
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana



06-11-2013, 05:23 PM

The wedding had gone well, there was no trouble, most people were on their best behavior. Even with the welcoming wolves of Valhalla, and seeing Ref having a good time, Loccian just couldn't quite get into the happy mood. It wasn't that she wanted to remain that way, it just happened. She would have the urge to sit by someone and chat but her body just wouldn't have any of that. It was quite frustrating and a few times she had to leave the crowd to cool down. She was happy that Ref had some pups ot keep her company though, to distract her from thoughts of the previous day, when Loccian found her on the borders.

With a heavy sigh the female squeezed out of a broken section of the barn she had been staying in, leaving the pup to sleep after having such an exhausting journey and fun time at the wedding. The shewolf moved through the land, snow crunching beneath her paws, tail swaying gently behind her.

It had been snowing before she left, a thin blanket already coating her pelt. Storm grey eyes stared at the terrain before her, scanning over it, nose sniffing the air. All there was, was snow, no wolves or prey or other predators. I guss I should be grateful. She mumbled to herself, coing to a stop, lifting her head to the sky and closing her eyes with a deep breath. Even though it was Winter, not her favorite time of the year, it was still nice because she could go out for a walk and not be interrupted by others.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-11-2013, 06:03 PM
The boy was excited, this was his birth season! He didn't really know much since his lack of knowledge as a pup due to the absence of his mother when he really needed her...but he had managed. It was even a miracle that the boy was alive! Augustus focused his white gaze on the white things falling from the sky, snow. The new yearling loved snow! With a leap he bounded into the snow and rolled in it and let himself let out tiny playful growls and snarls. His black tail started to wag as he stood up and then looked around.

Everything was so beautiful, it was so nice! There was something about snow that made the boy excited, he just loved it. Hopefully the young brute would find somewhere to live. By the smell of it he was near a pack...maybe they would be friendly? Augustus didn't really know what to do. He was still learning and was a little bit of a late bloomer. There was even some of his puppy fur still in his coat. Born as a premature puppy it was even a miracle he was still alive.

With a small smile the wolf composed himself and stood at full length in this winter wonderland. The male opened up his maw and let his tongue stick out as he tried to have a snowflake fall upon it. As the yearling breathed in and out his puffs of air were visible.

Calm was Augustus now as he became reserved and thoughtful. It was weird, his inner puppy was here then all of a sudden there was the real yearling appearing. Despite his tufts of puppy fur here and there the male had finally grown into his paws a bit more and his head had grown into his ears. This was nice, it only took a little more time for him to blossom fully.



06-11-2013, 06:46 PM

Loccian's peace had broke, ear swiveling to the side as noises rolled over the land and reached her. Head tilted to the side as she listened closely, trying to determine whether it was somebody lost or just some youngsters playing around. With a sniff the woman was off, paws carrying her in the direction the noises were coming from. Even without knowing what it was she still thought it would be a good idea to check it out, that way if it was somehting bad then she could to Gerhardt and inform him of it.

Moving at a steady pace the ash colored female moved, grey orbs scanning the terrain, tail swaying behind her. It was best to keep your eyes peeled and nose scenting the air, anyone could sneak up on you, no matter how much your on guard. Especially a small wolf like Loccian.

Within minutes she finally reached where the noises had come from, but as a figure came within her sight, her paws moved slower, eyes slowly going wide. Within a few yards of the wolf, a look of utter surprise was painted on her face. This wolf... it looked like. Octavian! She barked, taking a hesitant step forward. Did she lose it, finally lost her mind so much that she was seeing him now?!

Loccian shook her head, unable to pull her gaze away from the boy before her. This couldn't be her brother! Octavian was dead, she watched the life drain from his body before her very eyes! Why are you here?! You shouldn't be here! She barked, but no matter how much she wanted to be angry, angry thinking that her brother might have played a trick on her, it came out as a whine.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-11-2013, 07:00 PM
The boy paused as he quickly turned his white gaze upon a dame who had suddenly appeared out of the blue, or white for that matter. But he had grown frightened at the sudden outburst of words and shrunk back as she said he shouldn't be here, and asked why he was here. Then the young brute remembered she had called him Octavian....his name was not Octavian, it was Augustus.

"Um...excuse me miss but my name isn't Octavian, it's Augustus. But I've heard that name before. Mother told me about him. That's the name of my father whom I've only heard stories about." he said as he looked down at hs light gray paws.

