

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-14-2013, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 11:50 PM by Jupiter I.)
It'd been stirring for a long while, brewing and swirling in a cauldron of paranoia and hate--habitual wariness and earned spite, mixing and curling over one another, boiling in a stew of thought and sending whisps of hints out to those around. A subtle smell or just a glimpse--it hadn't mattered when Jupiter had dropped the news with full force on her pack.

She drank in the scent of the battlefield with relief, nearly glad that she could return to the place of misfortune to sate the itch in her paws, and, this time, the thirst for blood. A slight breeze captured her pelt, toying with the orange hairs and caressing her cheeks with the most gentle of touches, greeting her as if it'd known she'd been coming. Celestial eyes found that no feuds were currently being waged on this cool morning. It seemed as if the earth was relatively free of recent blood. It was likely cleansed by possibly weather or time, setting the perfect stage for what she confidently predicted to be the death of her enemy. To Jupiter, there was no losing.

It had taken only the brush of her pelt against the woman's and a simple, "It's time," to inform her accomplice of the fact that there was no longer a later to hope for--only a now. In matching strides and a steady gait they had traversed from Ludicael and to the battlefield, Mercury trailing behind, hardly a word exchanged between any of them until they stepped paw on the verdant grass.

She paused and immediately Medusa did the same, Mercury pressing his bodice against his companion's back leg. The Sol trailed her optics downward to the greenery, taking a deep breath as she pondered over her preparations. She'd sparred with Mercury over the past week and a half since the birth of her pups, exercising the muscles that were strained and tested in battle, ensuring that she was back in good shape before she took on this massive challenge. The woman hadn't needed a full-blown battle with a larger wolf to do all of this--muscles were muscles, and the soreness had ended yesterday due to her pause in such endeavors, and had hopefully come out a bit more agile because of it.

"I'm ready," she concluded, nodding to confirm this statement. Her violet orbs turned upon her friend, a knowing smile upon her lips. She leaned forth to give an affectionate swipe of her tongue across Medusa's cheek and ear, gratefully accepting any motion in return that the lady might offer with a pause. "Thank you for everything," she murmured, timbre tender. Then, the queen and the harlot lifted their muzzles to the heavens and called for their opponents.


reasons -
so basically it began with Jup meeting Secret, who was force-claimed by Kaios. She went to challenge for her freedom in the thread where Secret entered after Kaios claimed Newt as his mate. Kaios said "give me pups and I'll never bother you again" and Secret took that way out because of her pride. Jup left and things dispersed.

Next, Kaios tried to rape her. They got into a fight. Defaulted in his favor. Woops. But yes, attempted rape is part of it.

Afterwards she headed toward Amenti lands to call him out and redeem herself, but along the way she met a wolf named Kylar, who was also going to kill him but was hesitating as she did. They talked about it and she found out that he's been terrorizing other wolves, and she also learned that when Secret's pups were born Kaios ate those that were stillborn before her eyes.

Through her pregnancy, hormones and too much time to think has been making Jup increasingly paranoid, and she fears for the safety of her pups, her friends, and Ludicael. She now fights for the protection of her pack and her family, whom of which she feels are all threatened. All of this has been evident in other threads, as well as the fact that she has held an unrelenting itch for battle since her rise to power, which is another factor that has influenced her decisions.

Also, in her absence, Medusa was raped and held captive by some random brutes (as an excuse for her hiatus), which has made Jup even more hateful towards rapists and rape in general. We RP wolves in a more humanized way than they probably really are, so a scapegoat is a natural way to cope with things in a world.

ooc - I understand that Aislyn's mother is going through surgery and Ais has to take care of her parent and such, which is why I didn't start the round counter or anything of the like. This is just to get this over with and here before Ais is going more inactive so it won't be a surprise default, and that way she can consider how she will deal with this. She's not required to reply to it until she has returned from caring from her mother (unless the admins intervene otherwise), but may reply before then.

Also, minor powerplay permission given and approved by Muse. She is also posting first after this with Medusa.

This thread is all-welcome, and any may come. I don't know if the DM can be interfered with once issued, but I'd prefer it be treated that way. PM me if there are any qualms with this. ^_^


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-15-2013, 04:05 PM

"And satan will rise from the ashes, taking back what was once his."

The lord arose, ears flicking forward as a call rang out through Amenti. It was Jupiter, the wrenched bitch he had attempted to rape months ago, and another voice he did not recognize. They both ignited the fire within him, yet chilled him to the bone. It was a death match, and a challenge for Amenti's crown. Smart decision on that cunts part, if she would have faced him alone, the powerful pair would have ripped her limb from limb. Eyes cast toward her as he stood so close within their home. Newt. Ears flicked back, amethyst eyes falling upon her own. He had so much to say, and so little time. He could see the fire in her eyes, the pure hatred she felt inside. This was all his fault. The devil had played his games, and the moment he decided to give the horns to another all hell comes down, demanding him so stand his ground. And so he will. "We must go." He murmured, but Newt was already on her way, maybe more determined than he to get there. But how could he be? A fight to the death wasn't something he planned on getting into, yet it didn't surprise him. What did catch him off guard was the fact that Jupiter was the one who had called for him, and not Kylar. Sure, he wanted a piece of her fine ass, but nothing more. Kylar on the other hand, he had a good reason for the devils head. He would not back down, no matter what the reasons. If she demanded a fight, she was going to get one. A fight to the death, where blood will be spilled, and someones heart will beat no more.

The mammoths made their way toward the battlefield one steady foot at a time. Jupiter's sickening scent stung his nostrils, but the other woman was one he did not recognize. Was she one of Jupiter's minions? Did she even have enough balls to posses minions? His ears flicked forward, lips curling ever so slightly. Newt was prepared to rip heads from bodies, and so was he. He swore to her he would protect everything they had built, and if he failed he would die trying. This would be the perfect test, even if he did go down. His mind flashed back to Jupiter's and his fight. He had beat her then, why would now be any different? He sighed heavily, head twisting toward his wife's, amethyst eyes searching for her own. "I'm not sure why this cunt is asking for Amenti's crown, but you will win, my queen slayer. Don't worry about me, keep your head in the game, fight for all you have won. I promised you my loyalty, and my life. I will protect everything you have built, and if I fail, know I died trying. If this bitch thinks she can drag me back to hell, I dare her to try. Little does she know, if I do go down into the flames, my soul will never stop haunting this earth, and it will haunt for you." His tone was sincere, and the look in his eyes confirmed his promises. His cheek brushed against her own, tongue and lips curving as he showered her in sensual kisses, and with the slightest whisper, he spoke. I love you, Newt." With that they went their separate ways, she going toward her opponent, and he making his way toward his.

Eyes narrowed to slits, lips pulled back into a wicked smile, revealing only the tips of his two front canines. "Jupiter, what a pleasant surprise!" Head threw back as a mad cackle vibrated his very core, saliva spewing in all directions. Why not have a little fun while dancing on your death bed? Head tipped back down, muscles tensed as he locked his legs in place, giving him a good grip on the slushed earth. He was a monster compared to her, in size standing almost 8 inches above her, and weighing 80 or more pounds heavier than she. But, with brute strength and size came disadvantages. She was smaller, more agile, a bit quicker. Though his massive weight dragged him down he was still quick and forceful, and he had confidence in himself. "You dare to challenge me, the devil himself to a death match? Have you no shame my queen." Head turned to the left, revealing his scarred, naked flesh. "God sent the flames to drag me back under, and not even he could succeed, because you see, flames are the very thing I thrive within. Has he sent you too? An angel in disguise, sent here to send Satan back to Hades?" His shoulders shifted as he shrugged. "I don't even see why, my angel. What have I done to you? I couldn't resist you at one point, I just had to have you. You were taunting me every step of the way, and you know it. With those devilish curves and that dreadful smile you pulled me into a point of no return. We battled it out, and when I had won, I chose to leave you. I could have destroyed you, taken every bit of innocence you possessed; yet, I let you go. I turned my back and you turned yours, and inside my mind I swore to never return. I went home to my wife, fell for what we had created together, started a family even. And now you decide to come for my head? While you have welps of your own, waiting at home for their mother to return?" He paused for a moment, gaze set sternly on her own. He could smell them on her pelt, and her body looked sucked up, as if she had quickly lost a lot of weight. He wanted answers before this began. He needed to know why she had waited this long, and why suddenly she thought she deserved the devils head. He went to speak again but three more scents stung his nostrils. It was his two children, and his beta, Champion. So, they had come to watch this? Good, they could avenge their parents fall if they lost, and they could spew revenge all across Alacritis. He heard his daughters nasty words and he couldn't help but laugh. She was a little spit fire wasn't she? He heard Bas speak, questioning who these bitches were, then Champion, reassuring them of their mothers powers. She was right, not even he would want to fight his mammoth demon for her title. She was a force not to be recon with, because when disturbed she could break the world with a single step; and today she would. She would protect her home and so would he. This day would be written in stone for all to read, for all to know of the powerful king and queen who had established Amenti. The pack of assassins, where death was a toy worthy of playing with, and blood was a beautiful paste used to entice the senses.

"You have your puppet fighting my wife for our kingdom, and here you are, laying down your soul so you can fight for mine? Do you honestly believe I want anything to do with you, your children, or your kingdom? I have everything I need, everything I want; and so do you. Are you willing to put down your life after building the core of your soul? Why not challenge me for dominance? Make me stay away from your kingdom if you win, or maybe fight me for my genes? Take my jewels away if you succeed, so I will never have another sensual thought for the rest of my mortal life? Because you see, the things you do to me on this earth will not go unnoticed. You may lay me down, but this is only my mortal form, cursed with a heart beat, and no conscious. If this battle sends me back to hell, my soul will continue to haunt this earth, waiting to drag you down with me. If you challenge the devil at his own game you are setting yourself up for pain, suffering, and best of all; war. My subjects, wife, and children will avenge my death. Revenge will consume all I have touched during my time on this earth. If you want to protect everything you love, you will reconsider, because this will start a worldwide war. You may have allies, but we have allies as well, and something you will never posses. We are the demons of the shadows, waiting, lurking for someone to slip up so we can rip their hearts from their chambers. We drink the fallen's blood, hang their severed heads along our borders for all to see, eat the remains of those we have taken down. Words stung deeper than venomous fangs, eyes stared into the very depths of her soul. He had spoken his truce, and whether she took it into consideration or not was her decision. "If you are still determined to have my head, come and get it!" Ears pinned back, lips curled to reveal his jagged sets of canines and incisors, head dipped to protect his throat, and tail raised to become level with his spine. Muscles tensed as he prepared for anything she might throw at him, whether it be her body, or fangs. He remembered the moves she had pulled last time. No matter what he would keep his jaws away from her own. He couldn't get locked up with her again, or no fatal damage would be done. This was a fight to the death, not some sprawl in the forest over sex. He would rip into her veins, suck the blood within and spew it across the battlefield for all to taste. She would taste her own blood on this day. He would make sure of it.

