
Give Me Everything Tonight


06-16-2013, 01:01 PM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

The scenes of her past flashed before her eyes like a bloody reminder as she was suddenly awoken from her nightmare. Her eyes covered with fear and that was something that she was afraid of. Something about this place made her feel at home. She was careful to avoid the borders of the pack, for fear they were as evil and vicious as the man that she was suppose to marry. Her bright white fur had turned dirty, living day to day made her not care for her appearance as she had once been taught to do. It was like raising a calf for slaughter. Her parents had known that she was scared, they raised her with manners just to marry a sick, masochistic man who was vile, cruel, abusive and vicious.

Something made her remember that she needed to remain strong. Everyone she had ever counted on had turned their backs on her. Capella had turned on her, same as her brothers and her other family members. "Will I never find a home?" She asked herself out loud, not caring who had heard her. All that mattered was that she needed to stay calm, and she wasn't doing a good job. She held her posture, not letting herself get down. Would no pack take the kind girl? She had tried, and they all just laughed in her face.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-16-2013, 01:27 PM
Dark gray paws hit the layer of snow on the ground with a crunch. Winter, oh how Thane loved winter. With a smile he continued on his walk by the border. It had been a while after the pack meeting, and a while since he had been promoted from Lead Hunter to Delta. Pride swelled in the brute's heart as he carried his new rank with pride and honor. He was grateful for his position and knew he wouldn't let Valhalla down on his duties.

His aqua blue gaze swept around him as he looked this way and that. Thane also took a sniff here and there to see if there were any visitors. Maybe after this the brute would go back and do something fun with his family. With a shake of his head that idea had passed; it was too cold out now for his children. Even one of his sons had caught a cold in the first weeks of winter. Ryker would get through it...he knew he would. Maybe it was just Thane who was used to the cold. Oh how he longed to go back to the Russian Tundra one day...but he wouldn't. The wolf would never leave his beloved and their children for so much as a day.

An eagle's cry was heard above as Thane perked up his white lined ears. Close...the eagle was very close. Then he heard someone say will they never find a home. He stopped for a moment in his tracks as his audits twisted outwards to listen for a footfall. As soon as he had heard it the brute wasted no time. In a quick but careful walk Thane came to the edge of the border but did not cross to go outside of it.

His aqua blue gaze settled on a dame,one who seemed to be occupied by her own thoughts at the moment.

With a friendly smile the brute then spoke and let words fall from his lips.

"Hello, my name is Thane Tsarev of Valhalla. I have overheard you saying something about a home. Is that what has brought you to our borders?" he said

The male's gaze then averted to the sky as the golden eagle dipped down from the sky and landed on Thane's shoulder.

"I do apologize for interrupting Master Thane but I figured I'd come along on this one." the eagle said to Thane

"Oh, do pardon my manners, my name is Cyril Tsarev, tis a pleasure." he said to the dame while giving a small respectful bow.


06-16-2013, 04:53 PM
[IDK if she can hear the eagle so I shall assume she can?]

You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Kai was caught off guard, but to be honest, she hadn't been on guard to begin with, when the male arrived. All she could remember was hearing an eagle screech and thinking about lunch, or dinner. None of it made a difference, this wolf, Thane, he told her he was of a pack. Crud, I could have sworn I was far enough from any borders. He had heard her mutterings, which could be for the better and for the worst depending on who was thinking. "My name is Kai Aranna, of Silver Heartlands, well, not anymore really. But your right, I am looking for a pack, but most seem to turn me down." She said, rather shyly. She was in the company of a pack wolf, a dominate, so she did what her mother had taught her to do, act cute and pretty. Sitting up straight, shoulders back, head tilted to the side with a friendly smile.

When she had first heard a voice, she had almost wanted to growl, but when he had introduced himself and he had given a friendly smile to offer, she figured he couldn't be all that bad, but she would stay just alert for now. Then the eagle perched on his shoulder, and it was almost weird. Never before had she seen a wolf working together with an eagle, but she had not seen much of wolves since her running away from the betrothal to Cilcar. The eagle bowed to her, and introduced itself. It was strange, the eagle talked to her. Cyril Tsarev was the eagle's name, and it was a pretty name. All she had ever done was pretty, all she had ever been taught was pretty. "I can hunt, and I guess I can fight. Though I've only really trained with my brothers. I'm more of a tracker." She confessed, hoping it didn't effect anything.

