one brother and a fairy fart excuse for a brother.

Her gaze shifted to Champion and her tail wagged with approval. So, she had come to support their mother. ?Aunt champion, what will we do if Mama loses? I know I am to go to Tortuga but what of my siblings?? she said fearfully. Could they handle loner life? Pack life was all they knew and even when she went to Tortuga she wouldn?t be alone. She knew she would have a guardian. Her ears dropped back with her anxiety. ?Mama has worked so hard to take care of everyone. Hasn?t she been a good alpha? Why would anyone challenge her? Doesn?t that wolf know Mama loves us all? She doesn?t neglect a single soul in the pack.? She whimpered. Why was this woman trying to tear something apart that wasn?t broken? At least when their mother had fought Sade the pack was already in ruins.

Zara had made her way into the battlegrounds as well. Her tail wagged gently for her but it wasn?t as enthusiastic as it had been moments before. It wasn?t that she didn?t have faith in her mother but she didn?t want to lose either parent. How could someone be so heartless as to kill her father! Why did she have to be so selfish?! Didn?t she understand his death would break all their hearts! Tears were welling in her eyes and she was trying to be so brave but she was scared for her family and her pack. She had a secure future, she was to marry the unborn son of her leaders litter, and she was to be a queen some day but what about the others? What about her possible sister? She wanted that desperately. Why were these wolves trying to destroy everything she loved and wanted? What gave them the right!

Medusa i


5 Years
06-17-2013, 07:31 PM

Near them the death match had begun, but Medusa did her best to focus upon her opponent. One blink and it could be the end, and the harlot was not quite ready to part from the world. At the end of the battle she would be bloodied, torn to pieces, but she would hopefully be able to make her get away. There were things to do, after all, things that she would hope to accomplish regardless of the outcome of either fight. However, she was not the sort of woman to run over the options. The serpent lived in the present, thrived on what sat before her.
It seemed that the Queen was set on not giving her any reactions, and that did not sit well with Medusa. She wanted the woman enraged, wanted to cackle at the way she?d gotten beneath her skin. As the woman spoke of terms and what was right and accepted, the wicked woman let out a string of haughty laughter between her sinister lips, quirked upwards into a smirk. ?I know of the ways of royalty, I simply do not care,? she announced, continuing as she?d always been in her attempt to circle around Newt. Even if the Queen kept up with her, if Medusa was in motion it would be easier to target what she wished upon the other. ?My terms are simple. If I win, I get your throne. Everybody will leave the lands unharmed and without protest, and will only be allowed back upon speaking to me. In fact, I may even allow you and your children to live there, if you should prove reasonable,? she announced, having already heard the other woman?s terms. Medusa had no intention of her throat being slit in the middle of the night, after all. ?If Jupiter should live and you go after her, I will be coming for your head,? she also warned. Jupiter was the one thing that had managed to capture her heat, and the dark mistress would not let her be harmed so easily.
?Thank you for the offer, my sweet, but I do not want the first move. I wish to see those gorgeous legs of yours in action,? she purred, flirtation heavy in her voice, even if this all was highly inappropriate. She noticed the appearance of Zara, curious what the amazon thought of her. And yet Medusa was not distracted for long, concentrating her attentions upon the violet-eyed Queen, the woman who wished for her head. ?I am also not fond of losing my life. If I should lose, we will have to have a footrace, no?? she asked. She cared so very little for the formalities; come and get me, Queen Slayer. Make me bleed, let me see what you can do. And yet she would not be the one to charge first, she would not be the fly who was so easily swatted away. ?Come, drink my blood, taste my flesh. It is your move, ma belle, show me how uncultured I am,? she urged, preparing herself.
Limbs were spread equally, bent slightly and weight fairly distributed. Her tail was tucked close to her body, weight pressing upon her toes to allow for a swift movement. Ears pinned back, eyes narrowing into slits whilst her shoulders rolled forwards. Her chin tucked, jaws parting, hackles rising to allow for further protection. Her head lowered, level with her body for the betterment of her balance. All the while she was in constant, steady motion, her built up stamina allowing her to keep in motion. She still hoped to circle the Queen, if only so that she might hope to wear her out, and perhaps also in the hopes that should Newt come charging it would only be easier to reposition herself and maneuver.