"And the rapture will begin."

OOC: Slight PP on Newt, permission given to me by dark. Ok, I couldn't help myself, I had to post today -__- I will try my best to post within the 5 day limit. Jupiter can react to this however she wants, and she is granted the first move. We can do... 6 or 7 rounds, you chose. No one can interfere in this, as me and star have stated, though anyone can come watch. Also, i'm going to assume that the threads are still together, just in separate places right now, meaning all the wolves in Newt x Medusa thread can see the Kaios x Jupiter fight as well. Enjoy ;3

Round: 0/?
Attacks: None
Damage: None
Defenses: Legs evenly distributed, tail level with spine, giving him a good grip and posture on the earth. Ears flicked back, eyes narrowed to slits to protect them. Head dipped to protect throat, lips curled back to reveal his teeth, making it easier for him to snap and retract quickly. Muscles tensed to cushion a blow easier.


06-15-2013, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2013, 07:19 PM by Deteste.)

The day had come and he had left the Ludicael without even a word to Laxago. She could, and would, come if she desired such there was no need to unnecessary gestures at this time. He had traveled alone, silently, and apart from Jupiter for every fiber in his being cried out to intervene and advice her against the battle. But he understood her honor. More than that he respected her honor and he would not allow himself to interrupt the blood quest. His large obsidian bulk was obvious against the pale grasses yet he strode without noise and in his serious and thoughtful affect it was as if he was not there at all. He thought of the many wolves he had killed in his life, at least one for every year he had lived. He wondered if Jupiter had ever killed before. Even for the darkest of adversaries such violence changed an individual. Jupiter was fierce and she believed in justice. He did not believe she was incapable but it was difficult not to worry. He had prepared himself for the worst. Had imagined dragging her, with her beautiful vermilion pelt and her crown, lifeless back to the Ludicael for her proper honors. Had imagined a bloody victory won at the price of her vivacity. A victor who was no longer the Jupiter he knew. And he had imagined caring for her along side her children's father, exhausted but virtuous. It was this possible scene that his heart clung to. They were both Sols of the Ludicael. Their hearts were one for their land and her death with be detrimental, especially for himself.

As he approached the battlegrounds he cooly observed Jupiter's opponent. He was an ugly fucker. It was a judgement Deteste could not put away. His bias was strong, of course but it was impossible to mistake Kaios' blatant insanity. There was, to Deteste's knowledge, no basis for his power other than violence and no drive in his being beyond cruelty. Deteste had lived this life before but never to such an extent. His actions in his youth were certainly inexcusable but had been, for the most part, thoughtless. To relish such a lifestyle was sickening and he did not believe one could live too long in this fashion. A need to win for the sake of winning was not a cause at all. Surely Kaios was an opponent great in mass and force but his drive could never match the righteousness Jupiter acted on. He managed to only wince slightly at the behemoth's words. He was putting on quite the show. Though De was aware of the others in proximity, including the second challenge, Jupiter was all the world to him and he payed only enough attention to his environment to respond efficiently if it were to act on him in any method. His eyes locked with Jupiter's lavander gaze for a minute moment. He had advised her as best he could pulling from every fight and every kill in his life. He only gazed at her, without word or gesture. It was unnecessary. She was ready.

And if by some cheat or false act of fate Jupiter were to fall Deteste knew that the blood quest would then be his. He would return to the Ludicael and it would be long until the blood was once again pursued for he would be sure to find a suitable second Sol, but the time would come and he knew that Kaios would die then, if not now.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


06-16-2013, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2013, 12:12 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: WiAPRcg.jpg]

White toed paws had brought the young male to the battlefield. Of course he had came here alone. Heck, if his mother, brothers, or Uncle Gargie found out he was here...Kai would be in big trouble. But today...something called to him. Kairos felt like he had to leave the safety of Glaciem to go see the rest of the world. On the outside of the young male yes, he looked like a pup but on the inside was a young man wanting to get out. Kairos wanted to decide on his own how he should act. His brothers were all kind, serious, and sincere. Tiberious was much like their mother Keki while Pericles was like their Aunt Maka. But who was Kairos like? Who was the wolf he took after? Kai knew all along...he took after his father. Aside from the obvious purple eyes and black coat Kai had never met his father. But the young male knew that he looked like no one in his there would be a great chance he would know who his father was at first sight right?

With a huff the young wolf averted his purple gaze to the faint outline of wolves ahead. There were three over to where he was headed and another event or challenge going on somewhere else. It was interesting here...Kairos almost thought he liked it! With a small wag of his tail the young male started into a run. He ran until the three wolves became visible and describable. There was a dame who had a coat that he could not really describe...but interesting. And then there was another wolf watching, he was a black wolf. Turning his purple eyes to the last wolf there a gasp almost escaped his maw. The pup's ears perked up as he looked at the brute. He...he looked just like him! Aside from a few things here and there. There was a rather horrid thing on his face...Kai had no idea what that was. But the eyes, his eyes were just like his! And then the pelt, how weird this all was. It was as if Kai was a replica of this brute but had a couple things from his mother put on his fur.

Could it be? Could this massive brute be his father? Kairos knew he and his brothers had never had a father growing up and still don't. Is this why? Could it could! Maybe the male would look his way and see him...what would he think? Kairos then averted his gaze to the odd-colored dame, she seemed a bit...angry..more like deranged. With a small chuckle the boy then looked back and forth between the two, this was a death match! Could the man who could possibly be his father die right before his eyes? The pup wasn't sure if he was allowed to say anything so he kept quiet.

Oh how jealous his brothers would be if they found out he went to watch a fight without them. And how angry his mother would be that he had left the territory without telling her. And his Uncle Gargie would probably be a bit annoyed about this as well...along with Grandma Crusade. But hell yeah! His brothers and cousins would be all over him asking how everything was, the details, and questions. A smirk appeared on his maw as Kairos even thought about it.

What would happen if this man before him were to die today? What would Kai do? From the looks of it this brute who could possibly be his father didn't seem very nice...he had a bit of a dark aura to him....Kairos liked it. Maybe this was the reason to all of his inner feelings...trapped. Everyone expected him to be nice this, nice that. And of course the boy didn't want to let his Uncle Gargie down. What if Kai was going to turn out to be like this male before him?

The boy shifted on his feet as he stood there...if this man died today Kai would have to do something when he was old enough. But what could he possibly do? Or should the boy just continue to be a good little boy and be an angel. A sigh escaped his maw as he stared at the odd-colored dame with a glare. Hatred boiled in his veins as he let his purple gaze never leave her. Everything was so confusing....but Kai knew this fight would be interesting. So Kairos stood there and watched like a good boy should; yet kept that glare full of disdain on the dame every time his purple gaze landed on her...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-16-2013, 12:55 PM

He swept forward beside his bitch, the two parting, and Jupiter sent a final glance back in her ally's direction, nodding to the woman with approval and hoping that she beat the elephant of a woman into the ground for the crown. For all of her unprofessional mannerisms and crafty seductions, the lass knew she was an intelligent opportunist and more agile than anything she'd ever seen, though how that came about was strictly classified and she drew her mind from the thoughts, glaring at Kaios but saying nothing.

As she expected he would, he began, prattling on like some old woman yelling at pups to get off of her territory, more than likely over-compensating for what balls he lacked with an ego taller than any tree, soaring and spewing insults and bragging words to make himself feel better whenever he was tripped by reality. She ignored his spawn as they approached to observe the battle between Medusa and Newt, having no time to be distracted by them. However, she spied Deteste and their gazes locked for a moment, a sense of knowing passing easily between them. Something about this exchange and knowing that he was present calmed her considerably, but it was not to last.

A deep snarl ripped from her chest as he spoke of dominance, patience evaporating to nothing as he dared to suggest merely doing so in a pledge to stay away from her lands.

"And have you come right back with no regard for your phony little promises, just like you did with Secret." Her fur raised on end as her lip pulled up further, brows furrowing deeper as her head lowered in her snarls. Her ears pinned solidly against her skull. "And you're no god, Kaios--no fabled serpent that grows back heads or some ultimate ruler of Alacritia with an army of thousands. Just like the rest of us, you're a mote on the scale of the world--a fly to the passage of time. You're a fucking prick, and you know what you're going to do when you die? Rot in the fucking ground, so get used there being nothing after death."

With these words her stance shifted and she side-stepped largely to the left with preparation, weight turning even to be dispersed equally on her toes, causing her bulk to be shifted forward slightly for good balance. Wolves ran on their toes, and in this manner she was the most balanced upon them by nature. She took a deep breath, tail setting parallel with her form and fur flattening, the only evidence of rage within her shown in her features, which were still wrinkled by a snarl though the noise from it had fallen nearly-silent, fading only to a quiet rumble that paused only for breath. She glared daggers at her opponent, sickened by the final words he had blubbered. For all her hate, the woman had given him the benefit of the doubt as to her expectancy pertaining to his reaction. The lass had been wrong, though she should have expected him to start prattling like a pansy. But no more. Taking it as him offering his own life to her jaws, the moment the words 'come and' left his lips, she was off. Should Kaios refrain from moving, she would propel forth and cross their initial distance of five yards in three rapid, sprinting strides, but should he have shifted his position she would make an attempt to cross it as quickly as she could nevertheless.

She wasn't going to dick around and play some dancing game about him. Jupiter had aims to hit hard, hit fast, and dispatch his life as quickly as possible. That was, after causing as much pain as she possibly could to every part of his body she could reach. A straight-on charge was usually unexpected, considering that most would think it to be too predictable, but Jupiter knew her strengths enough to know what she was capable of, and dancing around him like a fairy wasn't it.

In her final stride, her front limbs lifted with intentions set upon resting her left limb on Kaios' right shoulder, her right limb aiming to come up and hook about the left side of his neck for leverage, not expecting to be able to reach his shoulder past his mass from her angle. Simultaneously, her head slightly lifted and her jaws parted and she aimed a vicious bite at his face, lips already curled back from her previous snarls, wishing to snag her top jaw upon his brow and her lower upon his cheek, seeking to mercilessly sink her jaws into the tender scar tissue and rip deeply downwards, hoping also to possibly maim his eye while doing so. She applied little to no forward force in her assault but kept her hind legs extended partially backwards in preparation to resist any surge forward, claws pressing into the earth.

round 1/5

attacks - Rushes forward (distance of about 5 yards approved by Ais since she didn't mention it in her post) to try and clear the space between them from a position a large step to her left of Kaios, rising up in an attempt to hook her right leg about the left side of his neck and place her left paw on his right shoulder. She is trying to attack the massively-scarred, right side of his face, and trying to hook her upper teeth on his brow, her lower teeth in the flesh on his cheek and then rip downwards. She also aims to maim his eye in this effort.

defenses - Pins ears against skull to keep them from easily being grabbed; weight dispersed equally and balanced on her toes, since wolves run on them to protect their pads; tail parallel and even with her form for balance; arches her body downwards should she be able to place her paws, haunches and abdomen low to make it more difficult for Kaios to bite her; hind legs stretched partially backwards to slightly resist any forward force he applies, though she expects him to be too busy with her trying to rip his muscles from his flesh to try such a reflex.

injuries - n/a

ooc - as aforementioned, distance is approved by ais. c: We've also settled on 5 rounds instead of 7-8.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



06-17-2013, 04:55 AM
The first time that she had ever come to the battlefield, it was to see why the earth had smelled faintly of blood. She was packless at the time, packless and lost and wondering just where her place in the world was. Now? Now things were different, she was an alpha, she was a leader of a pack that she loved - a pack that had alliances in nearly every corner. Seracia, Glaciem, and even Ludicael. She knew the sunset colored female, she had come to Valhalla while she was pregnant - but a bit of time had passed since then. Chrysanthe considered the woman a fellow leader, a friend, and hearing that she had summoned another lupine to a death match was devistating. What was she doing? She had a family to take care of! Yet at the same time she knew not what the wolf that she had called to the battlefield had done. Perhaps she was protecting the very family she had so very recently built.
She knew no one that was here, but spoke to no one. Standing near the edge of the field, her auds twitched as the male showed himself. A large brute, but around the same size as Syrinx - nothing to fear from size alone. He sounded like he was a bit touched in the head though, speaking as if he was hell's very own lord. She frowned, her ears pulling back slightly - fighting a madman was dangerous, there was never any telling what they would do. She prayed that Jupiter knew what she was doing, that she wouldn't forfeit her life during this fight. Should anything happen, Chrysanthe would make sure that the female's children were looked after and cared for. The new mother had probably made plans herself, but on the off chance she hadn't and then lost - she would step in herself.

But she had faith in the woman to win, despite her opponent's size. And so she quietly awaited the end of the battle, her stomach tight and her blue gaze locked on the battle.


06-18-2013, 05:51 PM

She thought she was so ferocious didn't she? The words she spat mean almost nothing. Obviously she hadn't been doing her homework. Death was merely another step in the demons life, and even when he fell, his spirit would never leave this earth. Whether it be through another soul, earth itself or simply a whisper in the dark, he would be there, waiting for her fall. Suddenly she was off, rushing forward to clear the distance between them. He was ready. His defenses stayed up, ears still pinned back, powerful legs and muscles stiffened, prepared for the impact she might hit him with. His eyes were still stilted, head dipped to protect his throat, and his tail was level with his spine for extra balance. His lips remained curled in that devilish smile, tongue rolling angrily behind his sharp canines as he snarled a battle cry. She was coming directly at him, getting closer and closer, and had side stepped to the left of him.

As feet turned into inches the beast lunged himself forward, powerful legs pushing against the earth as he met the queen head on. Suddenly she was upon him, front legs lifting and teeth aiming right at the scarred portion of his face. She pushed with almost no forward force, and was intent on hooking her paws around him for balance. He felt her right paw grasp his left shoulder, and her left paw pushed against his chest. Her lack of force was used to his advantage as he surged forward, lifting his right leg forward in an attempt to throw her off balance since she had her paw placed on his chest. He used his strength, weight, and momentum in this motion, hoping to push her over either onto her back, or onto her side. In the same swift motion he turned his head slightly to the left, causing her to place her attack right beneath his eye, giving him an angle at her vulnerable throat. She hadn't dipped her chin down to protect it, and this mistake could be the reason for her fall. Continuing this motion his head lashed forward, tongue rolled back, and jaws splayed wide open in an attempt to bite her throat. His intent was to grab directly in the middle while her attention was set on biting his face, but should she move he would attempt to grab the area between her throat and the crease where her neck and shoulder met. In that moment he felt fangs score into his scarred cheek bone. Due to the scar tissue his flesh had hardened over time, making only an adequate amount of blood leave the wounds. Ears remained pinned back, eyes remained narrowed but open enough for a good view. His back legs stiffened, giving him leverage on the slushed earth, and his tail remained level with his spine for extra balance. His determination to end the bitches life would not allow him to bend from the pathetic display of pain she was inflicting. Due to the thickened dead flesh only a few fangs had pierced his skin, making her first move almost fail her. If his attack were to succeed he would latch on, never releasing the bitch until her very last breath gasped from those pretty little lips.


Round: 1/5

Attack: When she got a foot or so away from him he pushed against his back legs and lunged forward to meet her head on. As they met, he felt her paw grasp his left shoulder and her right was coming to push against his chest, and while pushing himself forward in an attempt to knock her down he takes a step with his right leg, trying to knock her off balance since her paw is on his chest. In the same moment he turned his head slightly to the left to give him an angle at her throat, and to keep her from directly biting his eye. He lashed out, jaws wide open, aiming to grab directly in the middle, but if she moves at all he will be aiming to grab the area between her throat and the crease where her shoulder meets her neck.
Defenses: Ears still pinned back, eyes still silted. Back legs stiffened and pushed against the earth for leverage, his front right paw coming forward as he pushes himself toward her. Tail level with spine for balance. Jaws are splayed open, ready to grab any flesh he can get, tongue rolled back to protect it from any damage.
Damage: Jupiter's attack on his face got moved downward as he titled his head to the left, so, her top jaw got his cheek bone right below his eye, and her bottom jaw should be somewhere toward the bottom of his cheek. Blood has been drawn but due to the hardened scar tissue, it's more difficult to pierce through than normal skin. So an adequate amount of blood was drawn. I'm not sure how hard she intended to bite either.
OOC: Also, scar tissue tends to harden over time, so the scarred portion of his face is actually thicker and more durable than the fleshy, non burned parts. That's why only an adequate amount of blood was drawn. :3


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-21-2013, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 05:56 PM by Jupiter I.)
In battles such as this, things happened in mere moments. Opportunities were taken by instinct and reflex and chances were lost in the throes of negligence and lack of observation, but above all Jupiter had learned that dwelling over mistakes were things better saved for after the battle, and kept that determinedly in her mind

It happened almost simultaneously--no sooner than she'd curled her lips back and opened her jaws and begun to close them, several of her fangs pierced the flesh of his scars, paws nearly finding their targets upon his shoulder and chest. In doing this, she found that his scars had an odd, harder consistency than she'd expected the scars to be, especially in an area that moved often. She was learning new things about Kaios by the moment: for one, not only did she now know he had a whole lot of ugly, a whole ton of ego, but also a massive amount of physical disregard to everything she thought she'd known about her own species. Loud snarls ripped from her, lips curled back and ears remaining thoroughly pinned. She tried to bring her jaws together in an attempt scrape and bunch more flesh in her teeth for good measure and to endeavor to keep a hold on it as well, hoping that the uneven, wrinkled planes of his once-charred skin would make the action a breeze.

His momentum toward her quickly became apparent at the same moment of their attacks and she stifled her urge to tense up, for being limber and quick was her greatest need right now. She felt the muscle of his right pectoral shift under her paw as his leg lifted in his movements, but the shifting wasn't nearly enough to disrupt the placement of her paw--only edged it more to the center of his chest. Jupiter swept her paws as quickly as she could to the ground and used her back legs to help shift her position, trying to side-step hastily to avoid the force of his weight, but was too slow to completely do so. The right sides of their chests were the only things to collide, and to try and right her balance she allowed the impact to cause her body to shift into a nearly-perpendicular position in correlation to Kaios, pivoting lightly on her front paws.

Despite her efforts, she quickly found that a wolf of her size and speed couldn't quite escape any attack unscathed. As she moed, she felt the tugging of teeth on a mass of fur just above her shoulder, and couldn't stifle the slight yelp as the fur was ripped from her, leaving a patch of exposed flesh about three inches in diameter.

In this motion, occurring only a second or so after having attempted to increase the area of and tighten the grip on the flesh of his face, she almost simultaneously moved to bunch her neck back, trying to pull her head closer to her, tail going out even and paws spreading to distribute her weight properly for balance in this endeavor. She hoped that this would seriously worsen his injuries, and that his forward momentum (though it would be hindered by their collision, but turning was usually difficult for wolves of Kaios' size) and her own drop to her paws would aid her further in this goal.