She looked down on her once white paws which were covered in dirt and looked like a light to medium brown color. It was horrifying how she had turned into that, from what she once was, a pure white girl with the brightest icy blue eyes in the pack. What had happened to her after all this time? She looked at him, a respectful bow to him, waiting for him to speak to the information just given at the moment she had spoken. One thing that she was confident about was that the man was not going to harm her. The man had a friendly smile, most men, especially Cilcar, only had that greedy smile. One fill of evil thoughts.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-16-2013, 06:48 PM
The friendly smile the make gave never ceased as the dame before him and his companion introduced herself. She said she was Kai Aranna, from it she had stated used to be from a ace called Silver Heartlands. Then Kai said he was right and she was looking for a pack. The smile ceased as she said that most had turned her down. Why would others be so cruel and turn others wasn't really nice at all. But it was the words that she had said about being from her old place but not anymore. Thane could relate to that...actually he cold relate to that very well. No, don't think about it now.

Kai seemed to be well-mannered, a small smile appeared on Thane's maw. Boy how he could really relate to her. But the brute betted she hadn't had thousands of lessons as he did when he was a child. It almost made him think of how much he should be teaching his own children. With a flick of a white lines ear he dismissed those extra thoughts.

The make patiently stood there as he listened to her talk some more. The only phrase from all of that that made his ears perk up was the hunting part. This was perfect! The make room a few moments to let everything sink in before opening his mouth and replying.

"Well I think that those who have turned you down have had a great loss. And I'm also sure that I can relate to you with going from one home to another, it's hard. But I can assure you that here in Valhalla you will not be turned down. And you also said you can hunt. I used to be the Lead Hunter until a recent promotion. But a great friend of mine is Lead Hunter here now. And she's a one wolf team. If you're interested in joining I'm sure that you would be a great addition if you wanted to be a hunter and all that." he said with a wag of his tail.

As his aqua blue gaze looked at Kai Aranna it softened. She sort of reminded him of himself when he was a year or two younger. Thane had been heart-broken. He had lost his entire family and pack. But at least he hadn't had a flashback or hallucination from the PTSD in a long time.

"I'm sorry but is something troubling you? I do apologize for being nosy...but you rather in fact remind me of myself. If you need to talk I'm here if you wouldn't mind a chat." he said with his aqua blue gaze then turning to Cyril who was still perched on his shoulder.

White lines ears perked up as he then heard a rumble. It was Cyril, must be hungry again.

"Охота(Hunt)" he said to hi companion before the eagle spread it's wings and flew off.

Thane then turned his attention back to the femme as he patiently waited for a reply.


06-17-2013, 07:54 AM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. She had to keep telling herself. Kai listened, glad to hear that she could have a purpose in this pack, Valhalla. The news of his promotion then led her to want to congratulate him on the accomplishment, but he spoke. He could tell she had something on her mind, but she didn't want to bore him with her sob story that was reminding her constantly of her former life, her past life. However she wasn't in a position to refuse a chat, and it she did join Valhalla than she supposed that he should know. "Its quite a long story, but I suppose I have the time, after all, I suppose I'm not going anywhere." She started off, with the words she reminded herself of every day.

"I was born as the runt of the litter, so my parents didn't see me as anything worth a hunter or fighter, but they loved me non the less. When my siblings were out there learning how to survive, my parents instead taught me about sitting pretty, acting lady like. It was only in the night when I snuck off with my sister Capella, did I learn to hunt. Same with my brothers and fighting. I was arranged to marry a cruel man from another pack, Cilcar. He was the alpha, and he had killed his last mate. So I disappeared in the night, my sister found me a bit later on, and she had... changed, she didn't care that the man was vicious, only that I had left, she had told me he was so outraged that he destroyed the entire pack and my family. I-it was my fault that most of them died. My brothers, my parents, my best friend, Capella was the only one to make it out alive." She said, choking up a bit when she spoke of her sister and brothers as if they were still living. It hurt, knowing what she had set upon them. She was heartbroken that her family was killed, knowing that if she had stayed, she would probably be the only one dead.

A lot of the packs she stumbled on deemed her unworthy because of her frame. She was small, but that made her faster than the others. That was why she seemed to always win races, and she could catch the small and fast animals. Her tail swayed from side to side, a saddened, almost grief stricken look on her face. She had so many mental issues that the other packs, whom hadn't turned her down on her frame, a turned her down because they thought she was 'mental'. The eagle had disappeared to hunt, and she had never really seen companion animals, nor were taught what they were. But those questions were for another day, another time. Cilcar, heartbreakers like you are hard to erase, you lift me up just so I fall. Some days, she wished that Cilcar fell ill and died, some days, she wished he would show up so she could kill him. She just wanted him off the planet before he could kill again.

Somewhere in the distance, she could almost feel like her family was stabbing her from the heavens, so they could make her feel what they felt. The nightmare's never ceased anymore, she was scared to sleep, let alone talk to other wolves. She knew that one road to recovery was to join this man's pack. He was nice, meaning the rest of the pack probably was too. But would they accept her because she was so small? She supposed that was what was left to determine.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-17-2013, 04:48 PM
Patient did he remain as Kai said that it was a long story; but she proceeded to tell him anyway. The brute sat down on his haunches as he perked up his white lined ears to listen. Thane knew he was always a good wolf to talk to. He had talked with quite a few wolves and he knew others felt comfortable around him. The brute knew he had a nice aura to him...he was just that peaceful and open most of the time.

Aqua blue eyes looked at the dame as she started off. She said she was born the runt of the litter, and said she was raised to be pretty and well-mannered. Funny, that reminded him of his sister Hureia. The brute wanted to smile at the coincidence but he did not out of respect for the subject matter.She then said she learned how to hunt from her sisters and fight from her brothers. Interesting...Thane had only really learned lessons from his parents and hunting and fighting at the same. His sister had only taught him to stay calm and bare with the lessons and preparations.

Then when Kai got to the part of her being betrothed did he raise a brow. This was too weird, Thane even remembered being betrothed himself. At the thought of that he could almost picture the brown and cream dame as she looked at him with that sweet green gaze. A twitch of a white lined ear rid himself of the impending hallucination. The male then went back to listening about the cruel man she had been betrother to name Cilcar, odd how it was oddly close to the name Caligar as well; his father's name had been Caligar before he watched him be killed by Poxiterso a few years ago. That was gone and done now.She then said her only friend had survived and her pack was dead because of her. His eyes did not widen but he only sat there as Thane tried to keep himself composed.

It was to late, it reminded him of his own story. How Hureia blamed herself for the extinction of their own pack. Just because she fell in love with Octavian his father had targeted her. Killed was she but had somehow survived or came back. But her death had caused a a was her fault.No! It was Poxiterso's fault for having such a cold heart. It was he who had harmed Thane's sister. He who had killed his father. He who had ordered the death of Thane's packmates and mother. It was he who had ruined his life. The peaceful composure the brute had once had dissipated as he sat there staring into space. No, don't have one...not now. It had been a while since something had been spurred by his PTSD. But this was so much much to handle.

Next the brute blinked he saw the battlefield when he opened his eyes. HE looked around and saw Poxiterso standing on that giant rock of his wearing an evil grin. And he saw the repeated death of his father as he fell from that rock. When he looked over he even saw Octavian hiding in the bushes, looking with a horror stricken face. It then switched as he was back at the camp...finding everyone else dead who had stayed behind. Yet next time he blinked once more it was all gone and his ebony claws were digging into the snow.

Thane took a few breaths before speaking.

"I do apologize...that seemed to have spurred a few of my own reminds me of my own past. It's so close to coincidental. I'm sorry to hear that such things have happened to you. but I'll let you know that you aren't alone in this."he said before managing to give her a small weak smile which he could muster up.

The wolf then flicked his tail to touch her once in a reassuring touch.

"we're free and safe here. No matter your troubles, no matter how far,no matter how bad. Whomever joins Valhalla calls this...home."

His aqua blue gaze then looked up to meet her own as he sat there looking at her. What did she think? And what would she say.


06-17-2013, 05:34 PM
[Sorry this isn't as long as your beautiful post
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Eyes, eyes watching all around her as the paranoia arrived in flocks, the male seemed to have dazed out of her story into his own, and for that she couldn't help but grieve. She wished this upon no one, because her past was vile, vicious, just like Cilcar. It was all fine until her parents picked him. He spoke, saying that she could call Valhalla home if she wished. She would very much have liked that, her eyes lit up with excitement, her search coming to an end. "I would very much like to call Valhalla home if you shall have me. I am sorry that my story brought up such painful memories." She stated, lady-like postures and speech was all she had left to cling onto from the happy parts of her past. She wanted to take the tragedy of her past, she wanted to turn it into a rebirth, rags to riches, the quest. She wanted to overcome the monsters of her past and turn it into a glorious future. She could reach for the stars, and she would do her best.