06-20-2013, 07:41 AM

Swish, swish, swish, the guillotine danced from side to side. Waiting, as the inches faded and the bite to flesh was drawing near. Everything was in focus and though distractions pushed into the mind of the insane nothing seemed to penetrate the stillness that settled over the behemoths body. Slowly she following the circler motion, all the while counting the inches and seconds it would take to attack, she was unsure if the maiden was aware but each time she following she moved only a fraction of an inch closer. Every time the snake pulled her gaze to see what her master was doing the shadow drew closer.

Words like acid pulled into her mind. What was a wolf challenging for another?s throne that didn?t care? What purpose did she hold for wanting her kingdom if she truly cared not for the role of a leader? Perhaps Jupiter was attempting the same that her very Zara had asked of her. That was an error in the queen?s judgment. Zara had held blood rights to the throne. Endured the ranks and forced her way to the top only to have it stolen from her. She belonged to Amenti but Jupiter belonged in her own realm not the realm of shadows. She desired not to die but she would not revoke the terms. Those were her terms and she would finish the wolf if she won. She would give her no room for escape and her life would be forfeit for her disrespectful actions, no matter how pure thy may be, she was challenging the queen of assassins and the consequences would be catastrophic.

She dismissed the first move. Coward. The name would forever be branded into the bitch?s bones. Truly she was a snake in the grass and she was certain how the bitch would bite. Some small part of her, far far away, wondered what Champion and Zara thought of this pretender?s refusal. It was dishonorable and disrespectful to dismiss the first move and that showed her that in no way would she allow this bitch to gain control over the kingdom she had worked so hard to build.

Reaction was what she wanted, what she expected from the queen slayer, but Sade had expected reaction as well and she hadn?t seen the strike coming just as this bitch wouldn?t know what direction she would erupt from. Her paws kept her body balanced as they followed the female slowly. She knew the tactic, tire the big fat wolf out, and then attack. Well, simply because one is large and heavy didn?t mean they didn?t know how to use their stamina and preserve it. That was an error many wolves that were built for speed and agility made when it came to larger wolves. Just because they were heavy didn?t mean they were slow and just because a wolf is slim didn?t mean they didn?t have strength behind their bite.

The words come had slipped from the serpentines mouth and yet she made no indication of doing so. She merely continued to move, waiting, watching, and hoping to frustrate the woman. Her violet eyes watched every paw step, every muscle movement, and waiting for any distractions. Jupitor and Kaios had begun their battle and the sound of snarls and growls was over whelming. She yearned to watch the battle and to know what was happening but in the end her children would tell the tale of their joint battles and she would know. Instead as the fight progressed in the distance she positioned herself at a slight angle as she followed the woman round and around.

She felt the distance slipping slowly and she could almost reach out and smack the bitch if she truly tried. In that moment everything became one fluid motion. Her legs locked and then propelled her body forward. Her weight was evenly distributed on her toes and her legs were wide to hold her balance. Claws were used to grab the earth and rip her body forward. Her tail was level with her body and swaying to keep her body in a forward momentum. She had pinned her ears back for protection, Her hair had rose upright to attention, and she angled her head down to protect her throat.

While the bitch had been circling her she had made sure to fall back just a little and angle herself so she was constantly facing the left side of Medusa, rather then be facing her head on. As she pushed forward she opened her jaws and tilted her head just enough to protect her neck. Her objective was to possibly grab the side of the serpent?s neck, or shoulder, hold, and she hoped that with her speed and weight she could possibly rip into the flesh and knock the bitch off balance and run her into the ground. She wouldn?t be gentle this time and anything she could score she would tear as if she were breaking into a fresh kill. Should the bitch move just a little forward then she would aim for the meat that met her shoulder to her leg. If hesitated and lunged forward then she would attempt to grab the fur around the bitched backside, where her shoulder blades were, and again attempt to use her weight to push her into the ground. Should she bolt then she would attempt to grab medusas thigh and again try to drag her into the ground.

<*b>Round: 1/4

Attacks: Newt is attacking from the side of medusa, since it wasn?t clearly identified in her post which direction she was circling, clockwise or counter clockwise, I am going with counter clockwise. This positions newt to face the left side of Medusa. She is aiming to grab the side of Medusas neck and push her off balance into the ground by attacking from the side. Depending on the direction Medusa goes she is also aiming for her shoulder, loose fur between the shoulder blades, or thigh and still aiming to knock her over with her forward force.

Damage: None, as this is the first move.

Defenses: Legs evenly distributed and lose to help with fluid movement and keep her grounded and balanced. As she pushes forward they space apart and lock forward to keep her balance and distribute her weight evenly and she is running on her toes Her Tail and head are level with her body to also help with balance and protect her neck. Ears are pinned back to protect them. Fur is raised to support her skin and give her an extra layer to protect the skin beneath it. Eyes are focused and looking for counter attacks or defenses. Jaws are ajar to grab and protect her face for any counter attacks. <*/b>



06-20-2013, 09:08 PM
ooc: I know its not by the pack but whatevs. lol

He had been off running around the pack owned territory, exploring the place he called home. It was nice, to get away from his siblings and just try discovering the world around him. Sadly though he didn't meet too many wolves, something he really wanted to do.

That wasn't what was on his mind though, a call had woken him from his sleep. Slowly eyelids pulled back, revealing a single violet orb, moving around in its socket. He was in the den, back against the wall and legs spread out before him. Carefully he lifted his head off the ground, ears swiveling to catch the howl, translating it. Something was off about it, it didn't sound like one of mother's pack mates and wasn't real friendly.

Not wasting any time the wolf pushed himself up and made his way out of the den, stopping for a moment to shake himself off before moving off towards the source of the howl.

In no time the boy approached a wonderful scene. Paws stopped him yards away from a large crowd of wolves, two he had never seen before and the rest were his siblings, Champion and Zara. There were two others though, his other, jaws open and throwing herself at another stranger. A fight? But for what that it would cause such a scene?

Something else caught his attention, and so he turned his head, violet orbs falling upon his father going at a strangely colored woman. What did I miss? He spoke up, head held high and a chime in his voice as he made his way over to sit beside Zara.

Sal's eyes would go back and forth between his mother to his father, tongue slipping out from his jaws to run over his lips. He wanted to see some pain, hear some yelps. The sound like music to his ears, and not only that, he wanted to see the blood... wanted to taste it.


Medusa i


5 Years
06-20-2013, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 02:11 AM by Jupiter I.)
OOC: Diagram that I made! Hopefully it clears up confusion if there is any <3

Silence fell between them, the she-wolf preparing herself. She was David before battling Goliath, muscles tense, body prepared, ready to slay the monster. And yet it remained to be seen if she would have anywhere close to that amount of success, if the snake would strike fast and true as was her nature. She fought against a formidable opponent, one who had great size and strength as her greatest ally. And yet Medusa had something valuable on her side, too; she had agility, agility that, based on physics due to her size, was superior to Newt?s. Those who were lighter had less momentum, and because they had less momentum it was easier to shift direction. A one hundred and fifty pound running back could cut on a dime, whereas a three hundred pound linesman might need a larger area.

