
Wait For Me


06-02-2013, 01:17 AM

Mahniya blinked back the dredges of sleep coming awake with a heavy startle. Reminders of the past lingered in her head toying and taunting her with their cruelties, since that first night she had spent curled beside her lover she had found peace and tranquility, only when trapped by his embrace, enveloped in his warmth and blanketed by his scent, without him the nightmares lingered and heavy thoughts plagued her. She worried that he wouldn't return for her, that he would find someone that wasn't so utterly broken and forget her, she worried that he would be injured, killed, left to rot somewhere forgotten in the snow. She could feel her heart bleed, her chest hurt by such notions and she whimpered.

He had left, on a long hunt with the rest of the braves they were hunting a musk ox and this time Mahniya had not been asked to attend. She had remained behind but they had been gone nearly six days, had she known the herd of musk ox was so far away, she would have went with them as an extra set of claws. She had scarcely slept since their departure and as the days dredged by her worry only grew, giving up on sleep and willing to accept the few scarce hours she had gotten, the woman would vanish from the mouth of the cave and into the bitter chill of the night. The icy cold stung her flesh but it was a pleasant distraction to the pain in her heart.

Three days ago she had gone into heat and the ache between her thighs was near unbearable, her thoughts drifted to Rogue not only as her protector, her guardian, the missing piece to her soul, but she began to see him in a whole new light. Would he want pups? They had never discussed it before. Would he want her to bare them. Her cheeks flushed, tinged with color as she imagined her abdomen, swollen wide with pups made from their union. No... now was not the time for such thoughts for her beloved had not returned. Her blood colored eyes rose to the lonely moon as she stood on a slight out-cropping. Her cranium tilted backwards and a long howl would rip from her vocals, lonely and soft. She called for her lover if he was anywhere near. She hoped, at the very least, that he would hear her and that he would know she was thinking of him.


Thaddeus Rogue

06-02-2013, 02:12 AM
He looked up into the sky as a mournful song filled the air. He knew who it was, for he had never stopped thinking about her. Thaddeus Rogue could feel her pain and her longing, but he understood, he felt all those thing also. It was like the more time he spent away from Ayala the more he shifted into the background, becoming a ghost once again. She was the one thing that grounded him, made him real. Her song called to him, pushing his head into the sky, he let out a answering call, telling her he was on his way back to her, back home. He dropped his head, his ears perked, listening to her voice.

Rogue looked back at the other Glaciem wolves, watching them hale the muskoxen back home, finally. It was not a hard hunt, just a long one, they found the heard after a day of travel, and then brought it down a day after. But most of this time was spent dragging the dang thing through the snow and ice, and frankly that was chaffing his nerves. He well could not leave the other wolves to drag the thing back by them self, He helped as much as he could. But now, after hearing her lonely voice laced with desire he could not wait, he turned then making eye contact with the Cifer, who gave Rogue a knowing smile and then nodded. With that Thaddeus raced off, leaving the hunting party and meat behind.

He made great time, sprinting most of the way, and hell he had been only a few miles away to began with, now he was nearing the dens his nose working over time, searching for that addictive scent that he seems to be deprived of. He turned the corner then and skirted to a stop, she stood there, his Ayala. She was lovely bit, which still stuck him as strange for the mere fact that he was also black and white, but on her it looked beautiful. "Ayala." He started to move forward again, but stopped abruptly, sniffing the air more deeply. Her scent was different, it was calling to him, pulling him closer; he knew that smell, but could she? He moved to her then with purpose, and shoved his nose into the scruff her he neck breathing the alluring scent, he knew what was happening to her, it called to him; But he had to fight it, she may not be ready, she may not want what he wanted to give her, a family. "Ah, Ayala have you been suffering; and I, a terrible mate to leave you." He pressed his nose deeper into her fur, fighting the urge, fighting the call to mate.


