
Set Apart this Dream



06-11-2013, 07:45 PM
The sun was high in the sky, offering what little warmth that it did during the winter. Snow littered the meeting grounds, but she wasn't deterred - a winter born babe, this was a season that she felt quite comfortable with. The snow crunched beneath her feet as she walked, but her stride had a touch of determination to it - she was hard pressed to achieve the small set of goals on her mind.

There was much that she had to set straight. The wolves of Valhalla had had long enough to rest, to think, to and she felt that it was time to call them together again. This would be the first meeting that the young female would call as the pack's leader, and a part of her was nervous. Yet it was also exciting - the beginning of a new era, one that shes would lead, along with the wolves here that she trusted. First things first, she needed to sort out their ranks. She had an idea of what some wanted to be, where some of the lupine here fit, but others would have to tell her what rank they would be pursuing. A general task where they wanted to try and excel.

With that in mind, she called for all adult Valhallans to come forward, so that she could properly speak with them. If there were any questions or concerns that they had, then she would answer them as they came - but first, she hoped that they would give her the chance to speak. She had good news for many of them! And what she wanted more than anything, was for the meetings that they had to end with more hope and positivity than the chaos experienced in the last few. No matter how sorry she was about that, there was nothing that she could do but move forward, and she felt that Valhalla would move past it with her - they were a strong group, and no matter who was leading, Chrysanthe believed that would never change.

ooc: A very quick pack meeting, where ranks will be given out, and the wedding will be announced <3 Just takes an intro post, and then an exit post after everything is said.



06-12-2013, 12:48 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt so good to be mobile again. The weeks that it had taken her leg to heal up as far as it had could only be described at torturous by the ever-active she-wolf, the time she had confined herself to her new den to heal slowly causing her to go mad. Responsibility and restlessness had eaten away at her during that time, adding an impatience to her wait, but somehow she had managed to leave her leg well enough alone and long enough so that, on this day, she could test its strength. For some time now she had been content placing a little weight on it as she walked, reassured when the wounds no longer ached so strongly from the strain on skin and muscle. Now the wounds were practically gone, scarred over but covered over once again. They no longer made her feel queasy to look at, and more than anything the sight of them looking so well healed gave her confidence that she was nearing the end stretch of her recovery time.

In celebration, she ran. There was nowhere in particular she went, just an unmarked course freely created across the snowy grassland so that she could merely stretch her legs and get some good use out of them. Only slightly did her hind leg ache, which she had expected and half thought might have only been stiffness, but overall it felt good to move like this. It had really been too long. Her jaws were opened in a wide grin, tongue lolling unabashedly. For the first time in what felt like a long while - perhaps since the incident that had caused her injury - Ashtoreth felt happy.

Her good humor remained when she heard the call of a pack mate resounding across the open field and drawing the whole of Valhalla to her in conference. Without hesitation, the newly healed wolf changed course within the snow, cutting a new path that would bring her closer to those who gathered in answer to Chrysanthe's call. Jaws closing, Ash still smiled, unable to hide her new found delight in her returned mobility. Only when she could see the other wolf - her clay colored face standing out like a sore thumb amid the snow - did the small, slim grey wolf slow her pace, easing into a walk to cover the last remaining distance. Very slightly did her leg hurt, but her limp was practically unnoticeable now. Soon, very soon if she had anything to say about it, she was going to throw another celebration in the form of a much needed, long overdue hunt.

Coming up to join the newly instated Valhallan Alpha, the spindly hunter smiled along with a short wag of her tail. "Hey Chrysanthe," she greeted companionably, taking advantage of the quiet as others still arrived to get in a proper hello. It was not always that she was early to a meeting, but with the healing of her leg it seemed as if things on all fronts were finally starting to look up.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2013, 05:12 AM

Erani watched her children play, or nearly all of them. Gabriel never joind in. In fact? And this worried her? He seemed to hate them. Neo came to mind, and she shut that away before the pain could set in. She couldn?t let Gabriel take the path of Neo. A sweet song rolled through the small forested area she had made her den in and she swiveled her head to listen. She smiled. Chrysnathe was calling a meeting. Her tones suggested only adults, which made Erani curious. So she rose, nuzzling Nova?s shoulder. ?A meeting, Love. Oh I know, you don?t like them. But this is Chrysanthe at our head now, and I don?t think she?s going to bring us to ruin.? Giving him a playful nibble along one ear, she started toward the ravine, pausing to discourage the pups from following. ?This is for adults, loves. Stay here, and be good.?

