
I love the fog


06-05-2013, 09:04 PM
The silence was nice, not to mention the night fog in this place. It seemed like the perfect spot for a lost wolf to come looking and for the female to jump out and kill them, no just torture more like. The red wolf wasn't one for killing unless she really hated a wolf, and she could not hate someone she has no got to know. She could torture them though, that was enough for her. Vriska sat on one of the branches, her purple eyes glowing in the winter moonlight as she watched the ground below. Flicking her tail around. A peaceful night indeed, one that she would enjoy unless something bad happened. A rogue's life may not have been easy, but she was not an easy target as was she at ease when it came to hunting. It made it easy as her life as an assassin.


06-12-2013, 09:58 PM

The blood, the torture, the guts, the screams of agonizing pain, Demyan was craving it all. He lived for it. He loved it. It was the best entertainment in the world and he would never get tired of it. It was his favorite past time. Just knowing that his victim was going to suffer more before they died, wishing that he would just end it right then and there made it that much more thrilling. He had control over their lives. But he was not a merciful hellion. He choose to torture, to prolong the suffering as long as he could, to make them remember how painful it is to live when someone like him roamed the earth. He was worse than satan himself and he was proud of that. He was a sick twisted bastard and there was really no other way for him.

His powerful limbs had carried him to a new place today, one far more suited to his particular likings than any other place in Alacritis. It was a dark place, muggy and foggy with all kinds of dangerous vegetation littering the sodden earth. Thorns decorated the roots that protruded from the mucky dirt, brambles enticing anything stupid enough to get trapped within it to lead to a slow death. Oh what a fun little place. It would be the perfect torture chamber for Demyan. So many things to use to heighten the pain, intensify it. Perfect. Cyan pools were alert as they soaked up the darkening landscape, made that much more foreboding with the chilling bite of winter. Not only could a helpless victim be stuck in this place, dying from its injuries caused by the colorful vegetation, but it would also freeze to death, becoming emaciated and dehydrated until hypothermia set in and stole their last breaths. A cynical grin twisted his pale lips as an intriguing scent caught his nostrils. Another wolf, a female at that. What was a little dove doing in such a place? Demyan would certainly love to find out.

The grey drake tracked the scent of the little maiden, finding her perched on top a branch, a paw swinging freely, eyes the color of amethyst gazing about her surroundings. She was much smaller than him, everyone was, her build fragile in appearance. His blood boiled beneath his skin. She was the perfect target to torture. Now how to get her down from the branch...Demyan hid himself among the vegetation, frame crouched low to the muggy earth, cyan gaze intent on his potential target. He could already feel his canines digging into her pliable flesh, splitting it from her carcass, shattering bones. He shivered, anticipation coursing through his gargantuan frame.

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06-12-2013, 10:41 PM
What did it feel like, to be in pain? Vriska wasn't sure because she had always avoided it, she was old but she knew exactly how to get around. No one had come to challenge her in her days alive since she was so keen. In her puphood she had gotten very few chances to rest in training, so many would mistake her size. Though she was not invincible, she being unknown to pain was at a very good disadvantage. Since less experience meant less fighting skill. That was the large different between she and her brother. Though Vriska could smell the male coming already, she could tell that he was not here for a friendly stroll by the way he tried to hide himself. Vriska though to make sure acted as if she did not see him for a few minutes. Wondering to herself today if this would be someone she could play with. She was one for torturing after all. Little did she know she might as well just walked into a deadly trap. Lucky for her she had skill unlike a young one. As she stood on the branch and began to carefully climb down keeping her eyes alert.

"You know if you wanted to play, you could have just said so." she scoffed out loud. Flicking her tail as her violet eyes searched around. She could smell him, but the fog was thick, how wonderful. Though there was no sense of fear in her, she could do anything as far as she was concerned. Save her brother, no problem, defeat a big brute, even easier. At least that was the type of mentality she served herself. So, the fear factor had never been passed down to her, well this would be a nice test of course.


06-12-2013, 10:56 PM

She was a small thing, tiny in stature as well as build, but he wasn't quick to make assumptions. Despite knowing that bigger you were, the more strength you had, the hellion was not blind to the fact that hidden strengths existed. He didn't know this dame. She very well could be lethal adversary, or demented wench or even perhaps just a simple, innocent weak maiden. But how could one know based on appearance. It was nearly impossible to tell. But regardless of what kind of woman she was, Demyan knew he could take her on. His sheer size alone gave him that advantage.