A hop, skip and a jump away is where I shall find it, find the treasure that haunts my past and will lead me to my future. The words had been ones that her sisters had told her every time they went hunting, she didn't even know what they meant, but she held into them close. She looked at him, knowing that she would remember the charcoal black and timberwolf gray colored fur, she'd probably see it often too. After all if she was joining the pack, than she would see packmates often. Her voice cracked as she spoke one last sentence."I need to start over, this is the best lace I can find to do that." She nearly cried, now an emotional mess, which she did try to hide. Grief, as she remembered her sister describe the bloody battle that had happened.

"Remember Cilcar my dear sister? Because of you, he slaughtered the entire family, we had to give your best friend to him as a bride to save the rest of us. You betrayed me sister. He ripped the throats out of your parent's bodies. He bit the heart and... really everything apart on your brother. Our other sister, dead, died from starvation after Cilcar left her in a cave without food and water for 5 days. enough to dehydrate her. The blood was dripping from me and I saw as the gruesome fights went on. Its all your fault Kai. I, Capella Aranna, can no longer call you my sister, your an enemy, a traitor. You should prepare to die before I kill you. That is the only respect I can give you as a wolf. You are the reason their dead. You are the reason their dead. YOU ARE THE REASON THEIR DEAD." Then her sister attacked, and everything changed forever.

After her little choke up, she looked at him, it had been clear that she had gone into a phase, and her icy blue eyes were clouded with grief when she returned. "Sorry, horrid memories, my... my sister described the battle to me when she saw me... I get pictures of it in my head sometimes." She confided in him, it wasn't PDST like Thane had, it was just flashbacks. Someone once told her she had Hysteria, but she refused to believe such a story.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-17-2013, 06:27 PM
A gentle and warming smile appeared on Thane's maw as she said that she would like to join Valhalla. Then apologizing for the painful memories that her story had brought up. He sat there...taking in each word and listened to her patiently still. She then said she needed to start over, and said that this would be the best place to do it. His warming and calm smile never ceased as he looked at her. Then she said something about horrid memories her sister had told her.

Sympathy was what was in the brute's aqua blue eyes. His gaze softened as he looked back at Kai. Thane sat there contemplating his words before he spoke.

"If I got a second chance I'm sure you can. Personally, when I got here a year or two ago I was all alone with no family. All of them dead; but then I met a beautiful dame one night...that changed everything" he said with a smile

"And look at me now. I have a beloved mate, three children. And a new rank so that I may contribute my time and myself to Valhalla. I'm sure that you will prosper i welcome you to Valhalla." he said with a smile and the wag of his tail.

Thane then thought for a few more moments before speaking again.

"You know...I've learned that it isn't bad to accept what has happened and move on. In a way it all makes us stronger and we learn from it. I myself am wise beyond my years if I may say so." he said with a small chuckle.

"But I hope you'll be happy here as I am and many others. You're a part of our family I welcome you as if you were a lost family member." he said before lightly reaching over and touching his nose to her shoulder in a friendly gesture before withdrawing.

Thane then stood up and took two steps into the border before turning around and giving Kai a smile.

"Are you ready to come home Kai?" he asked in a friendly tone with his never ceasing smile.

Thane's aqua blue eyes were bright with joy and happiness for Kai. He was happy that she was happy. And Thane loved it when others were happy. Maybe on his way home he would catch his children something new to try. Maybe they should have their first taste of a mouse. White lined ears perked up as it began to snow. The white flakes landed on his black pelt as it felt.

The male loved winter, this was as close to his first home as it would ever be. But this place now was truly his home...and he loved it here with all his heart.


06-17-2013, 08:20 PM
[Really short, fading this out]
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Snap, crackle, pop and its done. Her eyes studied him as he reacted to her. He was a rather interesting creature, wolf. She was ready when he was, and her eyes were soft as she gazed at him, his aqua blue eyes almost eager to go. But he spoke of his mate, and his children, it was amazing. To know that he was allowed to have a family despite not being the alpha. In her old pack, only the alpha's were allowed to mate and have puppies, hence her creation. "Yea, I'd like that. To go home, to my new home." She said, the word was almost foreign to her after that long time. It was home.


Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase