
Let's adventure!


06-03-2013, 03:43 PM

Misty was back at the ocean where home was, she only happened to notice her mother and father had left to go somewhere. Who knows where, and she happened to see that Isis and Talon weren't with them so, now was time for an adventure!

Her paws left the salty water as she started hoping back to her den where she found Talon, but Isis wasn't around. Maybe her eyes were mistaken and she did leave with mom and dad. But she was going to make Talon come with her on an adventure since he never really wanted to go anywhere.

She entered the den, and looked at her three legged brother to prance at him and quietly prod him into leaving without mom and dad's permission. Come on Talon! she almost whispered in case Segar had wanted to come back for something, Let's go out and have some fun! Her paws had jumped up on his back, trying to make him come with her as she pulled at his ears with her teeth and jumped back up running to the entrance of the den. Her eyes scanned for their parents, but not even a soul was found. "I'll just go without you then." And she disappeared from the entrance of the den waiting for her brother to come along.


The two had left Seracia, and they were now wondering around the south lands. And of course of Misty didn't want to go to the swap lands, or the Grande, she wanted to go to the scariest place in all of Alacritis; the soulless forest. And so she looked up at the trees, it was early so the forest was more lit up than normal even though there was barley anyway for light to get in. And then she just started to happily trot into the trees like there was nothing to bee afraid of whether her brother liked it or not.


Talon I


4 Years
06-03-2013, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 06:45 PM by Epiphron.)

Talon was hesitant to leave his den without the company of his parents. As he awoke, the male's grey eyes blinked sleep away as he noticed that all of his family was gone. It was the first time he'd been alone; completely and utterly alone. His first instinct was to cry. Tiny paws quivered as he unsteadily brought himself upwards, creeping towards the opening of his den. He was growing more accustomed to his three legs, day by day -- truthfully, he didn't feel like anything was missing, but he knew he wasn't nearly as strong or fast as his siblings.

As he peered out from his protective shelter, there was no sight of anyone. No Seracians. Neither of his parents, or his siblings. But before he knew it, Misty came barreling in, pressuring him to join her in an adventure. He protested gently, but it wasn't terribly difficult for her to convince him to join her. The thought of being left alone -- and his sister out having fun without him -- was enough to make him quickly hop after her.


Talon was terrified. The forest was dense and foggy and he coughed slightly on the thick air. Luckily, rays of light penetrated the underbrush, giving them enough light to explore -- but it was still dark. Too dark for his comfort.

Despite his fear of the unknown, he tried to hide his uncertainty. He kept close behind Misty, desperately trying to keep balance as they stumbled over roots and branches. He moved much more awkwardly than his sister, but Talon knew she didn't care. "Misty!" he barked abruptly, small voice trembling. "I hear somethin' over there!"


06-03-2013, 07:19 PM

((translation: Hello! How are you? I want to play!))

It was getting progressively warmer the further she moved away from the sea, though she knew that her chances of finding Prospero were lessening the further she traveled but she felt as though the chill would kill her quicker then malnutrition if she stayed near the sea. So reluctantly after a night in the singing caverns she had begun her trek, slowly south. At first she found herself following the shoreline but as day turned to night she moved her path more inland, fleeing the dampness and the chill that came with it. She didn't stop moving, on occasion deterring from her path to hunt small rodents but she only caught two successfully. As the sun began to rise she noticed trees beginning to so did the fog it seemed. Well... That seemed interesting if nothing else, so with a shrug of her tiny shoulders she set off in that direction. The closer she got the thicker the fog got, slowly curling about her legs as she moved towards a forest that seemed covered in the stuff. Who would ever go in there? For a time the young female stood just beyond the reach of the fog so it lightly licked at her toes. So much like the sea but without the cold wetness.... That thought right there was more then enough for her to bound into the dense fog and almost completely disappear.

