


06-01-2013, 07:16 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Hot breath rolled from jaws set agape, greeting the chilled winter atmosphere in the form of condensation that dissipated almost as quickly as it had manifested. Winter precipitation had not yet begun cascading from the clouds or draping the earth she walked upon in a blanket of white, but the declining temperatures promised snowfall was well on its way to consuming the island. These tell-tale signs of the colder months would be met with angst, for the petite wraith was more than aware that the deer, elk, and any other grazing mammals whose blood she craved and whose carcasses satiated her hunger would either migrate to greener pastures or slowly dwindle in population as they met their untimely demise due to starvation. Hunting would become even more of a complication for the wench who already lacked skills in that department, and the woman feared she would fail to meet the demands of her stomach and even more so if she had multiple stomachs aside from her own to attend to this season should copulation with Seraphim prove to have been a success. If it had, the victory would be bittersweet because of the current situation, but the wench would attempt every trick in the book to ensure a healthy pregnancy and prosperous whelps.

Dainty paws graced the rocky terrain of the bay as she approached the softer sands of the beach, elongated nails clicking against the rugged faces of the rocks as she grappled them for traction and safer navigation. The fallout from the crashing waves had slicked them slightly, forcing the wench to take precautions as she did not desire this serene stroll she had sought to turn into an encounter with death. Sluggishly, her supple and pallid body maneuvered down the trail of boulders, a soft smile dancing across her facial features as her paw-pads met the fine, grainy texture of sand and safety. Metallic eyes darted towards the bubbling sea as all fours touched down to safety, ears idly flicking forward as the ocean gurgled and crashed upon the shore ? the sound oddly soothing to her nerves. Quickly, she traversed the short stretch of sand before the shoreline, drawn to the chilled waters with curiosity and wonderment, rolling back onto her haunches as she reached her final destination near the sea. Eyelids draped over silver depths in contentment and the wraith drew in sharp breaths, exhaling slowly and releasing any built up tension simultaneously with her breath. With all of the recent happenings within the wench?s life, the temporary peace was much needed else she implode due to her sudden anxiety and rage.


Aria I


06-02-2013, 04:55 PM
ooc: Sorry for crappiness!

[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

It had been some time now since she strolled away from Ludicael lands, not even able to remember when she had last left. Yes you do. The voice in her head spoke up, a brow raising, paws skimming the ground as she trotted along the sandy shore. When you found the male, Haku. That was outside of the borders. It went on, reminding her of the white male who she had brought back to Ludicael as a member. That was the las time for sure, but now here she was, out and about like she use to when the pack had first come together.

She danced atop the rocks that surrounded the beach, chuckling whenever she would land on a slippery one and slide down only to hop onto another just as she reached the edge. Yes it was dangerous, but if yu thought about that then you were surely make a bad step and fall, possibly breaking a leg or two and maybe even busting open your edge on a sharp rock. Hop, slide, hop. Back and forth, slide. Hop.

She had finally come to a stop upon a large rock jutting out from the rest, forest gren orbs falling upon the shore, moving along it and passing over something white. White? She dragged her gaze back over, focusing on this white patch, only to find that it was a wolf.

Withut even thinking about it the woman's paws were off, hopping onto a rock just below the one she was just on. Greetings Stranger. She barked in a friendly manner, lips pulled back in a toothy grin as she landed just a few feet from the woman.



06-03-2013, 04:23 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Her serenity was short-lived as the world around her lurched forward abruptly, causing her lids to peel back and reveal metallic eyes set ablaze with horror at the disruption. The crashing waves of the sea seemed to duplicate and vehemently shudder before her, her body simultaneously swaying involuntarily with the unrealistic motions of her surroundings. A single forelimb would stretch before her chest cavity, firmly planting itself to the grainy terrain as the wraith made an attempt to steady herself before crashing face-first to the mobile earth below, squeezing her eyelids shut once more to cease the random bout of dizziness. Once she could no longer feel the earth moving beneath her paws, her lids tentatively fluttered open, gaze narrowed in suspicion as she examined her surroundings for any trace of movement and found none, much to the wretch?s delight. A sigh of relief vacated her unhinged jaws, earning another cloud of condensation in the process, straightening her posture with the newly-acquired confidence that whatever had just dominated her body was now gone.

Because she was too occupied attempting to cure herself of her dizziness to notice the canine?s presence upon the rocky bay, the amiable vocals that greeted her ears generated genuine surprise within the wraith and she nearly gasped in shock, stifling the noise just barely by snapping her jaws shut with a faint click! as her discolored teeth met one another with slight force. Skull rapidly rotated in the direction the voice had wafted from, metallic eyes, now vacant of fear, falling upon the tattered visage of a tawny lass whom Morphine noticeably dwarfed in size ? but then again, who wasn?t large when compared to the petite twenty-eight inches of the woman? The smile laden upon the other?s features caused her brows to knit in confusion as she hadn?t the slightest clue who this being actually was, but she offered the creature a tentative half-smile regardless that vanished from her countenance almost as soon as it had claimed it. Morphine, she informed the woman after a moment was taken to register the face of the unknown, inhaling deeply to catch her scent. Undoubtedly, the canine?s allegiance belonged to a pack, but the stench of the pack was so unfamiliar that it intrigued the tiny wraith immediately, but she would refrain from asking of it for the time being. Might I ask who you are and exactly why you enjoy creeping on strangers? Such a risky thing to do, but perhaps you would have been more successful in doing so had you not said a word. A shrug met her shoulders as her speech met its conclusion, mind briefly wandering off to the times when she had occupied her days with spying on others. At least she had done it right.


Aria I


06-03-2013, 05:19 PM
[Image: YwXyIOG.png]

Making her way down, Aria noticed something about the wolf. Halfway there the woman had begun to sway, having to hold herself still by stretching out her limbs and planting herself firmly. Was she ill? Dizzy? