
A Change of Scenery


06-03-2013, 02:27 AM
Winter had begun to make its entrance to the land of Alacritis. The temperature had dropped, wind currents weren't welcomed as they had been in the spring and summer, and life that was evident in the trees and surrounding shrubbery ceased for the upcoming season. It seemed as if everything was at rest, sleeping without wanting to be disturbed. However, that didn't last very long.
She didn't know why she had arrived at Wolfpaw Lake. After being used to the very cold climate of Glaciem and its surrounding territory, the grass under her paws felt weird indeed. Although it wasn't alive and cold from the frost, the soft cushion beneath her mitts was different. Eria hadn't been to many other parts of this land, so as she found her way near the South, she took in everything she saw. If this travelling experience ended up being a nice one, she would consider coming back. Light ocean blue eyes roved over the trees that were bare, the grass covered in a light layer of snow, and felt the cool wind stroke her fur. Winter was a nice look for it, in her opinion.
When Eria's dark form stopped, she turned and looked straight ahead. A lake was seen, wide and beautiful. At this time of the year, it had started to freeze. A thin layer of ice was forming as she continued to pad in that direction. Once she got close enough, she stopped and reclined to her haunches. Looking left and right, she placed a paw onto the ice and pressed down. Obviously, the ice wasn't thin like she thought. She scoped the rest of the lake to see any cracks or breaks. None were seen and that suited her fine. She pushed off with her hind paw and went sailing across the lake.



11 Years
06-06-2013, 12:35 AM
Bane strode around the little clearing where his mind, and paws, had led him too, contemplating what had happened in this secluded spot. A mating, between him and a black she-wolf, Destruction. It was a fling more than anything, a few words were said and conditions were met by his cleverness and the female's own temper. It had pleased him for a while but still, a certain satisfaction was vacant from his everyday life. The happiness his dead mate had brought him, and the sorrow and revenge he sought after Alarice's death after giving birth.

The void couldn't be filled it seems, naught with meat or mating. Bane needed love. The loneliness and the companionship the white female had filled with her affection was gone now, and it was why he nosed around the area, why he wasted his days way hoping that Destruction would come back. And when perched his forelegs upon a log and peaked his head over the top of the frost-fallen bushes Bane let out a low whine at the black figure sliding along the ice.

But it wasn't her. It wasn't Destruction. It was an unfamiliar one. Maybe she'd help fill the empty void with a little conversation. Or a sudden rescue if the ice held up. Bane let out a bark to let her know he was there, and he was watching.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-06-2013, 08:15 PM
At the moment, Eria was in her own world. The journey she had made felt like a slide show: she had passed through various places but didn't really remember the experiences. Her memories were just flashes, pictures that stood still and brought back a feeling or two. Now, as she was sliding across the top of the lake, she was making another memory, one that she would remember for sure. The way she was feeling was elite and fast as she rose both back paws and balanced on her front ones. Concentration was a key factor in her acrobatic attempt and so far she was doing pretty well.
Eria's dark form was sliding around in a crescent shape when she heard the strange bark. Her eyes, which had been closed to enhance her concentration, snapped open and she saw a dark figure on the bank. What happened next was predictable, but funny all the same for a future's glance to the past. Eria, who had found the perfect pose to use for balancing on point, lost it.
"Ahhhh!" she yelled as her hind legs came up and over her back. The pretty fae did a summersalt and continued to slide, this time on her rump. If she had mastered braking and slowing down, she wouldn't have had to worry about what followed. Instead of the lake's top being so frozen it would keep her from stopping, the smooth glass-like surface created a slip-and-slide like effect for Eria. Her sliding increased in its speed and she was aiming straight for the bank! Automatically, she brought both front paws to her eyes, covering them to see what would happen. Her body hit the bank's edge and the bump jolted her off the pond and into the air.
She didn't go very far or high, but the distance covered the ground between her and the male. Eria landed with a loud "OOMPH!" on the frost-covered grass. Her dark belly had been the landing pad and she squinched her eyes from the sudden, dull pain. All four legs had been sprawled to either side of her body, making her look like a bear skin on a cabin floor. For a few seconds, she didn't move, but slowly shook her head and moaned. "Owwwwww," she said softly, light ocean blue eyes opening and looking dazed.



11 Years
06-07-2013, 01:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 02:19 AM by Bane.)
Bane's bark had startled the female sliding along the lake ice just as she was about to do... something that he had evidently interrupted with catastrophic results. Bane didn't know. He closed his eyes and glanced away from her out of control slide, hearing the she-wolf impact on the snow covered grass with a slight reverberation through the ground.

That was when he opened his sapphire eyes and looked at her sprawled body.?Bane strode up to the black furred female and cleared his throat before hovering above her prone form.

"... having fun young one?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-07-2013, 01:53 AM
She hadn't known anyone was going to be nearby, let alone make a sign that he or she was present. Eria was clumsy by nature anyway, but she didn't tend to show a lot of people. However, if she chose to think about it, every person she met in the past were witnesses to her antics. Her not showing a lot of people had officially become an understatement! She would have been surprised at this fact if she hadn't been dazed from her previous fall.
The three-year-old femme looked up to the dark figure that stood in front of her. After getting over the dizzy spell she had from landing "oh so gracefully", she automatically sniffed the air around them. His scent was unfamiliar, but he did not carry the one that matched the ones from her memories...which was good. Eria wagged her snow behind her as the response to his question. She nodded slowly and with a smile, said, "Oh yes, I was.." Glancing at her legs on either side, she sighed and looked back up to him. "Until this fiasco happened."
Eria attempted to move her legs, which had left obvious spaces in the snow. Her brows furrowed at the first failed attempt and she growled to herself. "Ohhhhh great," she said, before trying again without success. It was as if her legs had become frozen planks of wood and refused to bend. Ears folded against her head and she looked up at Bane. "I know we are complete strangers, but...would you mind helping me? I can't get up.."



11 Years
06-12-2013, 02:55 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2013, 02:34 AM by Bane.)
Bane watched as she sniffed his scent, amused as she struggled to stand with the way her legs were laying parallel away from her side.?The male wolf gave a nod to her request that he help her get up.?"I think I'll leave you to starve... just kidding." Bane gave a light laugh. "But in all honesty you've got to be the first wolf I've seen to turtle themselves young female. Unwise in these parts. All the more dangerous since your in early heat; and if a vile male came along and had his way with such an immobile and prostrate form such as yours. Well, I'm sure you know where pups come from." The grey wolf eyed the female seriously and blinked a few times.

Bane licked a side of his jaw and laid down in front of her so he was eye to eye. "But I'm not going to do that, I'm gonna have to ask that you lift your head so I can nose my way under your chest and flip you to a side, rolling you over how your laying right now could tear a muscle. While I do this I will press your throat closed so you can't breath for a moment while I push up. Or I could nose my way under your stomach from the side and lift you that way. Your choice?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-12-2013, 11:43 PM
Eria's eyes remained widened and round in circumference as Bane spoke. She had travelled for so long by herself, she never stopped to think of how her body's chemicals were doing. Obviously, she was naive enough to not pay attention and realize that winter, being her birth season, was also the season for heat. The realization came as a surprise to the young female and she started to see that it made sense. Although, there was a small part of her that wondered why she hadn't made advances on the males she had met. Was something wrong with her? She didn't know. "I actually didn't realize how close I was to being in heat, mister," she freely admitted. "It didn't cross my mind until you mentioned it..I was born in the winter, so of course it would happen, but.." She cocked her head to the side. "I haven't felt any irrational desires or anything of the that bad?" What a question to ask when he was willing to help her get up. Lovely timing, as always.

Just as quick as her mouth, her mind switched to the questions Bane was asking. In regards to helping her get up, she lightly blushed from her previous inquiries and listened to the options he gave. With ears tweeking this way and that, she met his level gaze and shortly sighed. Oh, how she hated being in this compromising position. The evidence of her slight irration was in her eyes, but it wasn't because of Bane. No, he hadn't done anything that made her stick to the ground like this. After thinking about it, she finally spoke up. "I suppose it would be okay if you tried going under my stomach to help me get up. I'm not that ticklish.." She paused before saying, "unless it would be too much trouble for you." A light teasing tone escaped through her words and she couldn't help but flash a smile in the same manner.



11 Years
06-13-2013, 02:52 AM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2013, 02:48 PM by Bane.)
Bane closed his eyes as the she-wolf spoke but continued to nod to the words that she spoke. "Take no offense, just resting my eyes."?Bane gave several breathy sighs at the comments the female was making, acknowledgements of sorts.

"No, bad is the position your in. Good, is that I'm willing to help. It's not my level of knowledge but I'd say that later this season or next year is when your heat would test your ability to hold yourself back though you don't desire young." Bane closed his weary eyes and furrowed his forehead. "It's the act that's desirable and the most pleasurable thing I've preformed in life... the litter... it depended. My mate died during birth and I had a fling a few strides away. Nothing became of it to my knowledge." Bane swallowed the lump in his throat and sniffed back a tear, the not-Alarice was standing in the shallows like when he first met her. She rapidly faded away when their eyes met.

"Let's get you up.... miss?"

Bane crawled over to her side and nosed his way under her belly before pushing up with his to get the female on all paws.

Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-13-2013, 11:09 PM
Eria felt his cold nose against her warm underbelly as he scooped himself beneath her. She rose from the ground and her legs hung limply at her sides. They resembled wet noodles as she was temporarily off the ground and in the air. Once Bane had placed her on her paws, she felt the weight rapidly crash upon them. Smartly, she regained her composure and independence of holding herself up. One at a time, she bent one leg and ankle to check for any snaps or twists. All of her joints were in place and nothing was broken. Relief was evident in her dark face as she wagged her tail behind her. Looking at the wolf who had helped her, she smiled and spun around in place.
"Thank you, Bane," she sincerely said, light ocean blue eyes twinkling and running over his face. She hadn't taken the time to let his details enter her mind and she decided it was a good time to have it happen. Her slender form reclined to her haunches gracefully and she said, "My name is Eria...Tis a pleasure to meet you and a very good coincidence at that." Eria recalled what he had told her about the cycle of a female and started to talk from there.
"I am sorry to hear about your mate, Bane..." Her ears lightly flicked back and she considered giving a light nudge with her nose, but held back. They had just met and she knew it would appear awkward..maybe. "I know what it is like to have someone you have very close to you leave suddenly.." She met his gaze and held it as she revealed her past. "My parents were taken from me about two years ago. A gang of rogue wolves attacked our pack and I was the only one who survived..." Eria broke her gaze and looked to the side. "That is why I am out of sorts with what I am supposed to know about being in heat. I didn't know what it was, really, until you mentioned it. Mama never mentioned it, I guess because she thought I was too young to think of such things."



11 Years
06-16-2013, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2013, 02:12 AM by Bane.)
Banes crawled out from under the female and watched as she wiggled each leg, nodding smartly four times. Good, she wasn't hurt. A smile crossed his muzzle at her thank you, a burning sensations surfacing on his cheeks. "It wasn't a problem, Eria. And I'm sorry for you as well. Too much sadness in this world of ours." Bane shook his head and let out a sigh of contemplation at her last subject.

"I feel that your still too young to know such things without a parental figure. However should you ever find yourself in want of young with a good male, let instinct guide you." Bane was looking up at the sky now, a glazed over look of remembrance covering his eyes.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-16-2013, 08:32 PM
Eria nodded in agreement and wrapped her thick tail around her paws to prevent their bottoms from getting cold. "That is true, Bane. Sadness and other negative powers seem to find their way into any situations, give or take how much happiness there is." She blinked and had to think about what she had just said. Sometimes, she was surprised at what came out of her mouth. A light shrug, followed by a 'whatever' expression, concluded her thinking about it and she looked at Bane with interested eyes. "That's why I try to enjoy each day the best way I know how. Being appreciative for what I have today is important...because I won't know if it will be there tomorrow."
The blackish-blue pelted fae watched Bane as he looked up to the sky. A light sigh escaped her lips and she faltered in the happy-go-lucky attitude she had been feeling. "If only I had a parental figure to talk to, Bane. That's the thing with me. Since my parents passed, I haven't had anyone to call my own, let alone talk with about such things." She copied the older male and looked up at the sky above. Snow had started to fall, the frozen drops of water particles landing in various places on the ground around her. "I suppose that is why I was so keen on finding a pack, one that would welcome me and teach me all I need to know." Her gaze fell from the sky to the frozen lake behind her. "That is why I have chosen to join Glaciem, even though I haven't been on Alacritis for very long."



11 Years
06-17-2013, 02:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2013, 02:46 AM by Bane.)
Bane still stared up into the grey sky with a wistful expression crossing his features. It would start snowing soon. "Well, I had thought of something to say to my ascended little runarounds, live life to the fullest and take what ya can, give nothing back." Bane gave a smile at her and cleared his throat. "Tis my mother talking."

Bane scraped the bottom of his muzzle against his chest to rid himself of an itch, keeping an ear turned in the females direction as Eria spoke. "Anything you want to talk advice wise? What it's like to be tortured? Where to find herbs to alleviate burn pain. The loss of a mate who you shared your body with in an intimate passing of time. You say that ya haven't had anyone to call yours and be with them; keep looking and good luck because nobody has found me yet."

The grey male's tone had turned into a stern hardness of bitter contempt for a moment as he spat the words out. Bane paused. And gave her a 'I'm sorry glance' before pawing his nose with a dewclaw. "I'm sorry, old bitter wolf stereotype needs to be reenforced sometimes." The grey wolf gave a coughing laugh for a few seconds before asking. "Eria, do you want anything of me? From me? I can do for you? Too you? I have my ears and mind open, all ya have to do is ask. A wolf with earned, hard fought, undeserved and administered experiences is right in front of ya. Otherwised I'd take my leave. Don't have anything important to do though."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-18-2013, 10:30 PM

The gentle snow that was falling fell across Eria and Bane's dark forms. She could feel the small flakes landing on her head and when one hit her on the nose, she couldn't help but look cross-eyed. As soon as it melted, she uncrossed her light blue eyes and turned her gaze towards the male who had helped her. "Those sound like words to live by, Bane. Although, I can't help but give back sometimes. I haven't been able to lately, though.." Her voice faded and she honestly admitted, "I have only been on Alacritis for a season, and have only met a couple of other wolves. I hope to meet more in the future. Company is always nice to keep."
Eria gave a sideways glance to the sky and thought about the question Bane asked. "I guess I could always learn more about hunting skills...I am my only teacher, so I know I am probably not that great. I want to get better for my pack and the chances I have to go with them on hunts." She then returned her gaze to Bane as she asked, "What you happen to know about being a stealth beast hunting a beast or bird of prey?"
She blinked a few times at his form when he continued to ask what he could do for her. "Aside from helping me when I needed it and knowing what it's like to be married to a wonderful fae..I don't know what I should really ask for. Your company has been nice so far, and I don't mind you sticking around." Her thick tail wrapped around her haunches and snugly tightened its grip around them. "If you do decide to leave, I would probably end up skating again and hurting myself, but that's not really new for me."




11 Years
06-19-2013, 03:32 PM
"They've worked for me so far and the occasional company is always nice if it's the right kind of wolf." Bane chose a snowflake and followed it's descent with shifting eyes as it flittered along the almost non-existent breeze. "Hunting huh? Well I'm pretty good I guess." The grey wolf grazed a paw along the snow in a circular motion as he thought.

"As for being quite while stalking into position I think I'm all right, just gotta look where your paws go. Do you have anything in mind about what to hunt right now? Maybe a deer or a lemming?"
Bane gave a 'follow me' jerk of his head and stalked into the winter forest. "Maybe we'll start with the lemmings, small, don't really go nowhere in this weather." Bane advised to the she-wolf.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-20-2013, 11:21 PM

"Whatever you say, Bane!" she excitedly replied. The thought of hunting and learning new techniques made the three-year-old's heart beat faster. Eria rose from her haunches, shook off any snow that had landed across her fur, and began to follow Bane. She hoped the result from their future hunting lesson would be one she could learn from. Anything to help her get better was worth taking the chance.
"Before we get too far into the hunt, what exactly is a lemming?" Eria had never heard of one, and if they began to hunt for it, she would have no idea what they were looking for. That would lead to a hunt with no results and the only thing she would learn is to know what you wanted before you went out and got it. Her paws sank into the snow as she caught up with Bane, keeping a respectful distance between his hind legs and her front half. She smiled widely as she said, "I hope we see plenty of them. Winter drives so many other animals away and take the fun out of finding a variety for dinner."




11 Years
06-22-2013, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2013, 02:33 AM by Bane.)
"Hmmmmm, whatever I say? Dangerous words to say to me Eria." Bane chided behind him at the young she-wolf. The male wolf listened to her following behind him and his ears twitched at the question she asked.?Bane pressed his nose to the ground and began to inhale the scents of a winter forest, easily finding the trail of the non-hibernating mammal.

"A lemming is a small rodent, like a gopher or a chipmunk."

?It took him around a tree and over a game trail, through the bare bushes and over a low mound of snow covered earth.?All the while keeping his ears swiveling so he wouldn't loose Eria with his quick, almost jogging pace. The scent trail finally ended at the base of an oak tree.?Bane used a paw to dig up the burrow, ignoring the little squeaks coming from inside. The little rodent noises ended with a quick snap of his jaws and a scratchy feeling as the blood and fur began to intermingle in his mouth. He swallowed.

"And their fucking delicious."

Bane scooped out another paw full of frosty earth and exposed the shivering bodies of the young lemmings.?"Learn their scent, then eat up. They don't go anywhere no matter what is standing over them so you don't really have to work hard at catchin them. Finding the little bastards is what's tough and even that isn't hard.."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


06-26-2013, 11:30 PM

Eria couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his statement, but she knew he was kidding; as was she. A playful smirk was followed with a shake from her head. She couldn't help but laugh at his antics, until she noticed he was starting to trail the scent of a nearby lemming. Her tail wagged as she followed and saw him claim his prize.
When he moved aside and offered her a turn, she dove right in. Squeals and cries were heard as her head went right into the hole beneath the tree. Growls and snarls came from her and within a few seconds, she rose with a dead lemming in her mouth. Small stains of blood gave her fur a darker look, but she didn't mind it as she ate around the bones and hide. Pretty soon, there was nothing but little bones and fur as she lowered the remains to the ground. Eria licked her lips, then back to the burrow with the rest of them. The taste of her first lemming was so good, she wanted more. Within a time frame of fifteen minutes, Eria had consumed the remaining lemmings. She inhaled the air inside the scooped area, taking in their scent and silently memorizing it. Nothing but bones and fur remained on the ground in front of her and, as she looked to Bane, she said, "They were delicious," with a big, bloody grin.




11 Years
07-03-2013, 02:38 AM
Bane flopped onto the ground as he watched Eria eat the young lemmings, giving a shallow sigh. He wondered if this is what having a pup was like and if it was similar to teaching them how to hunt. Funny how he'd never have young of his own it seemed. Not to many females interested in an old grey wolf.

"That they are young she-wolf, that they are." Bane gave a mental shake of his head. The joys of teaching others, it truly was an experience. Watching them live life and doing so with a smile across their muzzle. A pity all he was close to were dead.

"Hey Eria, you wanna hunt something else? I didn't smell much of anything else back by the lake despite it being a frozen source of water one could break with enough force. I feel deer are going to have to wait." Bane snipped in a jaded tone.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-05-2013, 06:15 PM

She couldn't help but be excited about the possibility of learning more from Bane. Eria's mind was like a sponge that needed the water. Knowledge was something she loved to attain and hold onto for later uses. In her eyes, she could always learn and do something once.
As Bane spoke of other animals to hunt, Eria's ears perked with intense curiosity. "That would be awesome, Bane. I don't know my way around this part of the world, so if you know where anything else is, I will gladly follow." Her tail swayed behind her in a gentle manner, indicating her excitement. Light ocean blue eyes danced from the now lifeless hole beneath the tree to the male in front of her. "Deer is usually always around anyway, right? So, I guess I could work on those later."




11 Years
07-13-2013, 02:52 PM
Bane licked the ribbons of flesh out between his fangs with his tongue to somewhat renew the taste of blood to a satisfactory level. "That's the thing Eria, I don't know were anything is around here except the lake and a tiny clearing surrounded by bushes where I had a tussle with a female. And now here, an vacant lemming hole." Bane rasped as he thought of the black she-wolf and his time with her. The Seracian's eyes glazed over as he thought of that time with the fiery female, and if he'd ever see her again.
Eria... Eria was eager to learn still, though there weren't any deer around that he had smelled. Bane didn't know what to do or say so he just asked the first thing that popped into his head. "So, you joining up with Glaciem? Or are you still thinking about it. Sorry, I forgot." Bane came right up to the smaller she-wolf and sniffed her cheeks to memorize her scent as he prepared to leave.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•