
There isn't a meaning


06-09-2013, 12:22 PM
The winter months brought the cold and freezing weather to this new land. Mysteriously as it was, the girl couldn't help but to be alone once more. She was only so close to the home she had been born in, and everything that slipped away in every single moment just made her feel as if she never had a place to begin with. After all her birth had been a mistake, so after her mother had shown her so much kindness only to be crushed by a tree in a thunder storm. It angered her, it made her never see a point in being happy or care free. Though she would like to have fun, to be kind, she was always having the serious chill down her large spine. The girl who was large for a normal female, black on top white on bottom and glorious vibrant blue mane on the top of her head reaching down to just below her shoulder blades. As is was her unsettled red orbs looking in the frozen river. Vahva wasn't stupid, but she was hot tempered and not a very nice person at times. Even though she meant well. With having all the formal training that a pack wolf would had, including her knowledge of herbs from her mother, she could be or do whatever she wanted. But, what was the point, when no one wanted her in the first place.

"I guess you're alone too aren't you." She spoke to the small sparrow that had perched itself on one of the bare winter branches. The cold brisk air made it seem like the wolf was breathing ice. Vahva watched the chirping sparrow and sighed looking back to the water to look at her features. The two year old was a mistake, but she tried desperately to try and make it not one again. After all, if she could be of some use to her family, then surely she would be forgiven right? Whoever called the shots anyway, her mother never really spoke about her heritage, so she figured it was unimportant. The only thing she knew was that her mother's sister had kids so that meant she had family somewhere, but where was the question. Vahva wasn't even sure if she would get into Valhalla.


06-09-2013, 03:24 PM

Rina has entered the new land. Her pawsteps almost silent as the early winner snow crunched beneath her large frame. She had made her way to a river, in the middle of a beautiful valley, of which she had never seen before. The blissful, moonlit sky was reflected in the slow moving water. The looked at the little diamonds twinkling in the frosty sky. Rina was alone, as she had been for many months. When she looked at the stars, it reminded her of herself. All alone in a sea of many. She sighed and looked back up to see a young she-wolf across the twinkling river. She muted her surprise before uttering a greeting.

Hello there

Rina had never been one for words, and now wasn't an exception. The wolf was quite pretty. She was big, maybe just a bit smaller than Rina herself. A lovely blue marking on her head and shoulders, standing out amongst her black and white body. Rina sat down opposite her and looked at her almost casually.



06-09-2013, 05:38 PM

Vahva was too caught up in her own thoughts to notice the wolf across the river. The winter crystals shining in the moonlight as the girl's red eyes whipped around to see who had spoken. The sparrow quickly hopped off of the branch and flew off. The girls ears perking forward to watch her small companion(only if for a few moments) vanish into the night sky. Again she was left alone, besides for this stranger here. Vahva had a thought to ignore her, but as she thought it rude and she knew her mother would scold her so she stood up and gave a respectful bow. "What brings you out here in the middle of a winters night?" She asked raising her head once more as the two year old flicked her tail. Where this would get her she wasn't quiet sure, but for now she would play along with the games that others loved to play.

See as Vahva was two years of age, she had almost no other contact with wolves besides her mother. Ever since she was separated as a young pup from her pack. So when it came to being social she was unsure what to do while she did try her best. Inexperienced, and longing for some sort of direction to take her life. She was slightly afraid of the outside world, which was why she wanted to find Valhalla as soon as she could. Yet there were obstetrical objects flying out in her path. Vahva was having trouble dodging them that was for sure.



06-12-2013, 02:11 PM


Rina Sat on the opposite bank, facing the she wolf. She was quite young, maybe just of age. What are you doing it here on a cold winters night? She asked. Rina replied calmly, I am simply having an evening stroll, I do get lonely sometimes. Rina sighed, a puff of steam riding into the bitter winter air, vanishing into the cold, clear starry sky.

She returned her bi-coloured gaze to the young she-wolf. From a distance, you could mistake the dame as a small brute, but she would surely turn into an attractive feme one day.

Ooc: Sorry for the short post :s


06-12-2013, 05:01 PM

She was right, socializing just wasn't her thing. If she was going to have to deal with someone else's problems, she already had her own to deal with. The stubborn snappy wolf lifted her gums, but then gave a large sigh. Vahva proceeded to dunk her head into the ice cold water, wetting her face and the front of her mane as she brought them back up again. She shook off her head and let her mane fuzz out as she started to walk closer. Sitting next to the stranger with a flick of her ear. Maybe she was a little bit more awake now.

"No one takes a midnight stroll unless they're restless. So if your looking for company, I will be that company." While Vahva was trying her best, these words weren't said with the kindest tone, but they held no hostility in them. The girl flicked her tail, thinking to herself about how all of this was to lead up in the hopes Valhalla would keep her. That was the only place she could go, and her mother would not be happy if she ran away out of social anxiety. Vahva's wet mane mismatched the rest of the luscious vibrant blue on her back near her shoulder blades.