There was little doubt that this woman could outrun her at, say, a two mile distance (provided that Newt would have the stamina that Medusa did). But they were not battling from two miles away; they were not entirely far away. A fast man could outrun a horse for several hundred feet, but when a certain distance was reached the man would find himself surpassed. Medusa knew that she would have to be swift upon her feet, and take what advantages she had. She would have to go for vulnerable areas, and make necessary sacrifices. She did not expect to come out of this with any small amount of injury, but her blackened heart demanded it of her.
She was much aware that Newt had been inching closer, prepared for a full out charge that she knew would ultimately happen. Not because the serpent had any sort of omniscient knowledge, but rather because it was obvious. She had denied the first move, and so it was up to the Queen Slayer to charge, to close the distance, to end their little game. Medusa care not that she would be branded a coward; she cared little for opinions, after all. If it resulted in her victory, why did it matter in the least? Bi-colored eyes observed Newt as the Queen followed her each step, noting that the distance was closing, preparing for whatever came.
Legs were spread evenly, weight devoted equally to each limb, the majority of that weight pressed upon her toes so that she might make a quick move. Eyes narrowed, ears pinning back, jaws parting and face contorting into a snarl. Chin would tuck and shoulders rolled, neck scrunching as a result whilst her head lowered to align with her spine. Hackles raised, tail lashing out for any potential balance. As she did so, Medusa started running in a straight line, instead of a circle, thus changing the angle of Newt?s attack slightly.
When the time was right, the serpent halted in her path, paws skidding slightly. She hoped that Newt would keep going, or even that the woman would try to stop. Either outcome was favorable; a continuation of motion in the same direction would allow Medusa to press her attack. A stoppage would be similar in outcome, for Medusa?s weight was easier to stop given that she had less weight and therefore less momentum. Newt, however, would take a longer time to stop. The serpent would therefore be able to avoid the woman?s jaws, but would not remain idle and content with this fact.
As soon as she?d managed to halt her weight and rebalance she leapt forwards, lifting her front claws off the ground and hoping that Newt would be in position to receive the limbs upon her neck, hoping that she would be able to press down with all her front strength. Medusa hoped that her front weight would bow the woman?s neck, hoping that she would be able to snap her jaws between where her paws aimed to position, hoping that she?d be able to bite into the bone of Newt?s neck as hard as possible. This would accomplish two things; one, the front weight of Medusa in one isolated area such as the neck would be likely to bow it or otherwise injure it if successful, even with the size difference. Her jaws would hopefully add to this. Two, the angle Medusa was attempting to put them at would keep Newt?s powerful jaws away, but of course none of her attacks were certain. The serpent was not omniscient; she knew not what this woman would do on a whim. But she was observant, careful, hoping for the best possible outcome.


ATTACKS: halting her forward movement in the hopes that Newt?s greater forward momentum will make her slower to stop and put her neck in front of Medusa, hoping to place her front legs upon Newt?s neck and press down, hoping to bite into the neck over the bone.


INJURIES: none yet (counter used)


06-21-2013, 11:06 AM

The lady was sprawled across the grasses, her pups were waned, still precious, still beautiful to her and she smothered them in all of the affection she could muster. They made her stronger, they made her a better wolf and she was learning to cope without Segar. The male had vanished, had been gone for near half a year, he wasn't coming back, Ghost knew that, she wasn't stupid, but that didn't mean her children needed to suffer. They were growing healthy and beautiful and Ghost was in awe to watch them- A howl, a command pierced through the air and her ears swiveled, normally she ignored should brazen calls from the battlefield... but this one... she found the nearest wolf which happened to be Elphaba, begged her to look after her pups and as soon as the woman agreed, took off at a full gallop.

Slender, lithe bodice propelled across the terrain. She had told Elphaba where she was headed and that would have to do, her heart hammered within the confines of her chest, worry and doubt filling her mind and her heart as she forced her limbs to propel her faster. Silver, liquid fur became a blur of powerful muscle as she careened across the earth. Why... why were they calling for Newt, why were they calling for her true Queen?

