
Unsteady Footing

Pontifex I


06-03-2013, 03:40 AM

It had been a few weeks since the passing of his brother, or at least he thought it had been. He wasn?t sure if the day Loccian had told him had been the day Octavian had passed or if she?d perhaps told him a day or two after. Regardless, it had been several weeks since the news had been broken to him and still he was recovering. He understood that his brother wasn?t coming back ever again. Death wasn?t a hard concept to get, it happened on a daily basis; it was a part of life. Pontifex would just never be able to come to terms with it. So many years wasted at the hands of his father, shunning his brother and sister, making their lives miserable and he would never be able to make it up to his brother. One time he was allowed with his brother before he was taken from him. A brief exchange between the siblings before Octavian ceased to walk the earth. Rage consumed the grey and onyx brute at the injustice of time between he and his brother. He had just gotten him back only to lose him again! And yet, the rage was directed at himself. It was his fault he had had such little time with Octavian. He hadn?t made the effort to talk more to his brother, to spend more time with him. His brother had departed without Pontifex bidding him goodbye and he had no one to blame but himself. He was pathetic.

Now all he had left was Loccian and he needed to do things right with her. He couldn?t let them get to the point where Octavian?s situation repeated itself. He needed to take care of his sister to the best of his abilities. And that?s what he?d been doing. Spending time with her, making sure she was alright, since their brother?s death was affecting her a little more strongly. After all, she?d been beside Octavian when he?d taken his last breath. But today he?d just decided to out on his own, see a little bit more of Alacritis, explore the places he hadn?t been to yet. And that?s what he was doing as he padded up to what others called the Antiox. He?d heard rumors that it was a boat, a kind of machine that carried strange two-legged creatures a long time ago, but was now just another part of the Alacritis landscape. He wasn?t particularly curious about it, but it didn?t hurt to just look around.

He stood before the massive boat, though the massive structure looked nothing what he assumed a boat would look like, not that he would be a good wolf to reference for something like that anyway. He didn?t know how long it had been here, but he guessed it was a while. The amount of snow and ice packed onto the thing told him as much. Despite it being covered in snow, the place was a unique scent to it, one he was sure he wouldn?t forget anytime soon. Golden gems danced across the figure of the boat, examining it, studying it as he debated whether or not to climb up and see if the view from up there offered anything different.

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06-03-2013, 04:08 AM
The Northern region was a beautiful sight. Snow and ice glistened wherever they were found, the temperature was cold with winds to prove it, and there was something about it that wanted you to make it stay innocent. Eria knew that there would be future snow and ice storms, not to mention blizzards so bad that she wouldn't be able to move. So, she enjoyed the calm and cool weather of the day as much as she could without overdoing it.
The dark-pelted fae, whose fur could look like evening blue when the wind moved it, continued on her own expedition of the snowy frontier. Dressed with an extra thick coat naturally built in, she walked across the top layer of snow with careful steps. The soft crunch sounds she made seemed to carry across the way, giving away her position in the wide range of snow. She didn't mind if she was found, but she remained alert as always and continued to look around every other time. Due to her past, she could never be too careful. Her way of thinking was good, because some wolves could be oblivious to the idea of a bad situation. Eria silently hoped she didn't have to worry.
By the time she had finished this train of thought, she found herself near the ship. The S.S. Antiox was the first landmark she laid eyes on after entering Alacritis. It still took her breath away when she saw it and a feeling of relief washed over her...until she saw the dark-pelted wolf near it. She gasped softly, but since she was close to the ship, it bounced off the vessel and probably reached the male's ears. Eria froze, her eyes big and wavering. What should she do now?

Pontifex I


06-03-2013, 08:02 PM

The thing he?d discovered about this particular territory was that the echoes here were pretty loud and able to be heard at far distances. He?d discovered that upon his arrival, his pawsteps echoing loudly back at him as he?d crunched through the snow. Now, the atmosphere was quiet, his movements stilled as he stared up at the massive bunch of snow. Whatever the boat was constructed off had amazing echoing qualities, so Pontifex wasn?t surprised when he was able to hear the echo of what appeared to be a gasp resound in his ears, announcing the presence of another wolf in the area. Grey and onyx frame turned around in a 180 arch, golden gaze coming across the figure of the second wolf a little ways below him.

