
home at last


06-01-2013, 11:05 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

The excitement was too much. It had only been a few days since she had been in this same spot in the late evening, speaking with the alphess about the prospect of joining Ludicael. Liste had soon, and she had been good on her word. Here she stood, on the edge of the packlands, ready to accept the offer and officially become a member of the pack.

But she hadn't come alone. When she had extended the idea to Angeal, he had gladly accepted. He had come here with her to request that he be invited to join as well, and nothing made her happier. She knew that with his personality and his strength, he would be a greater asset tto any pack than he was remotely aware of. Thinking of that gave her the confidence that her concerns with her own cowardice were unwarranted. If Angeal thought she had something to offer a pack, she would believe him. And now that she was accepting the offer that had been extended to her, she would do everything in her power to prove that she wasn't a simple coward. she would be strong for her new family.

Liste flashed a quick smile at Angeal, then threw back her head and called out for someone to come to speak with them. Her only worry was that they wouldn't be willing to accept Angeal into the pack, but it was slight. She couldn't imagine anyone feeling that negatively toward him.

Tagged: Angeal, someone | Word Count: no idea


06-02-2013, 05:06 PM

The journey to this pack had not been a particularly long one. Angeal felt almost nervous, however, as they came to rest at the edge of this territory. His nostril's flared, taking in the scents of the pack, and a soft exhalation escaped the male. Here goes nothing, He thought to himself, echoing the words that he had spoken when they had set off on this journey. This was going to be an interesting experience, to be sure. What if they recognized in him the monster that he was? He could not bare the thought; he could not bare the thought of Liste upset, and she would surely be upset if they recognized him for what he was.

So he would have to hide his true nature better than he ever had before. Angeal took a deep breath, steeling himself as he flashed a grin at Liste in response to hers. When her howl rang out, he tilted his head back, letting a musical note escape him as well. His howl sounded more confidant than he felt by a long shot; the polite male was quite nervous about this. He hadn't ever tried to join a pack before. No, he had been born into his, and once he'd left it, well, he had never been able to bring himself to attempt to join another.

This was going to be interesting for sure. His howl tapered off and Angeal settled back onto his haunches, taking comfort in Liste's presence. Hopefully, he could pull this off. Hopefully, he could manage to not be driven off by the leader of this pack.


Aria I


06-03-2013, 04:02 PM
ooc: Wasn't sure if Liste was a member yet, if she is already a member then what Aria said was directed more so towards Angeal.

[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

She had been patrolling the borders when a howl had caught her attention, ears perking up, swiveling in the direction it came from. Not only that but it was accompanied by another howl, deeper, obviously a male. A light sigh escaped her lips, paws bringing her away from where she was standing, carrying her off towards the source of the howls.

Within minutes two forms caught her attention on the border, a black male and female. Most likely loners looking to join, a couple. Lips pulled back in a friendly smile, her steps having a bounce in them as she held her head high and closed the distance between her and them. Greetings Loves, I am Aria, the Borealis, Beta Female, of Ludicael. How may I help you on this fine day? She asked, flashing them a smile, her stump of a tail wiggling behind her.



06-03-2013, 04:40 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Audits flickered slightly as Angeal followed her call with a deep howl of his own. Liste watched and listened carefully, anxious for the arrival of a Ludicael wolf. The idea of having a home, and having the only wolf she cared about beside her, was thrilling. It was difficult to contain it all.

Her head turned in the direction of the female that approached and she smiled, nervous and excited that the moment had finally come. She bowed for a moment, then rose almost to her full height, keeping her head slightly lowered. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aria. My name is Liste. She gestured to the male beside her. This is Angeal. I am here because I would like to accept an offer from Jupiter to join Ludicael, if you will still have me. She would leave Angeal to state his reasons on his own, not wanting to impose on his pride. Men never wanted females to speak on their behalf.

ooc;;Sorry for crapiness!