Augustus wondered if this was just a coincidence. The boy wasn't so excited to be on the "daddy" subject. Some days his mother would be in a bad mood and say that his father left her while she was still pregnant. Other stories were that he had tricked her. And some were great as she told him of how kind and strong hearted he was.

"yes yes..the "daddy" subject." he said to himself as a small whimper escaped his maw.

The yearling then looked up and focused his white gaze on the dame. Who was she? Was she angry at him? Did she really want him to leave? Was it a bad decision for him to even come here?

"I-if you want me to leave I can go if I'm not supposed to be here.." he said as he shrunk back and started to turn to leave.

His black ears lay back against his skull as he had his head dipped down. The boy didn't know what to do. The frightened inner puppy had came over him as he became confused on what he should do.

But then the way the femme said it came out in almost a whine. Augustus was probably as just as confused as she was. He just wanted to go somewhere where he would be loved again, and maybe even more loved than he was before. The boy wanted a family again. Often at night before he closed his eyes to sleep he prayed that his father would return and rescue him from his loneliness.

But where was his daddy? Had he really left without a thought of the boy's mother? Was he somewhere in these lands or another? Enjoying his life? Another small whimper escaped the young male as he looked up at the dame once more. What should he do?



06-11-2013, 07:22 PM

This couldn't possibly be her Octavian. Grey eyes searched the male, taking in his body. He was built like her brother, had some of her markings and even the eyes, but some of the colors mixed into his pelt definitely did not belong to Octavian.

She jumped when he spoke, biting her lip. He sounded like him too. A soft whine slipepd from her lips as she took another step towards him, tail hanging limp behind her. Um... excuse me miss but my name isn't Octavian, it's Augustus. But I've heard that name before. Mother told me about him. That's the name of my father whom I've only heard stories about. What he said caused her entire body to freeze, it even felt like her heart had skipped a beat. This boy... could Octavian really be his father? He had the looks, the voice, and Octavian was not a common name either.

Standing still as a statue the woman tried to think things through in her head, staring at the boy blankly. I-if you want me to leave I can go if I'm not supposed to be here. His voice broke her thoughts, tossing her back into reality. Grey eyes fall upon the boy who had begun to turn around, about to walk away. No! He can't leave! Not yet! STOP HIM! He rmind screamed, forcing her body to take a few steps forward.

No! Stop, please! She barked, bounding forward a few steps, coming to a stop just five feet from the boy. Her eyes held worry ad curiousity, distress mixed in there. She needed to know, needed an answer. Who... who is your mother? She asked him. She was not sure what she would do if he told her his mothers name was Hureia, had no idea what would happen from this moment on. If he ended up really being the son of Octavian and his old lover Hureia, then where was his mother? Did she abandon him, died, just gave up on the boy because his father had left?

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-11-2013, 07:38 PM
The boy's white gaze watched as the dame seemed to go aloof. It was as though the cold of the winter had froze her body so that she could not move. Black ears still laid back against the male's head as he looked at her. She was frightening him; though Augustus shouldn't be such a woos. As soon as the boy's last words escaped his maw she objected and leaped forward asking him who his mother was. Why all the shock? Why all the urgency? What had he done?

The yearling looked around him as the snow fell. The two wolves stood still as time went by. The time wet by as they stood he shook his head he went to answer. Wondering where the thoughts if time came from the boy then shook that off as well and opened his maw to emit words.

"M-my mother? Why would you want to know? But I guess there's no sense in denying you the knowledge. Hureia Tsarev was or is her name. I do not know of where she is. I woke up to an empty an empty den and her scent was stale. But before that...before that...she loved me. But then, then I grew sick. I couldn't move and couldn't open my eyes...couldn't speak...."He said as tears started to brim his white eyes.

"I do not know if I have anymore family left that cares about me let alone love me. I've never met my father, my mother left me. And all this time she's told stories of how great everything was before she had me. Before some battle. When she was happy with her parents and brother. Mother said my father caught her heart. But then he tricked her, he had her killed. But other times she said everything was her fault!" he said as his voice grew louder and louder.

The tears started streaming down his face as the young brute curled himself into a ball in the snow. He then sneezed as his nose was tickled by one of the tufts of puppy fur. Perhaps this dame would see his fur and make fun of him like other wolves had. Their coats were so sleek and all grown in. While Augustus had his adult hair with this annoying puppy fur. Or maybe she would see that he was different...maybe even understand.



06-11-2013, 08:35 PM

She wasn't properly thinking, didn't consider the fact that she might be frightening the young wolf. Loccian just needed answers, needed to put some thoughts at ease, try to get the answers she needed before she could try to calm down. Ears up, ready, eyes wide in disbelief and body starting to slightly tremble.