Her quick trek was slowed considerably as her vision lessened and she became more likely to hurt herself. Instead she moved into a jovial trot, tongue lolling over her teeth, the break from the bone chilling ocean breeze making today seem almost hot in comparison. A breaking of a twig in front of her made her large ears snap forward, who was there? She bounded forwards further and a voice came from the same direction as the sound. Her mind worked to figure out what the words meant, were they talking about her? She barely dwelled on it before she called back to the voice. "Haw! Doe ksh kay ya oun hey? Wa sh ka ta wa cheen!" As she was finishing her statement she seemed to appear before the pair, all smiles and tail waving excitedly over her back. They were young!! Probably her age. She had never met anyone her age before! She could barely hold back her excitement as her chest hit the ground in a play bow and she hopped around rather awkwardly, hoping someone might be interested in playing with her.



06-04-2013, 06:57 AM

Her brother gave into her peer pressure, and didn't want to be alone. So he came along. He seemed a little frightened, and he was having a bit of trouble maneuvering through the brush and branches laying on the ground due to his missing leg. But really misty didn't feel pity on him at all. Older wolves or other pups may have looked at him differently, but misty could care less. She actually thought that all male pups were born that way, and that the leg would grow back when he was older. She hasn't met any other boys her age so she didn't know any better. But she didn't say much about his missing limb, he did seem a little weird about it.

"Come on Talon! It's not so scary!"

She was much braver than both of her siblings, wanting to leave the den and meet new people, leave seracia and explore more lands. She walked through the worst situations such as the soulless forest and didn't give a damn about it. And then something actually approached them, she was startled but definitely not scared. Her head snapped around, she didn't understand what the girl was saying and so she only said what any other pup would.

"What you say?"


Talon I


4 Years
06-04-2013, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2013, 07:42 AM by Talon I.)
As Talon grew older, he was beginning to realize he was different from others. He hadn't quite internalized that he was necessarily missing something, but he knew that most of the wolves he'd ever seen in Seracia had four legs and he only had three, and a stub that never seemed like it would have any use at all. Perhaps one day he would find the courage to ask his parents about why he didn't have that leg that his sisters did, but that day was not within reach quite yet.

Luckily, as he wandered through the forest with Misty, he had little time to consider such things. His mind reeled as they made their way over thick tree roots and climbed over mossy logs. It took most of his energy to keep up with her, and his tiny legs already began to feel the stress of movement as he went. He would grow tired if they walked for a long time, but he knew if he asked, she would wait for him.

But the duo came to a stop much quicker than he had expected to. The noise he'd heard nearby was, in fact, another wolf. A pup. Silver eyes widened with surprise she she bounded near with little hesitation. She was small, like him, but certainly very pretty. The silvery markings spread over her face and back reminded him of his mom's own fur. His tail began to wag behind him in delight at meeting another wolf their age, his delight written plainly on his face, lips spreading into a grin.

But... Mom had warned about strangers! Even if they looked nice, it didn't mean they were. Talon nearly opened his jaws to protest softly, but before he could let out even a squeak, the female leapt forward, almost as though inviting them to play. But the words she spoke meant nothing at all to him, and he wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"Maybe she says stuff different than we do," he suggested, as though he'd made some sudden, great discovery.


06-10-2013, 08:25 AM

The little girl was the first to respond, a quizzical look sliding over her features as a question dropped from her lips. What did those words mean? It wasn't that she couldn't remember them, she had those words memorized as soon as they were spoken. "What you say?" She knew the words, recognized them even but couldn't manage to place the meaning to the words properly. This managed to stop the young female in her tracks. Tiny body straightened as she returned the females quizzical look with one of her own. Jaw unhinged slightly in an attempt to start speaking but he couldn't quite string the proper words together to get her meaning across. She took a step back as she cast her gaze to the ground, suddenly embarrassed. It was then that the male spoke, words once again washing over her. But it stopped her from backing up further, large ears pricking forward attentively at his voice. But it wasn't really the words she was listening to. Instead she looked at his missing leg. He was like Prospero? But not really... There was no heavy scarring or constant pain like Prospero had.