Tagged: Angeal, Aria | Word Count: 163

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-03-2013, 05:12 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

the time was nearing.

hormones raged without restraint through her pregnancy-swollen body, and, to put it simply, jupiter was in a shitty mood. even mercury had departed from her presence, his gratefulness for her own tolerance toward him in the past no match for her foulness at this very moment. so when a call rang out for her services, she took her pretty little time. she'd be damned if she was nearly done with her pregnancy and have to hurry for some brats at the border.

the negativity present in her conscience was obvious in almost every way, shape, and form that it could be. she made her approach and appearance with plenty of noise--loud footfalls and inaudible mumblings under the breath--and by the time she was able to lay eyes upon her quarry, there was no going back.

she'd come just in time to hear liste's inquiry, and snorted with contempt, not even bothering to sit down and make herself comfortable. "of course you're accepted," came her sharp reply, frown marring her features and narrowed eyes turning upon the male. she looked him over once, glanced at liste, and then back at the brute. her mouth opened as if she were going to say something, and then it abruptly snapped shut. she looked at aria, and then back at the obsidian-pelted stranger, and then returned her path of sight to her beta. "do what you must. if they've got a specialty, tell me about it later."

with that, jupiter turned around and prowled from the clearing, intent on leaving unless stopped.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-06-2013, 09:30 PM

The first wolf to appear was a friendly enough creature. The strange names for the ranks were met by a twitch of Angeal's ears as he found himself edging a little closer to Liste, drawing a strange comfort from her presence. He could do this. He would this for her. Besides, this female didn't seem like she was about to chase him off right then and there, and that gave him the confidence to speak, his voice calm and collected, hiding with ease the anxiety that dwelled in Angeal's mind. "Greetings, Aria. I too would like to enter Ludicael, if you would have me. I can offer my skills as a hunter or something similar," He paused then as the scent of another wolf reached his nostrils, trailing off into silence as another entered the scene.

But as soon as she appeared and spoke her part, measuring him against some invisible standard that he was sure he felt short of, she was gone again. Angeal frowned, turning a curious blue gaze upon the wolf that had first approached them. "Might I inquire as to who that was?" Angeal asked curiously, eager to turn the topic from what he could offer.

After all, it wasn't like he had much to offer a pack, anyways. He could train soldiers, but he didn't want to. He could fight, but he didn't want to. There was little of note that Angeal could offer, and more than that, he was a monster. Something that no wolf would want in their pack, and he was just waiting for these to realize it.

A glance was cast in the direction of Liste as Angeal flicked his tail in the air behind him, "Where are my manners? It's a pleasure to meet you, Aria." Angeal added that a moment later, pricking his ears attentively in the direction of this 'borealis.' He didn't know much about the pack that he was attempting to join, but that, he assumed, would be remedied by Liste. If he actually got accepted.



06-07-2013, 08:37 AM


and i ran, i ran so far away

As she was speaking, Jupiter made an appearance. Before even looking at her, Liste could tell that there was something off about her. When they had met, Jupiter had been nothing but kind and exciting. Today she seemed irritable, different. "Of course you're accepted." The sol's voice was almost laced with venom. Liste turned to look at her and suddenly understood. She smiled as the alphess made her exit.

Angeal seemed a little taken aback by the alphess's behavior. Liste couldn't blame him really. He had never met the female before and probably hadn't picked up on what she had. She offered him a comforting smile and let her tail brush up against his as he moved closer to her. That was Jupiter, the alphess, or Sol I believe it's called? I met her when I first came here, she explained to her companion quickly. The Borealis could elaborate if she desired. She then turned her attention to Aria. She's expecting, isn't she?

Though she looked forward to hearing the beta's response to her question, she was most excited to hear whether or not Angeal would also be invited to join. There was a nervousness that threatened to rise inside of her, but she told herself there was nothing to worry about. He had too much to offer for them to reject him.

Tagged: Angeal, Aria | Word Count: 223

Aria I


06-07-2013, 04:48 PM
[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

Aria chuckled as the dark female seemed to be nervous, which she had no reason to, especially with the sand colored female there. Pleasure to meet you Liste, and Angeal. She flashed a smile to the male before refocusing her gaze on the woman. She spoke how she was here to accept an offer given to her to join, an offer from Jupiter, if they would still have her.