She gave them a stern look until each one went back, and then she took off at a gentle lope, keeping her pace to match with Nova?s long legged strides. She came into the area, tail waving a gentle greeting to Chrysanthe and Ashtoreth as she came to a halt, looking around for her brother. He would be there soon, she knew. And Obsidian right behind or right ahead. That horse did her best, despite the lack of friendship the other members of Valhalla offered. Settling onto her haunches, she gazed around, waiting and watching, a small smile on her muzzle. It had been a while since she had come to a meeting and not felt uneasy about what might happen. Only one niggling of worry was there in her mind, and it was for Cairo. The last meeting had been detrimental to his health, and he had collapsed at the sight of Syrinx and Chrysanthe battling for dominance. He had recovered enough to wake at his den, and she had been keeping a close eye on him, setting aside the fact that she had been stripped of her rank. Rank meant nothing when a friend was in danger.

She forced the worry away. Stay positive. So she looked over to Chrysanthe, heart swelling with pride. ?Hello, Chrysanthe.?



06-12-2013, 05:34 AM

Cormalin crouched low, black pelt sticking out like a sore toe in the snow, but determined never the less as mismatched golden and blue eyes stared at the foolish hare that had ventured out to forage in the snow. It must be a young one, to be so blithe about coming out into the open, for it never once paused to listen or look for danger. Carefully, Cormalin bunched powerful muscles and readied himself to hunt. He launched himself at the hare, which fairly did a backflip of surprise and dashed off as soon as its paws touched the ground again. Zig-zagging, it streaked off across the snow, with the large black male pelting after it, hot breath sending puffs of mist into the air.

Cormalin lengthened his strides, pulse roaring in his ears, and just as he bore down on the hare, it made a fancy leap and darted down a bolt hole. Cormalin skidded to a halt and sank to his haunches, chest heaving. At seven, nearly eight years, he was slowing down just a little and, face it, he had never been the best rabbit hunter. Slower, larger animals were his forte. He?d have to ask one of the wolves out for a hunt today. A familiar howl sang over the land, and he grinned through a panting muzzle and lolling pink tongue. Chrysanthe was calling her first meeting. Standing, he turned, kicked a little snow at the bolt hole with a chuckle, and padded off to see what her first actions would be.

He?d been thinking about what he wanted to do in the pack. He felt he would serve his pack and family best as a lead Warrior, or maybe even as the male Beta. Aislyn needed someone to back her up, though he?d never in a million eons suggest it to her face. He chuckled a little. The Australian beta had a proud ego, and a short temper and would happily tear him up if he said she needed help doing her job. Still, he thought, She was very busy with training her daughter to take her place, and what if she got hurt defending Valhalla? Or killed in a hunt? He thought about asking Chrysanthe about how he should go about earning a rank higher than what he imagined he must have at the moment.

Panting softly, Cormalin came into the meeting, giving the silver Ashtoreth a friendly smile of greeting, and brushing his shoulder against Erani?s as he settled onto his haunches, and gave Nova a playful woof. ?Hello, Erani, Nova. How are my favorite Nieces and Nephews doing? Uncle Cormalin wants to take them hare hunting.? Cormalin laughed softly in his next words. ?Maybe they?ll teach me some new tricks.? Eyes twinkled as he winked at Erani, then turned to sweep the meeting. So far, it was just him, Erani, Nova, Chrysanthe, and Ashtoreth. But more would come. Obsidian for sure.



13+ Years
Extra large
06-12-2013, 05:47 AM
Black feathers clumped with snow flopped around slate grey-black hooves as the mare cantered across the meadow, skidded to a halt and spun on her hocks, giving a squeal as she lunged in the new direction, head snaking out as though to bite the air. Teeth clicked together on air as she sent her hooves forward to paw at the air, trampling the ground, churning the snow. A summoning howl rang across the land, and her head shot up and turned, mane and forelock tossing, to look. Ears pricked forward, and an answering nicker rumbled through her chest.

Quickly, Obsidian took off toward it. She knew the voice. Chrysanthe. This must mean that she had won, and was now head m- er? Wolf. This was good. The young female was kind, even to her, a horse in a Wolf world. She slowed to a walk as she arrived at the meeting, looking around to see who had arrived. Cormalin, Erani, Nova, a silver female that she hadn?t caught the name of yet, and Chrysanthe were there. She gave them a whicker of greeting and came to stand at rest behind Cormalin. Lowering her head, she lipped at the fur at the back of his neck. She never spoke much around wolves outside of Corrie, Erani, Nova, their pups, and Chrysanthe and Epiphron. She highly suspected the other wolves thought her dumb, like any deer or elk. They?d be sorely misjudging her. She was just as smart as a wolf.



8 Years
06-12-2013, 06:04 AM

A pile of snow was steaming from a small hole. Inside was curled the brown and black furred form of a wolf, one paw draped lightly over his dark muzzle as he snoozed. Lithe, slender, with lean muscles, he was built for running. Built for stealth. A howl pierced the layer of snow and he gave a grunt.

Sarak lifted his head, blinking sleepy deep moss green eyes as the hat of snow he wore on his head disintegrated into pieces and tumbled off. Sitting up, he yawned, and looked around. The howl was made by a familiar voice. Chrys? Chris? Chrysanthe? That was it. She?d won her fight with her brother for the throne of the Pack, and it sounded like she was calling a meeting. He wondered when he was going to be thrown out of the pack. He wanted to ask Cairo, but the old wolf had fallen ill and collapsed at the last meeting, and he was afraid to ask.