He watched her from his vantage point among the vegetation, hidden by the thick fog. If she had any sense about her she would've already noticed him, but by her lack of reaction, it appeared to him that she didn't see him. But he wasn't so easily fooled. She rose from her perch, easily finding her way back down to the muggy earth, her amethyst gaze focusing on his figure as she spoke to him. You know if you wanted to play, you could have just said so. she scoffed at him, tail flicking to and fro as her gaze roved the fog, trying to locate his gargantuan figure. He smirked to himself, raising himself to his full height as he maneuvered around the thorns and brambles, using the fog to his advantage as he circled around the woman, coming around at her from rear. I would, but no one ever wants to play my type of games. he rumbled, his deep baritones echoing and bouncing off the timbers around them, reverberating all around her, not allowing her to pinpoint his location. He would be seen when he wanted to be seen.

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06-13-2013, 03:06 PM
Vriska was enjoying this, this would be some fun. The fog made it hard to see, but she could feel his body moving around her. She came from a family of killers, it wasn't exactly something that was hard to do. Yet she pretended she didn't know, feeling the pressures of the world around her. Oh, but she did want to play his game? Maybe something fun would come out of it. The pain in his eyes, maybe he'd be the first to break her. Vriska believed she needed to feel the pain, to experience true to the fear so that she could learn how to get stronger. Both of them were rogue's judging by his scent, so there were no restrictions were there. As she smirked and turned her head towards his direction with her violet eyes glowing with delight with the sounds that came out of his mouth of a game. Bloodlust was waving off of him like a waterfall. So he was that kind of player? A challenge perhaps, she knew herself it would be some challenge. Bigger opponents didn't always beat her, it depended on weather or not they could back up their size with strength of some sort.

Vriska decided to turn towards him to avoid being hit from behind. Her paws planted firmly on the ground. She whined sarcastically, "Oh I do hope you aren't here to maim a dear old lady like I. I'm simply searching for a place to rest and settle down." she laughed, like someone like him would ever fall for that. "Well, that's what most males would hope to hear, sorry dear, but I think our game is the same. And we can see who wins." Her tail flicked again as she prepared herself. Pulling her lips back to reveal nice pearly white set of canines. Her bones aching and muscles quivering for a fight. Waiting for him to charge, or otherwise, play his trick in his part of the trade. That was how the game was played was it not?


06-13-2013, 06:19 PM

She had acknowledged his presence and so he would take that as her confirmation that she wanted to play. Her scent, lacking the scent of a woman in heat unfortunately, told him of her age and the fact that she did not belong to any of the packs that inhabited this land. That was very good information. No one would respond for her if she was suddenly found bruised and bloody. She did she have family? Friends? He frankly didn't care. She'd already accepted to play his game and now there was no chance of her backing out. He wouldn't let her.

So, she had finally spotted him had she, her smaller frame turning around to face, possibly trying to deflect an attack from the rear. Perhaps she was smarter than he'd given her credit for. He could hear the heavy sarcasm in her voice as she pretended that her intentions were merely innocent. Who had purely good intentions anymore. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as she noted that their game was the same. He said nothing, merely lowering himself to the ground, cyan gaze intent on the older woman. Then without warning Demyan launched himself towards her, taking one, two bounds before he threw himself at her, jaws agape, forelimbs outstretched, ready to grab her and hold her down. It wasn't a full-fledged attack, just a little test to see how she would react. Was she really into the type of games he liked to play? He would find out.

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06-19-2013, 11:50 PM
Vriska could feel her muscles itching as he jumped at her. The chase had begun as she licked her muzzle out of blood lust. She was not too stupid though as she dodged and made her aim for one of his legs. If she was able to get him to the ground, she could have some fun couldn't she? Vriska was shivering with the delight and thought of blood, sometimes she got like this. The male had the same game as her so he'd fight back. The female had spent her life on building pain, though she had never been really scaved herself besides for broken bones as a pup. Could she really handle the pain of having skin ripped off from her. Flesh being torn apart at another's pleasure?

(So sorry for the super super short reply qvq)


06-20-2013, 12:15 AM

Of course she would dodge his mock attack, easily moving out of reach from his jaws, only to come around and try to throw a bite back to him. Uh uh, not so fast. This wasn't the way the game was played. His prey never struck him, he only struck them. He was the hunter and they the hunted. Demyan chuckled cynically to himself as he made a circle 180 circle, arching back and around before she could reach any one of his legs, coming back around to his original position, well out of reach from the elder woman's teeth and claws. A sneer twisted his maw as he lowered his crown, leveling it with his spine, tail swaying hypnotically behind his steel-colored haunches. Someone seems a little slow. he taunted, trying to bait her into coming after him. It wouldn't be fun if he was the one making the first move all the time.