She gave a nod of her head, lips parting to form words ut then Jupiter suddenly appeared. She dipped her head out of respect, watching the heavily pregnant Sol tell the woman she was accepted before telling Aria to do what she must and tell her about it later then departing.

For a few moment she stood there with a raised brow and strange smirk. She was not annoyed by Sol's behavior, she was actually relieved to know the pregnancy was affecting her, that nothing was wrong. She noticed though that she didn't even introduce herself to the male, brought up when he had asked who she was.

I apologize for her behavior, as you could tell, she is far along in her pregnancy so her mood will be affected. She spoke with a light laugh, hoping they would not have a negative view on her just because of that. That was Jupiter, our Sol indeed Miss Liste. Sol is what we call our Alpha.

With a small shake of her head the woman glanced at Liste for a few moments then Angeal, noting their closeness which made a brow raise. I shall discuss the pack with you in a moment Angeal, let me ask Liste a few things first. She told him before turning to the woman. The last time you spoke with Jupiter, did she explain how Ludicael ran, the laws, ranks and such? She asked curiously. It would be a good thing to know, that why she would know if she knew them all and if she shared the info with this male, that way she didn't have to keep explaining the information.



06-10-2013, 03:40 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

ooc;; Sorry this will be mad short, I have almost zero Liste muse at the moment xD

Liste smiled, proud of herself both for realizing that Jupiter was pregnant and for remembering the proper term for her title on her own. After living without any exposure to other wolves or packs for so long on her own, it was amazing to her that she was so aware.

She shook her head as she responded to Aria's inquiry. No ma'am. She gave me a little tour of the lands and we talked about the personality of the pack, but none of the technical bits. She smiled at both Aria and Angeal, a little embarrassed. After finding out what Ludicael was generally like and seeing how beautiful the territory is, I was too excited to even think about asking, sorry.

Tagged: Angeal, Aria | Word Count: 121


06-15-2013, 05:27 PM

Aria's introduction was friendly enough, and Angeal inclined his head lightly, "The pleasure's all mine, Aria." Angeal flicked his tail in the air behind him, settling back contentedly to listen to Liste and Aria as they conversed abotu what Liste knew and didn't know. It made her feel better that he wasn't the only one who did not know much about Ludicael's laws and standards. Though he did agree with Liste; the lands were pretty enough, he supposed. Not that he really knew much about beauty. In all honesty, Angeal had experienced little of such things - at least until he had met Liste.

It would be difficult to learn the names of the ranks in this pack. His pack had had little of such names. Their ranks were based on their status in SOLDIER. A rank being called 'Sol' would have drawn many questions. SOLDIER First Class - that had been Angeal, training other wolves to fight and fighting himself until he had run away from his pack, after learning of the atrocities committed by it. And yet, he had stuck around for a while even after that, and then he had headed off into the wilderness. And eventually he had found himself here, walking the path of a wolf with an average life, trying to enter a pack and falling for a female.

What would his mother have thought? The thought brought a wry smile to Angeal's features as he glanced at Aria, waiting for her to turn her attention towards him, and ask the questions that she needed to ask. Until she was done conversing with Liste, however, he was willing to wait.

ooc: sorry about the crappiness and the delay, loves <3


Aria I


06-15-2013, 07:07 PM
[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

She dipped her head as Liste explained that they did not talk about the laws and ranks, they only took a tour of the lands and discussed the pack's personality. After she thought about it all the black woman seemed to like the place, and so, found herself here on the borders. Well then, I guess you shall both hear about the laws then. Liste, Angeal. She looked to both of them and dipped her head respectfully. It would make things easier, she would speak, then wait for them to ask a question or maybe suggest something then she would move on to the ranks.

First up, as everyone knows, the leader, our Sol, should be obeyed at all times when it involves the pack. She will not interfere with your individual lives as long as you don't compromise its safety and and she doesn't need to approve mates, just let her know if your expecting pups. Challenging of ranks is encouraged, and if you find somebody trespassing then they should be escorted to the borders, but only use force if they are giving you trouble or resisting. She came to a stop, taking a breath, her forest green gaze going from one wolf to the other. Do you understand this? And is there any questions you have so far?