Maybe his daughter would give him an answer. But would she let him stay, if she knew he had been yet another assassin trying to kill the wolf that had mothered her? His ears drooped, and he rose on long, lanky legs. He was two years old as of this winter, but he would always be just barely above small in size. However, he hadn?t matured ugly at all. Of course, that was a matter of opinion. He personally thought he wasn?t worthy of a lady?s advances, or to make advances himself.

He took off at a trot, still feeling anxious for his future. It didn?t take him and his long legs to reach the meeting, where he sank to his haunches, green eyes looking around. Erani was there, and her brother, and her great black mate. Her pups were absent. This must be a meeting for adults. The silver female he?d heard called Ashtoreth was there as well, looking much better than she had last meeting. Her leg was better. Chrysanthe, dark faced and beautiful, sat waiting for her pack at the head, and he wondered what she would do with him.

The horse was there, too. She was a puzzle to him. A prey animal that was right at home with wolves all around her, and was even lipping at the fur of Erani?s brothers neck. He looked around, wondering if Azalea was coming too. She had been the first wolf to approach him here, other than Erani.


06-12-2013, 09:22 AM

This time when the call for a pack meeting sounded pain no longer wracked his body and his head would turn towards the sound curiously. He didn't hesitate now, this was his new home and he would stick with it until he was given a good reason to flee. So the lithe male lifted himself up, frame still diminished from weeks of malnutrition but he was now able to hunt for himself again and found that his strength was returning slowly but surly. Thick winter coat was shaken out, riding himself of the dampness that clung to his shoulder and hip on the side he had been resting against the ground. Wasting no time he padded his way towards the sound, not bothering to break into a lope as it seemed as though the sound was fairly close by. He wondered if Aislyn would be there already, if she would have Liberty with her. He really needed to take some time and spend it with his daughter, teach her some of the things he knew. Maybe she would want to be a healer and he could help her with that. Who knew... All of it would be sorted in due time, for now there was a pack meeting for him to hang out in the back for. Maybe one day he would bother to get to know some of the other wolves, go out of his way to meet some of this family Aislyn cared so deeply for.

His arrival was quiet, a dip of his head would be given to the brown faced female who had called them together if she looked his way. But otherwise he would move to the outskirts of the gathered wolves and seat himself carefully. The male sat straight as his mother had taught him, shoulders rolled back, ears pricked and attentive towards whatever was to come. From what he had heard this pack had changed hands once more. From Cairo to Collision to an unknown male and then to this female. Chrysanthe... At least that was the name he had heard her called in the past. Maybe he should see if he could chat with her after the meeting, offer up his services as a healer. His mother had tried to groom Lux as their next healer rather then him but she had never taken to it the way he had. So he had gotten double duty... But that was besides the point, it just seemed that they needed a few more healers since Erani had been stripped of her rank and all.

Aislyn I


Extra large
06-12-2013, 06:12 PM


A smile tugged at the corners of her inky lips. Chrysanthe, the woman she had hoped would become alpha, had called together a pack meeting. Her brother had submitted, and she took the title, sending her sister off the marry the prince in Seracia. She wondered if there was a specific reason for that, but honestly she didn't care. As long as they were happy, and everything in Valhalla was stable again, why should things have to change? She picked up Liberty by her scruff, carrying her safely between her jaws. She really needed to speak to Chrysanthe about her plans with Liberty, but now was not the time. She wasn't the first to arrive at this meeting, hell, even Friction beat her here. She offered him a warm smile, making a V line toward him so he could watch Liberty. She didn't want to drag her up front again. She brushed her cheek against his as she came up to him, setting Liberty down at his feet. With that she turned, making her way up to the new queen. "My lady." She said to Chrysanthe, dipping her head respectfully. She took her place beside her and looked out over the crowd. The scene with Cairo flashed in her mind. Ears folded. What exactly would the new queen say?


06-12-2013, 06:21 PM

Another pack meeting. There seemed to be a lot of those lately. But now that Chrysanthe was Alpha, hopefully things would settled down and return to normal. Rising from her den she broke into a trot, heading towards the call of hew new Alpha. Upon her arrival, several other wolves had already gathered, including Erani. Nodding her hellos, murmuring a soft "Hello" to Erani, she gave a respective nod to Chrysanthe and a hello before taking her seat. The young Alpha looked nervous, excited and happy all at the sametime. As far as the ivory she-wolf was concerned she had her full attention at the meeting. Perhaps she would be the one to bring Valhalla out of the ashes and restore balance. Looking around at faces, she knew a few, had seen a few a previous meetings and even new ones. As always the horse, who's name escaped her was present, she was curious as to where the massive animal came from, but she had found a home none the less. It was still early in the meeting, there would be more to arrive, settling down on her haunches, she waited, watching each new face as they came in.

"speech" thought



6 Years
06-13-2013, 02:18 PM

Winter brought a harsh weather to Valhalla, harsher than the previous year into which the young female had been born. The cold saw her coat thicker than was usual, boasting a plush cover to keep her well insulated from the elements. Her Winter birth gifted her an already rather plush coat of about a medium thickness. Full and lush year round.

A meeting was being called by Chrysanthe. The previous meeting had gone so horribly astray and in a moment of distraction, Az had completely missed the transfer of power from Epiphron to Chrysanthe. She had believed that the appearance of her uncle, Syrinx, had been a challenge for beta position but she had been wrong. Additionally, Cairo was left in worse a shape than ever. Her grandfather was past his time, Valhalla would either find its feet or parish. Unfortunately this was the way of nature.

When Azalea reached the gathering there were already many wolves in attendance. Epiphron was not there. Her parents would not be around either, as both had been shipped off to Glaciem. From what she understood Soleil would be training healers. Her amber eyes found Sarak and she smiled happily, tail wagging a bit. They had had a good talk not too long ago, giving her the confidence she needed now to go sit beside him. She had sat near him at the last meeting but he hadn't even noticed, not that his eyes should have been on her.

Sarak's eyes wandered around as she moved through the crowd. Finally she came to sit by him, putting herself closer to him than any other Valhallan likely allowed themselves to be. It was a friendly distance, one to where they could talk together and not be bothered by others. "Hey." She greeted with a smile, glancing toward Chrysanthe. She could not miss anything this meeting. "So, what do you think the meeting is about?"




9 Years
06-13-2013, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2013, 06:51 PM by Ravine.)
The small boy had fallowed his parents to the meeting..what ever that was. He was excited as his plot was his along with his siblings first time being surrounded by the entire pack. It wasn't a scatter thought for him as he was a rather layed back pup. As they arrived there were only a few other pack members but it didn't matter to Ravine. White ears were perked as the fluffy black boy tried not to trip over black and white paws and all the while his long white tipped tail wagged. It hadn't mattered how hard the boy tried not to trip as he was just to clumsy. On his big puppy paws.

A small giggle was all that had escaped him when he fell. Unimbarrased and unharmed the boy was quickly back on his paws and jumping around his parents.

(Sorry its short and kinda cruddy)


06-14-2013, 08:08 AM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2013, 08:14 AM by Thane.)
Thane walked into the pack meeting following up after his son Ryker. The worried gaze soon faded from his face as he smiled at the sight of one of his sons. Ryker was back at the den, he had caught a cold and had become sickly. Worry and concern was what was in his mind. But the brute knew he had to come to this meeting.

The male knew he had two responsibilities, his family and Valhalla. But Thane knew all too well that Valhalla was his family. In his aqua blue eyes everyone was part of his family. Even if anyone thought it was odd it was true. And the male wanted nothing other than to contribute his time and efforts here still. Thane was determined to continue his work here.

The brute sat on his haunches as he kept a close eye on his son. The wolf also wondered where his daughter was, perhaps she had stayed back at the den with her brother or maybe on her way here. A smile appeared on his maw once more as he saw Ravine move on his large puppy paws. His children brought lots of joy to Thane. He knew this was the right pack to raise them in. In fact, he knew all along.

OOC:sorry, short and crappy post but I needed to get it in.



06-14-2013, 08:15 AM
Slowly wolves began to show. Relief pooled into her system, and the slight irrational fear that no one would come ebbed away bit by bit. In the end, she smiled for the lupine that heeded her call, responding to Ashtoreth's quiet greeting. "It's good to see you Ashtoreth." She was one of her best huntresses, she had seen her skill alongside Leon and Thane. The female was dedicated, and done a lot of work, only to feel ostracized at meetings - she knew that the wolves here must have felt that. Meetings that should have been for the council only, for the Adravendis that ruled these packs were shouldered onto their members. It was a mess, it was all a mess and she hoped that she could repair the damage that had been done. It would take more than one meeting to smooth out, but with time things would progress. With time they would prevail.

Erani's presence was soothing, she was support, and she relaxes slightly as she greeted her. "Erani." Her smile spread somewhat, and she dipped her head toward the white woman. Her mother in every sense save for blood. She had done too much for this pack to remain rankless any longer - not when she continued working at her task regardless. She loved Valhalla too much to simply sit and wait out her term, she had a life to live and healing was a part of the life she had chosen. Chrysanthe would always admire that.

There were a few that she didn't know, a dark haired male that looked and smelled a bit like Aislyn and Liberty. He must have been the man that sired Aislyn's pup - but other than that she knew little to nothing of him. The male would get a chance to make himself a part of this pack, whether he took it or not would be up to him though... Aislyn wasn't far behind him, confirming her suspicions. She would still ask about it though, she was curious.