During all of this, Jupiter was by no means on her own. Her earlier snarling had carried well on throughout her attacks, the sound rumbling deep from within her throat and smoothly from her maw, a habitual noise that took little to no thought. In this manner she'd hoped to mask the sound of small feet plowing through the snow. In fact, he'd remained silent and still on the sidelines all during his presence, as per Jupiter's instruction before the battle. But now, still was subtracted from the equation as Mercury charged from directly behind Kaios. The tasmanian devil would make an attempt to fling himself upwards onto his hind legs, stretching as far as he could, and immediately try to wrap his claws about the brute's back left limb and attempt to sink his greedy fangs deep into the spot directly above his tarsus, aiming to tighten his grip and rip backwards and tear whatever he grabbed--hopefully the outer-most muscle there--away from its residence.

round 2/5

attacks - Tries to close jaws, hopefully scraping more flesh together and covering more area; later attempts to rip the flesh from his face by jerking backwards and down on it. meanwhile, Mercury attacks Kaios from behind, trying to latch onto Kaios' back left leg and attack just above his tarsus.

defenses - To defend against his forward force she drops her paws from his body and tries to side-step, but isn't quite enough to do so. This causes the right sides of their chests to collide and she uses the force delivered to complete her already side-oriented momentum by pivoting lightly on her paws. Ears are pinned and she is constantly snarling to hide the sounds of Mercury. Curls lips back when biting so they aren't in the way. When on all fours and angled differently, she evens her weight and casts her tail outwards. Mercury is helping defend her from Kaios by serving as a distraction in his quest for his flesh.

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck.

ooc - For reference, I took Kaios' second conditional by making her move. Also, though I didn't mention the issue of mobility in the IC post, I'd still like to point out that I don't think he'd have the jaw mobility that's being claimed with half of his face encased in the 'hardened' scar tissue. Muscle tissue is also usually the only tissue to harden to such a consistency. Also, in my last post, I believe that "seeking to mercilessly sink her jaws into the tender scar tissue and rip deeply downwards," counted as a testimony to the force in which she wanted to attack with. c:

I've worked on this post 5ever and was going to post it last night, but I was up until like 3 AM switching between two options of attack, at war with myself on what the heck I wanted to do since I had two good possibilities for counter. XD Good luck~

edited to fix ooc wording about kaios' scars because I didn't say it quite clearly. XD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-25-2013, 07:55 PM

Things were happening in a matter of seconds, and the pressure between the two was multiplying. In the middle of battle the consequences had been put aside, since each wolf was hell bent on destroying the other. But in reality, today, someone would die, whither it be him, or her. Someone would send a pack into total chaos, and the other would revenge the fallen king or queen, sending the world back into the devils play pin. He would avenge either outcome, wither by killing the bitch or by haunting her in hell until her very last breath. He would see her fall into the pits of hell to rejoin him, and he would drag everything she loves with her. The king was a Satanist creature from below, but he had risen up, taking his own set of demons under his wing even in the mortal world. He was capable of mass destruction, wither in a mortal form or spirit. Either way, kingdoms would fall, and lived would be slayed. This day would go down in stone forever, for all to read. He was sure of it.
As he stepped forward her paw edged more toward the center of his chest, but she dropped her front paws and seemed to retreat to the side, trying to avoid his forward force. The right sides of their chests collided, but since she was at a stand still, no damage was done to either opponent. They had simply rubbed against each other, and It put her more perpendicular to him on his right. How his attack had practically failed he did not know, but when he pulled back all he had gotten was a tuff of fur between his jaws. He quickly spit it out onto the earth, clearing his mouth of any possible barriers for his next attack. His head only pulled back an inch or two as he pulled the tuff away, and as he did so he could feel Jupiter trying to pull hers back as well, and trying to pull his face with her, over all trying to rip more flesh on his face. But, as she pulled back he pushed forward with her, giving her almost no room to rip her head completely back and rip the flesh from his face. In the same motion he lashed his splayed open jaws at the exact same spot he had just attacked, and since he had pushed himself forward as Jupiter pulled back, and had only retracted his head back an inch or so when he ripped the fur to begin with, he assumed he was only an inch or two from the naked flesh he had just attacked. Since he had already ripped the fur away this time he was attempting to grab the same area, and if he managed to latch on he would pull back to rip away muscle and flesh. His back legs remained stiffened as he continued pushing himself toward her, and even though they were at a more perpendicular angle he was still hoping to push her over.

The growling in his right ear was rather loud, but with his right and left both being pinned, his left could still pick up minor sounds around the two. He could vailgy hear Newt and Medusa and the screams and protests of other wolves watching both fights. He couldn't understand the words, and from Newt and Medusa all he could hear was vicious snarls, but he wasn't completely deaf to what was going on around them. His left ear twitched slightly as he heard a crunching noise behind the two. He felt no pain, so it wasn't flesh or bones ripping. With the snow covering the earth he assumed it was another wolf coming at them, trying to ambush him while Jupiter had his face and he was trying to attack the crook between her neck and shoulder. What a dirty little bitch! The man waited for the right moment, but with the snarling in his right ear it was hard to hear out of his left. The crunching became louder, and when he assumed the attacker was only inches from his rump he tucked his tail between his legs, keeping it away from lashing fangs. He was forced to stop pushing his body toward her, but his jaws were still aiming to sink into her naked flesh, and he had already pushed his face toward hers to keep her from pulling back. In the same motion he balanced his weight more toward his front legs and right back leg, and retracted his left leg forward to build momentum, then kicked his left leg back, hoping to smack the attacker wherever he could manage to get him. He wondered who the fuck it could be. The crunching of snow sounded more like an entire body was being dragged against the slush, not just four paws that one would hear from a regular sized wolf. He wondered if it was one of her pups? Had they come to watch the battle too? Then he remembered a valuable piece of information. Her companion. What the fuck was it again? Some type of rodent with a nasty attitude wasn't it? Was this the attacker? Or was it a smaller wolf, or maybe even another animal who wanted in on the action? Whatever it was he was aiming to kick it with his powerful back leg at it, hopefully stopping it's attack and pushing it back.
Attack: He still pushes himself forward even though she is partially perpendicular to him on his right, still hoping to knock her over. When she goes to pull her neck back, he pushes himself with her, giving her almost no room to rip her head completely back and rip the flesh from his face. His head is still titled a bit and he goes for the same spot he had just attacked, but since he had pushed himself with her, he assumes he is only an inch or two away from the spot he had just attacked. With no fur to protect her flesh he is attempting to sink it teeth into the muscle and rip away. While doing this, he vaigly hears crunching snow behind them out of his left ear (since she is now more toward his right her snarling is farther away from his left ear) and when he assumes whatever it is behind them is inches away, he retracts his left leg back to build momentum, then kicks it back, hoping to kick Mercury to stop his attack and push him back.
Defenses: Ears are pinned, eyes still stilted to protect them, jaws are splayed open to easily grab the flesh he is attempting to grab, lips are curled back and out of the way. Tail tucked to keep it out of the new attackers reach. His balance is set more on his front legs, so he can kick his left leg back toward Mercury.
Injuries: Jupiter still has a hold on the right side of his face, but since he pushed himself forward with her as she pulled back, no more damage was done. Still bleeding of course, and her teeth are slowly sinking deeper as she holds on.
OOC: No more clarifying why we do what we do in the OOC section, what we do is what we interpret in our heads, what matters is what the judges think and have to say. Realism can be determined in different ways, but since they are the judges, what we think is realistic and what we don't doesn't matter. It's up to them. Also, no more drama in the cbox. As a mod we both know that we need to stop with the bs and just deal with the fights. This is all IC, so keep it that way guys.


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-27-2013, 01:08 AM

Despite her best efforts, it seemed as if her goals to ravage his features were near-impossible to reach. The brute moved in unison with her to avoid the consequences of her attacks, shifting sideways toward her to accommodate for the backward motion of her jaws, not skipping a beat in his attacks. She felt his scar tissue shift minutely about her teeth and lips as his jaws gaped to seek another attack, and--if his tactics were anywhere similar to hers--was probably aimed at the exposed spot that he'd just torn in her flesh. His attempts were not a thing that she would bother to question, nor would she ponder over the possibility of him being able to reach that far without further damage to his face--instead, she would act.

Sick of the taste of scar tissue in her mouth, she would throw her weight forward to meet his advance without hesitation, her final attempt to deliver detrimental damage present in this action. The queen would immediately fling every ounce of her weight toward him, pushing with all of her limbs, hoping that the conflicting movements of their heads would make injury to the maimed tissue unavoidable. Despite the outcome, she would release as she allowed for him to collide into her upper chest, sick of her jaws being stalled in that one despicable spot for so long when she wished for his life to end at her teeth. To aid in keeping her steady against his bulk, Jupiter dug her hind claws into the snow padded partially by their scuffle, weight forward upon her toes.

Her movement redirected his attack further than he had originally aimed, and she felt teeth find their way into the fatty area just behind her right shoulder. No amount of will or ego could stifle the minute yelp that left her as a chunk of the protective fat was ripped away, ears clenching as tight as they could against her skull with aggression. The area was naturally pain tolerant, but nothing could quite prepare someone for getting pieces torn from their body in such a manner. With their heights in mind, Jupiter tried then to slide her weight and force downwards a bit toward the upper and middle portions of his legs, trying to put great pressure on his limbs and joints to force him to fall or move drastically to prevent injury. The larger they are, the harder they fall, was the only fleeting frivolous thought she allowed herself before halting such antics.

Though she had not the knowledge of such events due to an angle that restricted her sight of Mercury, her attacks would coincidentally occur simultaneously with the retraction of Kaios' back left leg, making another possibility to throw him off balance without her quite realizing it.

Just before Kaios' leg extended to go outward in his kick, the large Tasmanian devil's jaws found their target with proper accuracy, the movement having efficiently countered his attempt at grabbing the limb. Without mercy his jaws sunk deeply into the muscle he had sought, jaws holding fast until the moment the lower portion of the hind leg hit him square along his chest and stomach. The breath flew from him and his body mimicked the flightas the companion found himself flying through the air with the power of Kaios' assault, ripping away and severing the lower portion of the Achilles tendon of the brute with the force that had meant to deter this very event. With a thud he landed in the plush snow near Deteste, gasping for the breath that had left him from both impacts.

Blocked out of anything else but Kaios and only minutely aware of something that wasn't her opponent moving slightly up and away in her peripherals, she had no urge to break her focus--only the will to kill. Eyes narrowed with frustration as she realized she wasn't at an angle to bite at any particular area properly, but she kept her jaws minutely parted in preparation, looking for any opportunity to strike or defend.

round 3/5

attacks - Throws weight forward to meet his own, pushing with all four limbs, hoping that their conflicting directions will require that the scar tissue rip, but will release it nevertheless. She tries to shift her weight and force downwards as well to hopefully put more stress on his joints/front legs than they can handle. Mercury's attack succeeds and he severs the lower portion of the Achilles tendon ("the outer-most muscle" above the tarsus), but he is sent flying from the kick. Though she isn't aware of it, her attack will hopefully have the possibility to bring him down between her and Mercury's assaults.

defenses - To try and hold her own against his weight, she digs her hind claws into the partially-packed snow. Ears are still pinned and eyes are narrowed to try and offer protection of both parts, and tail is still outwards for as much balance as she can manage. Her jaws are slightly agape, prepared to go on the offense at a window to strike or on the defense to protect what may somehow threaten her further.

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck. She is missing a moderately-sized (about 2/3rds inch deep but about two inches wide) amount of flesh from the fatty area just behind her shoulder.

ooc - I believe that clarification is my choice and it will remain that way. I understand that it is all a matter of perception and that it is up to the judges, and they may do what they please--ignore the OOC or not, I honestly do not care, because just like my right to clarify, it is their right to ignore it. I specify for the enjoyment and understanding of others (including yourself) and the ease of the thread. More people read this fight than just you, I, and the judges--people that may not have the experience or insight like we do. As you aptly put it, it is all a matter of perception, as all description is, but I am attempting to be courteous to our other readers by allowing them insight into my perception instead of rudely blocking them out of it. I like to be in threads that are enjoyable and easy to understand to read and be in to whatever parties may be viewing or present, and I will not deny someone that opportunity.

I have not been around the cbox often over the past couple of days and have not been aware of the activities inside of it as much as usual, but as a mod I also know better than to dig up the bodies of problems buried by a solution. So I will not discuss or revisit the matter of drama unless a new problem arises.

Also, on the matter of Mercury's attack landing since where/whether or not the jaws landed was not specified or if the attack missed:

[6/26/2013 10:47:49 AM] Brittany: okay if they didnt address an attack

[6/26/2013 10:47:57 AM] Brittany: but tried to counter a different one done in succession

[6/26/2013 10:48:12 AM] Brittany: then the first attack could be assumed, ergo the succession

[6/26/2013 10:49:02 AM] S T A R S I G H T: so if he's trying to wrap his front legs around the leg and bite at the same time, which could I dictate to be assumed to hit?

[6/26/2013 10:49:15 AM] Brittany: whichever

In this manner, I chose for the bite to land. For reference to the location of the Achilles tendon, I used Figure 1 here.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-01-2013, 07:07 PM

The beast was attempting to go for the naked flesh he had just attacked, face and body pushing forward with Jupiter's to keep as little damage done to his face as he could. Flesh continued to rip with her fangs digging into his face, but the only serious damage done was blood and gashes in his scarred flesh. She hadn't punctured all the way through his cheek, but the bleeding was increasing. But to his surprise she released his face and pushed herself forward with all her might, but due to him already pushing forward, she only jerked him back a foot or so from the sudden weight thrown at him. Luckily, it did not throw off his attack or balance, due to his evenly distributed posture. Legs were evenly distributed, his tail at the time was level with his spine, his ears were pinned back, and his eyes were silted to protect his sight. His defenses remained up, and as his teeth sunk into his target he violently ripped back, taking a nice chunk of flesh from her body just behind her right shoulder. The yelp that ripped from her throat made his lips curl into a devilish smile, but he kept his teeth bared, ready for her and hi next attack. "Scream for me bitch! I want to hear you scream!" Her blood dripped from his exposed fangs, he loved that taste, it was inciting to his senses. It turned him on more than anything else in the world. His right eye twitched as he licked the blood quickly away, the chunk he had ripped away had already been swallowed and disposed of. She was still pushing forward, but now she was pushing more on his front two legs. Everything he had just done happened in a matter of seconds, and so had her sudden movements. It was difficult to keep up with, but he stood his ground while he could.

This was when his leg was brought forward to kick back, but with Jupiter pushing forward, it was hard for him to keep his balance, especially with one leg off the ground. His tail tucked beneath his belly, his claws dug into the earth as he tried to keep his balance as she continued to push him back. A vicious snarl bubbled from his throat as he felt something latch onto his leg, and by this time he had kicked back, sending the attacker sky high. Well, he assumed, since he vaigly heard a plop in the snow somewhere off in the distance. For a split second he felt nothing, but as Jupiter pushed forward, and his back left leg came back down to touch the earth, he felt the excruciating pain, and it instantly buckled from the ripped tendon. His leg was done, and it would be for the rest of his life. Nothing would stop the bubbling snarl that ripped from his throat due to the horrid pain. He had never felt pain like this in his entire life, not even the burns on his face and body from the fire had damaged him this bad. He felt like his entire body was scorching, and the worst part was, with Jupiter pushing forward, and that back leg buckling, there was no avoiding the kings fall to the earth. "I'll fuck your dead body cunt!" Nothing could mask the raging fury he felt inside. He had just received a possible death blow, and he wasn't about to go down like a little bitch. No, he would fight until his last breath.

As he felt his weight start to fall back he leaned toward the right, putting his weight on the side with a back leg that actually worked. That way when he did go completely down, he wouldn't land directly on his back, but on his right side, where he could still have a fighting chance. Within the same seconds of him losing his balance and starting to go down, the lord splayed his jaws open again, and made an attempt at grabbing the left side of Jupiter's throat, but if that didn't succeed he was also aiming for the crease between her neck and shoulder, over all intending to grab her as he falls toward his right and drag her down with him. With her forward movement he hoped to use her momentum to his advantage, causing her to practically fall into his splayed open jaws. If he were to succeed, he would hold on this time, even if he did get a hold of a thin layer of skin. He would not rip his head away, but instead grab a hold of Jupiter, and keep his hold. Of course, while he started to go down toward his right, his left front leg rose off the ground due to his destroyed balance. He used this to his advantage and swung his left paw toward the right side of Jupiter's neck and shoulder. He was attempting to reach out his left paw and grab the right side of her shoulder and neck area, which would over all assist him in pulling her closer to his bite, and also help him drag her down with him. Of course, he could also possibly dig his claws into the wound he has just inflicted, since he is aiming to grab onto the same area of her shoulder and neck he had just removed a chunk of flesh from. His defenses remained the same, his ears remained pinned, his jaws were splayed open, his eyes were still narrowed to slits, his tail was still tucked to protect it, and his weight was shifted toward his right to keep it off his injured leg.



Attacks: Attempting to grab either the left side of her throat, or the crease between her neck and shoulder(same place as last time) and drag her down with him as he goes down toward the right due to his buckling leg. This time he intends on keeping a hold on whatever he grabs, even if it is a thin layer of flesh. While he goes down, his left paw rises from the earth (since he is falling over on his right) and he attempts to hook it around her right shoulder / neck, which would over all assist him in pulling her closer to his bite, cadging her, and assist in dragging her down with him. He could also possibly dig his claws into the wound he has just inflicted while grabbing her, since he is aiming to grab onto the same area/side of her shoulder/neck.

Defenses: His defenses remained the same, his ears remained pinned, his jaws are splayed open, his eyes are still narrowed to slits, his tails still tucked to protect it, and his weight is shifted toward his right, keeping it off his injured back left leg, and also making it so he begins to fall over onto his side, instead of straight onto his back. His claws are hooked to assist him in trying to grab onto the right side of Jupiter's neck/shoulder.

Damage: Tearing on the right side of his face is worse, bleeding is a bit heavier than before. His back left leg is completely out due to Mercury's attack, which was ripping his Achilles tendon. He will never be able to use this leg again, and when he puts any weight on it, it instantly buckles from the pain and ripped tendon.

OOC: Only two rounds left 8D



07-02-2013, 04:19 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 12:36 PM by Deteste.)

It was eerie just how silent the fight was. Deteste could hear cries from Medusa's fight but they were muffled by the wind and it was as if they were far from the ring before him. There was no conversation between Jupiter and Kaios. Only the sound of their bodies colliding and thrashing against the compacted snow beneath their feet. The occasional cry or snarl would pierce the thick silence only to be killed by the neutrality of nature. In all the violence and blood Deteste retained a stoic expression though his heart pumped violently within his chest. He could not help the completely bias hate he had for Jupiter's opponent. However with the speech the man had made Deteste's dislike was not completely misplaced.

As much as Deteste did not want to stray from his observation of the fight he reassured himself that Jupiter was doing well and took a quick moment to survey the other attendees and the progress of Medusa's battle in the distance. He though it important to know who was present and what their intentions were. In the event that an angry attendee were to attack Jupiter or Medusa, in the event that they would win, Deteste would be prepared to defend the victor. The only body that Deteste recognized other than Jupiter or Medusa was the Valhalla queen, Chrysanthe. He would approach her later and speak his appreciation for her support and presence. He had not yet met the woman but was aware of the new alliance between the packs. As Deteste began to refocus his attention on Jupiter's fight, he noticed a cease in movement between Medusa and the woman she fought. Observing the body language between the two Deteste judged that Medusa had won and it lightened his heart for this was the outcome that Jupiter would have wanted.

Once again, Deteste returned his attention to Jupiter but it was broken by the flight of a dark body that thudded beside him. Deteste looked up as Kaios screamed his words of fury and realized his limp leg. Deteste resisted the smile that desperately desired to curl on his maw and he instead focused on the creature that had landed beside him who could be nothing other than the tasmanian devil whom served Jupiter. Taking advantage of the first stunning moments of his violent landing, Deteste neared the creature and prodded him gently with his nose and tongue in the search of any broken bones. Mercury's breathlessness would only last a moment and Deteste forgivingly anticipated any lashing that might come as a result of his prodding. He understood Mercury to be moody and only comfortable in the Sol's presence. It was not likely that the tempermental creature would take well to a stranger's touch. Deteste did not wish to disgrace him but only to care for him in the event of injury for he was a friend to the sol and a member of the Ludicael.


Jupiter I


7 Years
07-04-2013, 09:13 PM
Chests collided and for only a moment did their weights battle before the sudden swiftness of her force set him back. Ignoring all of his vulgarities, she noted that his weight had not only shifted back, but had begun to fall. With surprise she paused in her attempt to recover the distance he'd retreated with the collision of their bodies, weight carrying her only half the length he'd withdrawn, putting slightly more distance between them than expected. Her paws shifted outwards by the most minute of degrees to solidify and remind herself of her equal balance, weight distributed finely about her pads. As his form fell, she stole only a glance at the cause, spying the bloodied leg and figuring that Mercury hadn't been exaggerating when he promised to deliver the most serious injury he could in his assault. Despite her quick refocus upon the more dangerous portions of her enemy, she had neglected to see the brute's left paw swiping upwards, trying to hook about her neck, and barely saw his reach with his jaws.

Her body and head were already lowered in her previous attack and she didn't believe she had time to straighten her posture. Instead, she chose to make an attempt to shuffle her back paws to swing their bodies perpendicular so that she was facing his left side instead of being inclined toward his right. She only managed to set them parallel in their facing, her body to his left, before realizing she had to act, and now. Her head shifted minutely upwards and mostly back with the a scrunch of her neck for both protection of her vitals and access to his own. The fact that she hadn't completely covered the distance between them left his bite falling short, teeth clamping upon the left side of her neck, several inches away from her skull and thoroughly-pinned ears, both of their heads at each other's neck, but Jupiter's lower due to Kaios' impressive height even when upon his hindquarters. As his jaws found her flesh, her own head cocked partially to the left and a tad upwards, jaws gaping to the best of their ability. Even as his teeth dug a good half-inch or so into the horizontally-upper portions of the side of her neck, full damage prevented by her switch to bring them a little past parallel, she aimed to bury her own fangs into the vertically lower portions of his throat. She wished to find something to rip to end this, and quick, and hopefully with him latched onto her, there wouldn't be much he could do to prevent it.

Tail twitched and throat tightened on the down-stroke of her closing jaws as the rough pads of the back of his paw scraped against the open wound on the left crease of her shoulder, irritating it and further scoring it. Her tail righted itself to being even with her spine quickly, forced to relax despite the fact that the beast's paws had slid slightly downward across the exposed flesh in Jupiter's own movements, claws not tipped forward quite enough to do marking damage but enough to make Jupiter aware of the threat. As her jaws closed--though around what or if around anything at all was in the air--she would attempt to press forward and a bit to the left, weight upon her toes in her motions. Her legs would press solidly into the ground before and after this movement, keeping her from going down with him. In doing this, she was attempting to both bring Kaios' jaws at an odd enough angle to force him to relinquish her, but at the same time one of her goals was to press further into her assault should her teeth find something vital. In all of this she narrowed her eyes, not liking the proximity of their faces and not wanting to come out of this as ugly as her opponent, dead or alive.

In counter and aid to her own actions, she herself would lift her right paw, pulling it up and making an attempt to push it out, aiming for the appendage to plant firmly into the upper planes of his neck. Should both of her attacks succeed, this would offer a way to rip at his throat and begin to suffocate him simultaneously, especially if he tried to keep his head up to resist the push with the leg.

Meanwhile, Mercury's breath struggled to gain access to his lungs. Gentle nudging pulled him fully from his day and he instinctively gave a rumbling snarl, beady eyes setting upon the man that dared touch him. As he found the dark figure of Deteste, he notably calmed, allowing for the tender prodding only for a moment to show that he appreciated the motion before rising to his paws. He instantly glared in the direction of the battle, attentions altering rapidly and solidly to Kaios as his second round of foul outbursting was released to plague the air. "Hard to fuck a dead body when you've only got three legs, ya' dickhead!" the companion snarled loudly back, every bit of fur upon his body raised. After a moment he chanced a glance back at Deteste, almost for approval, but still retained the smug look upon his features.

round 4/5

attacks - Gapes jaws, cocks head to the left and up, keeping head lowered, and tries to clamp down on his throat as hard as possible while his teeth lock themselves into her neck. Also attempts to push her right paw into his neck to either force him down or put pressure on his neck, and hopefully on his windpipe.

defenses - Ears pinned, eyes narrowed but not enough to seriously impair her sight. Legs still spread and weight still divided, and even when she moves to bring them a little past parallel, pivoting on her front paws, and when she presses forth in her attack, she keeps her weight upon her toes and then resets this defense post-action. The pivot helps cause his jaw attack fall short, and though it helps Kaios' grip with his paws, her posture keeps her from keening forth toward him.

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter, now worsened with irritation and lacerations) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck. Moderate to severe bruising upon both sides of her chest from repeated collisions. Damage to be decided, but currently suffering from Kaios' jaws being locked and closed about a half-inch deep on the left side of her neck, a few inches back from her skull.

ooc - n/a at the moment, may edit later if I think of anything. Sorry for being so late, lol. Holidays. XD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-08-2013, 05:25 PM

As the beast went down his attacks for the most part had succeeded. His jaws locked around the left side of Jupters neck, and his paw scraped the open wound on the other side, meaning more damage hopefully has been done to it. As of now his paw was sliding downward and toward the right since he was falling onto his right side. His plan had been to clamp onto her neck and hold on for dear life, but as his jaws closed around his target and he tasted the blood trickling into his mouth, his killer instincts kicked in. Like a shark in the ocean he would no longer have control over his actions, his lust for a fresh kill was consuming his mind. Despite his previous decision he allowed his instincts to take over. His head began to violently shake from left to right as he attempted to do any further damage he could; whither it be tearing deeper into her neck, pulling a chunk of flesh and muscle away completely, or simply severing arteries of any sort while holding on. His chin was still slightly tucked and his neck was bunched up, which further protected his throat from her next attack. Due to his shaking and falling over, her paw had landed just below his throat and onto the very top portion of his chest, aka his collar bone, and her jaws had clamped down on the left side of his neck, almost in the exact spot he had bitten hers; only it was an inch lower due to her position and the fact that she had been going directly for the middle of his throat. She was slightly parallel to him now on his left since he was falling to his right. Her teeth sunk about a half inch deep into his flesh, and as of right now, they could be considered tied. Both had a hold on each others neck, and given an opportunity either one could somehow inch toward the others throat and end it. Either that or sever an artery.
His eyes remained slit, just open enough to see, but narrowed enough to protect them. His ears were still pinned back, and his shoulders were both scrunched forward to further help protect his throat and neck. His tail was tucked, and his left paw was still moving downwards. In the same motion swift motion that she had bitten his neck he had pushed his paw to the right of her, hoping to push on the middle of her throat with it while she had a hold on his neck. He wanted to either push her throat enough to where he could cause her to release his neck and pull away, or he was aiming to choke her by pushing hard on her windpipe if she didn't release. The few seconds he had of falling time had passed, and now he had hit the ground on his right side. Jupiter had planted her feet firmly to the ground, but now that she had a hold on his neck, he wasn't sure if her legs would buckle and if she would fall or not. As of now they were at a stand still; he had the right side of her neck and was shaking from side to side, his left paw was aiming to push on her throat, and she had the left side of his neck in her jaws, and her right paw was placed right below his throat and on his collar bone.
Attack: He managed to grab the right side of her neck, right about here (approved by star) and he is now shaking his head back and forth hoping to either: tear deeper into her neck, pull a chunk of flesh and muscle away completely, and or sever arteries of any sort while holding on. (he hopes to keep his hold, but if she were to pull away, then he would probably rip flesh away). His left paw had managed to scrape downward on her wound, and now, with him falling toward his right, he is aiming to jam his left paw into her throat, hoping to possibly make her cough and cause her to release, or to push on her windpipe and choke her if she continues to hold onto him. This is how I picture them now bite wise, ignore the placment of their paws. This is their positioning (me and star agreed)
-jupiter \ (but obviously closer)
----kaios |
Now he is on his right side, but he is hoping to hold onto Jupiter and or do some serious damage, so his position on the ground will be fully determined by her reaction. As of now, he is laying on his side while she stands over him since she did not fall with him, and his fangs are still in her neck while hers are in his.
Defenses: His ears are still pinned, his eyes are still slit. His neck is tucked to his best ability, his neck is scrunched and his shoulders are pushed forward to further help with that. His tail is tucked close to his belly.
Damage: Tearing on the right side of his face is still bleeding heavily. His back left leg is completely out due to Mercury's attack, which was ripping his Achilles tendon. Jupiter now has a hold on the left side of his neck, about here (her paw placement is there too). Her teeth have sunk half an inch deep, so the further damage being done from that will be determined by her next move. His chest will have minor bruising from her sudden advancement forward.
OOC: one round left!!!!!


Jupiter I


7 Years
07-10-2013, 12:35 PM
While her front paws were as steady as can be, Jupiter hadn't quite accounted for the continued momentum of of her pivoting hips, but used it to her advantage once it became consciously known to her. Just before her opponent's dial began to shake violently she brought their bodies perpendicular, bringing her form closer to his left paw and causing it to remain upon her lower shoulder instead of falling and being able to aim at her neck. Kaios' first head-jerk to his right, should he still be gripping and bending his neck at such an awkward angle with her turn, would be enough to rip the flesh from her, peeling her pelt and leaving a much wider area of exposed tissue. Regardless, blood spilled lightly from the wound, the portion of the fatty area he grabbed not deep enough to do damage that was anything less than a lot of pain. Luckily, adrenaline and the fact that her life was on the line made her almost unaware of the injury. She was too busy in her own endeavors to end his life to actually notice, ears pinned and eyes narrowed minutely with frustration and anger, tail out and even to try and maintain her balance to the best of her ability with the beast clutched upon her.

He began to shake and she took this time to press forward, weight tipping to her toes (especially upon her front left set as she hoped to bury her claws into his neck for either a pain or bruising factor, his flesh being the only thing separating her talons from the earth). Jaws relaxed only enough to allow for her to attempt to mercilessly and powerfully crunch and grip a wider area of his neck as she shifted forward a substantial amount--enough to allow for her neck to remain scrunched. She endeavored to grab enough to collect something substantial and fatal, especially with him possibly being occupied in his attempt to ravage her. She planned to keep a potentially suffocating and damaging hold on his flesh should she succeed, determined to end his life right here and now.

The fat upon her vital area bundled in a manner that would cover about half of the newly-exposed tissue, feebly protecting it from immediate grabbing in its folds. He had ripped away a lot of fur in his assault and it would likely be caught on his teeth or be near-impossible to swallow quickly, hopefully stalling his next attack if it were the case.

She pressed her shoulders forward to shield the base of her throat should he somehow work his way there, and also to veil her shoulder blades and prevent them from being an easy target of attack. With her legs evenly and lightly spread, it came to her as a passing thought to get his head down. Only a moment after her press forward she curled her left leg to her and then partially extended it up and out to her left. She put power into the downstroke as she attempted to bring her paw (or lower leg, depending on his movements) upon his head or upper neck with goals to try and pin his head to the ground. She shifted her weight to that side of the body, kicking her hind left leg a bit more leftwards for support so she wouldn't be completely unbalanced should she miss in her endeavors.

round 5/5

attacks - Relaxes jaws quickly and just enough to press forward and hopefully grab much, much more of his neck and hold on, aiming for a fatal attack. Her paw and leg raise immediately afterwards, partially extending to her left to try and crash upon his upper-neck/head and pin his dial down to keep him from retaliating to the best of his ability.

defenses - Continues and ends her pivot to bring them perpendicular, accented by a followed press forward to both enhance her attack and keep his left paw from ever falling from her shoulder/neck completely despite his fall, hence the reason why it wasn't able to try and harm her neck. Ears are pinned, weight is distributed to the best of her abilities, upon her toes for optimal balance as she moves forward. To defend this equilibrium despite her paw attack, her hind left leg is kicked out to the left in case she fails in that particular endeavor. Her neck is scrunched still to protect her bare wounds and her shoulders are pressed forward to conceal the jutting blades and to protect the base of her throat. No precaution is ever too much when in a fight to the death. c:

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter, now worsened with irritation and lacerations) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck. Moderate to severe bruising upon both sides of her chest from repeated collisions. Raw neck round on the left side of her neck covering a wide area from the flesh being peeled and jerked back away from it, about three or four inches in width and deep enough to cause great discomfort.

ooc - It's had it's ups and downs, Ais, but I'm glad things turned out well in the end. Thank you for this fight, and good luck! You've got the last move, and then it's done! :DD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-15-2013, 03:32 AM

As the beast shook his head rapidly from left to right, he ended up ripping flesh away as his head swung to the right. Of course with his shoulders scrunched up and his head tilted as much as physically possible he was keeping his throat as protected as possible, meaning while he was shaking his head, he was also tilting it toward the left as he swung to the right. That way, if she attempted to inch downward toward his throat, it would be further from her reach and more protected. As he shook she pivoted her body and placed them completely parallel, she to his left. Due to her movement his paw fell upon her lower shoulder, and hopefully since it was already injured he could do damage to it again with his paw pad as it slid down toward the earth. At this point he was not biting her anymore, but his head was still tilted to the left, and as Jupiter relaxed her jaws and tighten up again to grab a larger portion of his neck, she ended up grabbing more toward the upper portion of his neck due to his scrunched shoulders and titled head. Her top jaw barley missed the very tip of his flipped back ear, but her crunch sunk teeth a bit deeper into his thick pelt and winter fat. Her fangs pierced about an inch deep into his neck, causing much more discomfort and a bit more bleeding. He imagined her mouth was fur of thick fur, and hopefully that would start to gag her.
With her jaws falling more upward toward the scruff of his neck this placed her paw at the very top of his neck, and if she were to proceed with force on that paw it would more than likely slip off his neck all together due to the moisture on her paws from the slippery snow beneath them, and the fact that she had little to no room to place it on. Within the same second of her paw landing the man attacked again. His head lashed quickly upward and toward his left again as he attempted to use every bit of force he had to propel himself at her, jaws splayed open to the best of his ability in the hopes to grab her again. If he were to propel himself upward enough he was aiming to sink his fangs into the area between her skull and scruff in an attempt to do serious damage to her spinal cord. He used his right front paw to push himself up from the ground to further assist his attack, because due to Jupiter's paw slightly pushing on him he would need more force to push himself upwards toward her. His left paw had placed itself on her lower shoulder, but he would need it to help push himself up, so he dropped it back down to the earth, but as he did so he kept it placed on her in an attempt to rip flesh with his claws. Once his left paw touched the ground he was using all his might to push the front portion of his body up and attack. Due to the height and strength difference he naturally had he hoped her jaws and paw wouldn't be too big of an obstacle to get around. His defenses remained the same: ears flipped back, eyes narrowed, shoulder scrunched, head titled downward to protect his throat, and jaws were splayed to grab anything he could.
Attack: While she is biting his neck, and her paw force still being determined, he is using his right/left front legs to help push himself upward and toward her spinal cord/same area he just ripped flesh from. He's attempting to grab as high as he can, preferably the area between her skull and scruff so he can go for her spinal cord, but if that fails and can't reach he will be aiming to grab the same area as before. Since his left paw missed her throat and ended up on her lower shoulder, he is dragging it down her shoulder in an attempt to rip her flesh as it quickly goes down, and when it reaches the ground he will push with that leg as well to further assist him in trying to lift the front portion of his body up so he can go for his desired target.
Defenses: : Ears flipped back, eyes narrowed, shoulders scrunched, head titled downward to protect his throat, and jaws were splayed to grab anything he could.
Damage: Tearing on the right side of his face is still bleeding, but not as heavily as before, since the blood is clumping and beginning to dry out. His back left leg is completely out due to Mercury's attack, which was ripping his Achilles tendon. Jupiter now has a hold on the left side of his neck, about here (her paw placement is there too, along with the area Kaios is going for, which is in red). Her teeth have sunk an inch deep. He will have minor bruising on his chest.



07-16-2013, 01:39 PM

The sandy colored fae thundered across the land, her tongue lolling from the corners of her mouth. She forced her legs all the faster, thundering across the terrain with purpose. She had heard, but Jupiter had already vanished, and Luana hadn't the chance to talk with her. Why...why her papa? Why was she trying to kill her daddy! Honeyed eyes were filled with fear and worry and she forced her body all the faster, racing as fast as the woman was possibly able. She lunged over a low lying bush and skidded to a halt, tail whipping out to stall her furious momentum.

Locked in a match of death she had arrived to late. Jupiter...Kaios...blood, so very much blood! Tears flooded the damsel's eyes, dripping down her maw in a torrent of water. Why, why did everyone she love die? Her mother had died in the volcanic eruption and now she would lose either her mentor or her father. A whimper carried from her throat as she watched in nervous anticipation, she didn't want to watch, she didn't want to be here, but she couldn't leave. She had to try to save whomever lost before it was too late. "Please stop....please."


The Judge


07-17-2013, 02:38 PM

Jupiter v Kaios for Death

Round 1

10 for clarity- good clarity

10 for powerplaying. didn?t see any issues here

8 for defenses. tail parallel, lips snarled, ears pinned, well balanced

5 for attack. frontal assault to the face, a merciless attack, but singular

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Jupiter Total: 43/50


10 for clarity- No problems here

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. ears pinned, stiffened muscles, eyes narrowed, head dipped, tail level, lips curled

3 for attack. I?m not certain that he could manage to get a decent attack on her neck given she?s holding onto his face.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Kaios Total: 43/50

Round 2


10 for clarity- no issues

10 for powerplaying. No issues

8 for defenses. bunching her neck, tail out, well balanced

7 for attack. tries to close her jaws and then jerk back and down

7 for injuries.fur ripped away from the side of her neck

Round two Jupiter Total: 42/50


10 for clarity- no problems

4 for powerplaying. I?m not sure over Jupiter growling and the choruses of other wolves he could have heard Mercury coming as clearly as you made it seem. I?m also not sure that (again) he could reach her neck while his face is still securely in her jaws.

8 for defenses. tucked his tail out of the way, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws open

8 for attack. aiming for the pre-injured area on the neck while trying to push her over

6 for injuries. She?s gradually doing serious damage to his already scarred face.

Round two Kaios Total: 36/50

Round 3

10 for clarity- Nothing here

10 for powerplaying. No problems here

4 for defenses. jaws parted, eyes narrowed

10 for attack. Pushing herself against him before releasing his face, sliding downward to try to make him fall while his leg is lifted, Mercury?s attack lands and tears the Achilles tendon.

6 for injuries. Same area injured further

Round three Jupiter Total: 40/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. weight distributed, tail out for balance, ears pinned, eyes slit, claws dug in

3 for attack. aiming a bite at her throat (how is he doing this while falling back and down?) swung his paw toward her neck/shoulder in order to drag her down with him (again, is he really able to do this while falling back and down?)

3 for injuries. Lost use of his back left leg

Round three Kaios Total: 36/50

Round 4

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

7 for defenses. pinned ears, scrunched neck, eyes narrowed, one paw off of the ground

8 for attack. complex attack ? aims a bite at his throat while pushing her paw into his neck/windpipe

6 for injuries. Currently still in Kaios? jaws

Round four Jupiter Total: 41/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

5 for defenses. eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders scrunched, tail tucked. Losing points for being totally vulnerable on the ground

7 for attack. shaking his jaws while holding her neck, attempting to push on her throat with his paw

6 for injuries. In jupiter?s jaws

Round four Kaios Total: 38/50

Round 5

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail out, scrunched her shoulders, set her hind legs to balance herself in her movements

10 for attack. seeking a firmer and deadlier grip on his neck, burying her claws further into his neck, trying to pin his head down

5 for injuries. Some serious damage being done to her neck with his shaking and tearing.

Round five Jupiter Total: 43/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders scrunched, head tilted down, jaws splayed

5 for attack. aiming with his jaws for the area between her skull and scruff (how can he reach this from his angle?) trying to rip her flesh with his claws as he brings his paw down.