And then he spoke, speaking the name of his mother, the name she was hoping was but also wasn't the one her brother had fallen for in their old life. Hur... Hureia Tsarev... She whispered, her body going still once again as this processed in her head. This boy, his mother was Hureia, the sister of Thane whom Loccian and her brother became decently friends with. Hureia, the old lover of her brother who had been "killed" back in their old pack, sparking war between her pack and Thane's, wiping out his entire family. What had made it more of a surprise, she had told this boy about his father...

The boys voice broke her thoughts, snapping back to reality. She quickly shook her head, grey orbs focusing on the boy who had begun to tear up as he spoke. Her jaw dropped, taking a step back as he explained things. Hureia, she filled the boy's head with lies. Octavian had loved her, he did not trick her. Their father found out about their meetings, dragged him along, forced him to watch them slice her open. His family had betrayed him, and Octavian was too noble a wolf to turn his back on somebody, to trick them in such a way.

The boy had curled up into a ball in the snow now, tears streaming his cheeks, sneezing. All she could do was soften her gaze on the boy, coming to realize this was family. He was in fact Octavian's son, the markings and eyes gave that away, along with what he had told her. She believed him, why would somebody come up with such a story? There was no reason, they would get nothing from it.

You do have family left... She spoke gently, brows coming together, eyes watering as she took a step towards him. You say your father is Octavian... he, he is my brother. And that makes you my nephew. It was strange to hear herself say such a thing. Loccian never dreamed or even thought about being an aunt, it just never popped into her head.

She closed her eyes, taking in a long deep breath, held it for a few moments then finally exhaled. Slowly she reopened her eyes, having grown a gentleness, her body calming down as she moved closer, lowering her head to lick away a few tears from the boy's face. I will care for you and love you, because we are family, and family should stick together. She smiled at the boy, having fully collected herself now. I am Loccian, your auntie.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-12-2013, 07:18 AM
Black ears perked up as the dame repeated his mothers name. He focused his white gaze again on her as she seemed to freeze as she stood there. How odd this was, what an odd encounter. A small whine escaped the male's maw as he waited for her to move again. She seemed to contemplate her words, think about some deep subject. Next that the dame did open her mouth the yearling was shocked.

She said she was the sister of his father! And that he himself was her nephew! The wolf slowly rose his head as he pointed his ears forward out of curiosity. While slowly untangling himself and getting up on all fours; Augustus slowly and cautiously made his way to the femme. She then said she would love him and care for him! She then said that's because family should stick together...but then why was his father never in his life? And why did his mother leave him? And what ever happened to the perfect family his mother always talked about. But the boy reached the dame as she said she was his Auntie Loccian. With a swift bound the boy leaped forward closing the distance between himself and his Auntie as he pushed his face into the fur of her neck.

Silent tears streamed down his face and into her fur. There were so many questions that the boy had. Through her fur the male tried to speak and ask questions.

"D-Do you know where my father is? If you're his sister and my Auntie you should know right? And do you know where my mother is? Or if I have any other family that will love me?" he asked with one wave of his tail.

Augustus then pulled back and sat on his haunches. The young male looked at his Auntie with his white gaze, studying her. Did she look like his father? He guessed she looked sort of like how his mother had explained or described his father. Augustus had to know the truth though, he had to know where his father was. Did he even know he had a son?did he even know of Augustus? Would his father welcome him...or would he reject him. But first was first...where was he?

"Please tell me...I need to know where my father is!" he persisted

Did this mean he would live here loved and cared for by his Auntie? Or would his mother find him or would he find her. Was the boy even still mad at his mother for leaving him? Augustus loved his mother dearly. She loved him and cared for him so much before she had left. But what happened? There were so many questions he had!



06-14-2013, 05:42 PM

She could see her words sinking into the boy's head, going from curled in a ball whining, to getting up and bounded towards her and burying his face into the fur of her neck. Loccian just stood there for a few moments, unsure of what she should do or say. Her ears perked up though when he spoke. D-Do you know where my father is? If you're his sister and my Auntie you should know right? And do you know where my mother is? Or if I have any other family that will love me?

Her heart nearly jumped into her throat. How would she tell him that his father was died? That he had missed him by a few weeks. She couldn't, didn't want to break his little heart. If it had hurt her so much that she vanished for two weeks, and she was his sister, raised by his side. How would he feel? How would he react when he was Octavian's son, and never even met his father, only heard stories, some good and some that were lies? She didn't want him to have to go through the pain, to isolate himself and cause even more pain to himself.

