
Sweet Home Glaciem [Joining Thread]


06-02-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2013, 09:39 PM by Eria.)
It felt like it was a dream coming true. Her excitement was being difficult to contain as she made her way from the outer stretches of the northern territory to the land of Glaciem. Thoughts of her past moments with Crusade near the frozen boat flashed across her mind and she grinned at them. The older fae, who automatically had Eria's respect, had told her of Glaciem and the pack that happily welcomed wolves who wanted to join. Eria's eyes twinkled as she remembered knowing that she would get to be one of those wolves. Her long tail swept behind her and she increased her pace through the thick layer of snow.
The invisible line of Glaciem's border arrived faster than she anticipated. Her sandy-white dipped paws stopped her from going any further and she looked across the border at her future new home. From what she saw at this distance was enough to make her happy. The far away scents of the pack reached her nose and she gingerly pawed the ground she stood on. Eagerly, she looked around and hoped to see Crusade. The female had said she would take her to the Alpha, and she trusted her word. So, the young lady reclined to her haunches and patiently waited.

Gargoyle I


06-03-2013, 06:38 AM


Gargoyle came striding through the wintry world, so clear and pristine. Behind him the grey-blue mountains rose in spires and peaks, each straining to touch the sky. Their roots were hidden in a massive confier forest that was home to the grey expanses of prey that the Glaciem wolves hunted week after week. The northern reaches could often be nothing more than a white, barren desert, but every so often there was a oasis, and it was amazing how many types of creatures gathered. Earlier that day the Chief had been chasing a mountain goat along the stone ridges and caught a glimpse of one of the rare snow leopards. Better yet - judging the spots and the scars on it's fur, it was the same cat that he and Oxia had tangled with not too long ago. Gargoyle let his goat run ahead, just for the chance to stop and howl. It was a warning, might've also been a taunt, but with Gargoyle's stoney features it was hard to tell.

He was a good ways from the mountains this day, however. He came to the border at Crusade's request, to receive a newcomer; a young adult she-wolf that she'd had the pleasure of speaking with near the ruins of that human ship.

Heaven only knew what Crusade had been doing out there. She'd been a prisoner in a two-leggeds metal beast - she'd nearly drowned being thrown off the side. Gargoyle had done his best to avoid the dangers his past held, yet she seemed to enjoy sight seeing them.

Gargoyle came up the border, a tower of mottled grey muscle. At 41 inches he was a head taller even than what most wolves considered a huge wolf. The sight of the black she-wolf brought no change upon his features. His eyes remained a bland, lifeless yellow,and his muzzle remained uncreased by a hint of either smile or growl.

His voice was just as devoid of tone, but that didn't mean he wasn't cultured of speech. "Greetings Miss Eria, my sister has told me of your meeting. She believes you would fit quite well with our family. She is waiting for us back at the pack den, would you permit me the honor of a walk? I'm sure you have many questions."



06-03-2013, 08:24 PM
As the snow started to fall, it swirled around the dark form that was Eria. Her claws had lightly flexed in the snow, leaving tiny marks to signify their use. She had been getting more nervous about being by herself and waiting for someone..anyone..when she wasn't really sure if Crusade was coming. The old anxious feeling began to bubble in her chest and she was tempted to give a howl to be noticed...that is, until she saw a tall figure approaching from the other side of the border.
Eria's eyes had widened as Gargoyle got closer with each step. She took in all the details she could of the tall wolf as he advanced towards her. The first thing she thought of was the air he had when carrying himself. Her tail, which was in the snow with her rump, swayed side to side, making the usual round of confetti fly up and around her. By the time Gargoyle had approached her, she was caked in the white fluff and resembled a realistic snow sculpture. (She didn't pay this any mind.)
At first, she didn't know what to say when Gargoyle spoke. The anxious feeling still hovered, but as his words sunk in, that feeling was replaced with her excitement. She rose from her haunches, shook off the extra snow (which, thankfully, didn't touch Gargoyle and swirled away in the opposite direction), and dipped her maw to the leader. She knew he was the one in charge - the 'him' with a capital 'H' - and she didn't want to start off on the wrong paw at their first chance to meet. Eria pushed herself up with her front paws and said, "I would be honored to have your company, sir." Her light ocean blue eyes shimmered with warmth, but she kept a poise she hoped would impress. Eria's tail flicked behind her and she looked at the invisible barrier that seperated her from the packlands. Glancing at Gargoyle, she then looked back to the ground inhaled slowly.
The young wolf took the required steps to cross the boundary line and her chest, which had been tight, released the tension. Once her whole body was across that line, a smile broke across her face. Her long tail wagged at the end as she looked at Gargoyle and said, "That felt good. It felt..right." She wondered if every new member felt that way in the beginning. "As for questions..." she trailed off and thought before saying, "I suppose I already have one, but I hope you don't get offended." Clearing her throat, she took in his height before asking, "Are the other members of your - of my - family as tall as you?"

Gargoyle I


06-03-2013, 08:57 PM


Gargoyle had begun walking, only giving the girl a first glance to make sure she followed, not wanting to frighten her. But her initial question rather caught him off guard.

There was a low, rumbling in the depths of the male's throat. Too brief to be a growl. Though it might sound rather odd or even intimidating, that was what counted as a chuckle in his book. And odd or not, it was a rare enough sign of emotion. It came and past, however, and the male was back to bland words and blank eyes. "Some of them, yes." What could he say? Mama Clash bred 'em big. He'd reached forty inches by the time he was a leggy yearling. But honestly, it was never something he'd given much thought to. It was just how he'd been born and his family had always accepted him just fine. Among those members, the other giants included his brother Rogue and his sister Arcane, but oddly enough, though both of thier parents came as tall as most Timber wolves could, they got the freakish inches from their paternal grandfather. The nearest family member to display the gene had been their father's brother Target. None of the pups had been around that he was alive, but that was undoubtedly a good thing. Target had lived and died a cold blood murderer.

More or less the curse of the family that crept into the genes of some of the wolves... including Gargoyle himself - but that was all in the past. Though he remained as tall and forboding as ever, he was now as much a family man as was a warrior, and he was happy to welcome a new wolf into the fold.

"But certainly you have questions about the pack? Ah well, if not, no matter, you'll pick up things as you go along. The most important note to remember though, is that we are as much a family as we are an army. Many of our Braves are fighting fit Warriors - they have to be to deal with these conditions and bring down the great prey - but we are strongest because we are close to one another. No doubt my sister has said something simliar." After a second thought he added. In his first year of life and family, he'd been guilty of hero worshiping his sister, and a respect for her had carried on into his current seasons; He couldn't help but wonder what this new wolf thought of the fae who was more or less the heart of Glaciem. Crusade was related by blood or adoption to half the wolves. But Gargoyle had a better, more pertinent question for the newcomer. "Tell me Eria, do you see yourself more as a hunter, a warrior, a healer, so some combination? And what training have you had? - It's important that we figure out your rank."



06-03-2013, 09:30 PM
Eria's ears perked as they continued to walk on the lands of Glaciem. Each step she took beside Gargoyle led them closer to her new home and the responsibilities that came with it. Thinking of the duties she would have to fulfill made her realize that it wouldn't just be happy family times. She would have a place, a job that would have others watching her and seeing how well she did. Eria didn't find this intimidating, she would take the challenge head on and enjoy it.
Her eyes looked up to Gargoyle as he spoke and she nodded. "I hope I catch on quickly, sir. The idea of being clueless in a new home doesn't sound like something I would want..." When he spoke of the family being an army, she smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other sticks together, should stick together anyway.." Her memories of the fateful night flashed across her mind, causing her smile to falter and her eyes to look away and lose some warmth. Eria's ears slipped back at the replays, but thankfully, Gargoyle's questions for her snapped her out of them. Ears perked again, eyes roved back to the tall male, and she readily answered. "I see myself more of a combination of a hunter and warrior. I had to teach myself how to do both and I have done well, considering I could have been worse off."
As they walked, she continued. "There is always room for improvement on my part, since it was self-taught. I won't hesitate to learn what I can and work on what I already know." Honesty rang from her tones and she meant every word. Era knew she wasn't perfect and since she was a part of a family, she had to do her part. The idea of going out in negative degree weather looking for food in a snowstorm brought a flashy shine to her eyes.

Gargoyle I


06-14-2013, 04:42 PM


Gargoyle listened. This was a decent girl. Plenty of respect and spirit - he personally, didn't 'like' wolves easily - except pups lately - but he certainly saw why Crusade had taken a liking to her. She'd fit in.

"A willing spirit is all that a good teacher needs," the Chieftain rumbled in reply to her explanation of being self-taught. "We have plenty of good braves in the pack that'll be happy to give you lessons whenever you have the time. Once you get settled, feel free to ask a few for tips and then see what style fits you best." As for the hunting "I'll have you in on a couple of big game hunts, and see how you do. I've trained plenty of hunters over the years." He paused. Whatever thoughts went on in that head of his, no trace was shown in the yellow lamps he had for eyes. They kept their own constant light, devoid of emotion or reaction save for a twist of a brow every once in a great while. It wasn't a mask, it wasn't a play, it was simply Gargie.

As his pawsteps added to the snowy yards they'd already traveled, the male glanced at his companion again. He'd offered to teach her to hunt- but not to fight, certainly she'd be curious about that. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea, so, with a stiff sort of shrug, he added, "I don't train the fighters. Well-I don't train-period." He flicked his tattered ear dismissively. "Never really learned how to hold back. I don't spar."

Glad that was settled. The brute turned his nose back towards home and kept walking. The mountains were nearer now. They'd be catching up to Crusade soon - not to mention the pack den. "Just one more question of my own," rumbled Gargoyle as their trail became sheltered by pines and timbers. "How are you with pups? Because we have nine, and possibly more on the way."



06-15-2013, 03:00 PM
The excitement that ran through Eria's veins caused her tail to wag in that same manner. She started to think of the future times she would endure the training sessions with different wolves to improve her skills. The outcomes of those sessions - the failure that would push her the next time, the improvements she would have with each opporunity, the aching body and mind at the end of the day - made her want to begin as soon as she could. However, Eria decided to push down these eager feelings and let them resurface when she could use them. She was only speaking with Gargoyle now and actions spoke louder than words. The more focus she had on those lessons in the future, the better she would be.
"I can't wait," she said, covering her pup-like excitement with a steady voice. Although she tried to hide those emotions, she couldn't help but smile as she spoke. "From the braves that are part of our family, whom would you suggest to see about training?" Her ears had perked and she was serious about the inquiry. She wanted to train with the ones that could teach her a lot and make sure she did everything right. When Gargoyle mentioned the big hunts, she nodded approvingly as they walked. "I love to hunt, so I hope that whenever we do go, it will be thrilling and life learning as well." Her past experiences by herself were wobbly and a few times she had lost the prey. But, she knew that with others nearby, she would learn and grow in the aspect.
His question about liking pups came across her as an odd one. It wasn't until he explained his reason for asking that she understood. Underneath the sheltered trees around them, she thought and finally answered the gargantuan male. "I don't have a problem with them," she said gently. "I've never met any, except the ones from my old pack, but that was more than two years ago..." Her voice and smile faded and the memories came across her mind again. She shook her head and they flew out like pieces of paper from a passing convertible. "Pups are the cornerstones of our futures and I wouldn't mind having some later on." Eria raised her head to look at Gargoyle as she continued. "My only concern is that I won't get in trouble if you find me playing with them." Her smile returned and she concluded with, "If I am needed to help keep watch and spend time with them, I won't hestiate."



06-22-2013, 07:02 AM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Crusade spotted the pair of travels from her sentry point above the yawning pack cave. Against the snow feilds they might stand out clearly, but neath the shades of the evergreen forest, they were more like shadows. Yet, even with only one, aging eye, she could see clearly enough to detect signs of movement. And then there was the scents, both familar; one masculine, and one far more feminine.

The she-wolf moved with a quickness that belied her age, hopping down from shelf to shelf, spilling snow as she bounded down the mountain root to greet her brother and their newest packmate. "Gargie!" she called happily, her old voice drawing out into a soft chuckle. "What took you so long?"

She knew her brother had too much dignity to even reply, so she moved on to his companion. "And Eria! Good to finally have you home. I overheard the last bit of your conversation-" Crusade smiled "-and I must say that you oughtn't to make promises of yourself so quickly." Another chuckle. "We mothers will put you to work minding the little ones - oversized, bumbling warriors all of them. They're always looking for someone new to meet."

Crusade turned round with a curl of her tail fell in step beside Eria. "You can get back to your duties if you wish, Gargoyle, I'll show our newcomer the ropes."


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"

Gargoyle I


06-22-2013, 07:18 AM


Gargoyle listened with his own brand of hidden amusement. It was refreshing to see such a young, eager spirit. She'd get along quite well with the other faes in the pack, heaven only knew how much good it would do to have some fresh happy faces after how difficult the last autumn had been. But winter was a time of cleanliness, of purity, it gave clarity to the mind - and in Gargoyle's mind he saw that his pack, despite it's troubles would remain as strong as ever, so long as there were good wolves like this one in the world.

Her statement about playing with the pups brought a gleam to his eye. Oh, he himself had been caught doing such things, which was far more outragious to imagine. "The little balls of fluff - they have that effect don't they?"

Then came the call from his sister. "Crusade!" the male rumbled out. He watched the white form descend down the side of the hill, gracing the edge of the great rocky cave. His yellow eyes softened as his sister came up, speaking like the mother bear she was. In return to her words of farewell, he dipped his head, first to his sister and then to Eria: "I'll see you around, Miss Eria, good luck with the pups!"

The Chief staid only long enough to give time for a reply, and then he was turning, shifting his legs into an easy lupine lope, and heading deeper in the forest.




06-22-2013, 05:50 PM

Eria's eyes danced with a soft merriment as she saw Crusade approach. The tall woman brought a sense of peace and comfort with her, making Eria feel more blessed than she had in a long time. Her tail moved behind her in a gentle sweep as the retired Alpha came and stood by her side. "Oh, Miss Crusade, it really is good to see you again!" The blackish-blue fae, whose smile had been present throughout the journey to the packlands, widened even more and made her face brighten like a beacon of light. "And don't worry, I will try my best with the pups, whenever I get the chance to see and meet them." She imagined herself with a bunch of mix-matched colored bundles of fluff, running around and pawing her leg to be It for Freeze Tag.
She watched Gargoyle begin to leave and she dipped her maw towards him as he spoke. "Yes sir, and I hope to see you sometime soon! If I have any questions, I hope I can come to you in the future." Her eyes continued to dance, brimming with the happiness of finally having a home. As the Chief made his way back to his duties, she turned her bright-eyed gaze to Crusade. "I still can't believe this is happening," she said in a hushed voice. "I always thought I would be on my own forever, always searching...and now, I don't have to!" A soft bark escaped Eria, one that rang with excitement and matched the rapid swinging of her tail.
"What comes next, Miss Crusade?"




06-24-2013, 07:03 AM

I met an old man,

dying on a train,

No more destination, No more pain

He said, "One thing before I graduate:"


Crusade listened to Eria with pleasant interest. The two females made their goodbyes to Gargoyle, and when they were alone, Eria told Crusade her search and her joy at finding a home. It warmed the old fae's heart. This was what she'd created Glaciem for. To be a home-

"What's next, Miss Crusade?"

-And now that Eria had one, it was high time she show her around it.

Crusade, sidling up to her new packmate, gestured with a flick of her ears to the pack cave. "Now I introduce you to some of the others. After that, this wintery world becomes your playground. You can explore, hunt, train with the others, or just stroll down to our lake to think. You're a part of Glaciem now, Eria. Welcome to the family."


"Never let your Fear decide your Fate"