After the remaining wolves showed, she noticed the absence of a few that she had wanted here. Giving higher ranks out to lupine that didn't bother heeding her call would not be something that she did - not even for family or friends. As for those that were here... "Thank you all for coming." She was extremely grateful. "I must apologize for the way the last meeting ended." The fight with Syrinx, the chaos with Icarus being promoted and demoted, and most unfortunately, Cairo's collapse. She was unsure of how her father was doing. "Cairo will be watched closely for the time being, but in the meantime we must remain strong." She couldn't stop to weep, to worry, not before the wolves that she wanted to protect and that he had protected for so long.

"I have called you here today, to make a few important announcements. Epiphron, who is currently your second alpha - will be leaving to Seracia, but before that, her wedding will be held here. Seracians will gather at the borders, and during the day of the ceremony they will be our guests." She explained, so that they wouldn't be alarmed by the sudden swarming of wolves at the borders. "Everyone is invited of course - I hope you can all attend." She was excited for her sister, but a bit nervous. She would be taking the reigns as alpha alone once she was gone.

"I also want to discuss ranks. They may be challenged for, yes - but I will always hand them out to members who I trust to uphold them first and foremost. With that in mind - Aislyn will remain Valhalla's beta." There was no reason to demote her, she had been faithful to this pack even with her daughter to raise. "Deltas are ranked below betas, and have many of the same duties." She had wanted these positions to go to both Collision and Thane, but she had yet to see hide nor hair of her eldest brother. "Thane, you will be Valhalla's first Delta. The second spot is open to whoever catches my eye - be on your best behavior." It was a bit of a challenge for whoever wanted to take it - to impress her.

"Erani will once again be our lead healer - our Theta. Our Psi will be Ashtoreth - I know for a fact you're fully capable of the duties of our lead hunter." She nodded toward the female, she had been one of the first to show up here, despite her subtle limp. "Rayne, Soliel and Preston will be Etas, healers. Syrinx, Morgan, Ookami, and Nova will be our Gammas - our soldiers." She would promote one of them to lead soldier soon enough. "Of them, I will deem one Digamma, lead soldier, after seeing them spar." And knowing that they would show up at the next meeting because if she had promoted one of them they wouldn't know it by anything but word of mouth - her warriors were nowhere to be found.

And then there was one rank that she wanted filled out, and she was curious as to whether she would shine with it. The pack's previous heir, had been quite the handful and vanished on them before they truly got the chance to see what he did with it. This time, she felt things would be different. "My heir, will be Azalea." She was her niece, family through and through. Should anything happen to her, she would be sure that the girl that looked strikingly similar to her, would be ready to take the reigns. "Congratulations." She smiled at the girl, who she was pretty sure wasn't expecting the sudden promotion.

"The rest of you, need only tell me what you are interested in training in, and I will rank you accordingly." She wanted them to be sure of what they wanted to do when they took their ranks, they would either stand out and she would notice, or request the job from her personally. "You may let me know here if you're sure - as well as ask anything that may be on your mind. I'm here to lead you, but I'm also here to listen. In or outside of pack meetings." They could always come to her, even if it wasn't completely business. She wanted to know the members of Valhalla just as badly as she wanted to protect them.


06-14-2013, 09:18 AM

Ookami herd the call of the new Alpha, she saw Thane and Ravine head off to go. Ookami wanted the small pup eat and rest but he was stubborn. She finished up with the other two and soothed them to sleep. Ookami licked the small things and ran to the meeting. She knew she was late but her babies needed her attention at the time. Ookami came into the meeting when Chrysthane spoke "You may let me know here if you're sure - as well as ask anything that may be on your mind. I'm here to lead you, but I'm also here to listen. In or outside of pack meetings."

Ookami walked up to her just a bit out of breath. "Sorry i am late, i needed to get my babies to sleep. If you may what did i miss?" She spoke as she stood there in front of Chrysthane, waiting for the dame to say something or nothing t all. Ookami did not care if she got yelled at, in her mind her children came first. They were her priority. And that was that. She looked over to see only a few had attended the meeting, this was odd, why did they not come. Ookami had no idea but she did manage to make it.



06-14-2013, 06:25 PM


Reluctantly but dutifully he led the way after being pulled away from his children's play, which he loved to watch oh so much. Along the way he kissed Erani on the cheek and continued in silence. He couldn't think of much to say today. He had faith that the newest of Alphas would be a good one. Shortly afterward they arrived to be greeted by the usual. This made him less unsettled than he was upon departure for the meeting grounds.

His brother in law was the first to speak. The thought of his puppies at home and trying to hunt with Cormalin and laughed a little but said nothing. He took his place and wagged to Crysanthe a bit before settling in with Erani.

Wolves conversed for a while back and forth between each other and the Alpha. And after a while Crysanthe began dubbing ranks to the pack one by one, until Erani's rank was bestowed. He nuzzled her a congratulatory gesture and waited until at long last he was chosen. He respectfully nodded his agreement and thanks. "Honored." He rumbled in reply before curling a little more firmly against Erani.



6 Years
06-14-2013, 09:07 PM

Somethings were easy to predict, like the update on Cairo. It wasn't much of an update, certainly not a substantial one. Cairo was under observation, good. He would be monitored and hopefully his condition would improve. She hadn't seen him since he had gone down but she knew enough to know that her grandfather was still alive. The pack would be restless if they even doubted that.

She announced that there was to be a wedding held for Epiphron and Maverick. Azalea was very happy for her aunt but at the same time she was sad. It had taken one simple meeting for her to become attached to Epi and now she had no more time to spend with her. The Adravendi ex-alpha was now on her way out the door. Amber eyes grew a perplexed look as she realized that she was mentally telling herself, more or less, that Epiphron would be dead. No, it wasn't that bad. She could go visit, surely.

Chrysanthe was speaking again now, handed out ranks. The auburn headed gal sat up straighter, listening intently in hopes to hear what rank she would be given. Warrior? Hunter? Oh, but the names had changed. Soleil, her mother, was clearly a healer, now called a Etas. Most everyone else got ranks given to them as well and her attention was snagged here and there by names that were important to her. Her own name was not called though and it seemed for a minute that Chrysanthe was done giving ranks. It left a blank spot.

Azalea looked at Sarak, confused. He hadn't ranked either. What did this mean? "My heir, will be Azalea." The new leader announced then, and in Azalea's confusion it took her a moment to register that. "What," left her lips just as she made sense of Chrys's words. Heir? Azalea? The runt daughter of Collision Adravendi and Soleil? She was speechless, her eyes meeting Chrysanthe's as she gave her congratulations before finding their way around the crowd. Her fur felt hot and she felt like everyone was staring, maybe they were. She licked her lips, snapping out her shocked haze. "Thank you, Chrysanthe." She said loudly, her look still clearly bewildered.

Suddenly Azalea felt very small. Small in comparison to the job she had been given. It was a very odd but humbling feeling. She was small but suddenly so significant and now she was important to her pack, more or less what she had always wanted. Of course, she had always expected to be important in a much less obvious way. Her eyes scanned the crowd again now, hoping to see Soleil, Collision or Epiphron. She didn't see any of them, all of whom she would love to share her joy with.

"You may let me know here if you're sure - as well as ask anything that may be on your mind. I'm here to lead you, but I'm also here to listen. In or outside of pack meetings." Azalea gave a small nod. The words had not wholly been directed at her but she knew she should talk with Chrysanthe soon. Her eyes wandered once more to Sarak. She needed to find out what he was interested in and make sure that her new friend started to feel involved in the pack. Azalea bumped her shoulder to his with a happy smile, surely doing nothing for his mood but he didn't know the plan hatching out in her mind.




06-15-2013, 12:46 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Others arrived after she did, each acknowledged with a polite smile by the slim grey hunter. It felt good to arrive on time for once, to not be one of the last stragglers to enter onto the scene and barely find a seat amongst those gathered before the one who had called the meeting could get things underway. Still impressed with her own recovery and her legs progress, Ashtoreth shifted where she sat, moving her leg in minute ways that she hoped was not completely noticeable. It was just a small test, to reassure herself that her leg had indeed mostly healed and that she now had more mobility than she had prior. It was near impossible to keep the smile off of her face as she waited on the last of those to show up before Chrysanthe would speak, and it still remained even as the newly instated Alpha began to conduct the meeting in full.

It didn't surprise her when the clay-faced Alpha addressed the circumstances that had shaped the last meeting they had had. Of them all, she had thought Chrysanthe to have been one who had been most shaken up by the events though she had done a marvelous job in keeping her cool even when things were crumbling around them. Ash admired her ability to recover from it and bring them all together again now, refusing to let those past events influence where she saw their future headed. It was encouraging, as was the news that Cairo was being carefully watched. She had been worried about his health after his collapse, had not quite gotten to remain long enough to see him come back around, but any news was good news at this point so long as it leaned toward the fact the elder wolf still lived. That was really all that was important at this time.

As mentioned during their last meeting, Epiphron was be betrothed to the Seracian Prince in Chrysanthe's place, a fact both girls seemed quite happy about though Ashtoreth could only equate the fact to Epiphron looking out for the happiness of her sibling and understanding when her skills were outdone by someone else. Whatever the case, she was happy for them and was grateful for the alliance as well. Getting in good with their neighbors was never a bad thing, and with a mix of children from both packs - down the road, she assumed, when Epiphron and her future husband decided that it was time for them to begin their family - would only further those ties and ensure that, at least on that front, relationships between the packs would stay friendly. One less thing to worry about was a good thing.

