
these wings are made to fly


06-02-2013, 08:20 AM
He had needed to go so that he would be allowed to think without the influence of anyone else's words. It had been hard not to go and ride with his selfish ambition, however, he understood the things he would be getting and he also understood everything he was giving up, but if she would have him, her decision was made and he had every intention of living up to it. He had come close to the territory claimed to the pack, but alas, he had not dared to venture that far. Head tilted back and the man wondered what she would think of him as a regular man who wanted nothing but her. It was fair, was it not? In a way he knew that making her wait was not fair but in the long run he had given her a chance to grow up and to find someone else if her heart so longed for it. The sire dropped his rear to the ground and there, in the cold of the evening he would wait for her with diligence and mindfulness.

I know it's short I hate myself for that but this bb is what I've got until i have a laptop.



06-05-2013, 09:17 AM
She hadn't seen or heard from him in far too long. He was someone that she wanted to be a constant, but with news of her engagement she had put distance between them. So wrapped up in the fact that she wouldn't get to stand beside him anymore, she had grown so sad without him - but faced her responsibilities regardless. As much as she was sure that she loved him, she could not throw away what she owed to her family. Tossing them aside would be like tossing herself aside... but with that realization, she wondered whether despite her pining, whether she had tossed him aside. How could she make him change, and not fight for him the same way? She knew that it was different. She knew that by his standards he could have both she and his wife and it wouldn't matter, but she also knew that he was willing to try and felt as if she had betrayed that.

Honestly, she felt like she didn't deserve her romeo any longer. She had failed to stand up for their relationship, even if it was on unstable ground.

Yet here he was, waiting for her, and she faltered because even now, even with time separating them, even with her new status and nervousness and confidence and various responsibilities... he still took her breath away. "Gideon-James." She spoke to get his attention, her gaze meeting his own. Her look was surprisingly stern despite her glassy eyes. She was frowning, even though she was absolutely elated to see him in the flesh once more. Slowly she dared to flutter toward him, now fully grown and aware of her capabilities, she held a surprising amount of grace. Although she would never be dainty curves and fragile beauty, there was something almost admirable about how she had grown up. There were moments where she could almost feel it herself...

But this was not one of those moments. When she was nearly close enough to touch him, to reach out and kiss his cheek or caress his neck or drape herself beside him like she wanted - she stopped, looking down. "I am so sorry." Her voice was hushed, choked, she didn't trust herself to speak louder lest her shining eyes release their hard pressed tears. She had failed him, and she would not be surprised if he was no longer hers. It was incredible, how she realized how much she missed him when he was gone every time they met up. The female felt that she didn't have to voice her grievance, that he would know how she wanted to be near him whenever he was away. Couldn't he feel it too?


06-08-2013, 07:55 PM

He had made up his mind and he knew that in the long run it would cause more trouble, but this was not an ordeal he had to question himself over, this were worth it and it would forever be worth it. Chrysanthe: his salvation in a world so cold. An almost feral glint would spring to life in his powerful glare as she ascended before him, her crysalline gaze something he dare not avoid, and his trepidation firing through him wildly. How she had grown...she were mature in the most prominent of ways. Where she were once an innocent, matureless, lady, now she were a beacon of elegance and persuasion. His.

So sure of himself he would move towards her, salivating at the mere hunger her presence instilled in him, for she were absolutely ravaging. His eyes fell over her, and his ears slammed back against his head as her solemn apology slipped from her inky lips. Slavering were his jaws as he ascended beside her, his head raising over her shoulder and twisting to lay across her shoulder blades. No longer would she bare the weight of trying to make their relationship work alone. He were here and he were going no where.

Tail pulled against his muscular thighs as the man breathed her in with fervor. His eyes fell to her side and he whispered with admittance to her in perfect clarity, "You, I've decided, will be my only," forever and ever. He would push himself, ravage his mind, to make them work for only each other. While his heart believed a man capable of loving more than one woman, he would bring about a new sense of entitlement, he would force himself to want her and only her, and in such actions, he would hope his feelings would only be emphasized.

There were still many steps he would be forced to take to be ready to serve only her side, and fact of the matter were, he were ready for such and with time he would make that known to her.



06-10-2013, 04:25 PM
Where she faltered, he pushed forward without hesitation, moving toward her and resting beside her. She had missed him, was glad that he still wanted to be near her. Would he accept her apology? Would she receive another chance? His actions awakened hope within her chest, and as he lay his head over her shoulders, she felt not pressure - but that much lighter. He wasn't upset with her... there wasn't a way in the world that he didn't know - about the wedding, what was almost her wedding. So that meant that he could do this with that in mind, he could close the distance between the two of them even though she had almost left him behind.

He was so close, she couldn't help but sigh, his scent and presence calming.

She would worry about speaking in a moment, taking a moment to relish in Gideon was entirely fine with her. Yet he was the one to break the silence, and his words made her heart skip a beat. The last time that they had found each other again, he had promised to try. She was shocked - the woman would have understood if he moved on, or had decided to stay true to the ways that he had grown up knowing. But that wasn't the case - he had waited, he had stayed true to his word and gone above and beyond her expectation. A part of her was slow to believe it, it was too good to be true. Yet that fraction of her mind was pushed aside with joy - and her lips that had been pulled into a frown so sullen immediately pulled into a smile.

For a moment words escaped her, a future that she had wanted so badly but repressed over the course of the last season was suddenly standing before her in it's entirety. She was being spoiled - she knew it! Yet she would never turn Gideon away, even if she was being selfish to keep him beside her. Why, she was tempted to make him say it again, just to bask in the words even further. The first time they had come to an agreement, she told him that as long as he was hers, she was his. Now she knew that even if he changed his mind, she would still cling to him regardless. "You don't get another choice Gideon - you're mine too now!" Letting him go felt awful, it wasn't something that she ever wanted to experience again. Her voice wavered, tears threatening to fall even though she was smiling still. "I won't ever let you go, I love you and you're stuck." She laughed, a tiny bubble of a sound that burst out of contentment and happiness.


06-10-2013, 05:20 PM

He felt as though, a part of him, were betraying whom he was, but that all came with the territory, didn't it? He would have to endure feeling as though he had given up a piece of him to be with her, and maybe, that was what would drive him to need her more and more with each passing day. Perhaps, he wasn't abandoning who he used to be, but handing it over to someone else. Forcing her to hold it so that he had to be with her to be who he truly was, such a thought made him inimitably pleased. A kiss draped over her shoulder, before he pulled back from her, pressing his rear against the ground, and maneuvering his tail around his paws. Head would turn to look at her, and he would stare in question, in almost hopefulness.

She had never been what he was looking for, and yet she was everything he wanted.

"Do you realize the levity of those words, Chrysanthe?" He hadn't really used her full name before, and to use it in such a way, laced in such sincerity and utter staidness, was quite interesting, quite bemusing to say the least. His blue eyes searched, eager to delve into her and find the answers he wanted. He wanted to know that she understood in acceptance of him there could be no others. Everyone else had become obsolete and irrelevant, and God so help the man that decided he wanted her in the way she belonged to him.



06-10-2013, 05:37 PM
He spoke her name, with clarity and surety and for the first time it wasn't in whispers or shrouded in pet names and sweet nothings. It made all of this seem so final, and she was incredibly pleased. She had waited for him to speak these words to her for what felt like a lifetime. For him to give himself to her as she had to him - and here he was wondering whether she knew what she was getting into. It was enough to get her to smile and lean against him, holding back a string of chuckles. "You were never a temporary investment for me Gideon." He was not a one night stand, or, two night given their track record thus far. Before she knew how to properly give her hear away he had managed to clutch it without question. "I have been waiting for this - for you."

"I like to think I know exactly what I'm getting into." Her tail thumped behind her as she nestled beside the other lupine. There was a touch of teasing in her voice, but she nestled beside him all the same.


06-21-2013, 11:03 PM

Do you realize this isn't a fairytale? I'm not the perfect man, and I'm not the man who's dreamt of you his whole life." Unspoken words, and yet, could he be blamed? Standing in her presence; unwilling to tell the whole truth. Though, there was also the thought that she knew him well enough to know that he had not dreamt of her, had not thought of a woman he would live eternity with. She had given him something new, something unexpected, and if she was oblivious to that, then he was almost certain he would prefer she remained to be that way. His love, was something he didn't want broken. "You shouldn't have been waiting for me...what have I done that's good for you?" All I've done is seduced you, broken you, and asked more of you. Where's the sacrifice in that? Where's my commitment? He didn't know how to truly explain things to her, to show things and to have a deeper connection with her. He never would know. Would he? Something he wished he could change, but alas, only time would change him or allow him to know the answer. A chuckle would pull free of his inky lips and he would shake his head at her, "You have no idea," Though, there was one way to be certain what he was getting into would be beneficial for everyone involved, "Would you, Miss Adravendi, care to be mine? Forever." there was no backing out if she dare decide he would be hers. Forever.



06-25-2013, 12:17 AM
He was far from perfect, but he would soon realize that she wasn't either. She wasn't anyone's princess, or heaven forbid their queen. Seriacia would have been lost as to what to do with her if she had been crowned their leader in any way shape or form - she was respectful, proud even, but far from the regality needed to be the head of a kingdom. If he could see that, and still wanted her as badly as he did when they met the first and second times, then perhaps they were perfect for each other. "You've changed me." She said simply, in a way that could mean something either good or bad. What had he done for her? "I've realized a bit about myself because of you." She smirked, sighing against him for a moment, letting herself melt beside him. "In the end, does it matter? We've chosen each other. I am what I am, and you are what you are." They could both be filthy, both be vindictive and cruel, and it wouldn't matter. Her connection to him was strange, but she wouldn't dream of changing a damn thing about it.

She held back a chuckle as he said that she wasn't sure what she was getting into. How ironic, that she was starting to feel the same way. That he wasn't quite sure what he was getting into, that she was vaguely different than what he saw in his mind. They would have fun figuring each other out wouldn't they? Because as she had said before, he was never a temorary fling for her. And now? She wasn't for him either. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and the smirk that had pulled onto her kissers smoothed into something more gentle, sweet, yet the life in her eyes never so much as quivered. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Backing down wasn't an option, and it seemed that it had not been for her, not since day one. It was either a successful relationship out of this one, or chronic heartbreak, and even with the cards stacked against them they had come out with something - dare she say it? Beautiful.

"I will never so much as look at another, the way I look at you." She gave him one of his trademark smiles, the ones that made her weak in the knees and her heart beat faster. A mimicry, but he should notice it all the same. "Why would I?"


07-02-2013, 12:52 AM
Gideon was more than lucky to have her, to be able to look t her, and to be able to call her his. She was perfect in every right and offered him something that it would seem his life was perfectly vacant of . Love. A smile would drift over his dark lips and his head would turn against the curve of her neck. Eyes fell pleased over her svelte frame and he listened to her words with ease, enjoying the loving acceptance that they carried. They, together, would be perfect and he had no doubt that he and his princess would survive and thrive with ease. Also, there was the given fact that if anyone dared to touch her he would rip their throat out. It was a pleasant thought to hold to in the moment he resided in. A thought of actual seriousness, which wouldn't happen often, so he was glad that he could get it off his chest as soon as possible Granted, he had a feeling there would only be so much that was tolerable in his new home. He knew that he would go to Valhalla to be with her, but how she would have him, that was still questionable, "I don't know. They surely wouldn't be as good looking at me, that's just an amusing thought," The man would roll his shoulders back in amusement and a chuckle would escape from his lips, "I believe I should be getting you home, Mrs. Adravendi,"