He even asked about his mother, Thane's sister, the one her brother abandoned her for. She felt some pain and anger for her, but she couldn't really bring herself to be angry about it. She had captured her brother's heart. Loccian shouldn't hold a grudge when she made him happy. She could not tell him where she was though. She didn't know anything about the woman, so she had no idea what was going on to cause her to abandon her child. She did have an idea why though from what Augustus had said, he had grown sick. Perhaps his mother thought he was dead at some point and left. She couldn't be too sure.

Other family was brought up too. This she could for sure answer, Thae was very alive, in Valhalla and he has a wife and children. The male before her had an uncle, another aunt, and even cousins.

Finally he pulled away, able to see her facial expression. What she wore was a mixture of worry, relief and uncertainty. Storm grey eyes were focused on him, mind working, trying to think of the write words to say. Augustus spoke up once more, asking her to please tell him, that he needed to know where his father was.

Loccian took a deep breath, turning her head to the side, gaze falling tot he ground. Legs folded beneath her, sitting back on her haunches and curling her bushy tail over her paws. Slowly she turned her head to face him, gaze growing soft as she looked into the eyes of the child. The eyes of Octavian. You have more family, north west of these lands, in a large pack known as Valhalla. You have an uncle there, your mother's brother, Thane. He has a family, a wife, three children. Her voice was a bit shaky, wondering if he would end up wanting to go to Valhalla since he had more family there. Why would he stay here with her? His father's sister, the father he never even met.

Paws shifted, growing nervous, ears laying back on her head. She didn't want to bring up his father, didn't want to dump the news onto him that Octavian was dead. She did not want to see the pain form in his eyes right there. Your mother... I'm not sure why she left you hun. You said you were sick when she left. I'm guessing she thought you had passed, so she left. I know one thing for sure, she did love you. She wouldn't have left you for no reason. She was purposely leaving out the question of his father, hoping he won't ask, even though she knew he definitely would.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-15-2013, 11:35 AM
Black ears perked up as she said he had more family,he had more family? As his aunt mentioned another pack called Valhalla his brows furrowed, the boy had never heard of that place before. She then said there lived the brother of his mother with his wife and three children...did that mean he had an Uncle...another Aunt...and three cousins? Was this the wolf his mother had talked about in her so called good old days? Was this the brother his mother had gone into such detail about. Heck, if you listened to his mother talk about his Uncle Thane you would have thought he was her prince charming! But this still interested the young brute, he wanted to meet the male he had heard stories about as well. Along with his cousins. He didn't know how old they were but perhaps they could play with him. And what about this other Aunt? Augustus wondered how she was too. His tail wagged a few times before ceasing.

Then Loccian said she didn't know why his mother had left him. She then suggested or guessed she might have thought he was dead and left. That made sense...actually it fit right in. He hadn't been moving, making noise, or even doing anything. It was true, his mother did love him and raise him right. Augustus remembered whenever there was a thunderstorm she would curl around him and hum in his ear to help him fall asleep during the noisy and scary storms. Then the boy remembered how she always kept a close eye on him and gave up her own share of food for him; even when food had been hard to come by.

Augustus stood there with his white gaze focused on his new found Aunt Loccian.

"Do you think I could meet my Uncle Thane and his family? Mother told me about him and those were happy stories; but they made her sad because she lost it all. And you skipped the part about my father. I-I'm not a pup anymore. You're hiding something from me. Mother said I was always as smart as him. So I think there's something that I need to know."

Then what? What would he do? Of course Loccian said she would love him and care for him. What about this family he had in the pack called Valhalla? It sounded rather nice. Maybe he could visit that place with her before making a decision on where to stay.

"And is it alright if we visit Valhalla to see my other family before I make a permanent decision of where to stay? But...personally I think I like it here with you. I don't know why but I would also like to just see them please...when we can." he said with the tilt of his head

As Augustus stood there he shivered once more. They should really get out of the snow or the cold. soon. But not yet, not until he had some more answers. The tufts of soft puppy fur poked out from his adult coat. Turning to try to lick a tuft of his soft puppy fur down to blend in with his yearling coat he sighed as it popped back up. Augustus bet he looked odd but he knew one day he would transform from this fur coat catastrophe into a man one day. But he was on his way...he would get there.