The topic changed to that of ranks, and quietly Ashtoreth listened. Content with her lot, she glanced about at those who Chrysanthe addressed first; Aislyn, Thane, Erani. Erani! The news that the once Lead Healer was going to receive her position again was great news as far as the odd-eyed wolf was concerned. The healer had proven her worth so many times over, hadn't even shirked her pack when she had been demoted from her well earned position, and even now had been one of the first to arrive to show that her dedication remained strong to these wolves who were her family.

Unexpectedly, however, her own name was mentioned, and as her attention returned fully to her Alpha she realized that she had also been granted a promotion as well. I'm...I'm Lead Hunter? It had never been a position that she would have actively sought; she had always been content to follow those guidelines set by others and let them worry about figuring out all the details. And now it would be her turn. Easily she had mixed feelings on the subject, nervous about holding such a title and not proving herself inadequate for it. But under it all she was flattered. "Thank you," she spoke to Chrysanthe with a respectful nod, though by her tone and expression it was easy to tell she was still surprised by the news.

Healers, warriors, and a young heir were next assigned, and the suddenly surprised wolf was only half attentive to everything that followed. Lead Hunter! She never would have thought! It should have dawned on her that something was coming when Thane had been given his promotion, but somehow it had slipped her mind. But the news that she would now be leading her own section of the pack in Thane's place brought to light a new worry: she needed wolves to lead. So far their hunters were numbered to herself alone, no new ones assigned. As the ground was left open for those who lacked a specific rank to come forward and choose theirs, Ashtoreth glanced around expectantly, hopeful that another wolf or two might choose to follow her path and assist as a hunter.


06-15-2013, 11:19 AM
White lines ears perked up at the mention of ranks. He was a but preoccupied as he watched Ravine with a close eye to make sure he didn't trip over his paws and need help or get into any trouble. Then aqua blue eyes arose to look at Chrysanthe as she spoke his name, Delta? The brute was promoted to Delta? It was an incredible honor to the name and he gave her a respectful nod in thanks before speaking.

"Thank you, I am honored and determined to serve you in this position that you have bestowed upon me." he said before quieting down to look back at Ravine.

As the other ranks were announce Thane sat on his haunches looking around at the other wolves here and keeping an eye on his son at the same time. After the ranks were announced Ookami came in and asked Chrysanthe what she had missed. With her here now the brute could go congratulate a wolf real quick for a second. Quickly and quietly Thane walked over to Ashtoreth with a friendly smile on his face. He saw how happy she was and even a but surprised. As the wolf came closer he sat himself down a ways beside her so he could face Chrysanthe and give a quick congrats.

"I think a congratulations is in order" he said while turning his head a but to look at Ashtoreth.

It was a shame they wouldn't be working together anymore but in a ways they were; everyone here worked together.

"I must also say that if you need anyone to go on a hunt with you I'd love to join." he said with one wag if his tail.

Thane was proud he and Ashtoreth had both moved up. And he knew he would enjoy his new job as he did the first one. Even so, hunting was always a hobby to the brute. Of course he could still go on a hunt for fun here and there. As he sat there waiting for a reply or none he kept his gaze on Ravine. Then his aqua blue eyes averted for a second to Ookami. Maybe it would have been better to have Ravine back at the den with his brother and sister. But Thane didn't regret not stopping his son while coming here. A smile appeared on his maw while looking at his beloved, son, and friend Ashtoreth. This was his family; Valhalla was one big family, and he knew this place was going in the right direction.



06-16-2013, 12:10 PM

All in all, this was turning out to be the best meeting Cormalin had been to in a while. Chrysanthe was already showing her worth, and it was her first meeting. He had a strong feeling that any decisions concerning the pack Chrysanthe might make, she would speak with them first, get the pack?s insight and opinions. Black muzzle pulled into a faint frown as he noted how few the adults were. And that little white lass Rosalie, the one he?d encountered and Aislyn had accepted, was no where to be seen. Preston, Soleil, Collision, and several others that had been at meetings previously, were absent.

Mismatched eyes swept the gathered wolves as Chrysanthe spoke to them, watching their faces as her words encompassed them. He was pleased at the news of the wedding. It wasn?t a tradition that he and Erani had grown up in, though In the Alliance between the Nomads and Redwood pack there was a pact that stated that Healers born in the Pack were eligible to become mates with one of the Nomad Healers offspring. He, Erani, and their siblings were product of that pact. But the mating would only go on if the two prospects loved one another. It was strongly believed that a Healer pair worked together best if their was love in the bond. If the two didn?t love one another, there would be no mating.

Since Redwood pack?s death, he supposed that tradition was gone. And in any case, Erani was deeply in love with her chosen mate. His eyes slid to look at them. He missed his mate. She had died birthing their children. Their one and only litter. He wished he could have brought his children here with him. But he couldn?t have cared for them. He wasn?t female. And his friends had lost their children in the same night, Amber had been blessed with so much milk, and cursed with the loss of her children. So it had been a natural step to give children that needed her to her, who needed them. He hoped they had grown happy and strong.