06-16-2013, 05:10 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

The excitement was almost too much to contain. Liste wished that she already knew everything so she could get her life started as a pack wolf. The longing she felt for a real family and the pleasure she felt around Angeal had driven all thoughts of her father completely out of her mind. The angry eyes that matched hers were a distant nightmare, they no longer felt real. She was at ease, she was at peace.

Her golden gaze rested for a moment on Angeal, before focusing again on Aria as she spoke. She was so glad he had come with her and that she wouldn't go through this alone. So far the laws of Ludicael seemed fairly easy to understand, and very lenient. She imagined not all packs enjoyed such freedom with which to live their lives, but she couldn't know for sure since she had never been in a pack herself. She signaled her understanding to Aria with a shake of her head and a simple reply of, No questions, feeling eager to learn more. She wondered if Angeal might have questions though. He had been in a pack, so he would know more about what to ask and what to expect, right? Liste smiled as she waited patiently for the conversation to continue.

Tagged: Angeal, Aria | Word Count: 216


06-20-2013, 09:49 PM

The laws of which Aria spoke were easy enough to understand. Angeal inclined his head slightly, examining Aria thoughtfully. He did, in fact, have a few questions about the finer details, however, though it took him several long moments to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. "What happens if a wolf chooses to leave the pack?" Angeal asked thoughtfully, head tilted slightly to the side. That was a good way to gauge a pack, after all. If they chose to enslave deserters, which Angeal had heard of occurring, well, that wasn't a place he was sure that he wanted to stay in.

But thus far, Ludicael seemed like a pack that Angeal could be happy enough in. It was different from his old pack, and that was the way that Angeal liked it. He had left his home for a reason, after all. And so, with a twitch of his ears, Angeal voiced the other question that had weighed heavily upon his thoughts. "And what if . . . there isn't much that a wolf can contribute? To Ludicael, that is. What if their area of expertise is one that wouldn't necessarily benefit the pack?" This one was near and dear to Angeal's heart. His area of expertise was war and fighting. But that wasn't something that he wanted to do anymore. He wasn't sure that he had anything at all to offer Ludicael.

Maybe Aria would surmise as much from his question and drive him off. Angeal wouldn't have been surprised, honestly. Still, he glanced at Liste after he spoke, his gaze seeking the comforting warmth of her golden eyes. It was the only obvious difference between the two wolves (other than size). They were similar, otherwise, perhaps close enough to be siblings. But Angeal would not wish the fate of being related to his mother on any other wolf.

Shaking his head slightly, Angeal refocused himself on Aria, waiting for her to realize that he could contribute nothing and drive him away. Liste, he was sure they would welcome, but him? What could he offer? Nothing.


Aria I


06-20-2013, 10:43 PM

The young woman seemed happy to be here, glad that she was finally accepting the offer Jupiter had given her. With a shake of her head she told Aria she had no questions on the laws, so she turned her attention to the male now and waited for his response. What happens if a wolf chooses to leave the pack? He finally asked after a few moments. I apologize, forgot to mention that. She said with a light laugh, ears swiveling to the side as she looked to Liste for a brief moment then back to the male. Your are allowed to leave for the life of a rogue or to join another pack, but you need to speak to Jupiter. She is not a cruel woman, so she will most likely allow you to leave. But... She paused, head tilting slightly to the side and moving out towards him. If you decide to run off without notifying her, expect to be force claimed as punishment.

It shouldn't be a problem for any wolf. Common sense would tell you to talk to the leader of the pack your in about whether or not you feel like leaving the pack. Nobody had a reason to be upset by this law, it wasn't difficult. You wanna leave, then tell Jupiter. Don't just walk off without telling someone, and don't get pissy about her trying to force claim you as punishment.