06-02-2013, 02:42 AM

It was rare that Mahniya sand to the heavens, a howl had not even left her maw when she had returned, begging acceptance back into Glaciem. She had perched itself upon Glaciem's border and had waited for several hours for some unlucky soul to stumble upon her. It was rare that such music left her, but her loneliness was so great and her heart ached for her love, the howl was a call of desperation, a plead for him, a song to vocalize her love and a promise to wait forever for his return. Her head would fall and the song would die. Silence reigning over Glaciem's terrain once more. She wished he would return to her, she wished he would come home and tell her she was silly for worrying about him, she wished-

She stopped thinking as a cry answered her. Rogue's own rougher lyrics tarnishing the air. Crimson gaze would blink, ears careening forward, her tail would drift behind her, eager and excited, her lithe limbs would prance slightly, creating tiny paw prints in the snow. He was home! Or he was close to it! A smile would blossom across her maw and with no more hesitation she would call for him again, this time, excitement shaking the timbre of her voice. She was calling him too her, beckoning him with just a touch of urgency to her tones, she wanted to be reunited with the missing piece of her, she hated this waiting period.

How close were they? How much longer would he take to reach her side? In the mountains the howls could travel for miles, the sound riding the winds as they swept down the mountain. It was too scattered for her to track, but she hoped, she prayed with everything that she was that he was close, the burn between her thighs grew more severe, her muscles tightened and she yearned for him with a passion she had never felt before, and suddenly he was before and she was rendered silent and still.

He was beautiful, he was always beautiful and each and every time he gazed at her, the breath was stolen from her lungs and her limbs trembled. She would be his slave if he so willed it, she would be anything for him. He recovered first, sliding forward, burying his maw in her scruff and she swooned, moving to coil around him. She twined her tail with his own, fierce crimson gaze steady and strong as she offered the underside of his jaw a kiss before leaning into his chest. "You are the most amazing wolf I could ever dream of calling mine. Perhaps you should have me in all ways, so I might know forever that I belong to you." Her voice was soft but laced with desire, embarrassment would color her cheeks, but she knew what she wanted. "I love you Rogue, I want a family with you, if you would have me." Her words were soft and shy, but determined. She wanted to be his wife in all ways.


Thaddeus Rogue

06-02-2013, 04:54 AM
Thaddeus Rogue had to do a double take, was this the same woman that took a week to even sleep with him? He stared at her, speechless, then he started to stammer, did she knew what she was saying? But desire burned deep in her gut now, instead of the dull itch under his skin. She was asking him to breed with her, asking him to give her pups; one thing that he had wanted for most of his life, but was only willing to have with the woman he loved, for the past year all he could think about was a little girl that looked like Ayala with his green blue eyes. He had spent that year just thinking about her lovely red eyes, full of the conflict that was her life and little minnie-me's running about, and here was his moment, to make his life perfect life all the more perfect. He felt that his world stop, he sniffed her scent deeply, the burn to mate ridding him hard, almost unbearably. God, he wanted to mate, but not before he was sure that this was what she wanted, that she was sure that she wanted the responsibility this might bring.

"Ayala, Ma Lumi?re, I so want to, I burn to, my whole body burns to mate. But I will not do anything aginst your will, I will not pass any lines your are not ready to. I will wait for you, how ever long it takes, I will wait, so even if you are not ready this turn we can always have pups next year or the year after that, or the year after that one, or never, if that is what you wish. I will wait for you, forever." Thaddeus Rogue placed his face under her chin and rubbed himself against her, trying to maybe scratch the itch and cool his blood, for if he could not he may mate her whether she wanted to or not...

"Ayala, god I burn... I want to have pups with you, to play in the snow with them, to watch them grow beside there cousins, but I cannot if that is not what you want." He hoped to god that it was, for the longer he stood beside her, smelling the strong scent of her heat, he would be scent into a frenzy of lust, and the fact that he loved her and did not want to hurt her would not matter to his hormones, they just wanted what she just offered, whether she was sure about her whispered words or not.