She came only a fraction too late, but the reason was obvious. Newt's massive frame was propelling towards this woman, this wretch who dare challenge her dear friend to a match for her kingdom. This was wrong, so very wrong and her heart beat painfully, her canines tore into her bottom lip, grounding herself as she watched the fight, there was nothing she could do now but wait.



06-21-2013, 11:50 AM

"Words that are spoken"

All this tension was so god damn interesting, yet at the same time frustrating. Not only did samona not know the winner, but she didnt know anything! Then the Beast's daughter would speeck, intwiddled with confidance, Striding back to her old position Samona would look her over, For one samona was slightly older. But that didnt matter.

Thumping the tail onto the ground the sultry words would begin to curse the earth, so deviously fascanating. " Of course your mother cant be mine! She'd slaughter me on the spot. Though if we became sisters it would be awesome!" A giggle would escape the parted lips, until the soft gaze would drift towards the fight, the whispy tail would spark up in habit. " I hope your mother wins!" It would be said short and snappy.

Adults would portray the area, gathering to see the outcome, yet somona wanted front view, and thats what she got, like most did. Newt took the first move, Yet if the young woman had the choice she'd be second. Just to gain the advantage. Slightly tilting the cranium the madonna would watch as they collide, biting and snapping.

occ: Sorry for the shortness, ive been busy lately.


06-22-2013, 05:57 PM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


There were too many people joining in, too much of a crowd. All Champion wanted to do was focus on the fight. For one thing, a good bit of bloodspill was always entertaining, but mainly because of all that was at stake. The tension in the air was so thick it could've been bitten into. And speaking of the air - the mammoth she-wolf turned her head from the combatants - was that Miss Secret's scent she smelled? Maybe she was wrong but it seemed to becoming from the twin clearing just a little ways off where Kaios was fighting for his own life. Why would Secret be there for that? 'To cheer on an old pack mate' was the first idea, but Champion had been in Tortuga with Kaios too, he wasn't exactly the type who inspired lasting loyalties.

Oh well, she'd figure out that stuff later. Frankly, she didn't care if Kaios died in a fair death match. Her attention was on her friend. If Newt went down... Champion wasn't sure she'd be able to hold herself back.

Ah, but there she was being as silly as the pups. She'd gauged these two warriors. Newt was clearly the better fighter, but only so long as she didn't get too cocky and clumsy about her size. Champion had done alot of training with much smaller wolves to keep herself quick and alert. True, they could whip themselves around easier, but so long as one knew how to handle their own muscles, they barely needed to move.

Champion's ears ticked forward to catch the Queen's words as Newt displayed her terms -her right as the challengee- and offered the first move to the stranger -a risk and an honor. Champion caught every word that was said, and perhaps more importantly what went unsaid. She caught the queen's look. Champion returned it with a so and steady nod. She knew her duty. But her gaze was was drawn away by a much younger, more innocent creature, murmuring up from beneath her shadow.

"Aunt Champion..." Amevia said. It was enough to touch the heart of any warrior.

It was quite a sight to see the bear sized she-wolf lower her muzzle and cock a polite ear to to the pup's muzzle so that she could better hear her questions. But they were sad ones, fearful ones. Champion gaze Amevia's head a lick with her giant pink tongue. "This is the way of warriors, little one. This the way of the world - it is seldom fair. But the strongest ones edure and win out in the end, just as your mother will. Stay by me and watch; you will see." It was a hard lesson to swallow, espically at such a time, but Champion did what she could to soften it with a firm, gentle tone, and she shifted her paws to better shelter the little pup if she wished.

Everything was going to be just fine.

Back to the fight, her attention turned. The challenger, calling herself Medusa, was speaking - yada, yada, yada - main point being that she refused to accept the terms and spat back the offer of starting the spar.

Geez. This was a fight right? Champion understood that some wolves simply did better when fighting on the offensive, but if this stranger was trying to come off as threatening and capable, she was doing a pretty poor job of it. Then again, that could be a tactic all in itself. Champion steadied her gaze upon the Grey Lady as Newt made ready to begin the dance. She would releaize this? Yes?