And what if . . . there isn't much that a wolf can contribute? To Ludicael, that is. What if their area of expertise is one that wouldn't necessarily benefit the pack? Was his next question. Her head tiled and a look of deep thought crossed her face, ears twitching as she sat back on her haunches. Aria knew that a wolf would be given a rank of Orbita until they found a specialty but what would happen if the skills a wolf had would not benefit the pack? What would you do with them?

For a few moments the woman went silent, running over various thoughts about this question. But at last her ears perked up, sitting tall with the same friendly smile on her lips. For those who are unsure of what they can do to contribute to the pack, they are placed as Orbita. You will be given time to think about a specialty. We have a Lunav which are hunters, you will work with other Lunavs to hunt down and bring back prey for your fellow members. There are Iridias, our warriors. You will protect your pack mates, and when needed, you will fight for Ludicael. And then there are the Auroras, our healers. She stopped, hopefully Angeal would take a liking to one of these ranks but if he didn't then she would just give him the rank of Orbita until something could be figured out.



06-24-2013, 05:09 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

Liste listened carefully as Angeal asked a few questions of his own and Aria responded. At Angeal's question, her brow furrowed in confusion and worry. Did he anticipate leaving the pack once they'd joined? Did he truly think he had no skills? She wondered if she should ask him about it later on, but she didn't know if he would recoil at such an inquiry. Perhaps she would just have to help him see his worth.

A smile crossed her maw as she turned her attention back to Aria. I'm not sure where my skills best fit, perhaps you could help. I was trained as a pup in the art of stealth primarily, but I have been taught how to hunt and fight as well. I believe I could fill the role of either Lunav or Iridia - whichever you have greater need for. She turned to smile at Angeal before continuing. In my experience so far, I have seen that Angeal is a wonderful hunter. He had, after all, taken down that deer for her just earlier this day. He had the build and strength to do the job and do it well. And maybe her tip to Aria would give him a little more confidence in himself and his abilities. Liste truly didn't want him running away because of an inferior feeling or something of the sort.

She thought of her mother then, after mentioning the skills she had learned in her childhood. Her mother had taught her everything she knew without the help or support of a pack or family behind her. She had taught her on the run. Liste's mother had been an incredibly tough wolf, and Liste would admire her until the end of her days.

Tagged: Angeal, Aria | Word Count: 291


06-25-2013, 07:32 PM

Nodding, Angeal listened to Aria's words solemnly. Spaek to the Alpha before leaving. It was simple enough. Though force claiming was met by a blink on Angeal's part, other than that he hardly reacted. "Thank you," Angeal spoke thoughtfully, "It is not something that I plan on doing, but it is something that is always good to know. Angeal nodded slightly, glancing towards Liste. How had she taken his question? Would she think that he was planning to leave already? Because he certainly wasn't.

The ranks he listened to without comment again, ears pricking attentively in the Aria's direction. "I am a passable hunter, I suppose. The male muttered when Liste spoke, shaking his head slightly. It was nothing special. He could fight far better than he could hunt, but that was not something that he was interested in mentioning. If there came a time that he would need to fight, then he would offer his services if there was no other choice. But until then, Angeal intended to do what was best. "But I am far from a healer. I would chose to be a Lunav, perhaps, or just simply an Orbita." A supporter. It was a fitting rank for him. He had been nothing more than a supporter before, to his old companions. Perhaps he could fall into that role again, though with significantly less fighting involved. He would not be breaking up any more battles between his old friends.

The thought made Angeal twitch his tail lightly. He was not going to be able to get any further from his old home than he was right now. Maybe none of that would ever find him again and he could be happy here.


Aria I


06-28-2013, 02:36 PM

The two appeared to be close, more than just friends. The looks they gave each other, seeking their encouraging words, seeming confused by the questions the other asked. It made Aria smile to see such a relationship between two wolves, but also made a small pain in her chest. She would love to have someone by her side, to make her laugh, make the days pass by without even realizing it. Slowly her eyes closed at the thought of it, a warm feeling forming just from imagining such a thing.

