
How Amazons Chat


06-03-2013, 02:37 PM

[Image: champion_wanderer_by_kidrylm_writer-d641iq6.png]


Champion sounded a brisk, throaty call. The sound would've been called masculine by most, but that was only due to the wolf's size. The mammoth fae rolled her shoulders and let the howl trail off, perking her golden ears for any sign of reply. Hearing none just yet, she strode a lap around the little bracken dotted clearing. It was more of a hollow really - a valley in minature, walled in by giant pillars of the redwood trees. Snow covered the ground, and Champion loved it. It was this time of year that her senses came most alive. The world looked familar again - the way it was supposed to look. Oh she could appreciate the beauty of the southern lands, but in her opinion, mother nature looked best in white.

Here in the hidden, woody hollow, Champion waited for her queen and friend, Newt. It was for her that she had called. Her that she wished to talk to. Alot had happened recently. Alot Champion sighed at the memory, making a thick cloud of her breath waft up into the grey-blue sky beyond the web of branches. She'd been wandering about the lands recently, looking for trouble and greeting it with a smile as per usual.

And then she'd met that little Glaciem.

And her world decided to do a flip-flop.

But somehow the day passed and Champion's paws were still on the ground. She was still the same wolf. Still the same pack. Just, now there was a door to her past suddenly unlocked. Did she dare to look inside?

Eventually she'd want to talk to Newt about this. Times like this, called for a friend. But first things first, Champion felt like having a spar. After all, she did her best thinking when she was ripping someone's fur off.