OOC: s'alright, mine's not that good either Dx

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06-21-2013, 05:25 PM
Vriska could feel the air freezing around her skin, something was wrong. Something she couldn't quiet pinpoint. While she would have thought her teeth would have scratched against skin and blood would have swelled over her tongue. The male was far too big though, obviously she would not be able to play this game correctly. Savaging, as fear developed like a bubbling cage around her heart. Her violet eyes glowed within the mist as she felt the sudden feeling of the male that was moving over her. Then he was gone, this only made her even more mad with this dreading feeling she hated inside of her. Vriska stopped and a deep growl arose in her throat, this man would have to pay. She wanted to tear into his chest, tear out his heart and feel it being crushed between her teeth. There was no more joy in that until now, usually she only killed those she really hated. She hated him for giving her this feeling, Vriska was enraged as she felt her muscles calling to her. She stared enraged at the prey in which she was about to become exactly that herself. The girl was unaware that not only was she smaller, but she did not have as much experience as this man did. In this cruel world she thought that nothing could reach her, well this was the one time something would reach her and it wouldn't be a very happy result to come out of it.

She launched herself forward in a fury, not even thinking about how she should attack of defend. Only that she wanted to tear him to shreds with all her might. Her paw skidded against the ground as she blindly opened her jaws to attack him. Not caring where, it left clear opening all over her body as her head reached his chest. A smirk arose when she thought she had won. He would easily be able to grab her and trash her about like a cheap rubber toy. Vriska held this thought to no care though, the whole world could go kick the sack for all she cared. This man was her mortal enemy at the moment. She hated this feeling so much she would convey it as much as she could to him. She was pathetic in these ways but would not once stop herself to think about how she could clearly lose her life. In which she did not care.


06-21-2013, 07:15 PM

It had been some time, ever since arriving in this new place, that he had had some fun. He severely missed the withering and sniveling cries of his prey as they struggled beneath his massive weight, begging for him to stop, to let them go, to spare their lives. Their cries made it that much more entertaining because their words would always fall on deaf ears. Mercy wasn't in his vocabulary and it would never be. To include that in his vocabulary would be for his game to loose its fun and he didn't want that. His game was too much fun the way it was.

He could see the anger raging behind her amethyst eyes as she stared at him, the rage spreading through her smaller body. That was perfect! It would only make her struggle that much more entertaining for the gargantuan man. At least she would put a fight, make things more interesting. And then without warning, though he had been expecting it in the few moments before, she launched herself towards him, hell-bent on ripping him limb from limb. Poor thing would be disappointed that day because she wasn't going to get wish. She charged towards him, jaws agape as she aimed towards his chest. Had she been trying to protect herself then he would have also given himself some type of protection, but the foolish woman was leaving herself unprotected and at the mercy of his jaws. That was completely fine with him. A cynical laugh boomed from his chest as her teeth clamped down on the muscle in his chest. Good luck trying to get through that. Before she could wrestle herself away from him, the significantly larger brute brought his own powerful jaws down on her scruff, sharpened daggers easily slicing through her delicate flesh to reach the tender meat underneath. Blood spilled into his jaws. He could've sighed with pleasure. He'd missed the taste of blood.

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06-21-2013, 08:04 PM
Vriska could feel it, but then there was a sudden stop. Her scruff was grabbed onto, and blood welled out of puncture wounds. She growled and let go for a few moments trying to keep herself from yelping. The female scratched at the male's muscles and tried to keep tearing at him, but she tensed up from the position she had been grabbed from. Only causing more damage for herself tearing at her skin. Blood filling up her fur she whined and tried to make the pain go away with a thought. It wouldn't work though, she knew that she was losing but she didn't want to lose, it just wasn't an option. She opened her jaws and aimed for his throat trying to get at his soft parts of his body.


06-22-2013, 12:30 AM

This was just amazingly entertaining to him. She was so much smaller, there was absolutely no way she would be able to kill him. Or even severely injure him. The bite to his chest would heal within a week or so and it would just be another scar to add the many that he was beginning to accumulate. He on the other side, could seriously kill her with just a simple bite to the neck, kind of like he had her right now, but ending it right away was never fun. His fangs never breached the farther down her nape, careful to avoid the veins that run through there. He didn't want to kill her instantaneously. He wanted her to suffer. To go crawl somewhere and slowly die. Low chuckles rumbled in his now bleeding chest, which was now free of her teeth since she had let go, trying to keep herself from crying out at the pain of his grasp. He tightened his hold, knowing that she wouldn't be able to keep herself from at least squirming. She continued to flail, useless scratching at her. She only succeeded in giving him more cuts than anything, but not in getting him to loosen his hold on her. She wasn't going anywhere that fast.

She wasn't doing herself any good with all this flailing, simply tearing at the ready bad wound, making it that much worse. The nearly useless female tried to reach up towards his throat, but before her jaws could find any purchase he tossed her aside like a chew toy, watching as her small body thudded heavily against the earth, her blood decorating the dirt. Pale, crimson stained lips pulled back to reveal blood-soaked daggers, a pleased growl rumbling in his bleeding chest as he watched her, waiting to see if she would get up or if his fun here was done.

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