

Sixx I


06-05-2013, 06:16 AM
Sixx broke into a small lope along theplains, bored out of his mind. He'd harrassed glaciem enough and needed something else to keep his ever wondering attention. He stopped in a small clearing, the wind catching his white fur and wisking it around on his back. The feeling sent a shiver down his spine at the akward feeling. He irritably laid down to escape the gust as it passed. He needed to find someone new to antagonize...?

He sighed looking around seeing no one... Well maybe it was time to find one! He jumped up looking at a small squirl ot the ground. Odd seeing a squirl with no tree. Oh well, beggar cant be chosers. He lept tward the squirl grabbing it by its tail anf carrying the living creature around with him as he walked, just waiting on someone. Hopefully the smell of squirlblood would attract someone.


5 Years
06-05-2013, 07:55 AM

I was most certainly not in the area's I had grown accustomed to... In fact I was way out of my typical roaming regions, but every now and again a change in scenery was healthy for ya. Even though when it boiled down to it, the North region wasn't really my most favorite of all. But on this particular day I let my paws do all the leading. No questions asked. I suppose you could say it's been one of those days, hell its been one of those weeks.

The summer had already came and gone, I feel as though I missed out on quite a bit of the warm weather, winter had already set in with it's icy touch. Snow had begun to blanket the ground and I am now another year older. I do believe I'm almost able to be called a Elder, just turning eight was a hige accomplishment... I'm surprised I lasted eight hellacious years. Of course he helped me. He taught me everything I know, survival of the fittest. A keeper he was, it only took me eight years to be able to get along with him.. To work side by side... Of course you can't hear or see him, no only me... Maybe that's what made it so hard? But we're better now. knocking argueing down to a mininum. Of course we still have our tiffs.

Well well, you smell that love? Take a whiff my dear. He insisted, and I complied. Lifting me tattered and scarred snout to the heavens, inhaling rather deeply until that scent found its way. Apperantly I was not the only one out and bout now was I. I say we have a little fun, my dear. I agree We seemed to chuckle at the same time, two different sinister sounds entwining to form one. I could feel the thrill of excitement tingle it's way through my bones. Through my muscle, beneath my skin. The corners of my lips pulled upwords into a rather twisted grin.
Petite off white paws carried my scrawny, canvas in the direction in which the aroma originated from. Soon enough another smell was rather noticeable, toying with the inside of my coal black snout, this however was that of blood, not the kind that I lusted and fantasized over.. No, this one was that of a varment.. Rat or squirrel I'm assuming. Soon enough I managed to spot the White clump of fur in the distance. As he moved, I could see the petty little thing dangling helplessly by its furry gray tail, and I offered a shake of my dial. My own once white bodice moving towards the figures. I was not near as a pretty as I was in my youth.. if I was ever such a thing. My once vibrant white fur was now dull, lifeless and stained with both blood and dirt. I was missing my right ear and my white eye was blind due to cataracts. all muscle had seemed to vanish.. Leaving only a twisted skeletal figure in its place. A sick and raggedy looking thing I was. Short in height. I looked him up and down taking in his features with the working eye... That one aud twitching slightly before I cleared my throat to speak. Each word dripping with a poisonous venom.
Has no one ever taught you not to play with your food.

Sixx I


06-07-2013, 01:57 PM
N Sixx took a wiff of the air, smelling a female heading tward him. He turned around to face the incoming scent. A raggity young girl came pacing out, frail paws carrying her... He was begining to wonder what was holding her together. Glue? Sixx's deadly blue gaze drifted over her, inspecting her for weaknessess. He decided not to go for physical attacks, just to go for verbal assult. His right eye twitched lightly. " well,well look what the cat dragged in. What a sexy mess!"?

?? ?Sixx trotted forward, his movement was smooth and melodic as if he walked on ice. His bones were thick and his muscles well tones. His ivory fur shined with health and youth, but his eyes held a story of pure phycotic malice. He referied his brother as he killed his father! And he loved every moment of it. He even drank the blood of his own father for the fun of it. The taste still burned in his mouth.?
??He dropped the squirl, as it scurried to get up and run he slaped his paw down on its back. "i was just waiting on someone to fight for it." he smiled, letting his ivory fangs show. He glanced up to check on his 'trap'. A massive sheet of ice was precariously perched between two branches in the tree that sixx was backed near. He the galnced back to the female's postition... Just afew more feet forward.