06-15-2013, 04:20 PM

She didn't want to tell him he had more family, just wanted to be selfish and keep him in Seracia, the only thing that had her deceased brother's blood. Was it wrong? Maybe, but how could you be completely mad at the girl. Loccian was disowned as a child for her gender and size, abandoned with a terrible woman, and the only light she had left her for another woman. The next time they met up they came to good terms, were working on their relationship, then he was heartbroken when the woman he wanted went a fucked another man, causing him to decline into darkness and ending up passing. If Augustus was with her, she would make sure that wouldn't happen to him, she would protect him but also give him room to become someone.

A heavy sigh escaped her lip, grey orbs watching him grow excited with the news that he had more family. Yes, he should be happy. He had more family, but wait, she forgot to mention Pontifex. He had two uncles, two aunts and three cousins. Lips moved but before words could be formed he had spoke up. He was asking if he could meet his uncle and his family, that his mother told him good stories and sad ones when she had lost her family. But then he brought up his father.

Ears lay back against her head, head turning to the side, a sad look came upon her face as he called her out on avoiding the question on his father. She knew he wasn't a pup, he was growing, and before they both knew it he would be an adult. He should know the truth about his father but she just couldn't bring herself to tell him, just thinking about it now, after a few weeks had passed, was still causing a stabbing pain in her chest. She would tell him though, and hopefully he wouldn't be too upset that he ran off.

It didn't seem like he was done though, so she would wait till he finished speaking before she told him about Octavian. He wanted to know if it was alright to see his other family before making a decision on where he would stay. She turned her head back to face him, brows coming together but still giving a small nod of her head. They could go there, Thane should know about his nephew. But what he said next brought a small smile, he thought he wanted to stay with her.

I can take you to meet them, but first I think it would be nice to introduce you to another uncle. His name is Pontifex, he is your father's and my brother. She began, tone sweet and light. Her ears remained back through, and whatever smile she had was starting to fade, a pain look in her gaze. I am sorry for trying to brush off your question on your father, I don't think you are a pup. I just... want to protect you. Her voice was soft, shaky, obviously was struggling to keep her composure. Will you promise me something first, before I tell you? I need you to promise you will not run away with the news I'm about to tell you. That you know even if you mother said your father tricked her, he didn't, he loved her very much and never meant for anything bad to happen.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


06-17-2013, 12:57 PM
The boy's tail wagged as he looked at her with his white gaze. A blank yet sort of happy expression is what he held. Augustus wondered why his Aunt hadn't told him about his father yet. It seemed like she had completely avoided the subject. Something wasn't right here...but he would find out soon enough right?

She then said he had another Uncle, Pontifex. With a look of uncertainty Augustus remembered the horror stories his mother had told him about Pontifex. He remembered how she said he had sat there with his father and watched his grandpa slit her throat. And how Pontifex's mind was a bit disturbed. But maybe his Uncle had changed...maybe everyone changed.

For some reason the young brute had a dull feeling in his hear despite the good news. It was as if a wave of sadness had overcome him. A slight breeze is what he felt against his cheek which made the snow falling from the sky blow this way and that. His white gaze looked at it until it disappeared and blended in with the rest of the snow.

With sudden sadness in his eyes the male looked up at his Aunt Loccian as she apologized for brushing off the question. She then said she just wanted to protect him. But what was it that made her want to protect him...protect him from what? The world? Maybe Loccian could possibly do that for him for now. But what until he grows fully and has his own life? Makes his own general life changing decisions? He wouldn't have Aunt Loccian there to guide him then...

But then again the boy had managed to get through the early times of childhood without a father and then eventually without a mother. Enough! HE was done with being alone. He wanted to be loved again, cared someone. Loccian then told him not to run away and to promise her he wouldn't after she told him the news she was about to tell him. Then she said that his father loved his mother, and that he never meant for anything bad to happen.

Augustus sat up straight with his shoulders back and black ears perked up. He looked dashing and strong in this posture...but how long could he hold it?

"I promise" he said

For some reason Augustus thought in the back of his head that he knew the answer. It was kind of obvious....his father was dead...

But the boy held his posture bracing himself for the news like the good boy he was; strong, just like his father. The tears he would hold in and the sadness would he hold at bay. Yet it soldiers on a battlefield ready to charge...waiting for the command...



06-24-2013, 01:40 PM
ooc: Short crappy post. /:

Loccian gulped when Augustus promised. He was trying to be strong with the news she was about to tell him, but she had a feeling that once she said it his tough exterior would break. That he would collapse and possibly run, it was what she had wanted to do after Octavian's burial. With a deep breath she looked to her paws for a few moments before finally lifting her head and looking to the boy. Your father... he died... She was finally able to saw, her grey orbs looking over the child's face, waiting for his reaction. It happened last season, in Autumn...

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3