
i'll make a meal out of you. -ocena!-


06-11-2013, 12:15 AM

tear you to bits

373 words. OCENA tagged. --- notes.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Tyberius snarled, snapping at the crow that just wouldn't leave him alone. The black bird took flight, narrowly avoiding the sharp white canines. A rumble of irritation started in his chest as he saw the bird land a few feet away. It wasn't intending on leaving, but surely it wasn't dumb enough to come back. He kept his piercing green gaze on the crow, who was now pecking at the trash littering the area, seemingly uninterested in the three-legged wolf. It would have been amusing for someone who knew him to see the situation he was in. Tyberius, the pest, being annoyed. Karma.

Unbeknownst to the wolf, the crow had begun creeping back toward him from behind, making its way to his hind leg. Tyberius was lost in thought, his mind dwelling on the uneventful journey from Amenti's pack lands to Deadman's Scrap. The frigid cold of the North was quite different from the decent temperatures of the West, but in his opinion, not better. I enjoy the cold because it reminds me of myself. Although, if he was honest, here he was among friends. Not the pesky crow (still inching closer) but the garbage. He felt like he belonged in the midst of the trash.

Tyberius was still daydreaming when the crow pecked at his hind leg multiple times, rapidly. The wolf turned around angrily, baring his teeth at the crazy bird as it squawked loudly. The crow pecked him on the nose as well, rapid-fire beak bullets targeting the soft wet skin, then hopped out of reach. Tyberius, enraged, leaped at the feathered monster, determined to end its life. It would be better off dead than attacking random wolves, but Tyberius was not thinking of anyone else. He just wanted that damn bird gone.

He took the bird in his mouth, not yet harming it. The crow squawked its displeasure as it tried to peck at his lips. Tyberius shook his head, his aim to dizzy the stupid avian before he made a meal out of it. Suddenly, another crow swooped down on him, its sharp talons grazing the top of his head.

Who knew it would be so difficult to kill a crow?

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