Liste's voice broke her thoughts though, opening her eyes the shewolf focused on the darker woman, ears perking up at her words. She was wondering if Aria could help her choose a rank, which she gave a nod of her head to. Closely she listened, taking in that the woman was trained in the art of stealth, but also taught how to hunt and fight. She could easily become a Lunav or Iridia by the sound of it, she wasn't large or small either, medium like she was herself which would make it a bit more difficult to decide.

While thinking about it Liste also brought up that Angeal was a wonderful hunter. Her gaze drifted over to the male who had spoke about him not planning on leaving and just wanted to know, which she dipped her head to. When Liste brought up him being a good hunter the male seemed to not agree, just saying he was okay. He was far from a healer, said he would be a Lunav perhaps or just an Orbita. I don't want to place a rank on you if you are unsure Angeal. I will however make you an Orbita until you can make up your mind. She informed him with a smile before turning to Liste.

As for you Miss Liste. You have qualities for both a Lunav and Iridia. She pushed herself up onto all four and gave a quick shake before refocusing her attention on the woman. Currently we have a lot of Orbitas, one Lunav and one Iridia. Our Sol's and myself are Iridias though, but I sometimes hunt for the pack when I have free time and will even help collect herbs in the other seasons. Now that she had said it the Borealis realized there was more warriors than hunters, to her that was okay but it would be nice to have a hunter or two more to support the pack. Now tat I think about it, we could use a Lunav. How does that sound?



07-01-2013, 08:37 PM
ooc;; This will be short and sweet :)


and i ran, i ran so far away

A sigh escaped her lips as Angeal spoke again, informing them that he didn't plan to leave. She hadn't realized that she had been holding her breath while she waited to hear that. He was still too modest though. He didn't seem overly agreeable to her suggestion of hunter, but he hadn't outright denied his skill either. Liste accepted her own little challenge to boost Angeal up a little bit. Whatever was holding his confidence back needed to disappear.

She turned her attention again to the Borealis as she spoke to them of ranks, and nodded enthusiastically at Aria's suggestion for her. That sounds wonderful, thank you! I'm glad to help out however I can. It was true. Liste would do anything for this pack, her new family and her new home.

Tagged: Aria, Angeal | Word Count: 132


07-05-2013, 10:37 PM

An Orbita, hmm? For a wolf that had once been one of the greatest fighters that his pack could boast of, it was a strange rank. But Angeal thought that he might be able to get used to it. Orbita. It had a good, strong ring to it. It was a far cry from what his rank had once been, but he was a far cry from the wolf he had once been. Or maybe it was just that his circumstances had changed. Angeal was inclined to suspect that it was the latter one. Now that he was removed from his dear 'friends,' he could fully realize the extent of their actions. How much of a monster he was.

Ears pinned flat against his skull for a moment, and only Aria's words distracted him once more. It seemed that the pack needed more Lunavs. Perhaps Angeal could apply himself and become a hunter. As long as it wasn't expected that he fight. He had hurt enough wolves in his life.

A bit of tension melted from his frame as Aria continued, however, and Angeal found his ears pricking in the Borealis' direction once more. "And I am fine with the rank of Orbita." Angeal rumbled thoughtfully in the moments after Liste spoke. Yes, Orbita. It fit him. He had always been the supporter of his friends anyways. He had always been the one ready to break up fights and make sure that everyone came out okay. It seemed that that was to be his job in this pack as well, if in a slightly different capacity. Ah well. Angeal would be happy here. Especially with Liste by his side.

(wow okay I'm sorry this is so short D: )


Aria I


07-06-2013, 10:06 AM

As the two thanked her and made small comments the shewolf gave a dip of her head with a smile, it seemed to always be there. Alright then, that seems to be all. Welcome to Ludicael, Liste and Angeal. She took a few steps back and motioned towards their new home. With her head held high and stump tail wiggling behind her the woman. You may explore your new home. And if you run into dark pelted male with blue eyes, that is our Sol, Deteste. Have a good day you two. She dipped her head to them again before turning around and walking away. The two didn't need her beside them to explore, besides, she had a feeling the two would want some time to themselves.

