
Let me in


06-08-2013, 04:03 PM
It had been a while since the dame had been reunited with her brother. He had to go in a rush. Hureia had been surprised of his urgency and had wondered if he had been alright. Surprisingly he did not let her in the borders or seemingly even think of it. Sure, meet up with your long lost sister who you thought was dead and just leave her at the border of the pack you now reside in? Are the old home memories to much to bare with than your new ones?

With a huff the goddess let all of her anger drip off of her like water from a good rain. Her aqua blue gaze settled on the border once more as she smelt it. Black lined ears perked up as she became even more alert. Of course someone could think she would be an intruder and attack her. A shiver ran down the femmes spine as she remembered the brute lunging at her neck. Being dragged to the center of the camp to be buried, unable to open her eyes, move, or even speak. If she had been able to do anything their pack would still be alive, still be there. Hureia wouldn't even be here searching for her brother.She would be smiling while she watched Thane's future children with Amber while pretending to be happy. No, that bitch! Of course the dame was kind, nice, and shy...but no one could try to take Thane away from her. NO ONE. OF course Hureia was in love with her brother but just couldn't tell him. Incest would have been frowned upon by their pack and parents.

With a sigh she at down on her haunches and let out a beckoning howl. Hopefully someone would let her join. What if no one came...but who really lived behind these borders? How many wolves? With what lives? With a shake of her head Hureai calmed herself and her thoughts, only to wait.


06-08-2013, 04:13 PM
With a small giggle of delight Ryker had made his way to the border. But the pup quieted down as he heard a howl. Someone was at the border! He should go back to his parents! But this stranger couldn't just keep him from doing what he loved to do. Ryker loved to sit a few ways from the border and sometimes at the edge and just look out. He loved to look at the other side and imagine. Out there...was the rest of the world. And in here, was home!It all made him smile, the by was happy to have a home and a family.

White toes crunched in the layer of snow as he made his way closer and closer to the area he had heard the howl come from. Who was at the border? Was it safe?Was it dangerous? But the scent of the wolf was somewhat familiar. It was kind of like his daddy's scent, except a bit different.

As he kept on going the boy began to shiver, it was cold out here and he should really be back in the den sleeping with his parents and siblings. Oh how his father would look upon him with a frown and concern when he returned. And how his mother would be hysterical! All the while, his siblings would be jealous that he got to go out.

Then Ryker's aqua blue gaze with a green fleck in each, settled on a white wolf. She was very very pretty. Her eyes were like Papa's and her coat seemed like the opposite. Odd how she had x's on her back too like him and papa. And even the gray legs! And the aqua blue eyes! With an excited yelp the boy ran towards the border and stopped at the edge. He looked up at her with a smile as his tiny gray tipped tail wagged in the air.

"Zdrastervee!"(Zdrastive!)(Hello!) he said as he tried to speak in Russian again.

"Who are you? My name is Ryker!" he said

The lessons with his father were more than enough to say little things here and there. But the boy still wondered why only his papa and Uncle Cyril spoke it.


06-08-2013, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 04:52 PM by Hureia.)
Black lined ears then perked up as Hureia heard small paw-steps approaching. To her surprise a puppy had come into view. Her aqua blue gaze settled on the small boy as a small smile appeared on her maw.

Surprise then appeared on her face once more as the puppy greeted her in Russian!

"Zdrastive, kak dela?"(Hello, how are you?) She said with a smile.

Her aqua blue gaze then settled on the pup's features as he stood looking up at her. He introduced himself as Ryker but there was something about th eboy that had caught her eye. His back had x's on it! The dame was sure that that pelt design only ran in the Tsarev family. Even his eyes held the traditional aqua blue but only with a fleck of emerald green in each. And he had the dark gray legs, minus the white toes. How odd this was, this pup was almost a mirror image of her brother aside from a few differences.

[b]"Hello Ryker, my name is Hureia Tsarev. Tell me...who are your parents?"
she asked in a soft sweet voice.

The pup seemed to be shivering, he shouldn't be out here in the cold. But...could this puppy possible be her nephew? Is it even possible that her brother had even taken a mate? At the same time the dame was happy but sort of angered by this. She was happy that he may have moved on but then jealous of the dame that was able to have her brother love her back. Hureia could only have Thane love her as a sister. It was so heart-breaking she couldn't love him in any other way more than that.

Hopefully she was all wrong and was seeing things. Maybe this pup was even a figment of her imagination!


06-08-2013, 05:08 PM
Harasho!(good!) the pup replied, finally getting one word right.

His tiny white lined ears then perked up as the wolf introduced herseld as Hureia Tsarev. She had the last name as him! His tiny gray tipped tail wagged even more as he looked up at her.

But then she asked who his parents were.

"My Fadder(Father) is Thane Tsarev and my Mudder(Mother) is Ookami Tsarev.And you have the last name as me! I'm sure Uncle Cyril would be happy too! He gets excited at a lot of tings(things). Sometimes my brudder(brother) and sisder(sister) prey on Uncle Cyril. But just don't tell daddy I'm out here if you see hiim. He won't be very happy with me. Because Mama says it's too cold out for me to be out here alone." he said while another shiver racked his body.