A frown creased his features. How come he hadn?t been able to hear her come if he?d been able to hear himself? It didn?t really matter now, she was already here. Pontifex took several steps forward, gaze intent on the wolf, nostrils twitching as he gathered more information. She was female and didn?t belong to a pack. A rogue like himself? He hadn?t encountered many rogue females lately. This was a first. Who are you? He didn?t really know what he was supposed to say to the strange woman so he opted for the obvious question; who was she? Audits tipped forward with attention as he waited for a response, if one was to come.

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06-03-2013, 08:50 PM
Her chest hid the rapidly beating heart that was encased beneath the surface. She was caught offguard by finding another wolf around these parts..especially since she was used to being by herself for so long. Eria hoped that she would outgrow being jittery because it got old really quick. As she recovered from the echoing gasp and being discovered, she waited to see what he would do.
When the stranger turned around to look at her, she took in the details that automatically stood out. Eria caught his scent - a male, no duh - and no indication of belonging to a pack. If he had, there would have been mixtures of various scents surrounding him. Still standing, she took a few cautious steps towards him as he did the same. The gap between them closed to a respectful distance and it was then that he asked who she was.
Eria's ears perked to his inquiry and she let a few seconds go by before she answered. "My name is Eria," she said, her words gentle and light. Her light ocean blue eyes roved across his face, politely noticing its structure and the fur. "I am oblidged to ask you the same thing, I suppose." She watched him carefully and flicked her tail behind her to the right. "What is your name?"

Pontifex I


06-04-2013, 01:16 AM

Since finding his siblings, well sibling since his brother had passed away and the only one he had left was his sister, he hadn't really been around others of his kin, especially for idle conversation. He hadn't seen the point. What did he have to talk about with strangers? He wasn't particularly good at interacting with others, so it would make sense that he struggled now with trying to form some semblance of a conversation with the woman before him.

His golden gaze would roam over the woman, observing her, taking note of the very pretty shade of blue that her eyes were. She wasn't anything spectacular, she was pretty in her own right. It wasn't like he was anything to look at anyway. She mimicked his movement, inching closer, closing the gap between them more but allowing a respectable distance to remain between the two strangers. His ears perked forward at her response, listening with attention as she introduced herself as Eria. A pretty girl with a pretty name. You have a very pretty name Eria. My name is Pontifex. He extended his right foreleg, bending it slight as he presented Eria with a greeting, something in his head telling him to do. He returned from his bow just a moment later, watching Eria with curiosity, wondering just what exactly she wasdoing out here.

OOC: bleh >.<

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06-04-2013, 01:51 AM
The first thing that came to her mind was a question of curiosity: Why was he here? She knew that the past couple of wolves she had met were there because they lived in the Northern terrain. The idea of meeting more wolves who were a part of her future family made her experience even better. This didn't relate to the stranger in front of her, though. His scent wasn't of Glaciem, but of other parts of Alacritis. She could smell faint tracks of another wolf close to him, for their scents were similar. Her ears perked and all of a sudden, she was curious about her new acquaintance. (Well, more curious than before.)
Of course, Eria took in the details of his fur and how he carried himself after reclining to her haunches. Once she knew that he wasn't a part of the wolves of her past, she was more inclined to open up. "You have a very pretty name Eria..." His compliment made her smile inside and it was mirrored with the change of muscles on her maw. A small amount of her pearly whites shined from the smile she tried to conceal, but it didn't work. That small amount stood out against her fur as she met his eyes with her familiar warmth. "Thank you, that was very sweet of you to say," she replied as her tail switched behind her on its own.
"My name is Pontifex." She politely watched as he dipped his maw to her and she wondered if she should do the same thing. As he rose, she decided to dip her own pretty maw in turn. The gesture wasn't smooth, but she did her best to not lose balance as she sat. A cool breeze went past her and made waves in her thick fur, showing off the blue that was hinted almost everywhere. "Tis a pleasure to meet you, Pontifex," she said, regaining her balance and the smile on her face. "I may be bold guessing, but I assume you are far from home?"

Pontifex I


06-04-2013, 02:11 AM

Her fur was of a much darker shade than his, a pure untainted ebony compared to his mottled coat. The color was so pure that with even the slightest movement he could see the flashes of blue that would streak across it, setting it ablaze. Her coat reminded him of raven feathers, black as night yet appearing blue in the right light. Her coat was much prettier than his, much better suited for the chillier weather that was beginning to settle across Alacritis. And not to mention how it made her sea colored eyes stand out greatly. All in all a very pretty woman.

At his words he noticed the smile that curled her jaws. Though she hadn't said anything in return yet, he could feel his own lips turning up at the corners in response. A small part of him reveled in the fact he'd made Eria, a complete stranger, smile. It wasn't that big of a deal, but in his current state of mind, the death of his brother still weighing down heavily on him, even something as insignificant as that mattered. Her pearly dentures peeked out from behind her ebon lips as she thanked him. His shoulders rose to something similar of a shrug in response, plume swishing behind his haunches. I was only saying the truth.

Her returned bow caused the right side of his lips to raise just a little bit higher into a half smile. Maybe making conversation wasn't so bad after all. The pleasure is all mine Eria. he responded almost instantly, liking the smile that took hold of her lips once more. I may be bold guessing, but I assume you are far from home? He waited a moment, hind limbs folding beneath him as he sat, his thoughts momentarily drifting to Octavian and Loccian. Home...He didn't have a home anymore. Not yet anyway. If I had a home, then you would certainly be correct. Audits pinned themselves against his skull, the emotions linked to his brother shining through his visage for a moment before he wiped them away, not wanting Eria to notice. He didn't need others pitying his loss.

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06-04-2013, 02:38 AM
Eria caught him looking at her fur and her smile could't help but get bigger. If she was a lighter shade and blushed, it would have been clear as day. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of having dark fur like hers kept her skin reddening from being out in the open. She would lie if she said she was used to it, because not many people made her blush since she was little. Even then, the memories were hard to look through with a fond gaze.
Her eyes caught the shrug he made and her tail lightly tapped the snowy ground beneath her. "I wouldn't want anything but the truth," she said, caressing her hind legs with the tail that had been tapping the snow. "Lies only create havoc and disappointment...why start something that could be avoided?" It was a rhetorical question, but should he decide to answer, it would be fine with her. Eria didn't get upset over small stuff...usually, anyway.
Her light ocean blue eyes didn't miss a beat after he spoke again. His ears had pinned back and a small window opened in his eyes. Eria didn't want to ask if he didn't want to tell. She was the same way in regards to her past experiences of one knew that, except Crusade. She mentally tiptoed around his actions and said, "Well, if that is the case, allow me to take another guess.." She rose from her haunches and bravely took a couple of steps towards Pontifex. Watching him with a gentle gaze, she stopped and hastily added, "Unless, of course, it would appear like I'm prying...If so, don't hesitate to tell me."

Pontifex I


06-04-2013, 03:05 AM

He'd been caught red-pawed during his observation of Eria. He didn't try to look away or make it seem like he'd been looking at anything else. He owned up to his looking, another smile being his reward. There was something sitting beneath the surface, something just out of his grasp that he couldn't quite detect, but that he assumed was in response to his observation. Hopefully she wasn't smiling because she thought he was a creep for seemingly unabashedly staring at her. Although he didn't think he would mind too much if she did think him to be.

Her tail tapped lightly against the snow as she spoke up. She wanted nothing but the truth because lies only brought about unnecessary things. He could do something as simple as that, couldn't he? I would have to agree with you whole-heartedly there Eria. Lies bring about nothing good to anyone. How many times had he deceived and lied to his siblings as they'd been growing up? Too many times to count he assumed. It didn't matter anymore though. That wasn't him anymore. He was going to be someone better than the old Pontifex, someone who his brother would be proud to call family.