06-02-2013, 01:05 PM

She leaned against him, he towered over her, dwarfing her and she curled into his chest, letting his scent envelop her and his touch soothe her nerves. Her eyes fluttered shut as she found her home, her peace against him. Her heart stuttering in her chest at the gravity of what she had asked him. She was still untouched, she had been a labor slave not a harlot, of course he didn't know that and she wasn't sure she had the courage to tell him, she wondered if he had ever lain with another and if she would be enough for him, she was inexperienced and scared, but she wanted this more than anything she could ever remember. She nuzzled into his chest, burying her maw and hiding from his all seeing gaze. She could feel his body tremble as he inhaled her scent, heady and stained with lust. her tongue escaped her lips to touch his shoulder, to bathe him in affection. His words would reach her ebony audits and they would careen backwards to rest upon her skull, her maw tilting up to nip at his chin.

"I want to be yours, in every way, I want you to have me in a way no one ever has. I love you Rogue, only you, forever you." The words were whispered with an almost reverence against his skin, soft and alluring they would drift across his flesh, bewitching him, captivating him. She wanted him to claim her, she was his wife for all intents and purposes and she wanted to be his in spirit and in soul. She wanted to be his lover as well as his wife.

With one last, lingering kiss the tiny woman would pull away from him, presenting him her back. She careened her head to watch him over her shoulder while her elongated tail gently fluttered out of the way, coiling around her flank while her stance broadened. Two toned eyes would gaze back at him with a passion not yet seen and a soft whimper would fall from her maw. "Take me Rogue, I want to be yours."


Thaddeus Rogue

06-02-2013, 05:04 PM
Rogue groaned as her words lifted from lifted to his ears. She was lessening the rope that he had rapped about his lust, and releasing him onto her. Add that to the relief he felt when he heard that she had never been mated with, that she was untouched by the beasts that had bound and chained her heart and soul, his lust was riding him hard. But then, then she turned to him, letting him see everything, her tail curling about her side. With that he was undone, he padded to her, lightly running his nose over her back, taking in the scent of her heat, his body shaking with the effort to not scare her more then she already was. Yes he knew she was scared, what female that was still pure wasn't? add that to the fact that he also had no experience in the matter and they where both just blubbering about. Oh but he burned, his testosterone ridding him, it felt like he was on fire, but in a pleasurable way, and that was before he mounted her.

With that thought Thaddeus could not hold himself back, his lust was running way to hot and he could smell her desire as well, he pawed at her back, running his nose in her fur, loving the feel of her softness. He lifted himself then, whispering one phrase repeatedly, "I love you, Ma Lumi?re, God I love you, Ayala."

He had known this would happen, he had just not thought about warning her beforehand. He had gone to dismounted her only to feel himself pulled back to her, He was not sure how to lift his weight without hurting her, and his Ayala in pain was not something he was sure he could stand at the moment, expressly by his paws, his testosterone was now riding him to protect her and his possible pups. But he also did not want to crush he under him, he was at a stalemate with his testosterone; now that he had little choice but to chose one or the other, possibly hurt her but moving away slightly or crush her and the pups that now may reside in her. It seemed that after all it was a simple choice, "Ayala, do not panic, if you do I may hurt you, and I could not live with myself if that happens. I am going to move away, which might cause a bit of a pulling sensation, which may burn a bit, but it will be all right, the pain will be quick." Before she could think about it too much he swag his leg over her and stood butt to butt with her.

It felt like forever that they where stuck, but after about 15 mines of calmly talking to her, so she would not panic on him he felt himself get released of her which he promptly turned around and moved to her side, pressing his body against her, trying to be a good male and comfort her if she was still a bit scared and protect her. He was sure no other male would try to mate with his love, but he was not taking any risks, for all he knew a rogue could find his way to her, and frankly he was not having some other male father any of his pups. Thaddeus Rogue licked her face lovingly, showering her with ever bit of affection she deserved; for Ayala had given Rogue the best gift in the world, her love and a family.


06-06-2013, 01:29 AM

She would plead and she would beg of him. She was used, abused, filthy, a stain. She was slave, forced to perform horrendous tasks, some she would not speak of even today, but she hadn't been born a whore and she had been too young to become a breeder, she had been a personal slave, the personal guardian of a single wolf, if he was challenged the war fell to her, if he needed herbs or medicine, the task rested within her paws, if he wanted someone killed or taken care of, she was the first to be spoken too... but she had never been taken, either in pleasure or by force and that was a very small, but a precious knowledge she had kept close to heart. Rogue... despite all of her flaws and misguided conceptions of emotions, she knew she loved him, she knew she adored him, cared for him like she had never cared about...well anything. She wanted to give him the only innocence she had left to give.

His paws found her lithe waist and his teeth and nose would anchor her scruff, holding her too him, holding her still. Her heart fluttered like a humming bird within her chest, but his words of love would calm her and she forced her muscles to loosen. Physical pain she could take, beneath her beautiful pelt she held a thousand scars, some with stories she recalled vividly, others not so much. "I love you too." Her words were soft breathed into the air as he mounted her, and as soon as he entered her body, her eyes slid shut and she stopped thinking.


She was riding a high of euphoric bliss, she had often heard tails of how pleasurable such an encounter could be, but knowing him, loving him, it made the contact so much sweeter so much more heavenly. She was bonded with him in a way that made her want to forget all the evils she had faced in her life! As though none of them mattered, or would ever matter so long as he stayed by her side. She felt her love for him grow and she was loathe for him to depart from her, his body, albeit heavy was a warm and welcome presence against her, his length within her... beyond words. He warned her, and by the time he moved her sluggish mind hadn't read the words. A groan of pain fell from her larynx as the knot within her pulled uncomfortably, but Rogue never stopped speaking and she allowed his voice to soothe her. Reassuring him that she was fine.

The woman was exhausted, her body ached and her muscles quaked, crimson eyes fluttered shut and she quivered where she stood. When he slid from her body, she was torn between the whimper of loss that fled her maw, and the giving out of her limbs as she collapsed into the snow. Her lover was beside her, brushing into her side and lovingly she lifted her head to bathe him in a few lazy kisses. "I love you, I'm exhausted, allow me a few hours rest and you can have me again. No other will claim me but you." her words were meant to be soft and reassuring, as her head dipped to lay between her two front paws, sleep eagerly attempting to drag her down.


Thaddeus Rogue

06-09-2013, 04:01 AM
Thaddeus Rogue looked on as the love of his life sank down into the snow, her brilliant red eyes dropping in bliss drowsiness. She was a lovely sight, her pelt thick and silky, and her face void of her slave mask, this was how he loved her, alive, not a shadow in the dark, her world black and white. He will do anything so that she could have this happiness, anything. Her lovely voice filled his ears then, her eyes shutting with a small sigh. Her words calmed his male heart, but did not stop him from his silent vigil over her. He would sit and watch the world around them, his primal instincts telling him to not rest, nothing could be fore sure, not when she smelled of sex and was in heat, and he would die before anyone else got their paws on his love. "I love you, Ma Lumi?re, go ahead and rest, I will sit and watch."

He sat down then, next to her, leaning his body against her softer form, sharing his heat with her and offering soft comforts. He would be with her every second of every day until her heat was done, for he cannot began to think what would happen if another male forced himself on her and if that where to happen watch her slave mask slip back into place, he had only just got her to return his affections, he was not sure if he would live past losing her. He watched her fall into a peaceful sleep, his green blue eyes watching her, loving her like he had loved no one. Thinking about the great gift that she may give him, something he did not know he was missing, until he meet her, until he saw the potential that she posed, Rogue did not want anything more at that moment then a family, with this one woman and to watch his pups grow within her and then see them become noble adults. He could not wait for that day, but for now he could not get his hopes up, it did not always happen, no matter how much they mated, and he was not sure if he could take the crushing truth if he thought to much into it. "Sleep well, Ayala, for if my dreams come true we may not get much later." He smiled down at her and then quickly started to scan the land about them, standing guard, his testosterone giving him no other choice.