6 for injuries. She?s got a good hold on his neck still

Round five Kaios Total: 41/50


Jupiter: 209/250 +7 for duty = 216/250

Kaios: 194/250 + 5 for duty = 199/250

And the winner is...

Jupiter! Kaios may no longer fight in this battle, and Jupiter may proceed to take his life.


Jupiter- Jupiter will have permanent scarring on the left side of her neck. All wounds will take approximately 2 OOC weeks to heal.

Kaios- n/a due to death


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
I was really disappointed to see both of you spitefully entering OOC comments into this fight. I have seen this before, but not to this magnitude. A fight should remain IC only and ideally, you shouldn?t have to clear anything up in your OOC comments. In the future, I would like to see any comments you feel necessary to be clean and well-written, without insults or snarky wording.

For Starsight
You did a good job, but several times you forgot to list some of your key defenses, remember these next time.

For Aislyn
Sometimes I think you got lost in their positioning and what parts of Jupiter were accessible to Kaios. Your defense setups were wonderful, however.

- By [Andy]

The Judge


07-17-2013, 03:02 PM


Round 1

10/ 10 for clarity- a clear post.

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying

10 / 10 for defenses.weight even, tail parallel, wrinkled muzzle, eyes narrowed(glare), hind legs pulled back, ears pinned.

4 / 10 for attack.rushed attack at the scarred portion of Kaios's face.

10 / 10 for injuries.No deduction first round

Round one Jupiter Total: 44/50


6 / 10 for clarity-surging forward, did he take a step? (You wrote in your summary that he used his back legs, but not in your post.) (also in your summary you say he stepped with his right leg, in your post it seems he lifted it to throw her off kilter and never put it down)If he turns his head left and she's on his left side attacking his left, that would angle him away from her throat. Which side of her neck did he aim for?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. Post contained no power playing.

9 / 10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, head lowered(though he's so much bigger and with their positioning, I don't feel like this one would do much), ears pinned, muscles stiffened, tail level with spine.

6 / 10 for attack.
pushing against Jupiter, biting at her neck/throat area.

10 / 10 for injuries.No deduction first round

Round one Kaios Total: 41/50

Round 2


8 / 10 for clarity- how did she turn while she was latched onto him? Which shoulder/side of her neck did he bite?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

8 / 10 for defenses.lips curled, ears pinned, snarls hiding companion movement, body repositioned for balance

6 / 10 for attack.attemtping to worsen Kaios's injuries to his face, Mercury attacking Kaios's back left leg

9 / 10 for injuries. fur ripped above shoulder

Round two Jupiter Total: 41/50


9 / 10 for clarity-Jupiter's movement is what caused Kaios's attack to rip fur from her shoulder, if she moved it would be wrong to say he was only a couple of inches from the same spot.

9 / 10 for would be nearly impossible for him to hear so much from Mercury with Jupiter snarling and all of the wolves around them.

8 / 10 for defenses.ears pinned, tail tucked, jaws splayed, balance on front legs (his eyes being slitted is only mentioned in your summary)

6 / 10 for attack.attack to Jupiter's shoulder with his teeth, kick to Mercury with his back left leg

8 / 10 for injuries.bleeding wounds on his face

Round two Kaios Total: 40/50

Round 3

7 / 10 for clarity-You never state where her front paws are placed, although it's somewhat apparent they're aimed to be around his neck to try and pull him down?

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying.

8 / 10 for defenses. hind claws dug into ground, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws parted

8 / 10 for attack. further tearing at Kaios's face, trying to pull Kaios downward, Mercury attacked Kaios's left leg

7 / 10 for injuries.fur and flesh torn from her right shoulder

Round three Jupiter Total: 40/50


9 / 10 for clarity- minor grammar and spelling issues.

8 / 10 for powerplaying. Jupiter has been attacking and putting pressure on the same spot for three rounds, there is no way major damage wouldn't have been done. Not even scar tissue is that thick.

8 / 10 for defenses.Tail level with spine, ears pinned back, eyes slitted, claws digging into the ground

6 / 10 for attack.jaws aimed at Jupiter's neck/ shoulder / throat, left leg attempting to hook Jupiter and pull her down

4 / 10 for injuries.Ripped tendon resulting in his back left leg rendered useless, further injury to his face
Round three Kaios Total: 35 / 50

Round 4

10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post

10 / 10 for contained no powerplaying

10 / 10 for defenses.ears pinned, head pulled back, tail level with spine, narrowed eyes, body behind her and positioned away from Kaios

6 / 10 for attack.aiming to bite kaios's throat, and pushing her right paw into his neck

7 / 10 for injuries.bite to the side of her neck

Round four Jupiter Total: 43/50


10 / 10 for clarity- a clear post

8 / 10 for powerplaying. that left paw moved a bit quickly, especially with his balance already completely placed on his right side. he succeeded in hooking it around her, i don't see how he could fit it between them before/while Jup attacked.

10 / 10 for defenses. chin tucked, ears pinned, shoulders scrunched, tail tucked, neck bunched

6 / 10 for attack. bite to Jupiter's neck, paw aimed at her throat

7 / 10 for injuries.bite to the side of his neck
Round four Kaios Total:: 41 / 50

Round 5

10 / 10 for clarity- post contained no powerplaying

10 / 10 for powerplaying. post contained no powerplaying

10 / 10 for defenses. ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail out for balance, weight positioned to front and on her toes, shoulders forward

6 / 10 for attack.attack to kaios's neck, attempting to press his head down with her leg

6 / 10 for injuries.bite to the left side of her neck, worsened by Kaios's thrashing

Round five Jupiter Total: 42/50


9 / 10 for clarity-it is somewhat unclear whether his paw is being used to pull him up or being placed on the ground to push him up by the end of the post.

9 / 10 for powerplaying. Wolf claws can not rip flesh.

10 / 10 for defenses. shoulders scrunched, head tilted (protecting throat), ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws open

5 / 10 for attack. bite aimed at Jupiter's spine, claw scratching down Jupiter's shoulder

7 / 10 for injuries.grip to the left side of his neck
Round five Kaios total: 40 / 50


JUPITER: (210)217/250 + 7 for task (avenger)

KAIOS: (197)202/200 + 5 for task (slayer)

And the winner is...

JUPITER! As the winner she may deal the killing blow to Kaios.


JUPITER: Jupiter will retain permanent scarring to the left side of her neck. Injuries will take 2ooc weeks to heal (approximately 6IC weeks)

- By [Serendipity]

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-17-2013, 10:33 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

As he surged upwards, she lowered her dial to cock her head upwards, jaws relaxing, only to come back up and land upon the planes of his throat, shifting a little more to her right to try and get his jaws away from her neck. His own target was unknown to her until the very moment her jaws clenched around the target she had sought for so long, pain rippling from an upper point upon her scruff as her jaws sunk into vital tissue, blood seeping forth to well in her mouth, delicious copper flooding her tongue, her own pain forgotten as she knew that this was the end. He could do whatever he wished in his dying breaths, but none would be enough to kill her. Even as his claws grazed over the worsening wound upon her right side, drawing blood to its highly-irritated surface, it was easy to forget in the face of ending the life of the one she had hated for so long. She folded her left front leg upon him and used it as a whole to keep her paw grip from slipping, wrenching his head away from her bodice and on a descent towards the ground.

Without pause or hesitation she ripped backwards, sliding both of her paws to the damp earth, the snow melted or shoved aside with their scuffle, whole body backpedaling as she set her weight behind her, jerking with every ounce of strength in her body to free him of a vital portion of his throat. Blood spewed forth without restraint and with cascading viscosity, liberally soaking her paws before they could be withdrawn, his own blood mingling with the red that had dribbled down her limbs from her shoulders. Tail flagged and she put herself immediately out of reach, chest heaving with adrenaline-accelerated breath, heart pounding in her chest as it reveled that fact that his would soon no longer do the same.

He had a minute. Less, maybe, with the blood he had already lost. She hoped that he experienced insurmountable pain before he lost consciousness, wishing him the worst in the afterlife. Tongue cleaned her obsidian lips as stood, hackles still raised and muscles still tensed should he (or anyone else for that matter), by some miracle, move the several feet she had put between them. The woman could almost pity him for the ripped tendon, but, oh, sarcastic woe, she could not. For he deserved much worse in her mind. Celestial optics drifted about in a spiteful glare, daring her audience to do anything about her actions. From what she could see, it appeared as if--her Medusa--had also been triumphant in her ambitious endeavors, having departed from the battlefield without the queen's notice and leaving distressed Newt spawn in her wake.

She was aware of the voice of Luana, but the desperate tones were lost in a thick haze as she set her hungry gaze back upon her bleeding and dying opponent, ears pinned and tail raised in a banner of victory and triumph. The chill scored her wounds but could not harden her heart further as she planned to watch him bleed. She hoped he would attempt to speak so she could hear him gurgle as the blood he had sought many, many times before drowned him. How ironic that his end would come by the liquid he had probably found so arousing once before if his comments were any indication.

"Go on. Preach of your Satan, of your afterlife where you haunt me," she snarled ruthlessly, the words ripping from her larynx, low and saved only for his ears as she took a single threatening step forward. "Because you'll do none of that. You will rot in the ground," she rumbled, once more only for his ears. Should he manage speech, it would fall upon deaf ears--she only sought the warped sounds of air bubbling through blood, stifled under the red that so freely poured.

Never once before her fights for Ludicael had she thought of killing another. Scheming to overthrow their power, yes, but to kill another? It had crossed her mind only to be faced by vehemence and disgust at the idea. And yet her she was, waiting for her prey to bleed out and stain the snow red. She would give them his body. Yes, she would let them do what they wished, for she had no desire to look upon his wrecked, scarred face any longer. The fiery queen pondered over the possibility of slitting the veins on his wrists before she left, but spared him even that.

Mercury came to her side and, as always, came upon his back legs to try and tend to her wounds. She chanced a lick upon his forehead and then turned from the battlefield--sore, but very much alive.

[ exit Jupiter ]

? 805 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
Thanks to the judges for judging and such~ And thanks to Ais for the fight. Sorry to leave so quickly, but I really just want to be out of this thread.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.