Chrysanthe moved on to Ranks. He liked where she was going with them. It was indeed best to begin with those one trusted most. Aislyn would remain as the female Beta. Chrysanthe didn?t name a male Beta. So that was open. Thane was Ranked to a new, or newly named Rank, Delta. There was a second spot open in that rank. He kept that filed away in his mind. Her next words made him grin. He?d had a feeling that Chrysanthe wouldn?t let Erani?s lack of Rank continue with her own reign. Ashtoreth was moved to Lead Hunter. He gave a grin to Ashtoreth, who looked surprised and pleased, as he leaned against his sister in pleasure at her return to rank. Erani and Ashtoreth were trustworthy in their ranks. His sister had proven herself time and time again as the Lead Healer, and in his opinion should never have been stripped of a rank she filled so well.

Preston was lowered to a Healer, along with Rayne and Soleil. He gave a grin to Nova as the giant black male was given a rank that marked him as a warrior in the pack. Syrinx, who had once been an Heir himself, was also a Warrior now. Cormalin waited to see what else she would start them out with. He was given no rank himself, nor was Obsidian, but he didn?t mind. To him, good ranks came as you earned them. All the wolves Chryanthe had given ranks to or had promoted them to had earned them in some way. He would earn his way up.

He smiled as Azalea was given the place of Heir. He glanced at he dark headed girl, who looked startled, but took it in stride. His attention turned back to Chrysanthe, though out of the corner of his eye he saw Ookami arrive late. So far, Chrysanthe was turning out to be a wonderful Alpha. She actually told them to come to her whenever they needed to speak to her, instead of letting the silent presumption that all of them would know this hang in the air. She was making all the right moves. And he hoped this would continue throughout her reign as Alpha.

The meeting began to end, slowly, and he let any wolves who wanted to announce their hopeful training choices to Chrysanthe, before gave Erani a lick on the shoulder, rose, and approached the young Leader and Aislyn. Quietly, he spoke. ?I have a strong idea of what I want to do. But I would like to discuss it with the two of you alone, later perhaps?? Mismatched eyes studied Chrysanthe with an approving twinkle. ?You did very well for your first meeting. You?re a natural Leader, and it shows.? He would wait for their acceptance of a meeting before he would head out.



8 Years
06-16-2013, 01:40 PM

Azalea arrived, and Sarak offered a soft thump of his tail in greeting as she came to sit beside him and leaned in to greet him, asking what he thought the meeting was about. ?I?m not sure, but we?ll find out soon, I suppose.? Moss green eyes watched as a pup scampered in, a small smile tugging briefly at his muzzle. What looked to be the pup?s father followed soon after, the aqua eyes locked on the pup. Definitely the father. Wolves greeted Chrysanthe as they arrived, a big difference from other meetings, where he?d only seen them nodding to the Alphas.

Soon after the pup?s father settled, Chrysanthe began speaking, and he perked his ears to catch everything she had to say. A wedding? What was that, exactly? In his birth pack wolves didn?t mate for love. Indeed, the only established mated pair were the Alphas, and they certainly didn?t love each other. Whisp was alpha female only because she had clawed and fought her way to the top. He wondered if they were still alive. They had been old when he was born. He wasn?t as worried about Cairo as he could have been. Despite being stripped of her Rank, Erani had been caring for the old male with the same attentiveness as he had seen her give when she?d had the rank.

He was in safe paws, and would surely recover. Now Chrysanthe was giving the ranks out. Sarak wondered if he would be given anything, but as the ranking went on, he knew that he needed to be more active in becoming part of the pack if he wanted to become anything useful. He had an idea of what he wanted to do. It would encompass his endurance and speed. But was a Messenger really a rank? Lastly, Azalea was risen to the place of Heir. Like the last meetings, there was a lot that had just been changed, but he liked these changes. Erani was back in her old rank, and her student, whom he?d heard called Preston, removed from the rank he?d not earned or been fully trained for. The grey male hadn?t shown up at the meetings, and he?d not caught the fellow?s scent anywhere for quite some time.

Even Erani?s mate had been given a good rank. He cast the giant black male a quick look. He was slowly learning that Nova and Cormalin weren?t wolves that he should fear. Azalea sat beside him, a look of surprise on her face. He gave a slight smile and repeated Chrysanthe?s congratulations. ?Congratulations, Azalea. I?m sure you?ll be a wonderful Heir.? His words were said in earnest honesty.

Sarak looked up as Chrysanthe went on to address them that they need only speak to her about what they wished to train in. Well, he had an idea, but to name it in front of everyone-- Azalea nudged her shoulder into him. Moss green eyes turned to look her, brows lifting curiously. But it gave him the push he needed to voice his idea. So he waited until others had voiced their choices, then spoke up, low voice slightly nervous. ?I? I was thinking? I could be a Messenger? I?m not a good fighter, nor am I a healer. But I can run fast, and have a good memory.? His ears pulled back, wondering if he?d be thought an idiot.