As the clash began, Champion no longer had eyes for the other watchers or the other battle. Her whole being was tuned in on the rush of paws, the flying of fur, and the fury of snarls....


06-23-2013, 12:51 AM

We fight to live, we live to fight

And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry

We live our lives on the frontlines

We're not afraid of the fast times

These days have opened up my eyes

And now, I see where the threat lies

The world has transcended into a form of suspension. Everything was frozen as time clicked on like some arrogate laugh that mocked them all. Alternate realities and yet they were one in the same. Fangs met fangs, blood for blood, hearts did beat as one as the couple did their best to fuel the fires that burned in their twined hearts. She could feel the adrenalin pooling in her body like liquid ambition. Everything was critical and she wouldn?t dare underestimate her opponent. The woman was indeed a snake and she knew her goal was to strike, recoil, and strike again. She wouldn?t allow distance to be her friend. No she would push and push until there was no room to flee from the monsters jaws.

She had made her way, closer and closer, as the woman had circled. Every time Medusa had stolen a glance at her master she had taken advantage of the distraction and pulled the distance away. When she had pushed forward for her strike there was barley much moving room. She was close enough that if she reached out she could almost touch the woman. She had taken that moment to strike. Her violet eyes had remained focused and ever watchful as the reaction erupted from her opponent?s body. She had calculated the bitch would either move forward, be hit directly, or back peddle. She had done the first. Used the moment to try and escape the blow and so she did. The behemoth was startled by the woman?s speed. Obviously she was so quick to avoid any contact from a close assault.

Never the less her eyes had followed and she had shifted her weight as she hit the ground where Medusa?s body should have been. She allowed her weight to shift to her right side and use her forward movement to continue as she shifted her body to follow. As she was doing so, the serpent had halted and turned around to make her forward assault. She was mirroring her master attack towards her Mate. She had done as Medusa had predicted to an extent. Newt was no amateur when it came to battle and watching the reactions of the body was a key factor to know what was coming. Instead of keeping forward and adjusting her body in a stand still like motion she had continued to peruse the woman. Though with the turn it had lost some of her forward momentum and force. She was certain Medusa had hoped that she would halt completely and the woman would be heading towards her in an angle but she had spoiled that plan by turning and heading at her straight on.

As Medusa was turning, Newt was almost on her. In the same instant that she was heading for the behemoth?s shoulder, again much like Jupiter, newt had allowed her legs to regain their balance of her body. Her tail was still level with her body; her ears were pinned tight to her skull, her head was level with her body to protect her neck, and the fur along her neck, shoulders, and backside were upright with her aggression. As Medusa was heading towards Newt she had begun to rise to attempt to hook her claws into the behemoths shoulders. Within the same few seconds, as Medusa rose to grab newt?s shoulders, Newt had given the illusion of meeting the woman head on. Her jaws were open and ready to meet her teeth for teeth and when she rose to rest her paws on newts shoulders, Newt had pushed downwards with her front legs and used her blacklegs to push forward towards the serpent?s stomach. Her jaws were ajar and aiming to score the very middle portion of her belly. She would rip into it as deeply as she could and attempt to pull the flesh apart and expose her bowels. There would be no escape from the pain that was ultimately to come.

Round: 2/4

Attacks: While her first attack missed, as she is moving forward, she shifts her weight onto her right legs and turns to follow Medusa and is now faced head on with her. Newt is going for a fake out. Pretending to meet Medusa head on, as medusa is rising to grab her shoulders and bite at her neck, Newt is pushing down at the same time and pushing her body forward aiming to score Medusas underbelly while its exposed.

Damage: None.

Defenses: Her legs are parted for balance. Her tail is level with her body. Her ears are pinned for protection; Her eyes are silted for protect, her fur is upright for added protection of her skin. Her head is level with her body to protect her neck.

ooc: Edited for word color, nothing more.