He watched as the dark dame rose to her paws, inching several pawsteps closer to him as she continued to speak, wishing to take another guess but fearing that she would seem to be prying too much. No no Eria, you're not prying at all. You can take as many guesses as you'd like. A half forced smile plastered itself on his jaws, trying to distract from his earlier display of emotion. Had she noticed his slip-up? If she did she didn't make it obvious and he quietly thanked her for that. Apparently the woman had enough sense to know when things didn't want to be discussed.

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06-04-2013, 03:36 AM
Eria had felt a sense of pride when he had admired her fur. No words had to be said as she got over her self-consciousness and her blushing skin lost its extra warmth. When she did become shy, it didn't last very long. Her eyes silently danced when they met his gaze. He had the same beliefs as her in regards to the truth. Drama was overrated and she didn't need it, especially when she was new to a land like Alacritis. "It's nice to meet someone who understands the concept of being honest," she said happily. Lying could lead to far worse things, like trickery, wicked ideas...on and on.
She thought about the slip-up that occurred only minutes before. Something had happened recently, she mentally guessed, that caused him to travel up here. Eria took in the details of his fur, how it wasn't as thick as hers for a climate like the North. The dark fae knew about painful experiences and she kept that information away from her current conversation with Pontifex. Her smile remained on her face and she nodded. "I won't try to pry, Pontifex. If I do, just let me know." Her gentle gaze met his and she softly said, "My next guess're not from around here, so you probably came from somewhere warmer..the South, maybe?" She leaned her head in a curious manner and decided to recline to her haunches again. "The weather is lovelier down there, I am sure. I haven't seen many wolves up here who aren't familiar with the terrain...except me, but...I guess that's a different story." If Eria sounded side-tracked, she didn't mean to be. Her past was connected to why she was there.

Pontifex I


06-04-2013, 02:21 PM

I could say the same. he answered honestly, allowing his gaze to fall to their surroundings. The sun was beginning to dip farther down in the sky and with it the temperatures were beginning to plummet. Winter wasn?t so bad during day, but it was once the red and orange ball of fire disappeared from the sky that winter became a pain in the ass if you didn?t find shelter soon enough. A gentle breeze picked up, it?s chilly fingers weaving their way through his dual-colored pelt, throwing it this way and that. His fur wasn?t nearly as thick as Eria?s, but it was sufficient enough to keep the chill from reaching his skin.

She was quiet for a moment before the smile from before made it?s appearance once again as she nodded, her dark lips pulling apart and together as she spoke. She wasn?t trying to be nosy and she wanted him to let her know if she was. Nosy. It had been a long time since someone had cared about what was going on with him. In all honesty, he couldn?t remember the last time someone sat down with him to talk about how he was feeling. Perhaps Eria?s curiosity was just what he needed. She continued on to say that he wasn?t from here, but from somewhere down south where it was a bit nicer than up here in the north. I think prying is just what I need right now Eria. he rumbled quietly before continuing. You?re right when you saw I?m not from here. I hail from down south like you say, from the area around the grange, the territory belong Seracia. Have you heard of that pack? He wasn?t aware if all the packs knew of each other?s existence but he was sure at least some knew of the others.

Audits rotated forward she continued on, commenting on how it was lovelier down there and how she hadn?t really encountered any wolves who weren?t familiar with the northern lands. I?m not very familiar with Alacritia as a whole. I haven?t gotten out much? He trailed off, uncertain if he should mention he reason for not venturing out. She was a stranger, a woman he had scarce met not even moments ago. Why should she care about what happened to him?