Wow, it was getting really cold out here. The boy's fur coat right now wasn't that great for the cold this season. With a small cough the pup surprised himself as he let out a yelp.

"What was that!?!? he asked in a surprised voice.

As the boy then recovered from the surprise he coughed again. This was new, Ryker had never experienced this before. What was happening to him? Was he dying?

"What's wrong with me? Am I dying?" he asked before coughing once more as another shiver racked his body.

Despite the shivering Ryker began to grow hot. He wasn't sure it it was the Sun but it was cold out, how could he be hot?

The pup then let out a small pathetic howl. He couldn't really howl but he had been trying or practicing. Ryker knew the wolf in the pack Erani could help him. With a panicked whimper the boy looked around and crossed the border to press himself into Hureia's side. Tears started to roll down his face as another unpleasant shiver racked his body with a few more coughs.


06-09-2013, 08:26 AM

Ookami woke up in the den, she let out a yawn and looked at her pups. One, Two, wait there was one missing! Ookami came to a stand, looking around the den, Ryker was gone. Her heart rate started to elevate as she nuzzled Thane and the other pups and ran out of the den. Ookami scanned the snow covered ground and with a howl she called out her child's name. "Ryker! Ryker baby where are you!" She cried out as she searched the area frantically.

The worried mother ran across the land of Alacritis looking for her baby, she went through woods, frozen rivers and soon saw a small bundle of fur next to a larger one. She sniffed the air, Her ears perked up as she looked at the pup, it was Ryker. Her eyes landed upon the dame that stood there with him, her ears pinned to her head and took off running. She had no idea this dame was Thane's sister, so she assumed she was an enemy. Ookami dashed between Ryker and the other female.

Her fur bristled and teeth bared, a deep growl bubbled up her throat. "Stay away from my baby!" She hissed as she kept Ryker next to her. She looked down at her son and noticed that he was sneezing. He had a cold, and for such a young thing that could get bad. Ookami laid down in the snow and nuzzled her son to her warm pelt. "You need to get warm baby, why did you leave like that with out me, you are still to young to be out in the cold like this." She said still keeping her eye on the female.



06-09-2013, 11:31 AM
The dame's breath was taken away as soon as she heard the tiny pup say that his father was Thane. What?!? What has he been getting into during her absence? But then she heard the pup cough as he surprised himself. Oh no...this couldn't be good. Ryker then asked if he was dying, the poor thing. Her aqua blue gaze settled on the pup as he pressed himself into her side.

She could feel him shivering and feel his small body move as every cough shook his tiny body. Hureia bent down her head to touch the tip of her nose to the top of her nephew's head.

"Shhhh, it's alright little one." she said in a cooing voice.

This weather wasn't suitable for a pup of his age. He didn't even look like he was close to a year old! With a guess she wondered if he had been born in this winter season or autumn.

The dame started to panic as she felt tiny droplets of water hither fur; the puppy was crying!

Oh how she wished her brother were here to calm his child.

Then with a startle a black dame suddenly leaped in-between her and her nephew.
The femme growled and snarled at her telling her to stay away from her baby. Then when the mother she assumed saw her shivering child she wrapped herself around the Ryker.

Not taking a step back or even having flinching before, Hureia leaned in closer to get another look at the tiny black bundle.

"No worries sister, I am not one to harm your child. But this sudden cold may; perhaps a healer should be called. I can not tell you how many pups that I have seen lose their lives to the frigid cold in the Russian tundra."

The dame then nervously looked around and flicked her tail. Black lined ears pinned against her head. Hureia couldn't let her nephew die, she had to help keep him alive.

Of course Ryker had only just showed signs of a cold, but for a young puppy such as he...things could go downhill very fast.

"Please, let me stay. I know I can't do much...but I'll do any help to keep my nephew alive this day."

She looked down at the sickly pup once more before losing it.

"My name is Hureia Tsarev, please let me help!" she pleaded as her tail swayed nervously.


06-09-2013, 11:45 AM
The small pup shivered as he pressed into the white wolf. For some reason it was comforting to be by her but he desperately needed his mother or father. Ryker was scared, was he going to die? The pup had never experience something like this before. With a small sneeze he surprised himself once more until his tiny white lined ears pressed against his head as his mother leaped in-between him and Hureia.

Tears streamed down his face as she curled herself around him as she told hi he had to stay warm. As tiny tears streamed down his face he coughed and coughed and coughed. Each shiver that went up the boy's spine made him nuzzle further into the soft belly fur of his mother.

"Mudder!Mudder!" the boy cried out as sobs racked his body.

Confused, upset, and guilty of coming out made the pup's emotions go haywire. Ryker felt awful, he was hot and cold and shivering. His head hurt and pounded as he coughed repeatedly.

"I don't feel good Mama, I don't feel like myself." he said while his voice was muffled by her fur.

As the boy cried he nuzzled further into his mother as shivers, sneezes, and coughs racked his body. The pup's head was pounding and pounded even more every time he sneezed or coughed.

What was happening, the boy did not know. He just wanted to be close to his mother and father.

"Mudder, Fadder, Mudder, Fadder!" he cried out once more becoming a bit more urgent in his cries.