
You're Gonna Go Far



06-01-2013, 08:31 PM

Red and blue eyes rose to the sky as he watched the geyser spout off into the air once again. It'd been six times in the past three hours. He didn't quite understand why it was so fascinating, but ever since discovering the place he found himself constantly traveling back to the place to watch the geyser. Devil's spout. It made sense in a way. Heat radiated from the water as it rose from the ground and evaporated into steam. It was captivating. Something any of his half siblings would have happily enjoyed with him. From what he'd been told he was exactly like his older deceased brother, Shrapnel. Sani had been very similar in personality, and Kurunai. Well not many knew much about her. Regardless curiosity had plagued him, and yet all three were most likely dead for a while now. They had been old, and Vengeance, his father, had been too when he'd met up with him. Regardless it was intriguing to know. He'd heard stories of Shrapnel, it was fascinating to know he was almost an exactly replica of his brother, except maybe a bit buffer, and with a shorter pelt.

A deep sigh escaped is lungs and his breath came out in a little cloud and was gone. The geyser slowly began its decent back into the earth to rebuild pressure and then finally it was gone. Gone for another thirty minutes until it would spout out once more with boiling hot water. No longer intrigued by waiting for it the massive brute began to pace back and forth. Over sized paws struck the ground in a rhythm. Thud. Thud. Thud. It was almost impossible to hide the sound of him. Forty two inches in height and that didn't even count his muscle mass which all in all made him over 200 pounds. He was one of the largest beasts on Alacritis as far as wolves went. Of course there were always bigger, and yet he was a gentle giant. Hardly ever getting enraged by anything, and if he did whomever pissed him off would have a hell of a time calming him down.

Another twenty five minutes of pacing back and forth and thinking about nothing in particular he traveled back to the geyser and stared at it waiting for it to explode once more. It was almost like the volcano. So many had died then. Then the thought of death led to the thoughts of Asheni. A frown creased his muzzle. It was unfair. Out of all wolves she'd been the one to die. He wished it'd been him who had come across the murderer. Not Asheni. The girl definitely didn't deserve the death she got. He hadn't known her very well, but he was disappointed he hadn't gotten that chance. As soon as the word was given he would help Gargoyle find the bastard and rip him to shreds. That much he was sure of.

A rumbling sound then reached his ears and broke his thoughts. Eyes traveled upwards as he watched the water rise once more in a display of dangerous beauty.



06-06-2013, 09:46 PM

The loud rumble was the first thing that Angeal notice in his wanerings. It shook the ground, and then there was a flicker of movement at the edge of his vision. He turned his head slightly and found his gaze settling on something in the distance; water. But it was water that was leaping for the sky, going against everything that he had seen water do before. how strange, The male thought to himself, examining the strange occurrence curiously. Even as he watched, however, it faded, the water falling back to the earth and leaving the colder expanses of this continent as average as they had seemed to be before.

Normally, Angeal wasn't exactly the most curious wolf. He wouldn't die if there was something that he didn't know. But today, it seemed like a good idea to investigate that strange apparition. He wasn't sure why, but who was he to question his instincts? Of course, they had gotten him into a lot of trouble in the past, but the past was the past, right? If he could have lived by that, however, his life would have been much easier than it was.

Twitching his ears slightly to drive off thoughts of his past, Angeal broke into a lope, making his way towards the strange waters, only to realize, as he drew closer, that there was another wolf out there. Did he still want to approach? It took Angeal a moment to decide that he might as well approach despite the other wolf. Ah well. "Greetings!" The male called out as he drew closer, focusing his gaze on the black wolf. Like Angeal and Liste, he had a pretty simple appearance, but his eyes were . . . quite interesting, to say the least. The crimson and silver were a strange combination, but this wolf seemed to pull them off well enough.

Twitching his ears, Angeal examined the other wolf as he waited for a response. How would this wolf react to his appearance?




06-12-2013, 07:14 PM

An ear flicked as the sound of another wolf caught his attention. Massive head turned and blue and silver eyes first took in the smaller black male. He was similar in appearance and with light blue eyes. It seemed to be very common. He could have passed as a sibling had he been larger in stature. All wolves born to his family had a large gene. His father had been 42 inches. Shrapnel had been 42 as well. Sani had been 40 inches but very thickly built. They were all giants.

"Hello. The name's Armageddon Rowe. Yours?"

He was polite as he was with anyone. He normally tried to give most the benefit of the doubt. He didn't really have a reason to not trust anyone until something was done against him.

Head turned behind him as he watched the water slowly fall back into the earth. It was a curios creation. Completely odd to see the water shooting up from the earth instead of falling down like a waterfall. It made no sense, but it was what made it all the more beautiful.



06-15-2013, 05:42 PM

The other wolf and Angeal looked similar enough, he noted distantly, other than the massive size difference. This wolf - this Armageddon, as he introduced himself swiftly, was huge, even compared to Angeal, who stood at a respectable enough height. He had been large for his pack, smaller only than a few wolves. His mother, oddly enough, had been one of them. But then, there had been little about his mother that was 'normal,' so perhaps that was to be expected.

However, now was not the time to be dwelling on his past. Ears flicking, Angeal came to a stop as he drew closer to the other wolf, blue eyes moving to focus on the water as it leaped from the ground, clawing for the sky and then falling back down. "My name is Angeal," The wolf responded softly as the noise faded back down, "No fancy last name, I'm afraid." Falling silent for a long moment, he kept his gaze focused on the place that the water had erupted from.

It took him a second to gather his thoughts and turn a solemn gaze on Armageddon. "And what, if you don't mind me asking, brings you out here, Armageddon?" Angeal inquired curiously, examining Armageddon with a twitch of his ears. The other wolf was large, larger even than his mother, which was a strange thought for Angeal to consider. His mother had always been so big.

Shaking his head vigorously to drive thoughts of Jenova away, Angeal dug his claws into the earth and turned his gaze towards the geyser once more.