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06-05-2013, 01:01 AM
Eria took notice of the sun disappearing from the sky. Pretty soon, the night would arrive and she wouldn't be so easily seen. Due to her fur and its colors, she would camouflage in perfectly. That is, unless the moon came out. She hoped the latter would, because the winter scenery was even more breathtaking at night. If she got to share this with Pontifex, then she wouldn't complain and she hoped he wouldn't be disappointed.
The breezes that came around the two of them didn't make her flinch. She enjoyed the cold winds, especially when they hit near zero. Someone would consider her weird, but after living in such a climate for the past couple of years, she knew it was right. That was why she came to live in Glaciem, after all. She felt like it was the path that called to her, and she didn't object to its voice.
Now, as she sat in front of Pontifex and listened to him, she perked her sandy white-dipped ears and turned her head upright again. "If you need me to, I will be more than willing," she obliged in a soothing voice. "Something is on your mind, and I don't know what it is...I wonder if it was an event that shook your core, affected a part of you that not many can I right?" Woah. Since when did she become so insightful and deep? Her own words caught her offguard, but it was a pleasant response and she continued to watch the male in front of her.
"Seracia..." she let the word roll from her mouth to the open and chilly air. "I will be honest, I have never heard of them before, Pontifex. I am new to this place, and Glaciem is the only pack that I knew of after arriving." Her heart beat fast at the idea of the coincidence of finding a home in her preferred climate. "I'm actually glad you said that, because...I have no ideas of Alacritis, either. I haven't explored many places aside from the expanding land of the North." Eria's tail swept around her on its own, causing loose snow to rise and fall in the air around them. "I don't mind if I only see the North, but maybe in the future, a world round trip would be nice..."

Pontifex I


06-06-2013, 07:56 PM

If you need me to, I will be more than willing. Something is on your mind, and I don't know what it is...I wonder if it was an event that shook your core, affected a part of you that not many can I right? She was either really good at reading people or perhaps she had see enough of what he'd gone through in order to recognize it, but either way she dead on. I...I lost my brother not too long ago....I never got to say goodbye to him....and now it's just me and my sister... He trailed off, the emotion threatening to overwhelm him. He hadn't talked to anyone beside his sister about Octavian's death.

Pushing the struggling emotions aside, Pontifex concentrated on Eria's words as she spoke. Seracia...I will be honest, I have never heard of them before, Pontifex. I am new to this place, and Glaciem is the only pack that I knew of after arriving. I'm actually glad you said that, because...I have no ideas of Alacritis, either. I haven't explored many places aside from the expanding land of the North. I don't mind if I only see the North, but maybe in the future, a world round trip would be nice... So she was rather new to alacritis, just like himself. Coincidence? He didn't know. I too must confess that I don't know of the pack named Glaciem because I am also rather new. I arrived scarcely a month or two ago and haven't gone anywhere except the area around Seracia. But I wouldn't worry, with time you will come to know all of Alacritis. came his quiet rumble of a response, gaze transfixed on the nearly gone sun before returning to Eria.

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06-06-2013, 09:11 PM
Eria's ears started to flatten against her skull. The sadness that appeared in her eyes was genuine and she acted like she was about to rise from her haunches with her front paw kneeding in the snow. She felt like she had to do something, like a reassuring nuzzle, to help him feel better. The fact that they had just met kept her from getting up and doing it, so she decided to stop acting like she had ants in her pants and stayed still.

"I'm so sorry, Pontifex..." she said, trailing off due to a loss for words. Her gaze became less saddened and regained some warmth as she spoke again. "I hope that you and your sister will be all right. Losing a family member, especially one you loved with all of your heart, shouldn't be something anyone should feel..." Eria spoke from experience, but not many knew of her sad past. After being bent, her ears rose and the blues left her attitude. "If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask." Even though they were new acquaintances, her offer was from the heart. If someone had tried to console her after losing her parents, she would have accept them in a skinny minute.