She took a hesitant step forward, looking from his leg to his face as wagging her tail to try and convalesce that she meant no harm. "Like Prospero..." she said softly, before giggling slightly. If all three legged wolves were like Prospero then they would be best friends right? That was probably the most sound logic she had had since deciding to travel more to the mainland. She hopped forward, tail waving once more. "Hello! I be Kangi! Who you?" she asked cheerfully, trying to get the male to smile at her again as she dropped back into a play bow. Prospero had always been able to keep up and play with her despite his lack of a fourth leg. This male should be able to do the same right? She didn't understand that this wasn't a normal thing, that the only two males she had ever met were disabled or broken. Just like Misty she was beginning to think it was the norm.



06-21-2013, 12:10 PM

As Talon spoke, Mist's eyes came off the strange girl and onto him. "Oh come on Talon! How is that possible." Something came from under the girl's breath, but Mist almost ignored it, only her ears moving toward her, her emerald eyes still on Talon. She wasn't full of knowledge of other languages, she didn't even know they existed.

But it was hard to ignore her next words, it seemed like she almost shouted. Her words were pretty odd, but understandable. It was like she was a young pup who didn't know how to speak good sentences. Misty didn't know big words, but she could speak well making a complete sentence. Her head then spun to this Kangi before answering.

"I am Mist. Or um...Misty if you like that better. It don't matter."

She almost introduced Talon, but she thought he could speak for his own. So she just let him talk and kept her eyes on the other girl about them.


Talon I


4 Years
06-21-2013, 12:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 12:24 PM by Talon I.)
Normally Talon was hesitant to approach strangers, afraid they wouldn't want to talk to him, would want to be left alone. But this youngster was just as small as he was -- maybe even a bit skinner! The boy cocked his head to the side, his silver eyes welling with curiosity and wonder. Maybe she just was stupid? Had she not been talk how to speak normally? No... there was no way she was dumb, she was so pretty!

Talon watched as she gazed at him, her attention drifting down to his missing limb. He knew he was different in a way, but how different he hadn't quite yet grasped -- but being looked at like that made him uncomfortable, and he frowned gently as he tilted his head towards his sister.

She spoke then, letting out a cheerful giggle and hopping forward. Talon's eyes widened in surprise as she began to speak, wondering who or what Prospero was. And then she spoke again! He grinned as she spoke, her voice sweet to his ears. Like his mom's! But smaller and younger. She introduced herself as Kangi. "Nice to meet you!" He chirped, grinning, tail waving behind him with little inhibition.

"I'm Talon! This is my sister." He dipped his head respectfully, remembering his manners. "Where's your mom and dad?" He wondered if perhaps they lived around here, or if she was from another pack. Oh, the possibilities! All he knew was that he certainly didn't know her, and was pretty sure she wasn't from Seracia like they were.


07-03-2013, 07:49 PM

She didn't completely understand the words the came from their mouths, confusion was evident on her features as her brow furrowed and she studied them curiously. What were they saying? But finally the female turned to look at her, introducing herself as Misty, or Mist... Vaguely Kangi wondered what her name meant, or if it had any meaning at all. Prospero's name hadn't meant anything apparently, maybe not everyone's name had to have a meaning? It was so foreign to her though that it took her a moment to tear her eyes away from the female as the male spoke. Unlike his sister he caught the words that slipped from her tongue about his limb. But she didn't elaborate, unsure of how to. But his next words she recognized and she hopped around excitedly. "Pleasure" she chirped happily, tail seeming to turn into a blur behind her. Next he introduced himself and motioned to his sister. She recognized the term. Prospero had asked her if she had had any sisters or brothers. But no, she had been an only child...

Mom and dad? What was a dad? Neck seemed to unhinge as skull tipped to what appeared to be an unnatural angle. "Dad?" she questioned, sincere confusion evident on her young features. "Mom gone..." she said simply, not daring to elaborate. She had told Prospero the story the best she could and he had cried for her... She didn't want these guys to cry... "Where you mom and dad?" she asked, conscious that her speech was broken and hard to understand but far better then what it had been when she had first met Prospero and Orion. Maybe one day she would be able to communicate properly with them...