Medusa i


5 Years
06-25-2013, 11:38 AM

They were in the heat of it now, locked and prepared to deliver the damage. Medusa?s speed would not do her much good when they were close together, but her cunning and opportunistic nature would hopefully make up for it. She would have to be quick witted, quick to expose the kinks in her opponent?s tough armor and lacking in mercy whenever she came upon them. Distance would be utilized whenever possible, but in this moment it seemed like she would have to rely more upon her quick thoughts than anything else.
It was unexpected that her paws landed upon Newt?s shoulders, and most unwanted. This position left her vulnerable to the gigantic woman, in a way that the serpent did not appreciate. Immediately she would push herself backwards, rump attempting to land on the ground so she might quickly balance herself. She had also shifted her body slightly to her own right, knowing that head on head combat would not suit her. They were still looking at one another, but they would not be directly in front of each other unless Newt moved as well. Her body lowered, hoping to take her throat out of the question. Medusa?s eyes narrowed, ears pinning back, chin tucking and jaws parting. Her claws bit ever so slightly into the soil, spread equally with her weight fairly distributed amongst her reclined end and her equidistant front limbs. Her hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck level with her lowered body and face contorted into a snarl. Her bushy tail was tucked close to her frame, protecting her vitals as was key in a battle such as this. When needed she would snap it out, but for now it remained close to her.
As she landed and lowered herself, Newt dove forwards, leaving the serpent little room to negotiate. However, due to the fact that the midnight mistress was far smaller and had also lowered herself, Newt?s attacks did not land as planned. Instead the woman?s chest plowed into Medusa?s front, delivering moderate bruising and pushing her back a few inches. Her hind legs, which struggled in protest of this movement, received abrasions from the ground beneath her. The wounds upon her legs were not enough to disable movement or even bleed, but they stung nonetheless. The real damage came from the woman?s jaws; due to Medusa?s movement, they did not meet their target on her belly, but instead had access to another area. Due to her shift right, Newt?s jaws were slightly to Medusa?s left, and were over the top of her frame due to their significant height difference. Therefore, the woman?s jaws bit into the flesh on top of Medusa?s shoulder, teeth hooking in for a grasp. Immediately the serpent jumped backwards, ripping flesh off between the woman?s teeth and hoping to provide distance.
The pain was immense; she had a gaping, open wound upon her shoulder, that bled a significant amount. And yet she pushed forwards again, once more lifting up off of her front limbs. Her left paw shoved forwards, towards Newt?s jaws, hoping to push into the beast?s mouth. She did so with such force, for she wished to choke the woman upon her paw. Her left paw was twisting also, hoping to deliver the delicate flesh of Newt?s mouth with severe lacerations from the paw. She knew it was risky, but the first instinct of a creature when something was shoved into their throat was to gag, not bite down. Meanwhile her parted jaws aimed to dig into the bottom portion of the woman?s mouth, top hoping to seek into the lower lip and hopefully the gums should her teeth bite deep enough, whilst her lower jaws wished to dig into the underside of Newt?s jaw. Her head would approach to Newt?s left, turned slightly so that her jaw was perpendicular to Newt?s jaw, body weight hoping to pull downward with such a grip. Such an occasion would render the giant unable to bite, for the bottom jaw was where the force of a bit came from. This would protect her paw, but once again it was an incredibly risky venture.

ATTACKS: sitting down and lowering her body so it?s impossible for Newt to gain access to her belly, being pushed back, jumping back to put distance between them and then rushing forwards, lifting up her front paws attempting to shove her paw into Newt?s throat and twist to cause damage to the soft tissue of her mouth and throat, attempting to bite into the bottom of Newt?s jaw and yank down so that it?s impossible for her to bite down on Medusa?s paw


INJURIES: moderate bruising to chest, abrasions on hind legs from being pushed back, gaping raw bite wound on top left shoulder, pending damage to left paw