"I hope I do know more about Alacritis in the future," she said as she followed his gaze to the sun setting. "I don't know much about Glaciem, either, but I hope to learn everything before I get to where my mind doesn't absorb information." Eria decided to rise from her haunches and shook the snow free from her fur. It spread out and fell like rain, pelting the ground once again in slow motion. Once she was free of the thin bits of frozen water, Eria looked at Pontifex and made a motion with her head. "I bet you are eager to find a place of warmth, considering you're not used to these temperatures. They tend to get really low at night." Her love for the low temps was obvious in her voice, but she didn't acknowledge it. "If you want to come with me, that is. I won't mind if you want to head back to warmer climates." In her mind, though, she hoped he wouldn't leave so abruptly.

Pontifex I


06-06-2013, 09:36 PM

Eria?s demeanor changed significantly as he spoke about the loss of his brother, her ears pinning themselves against her crown and sadness enveloping her ocean baby blues. That?s exactly what he didn?t want; pity. But he wasn?t about to tell her not to feel that way she felt. Everyone was entitled to their feelings after all. He noticed how she would knead her paw in the snow, as if wanting to stand. Did she want to comfort him? He wasn?t sure if he wanted comfort. He hadn?t been raised to know comfort. Father had never comforted him, only enslaved him. He said nothing, keeping what he?d noticed to himself as she began to speak.

I'm so sorry, Pontifex?I hope that you and your sister will be all right. Losing a family member, especially one you loved with all of your heart, shouldn't be something anyone should feel... If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask. He took in her words, rather surprised that a near stranger was offering up her help. Strangers didn?t help strangers did they? Pontifex shook his head, unable to find the words to respond. What could he say? Thank you? was all he could manage, his voice barely above a whisper, though audible enough because of the echo the boat at his back provided.

He nodded in agreement as she spoke about wanting to know Alacritis well before she became too old. He could understand that want. And then Eria would rise, shaking the ice and snow from her obsidian, blue hued pelt, glancing in his direction as she motioned to the darkening landscape before them. I bet you are eager to find a place of warmth, considering you're not used to these temperatures. They tend to get really low at night. If you want to come with me, that is. I won't mind if you want to head back to warmer climates. The grey and onyx brute nodded, rising to his feet, shaking his own pelt free of the chilly substance as his paws carried down the short slope towards Eria, coming up beside her. I am grateful for your offer. I wouldn?t mind accompanying you this night. There was something about Eria, he wasn?t sure what exactly yet, that made him feel?.good? He wasn?t sure what the word was for it, but he liked her. If things went well maybe they could become friends in the future. He would have to wait and see.

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06-06-2013, 11:25 PM
She had been wondering what he was thinking when she offered to give him a place of refuge from the cold night. Now, as she saw him come down the slight incline of the frozen ground, she knew he was eager to get away from the threatening temperaturess. Her smile appeared again, revealing a sliver of the white teeth that stood out so well. A twinkle appeared in the light blue eyes of hers as she met his gaze and nodded with a gentle movement. "All right then. I will lead the way!"
As they began to walk, she looked to the side to see if he was beside her. She hoped that there wouldn't be a sudden snow storm to seperate them. Obviously, that would be one of the worst timing events that Mother Nature could do to them. Silently, she looked forward and searched with her eyes. Eria knew there was a place they could use to get away from the harsh winds and snow that were supposed to appear that night. She wouldn't have minded staying out a bit longer, but she knew that Pontifex probably would. So, with that in mind, she set out to lead him in the right direction. All the while, she pondered if she would ever let him in on the past memories that haunted her. Maybe then, he would know that what she had said wasn't out of pity, but past experiences...-EXIT Eria-

Pontifex I


06-07-2013, 12:17 AM

He nodded as she offered to lead the way, dark paws stirring beneath him as he moved after Eria, glad to be finding somewhere to get out of the cold. It hadn't too cold outside yet but he knew in winter the temperatures were quick to plummet to freezing. Despite his good insulation, it would not be a smart idea to be stuck outside in that kind of weather. He could see the ebony dame at his side turn to glance at him, as if to make sure he was still following. He took several paces forward until he was even with her shoulder, that way she knew that he was definitely at her side and not straying anywhere. Golden gaze was fixed on the path ahead, wondering where his new acquaintance would take them to bed down for the night.


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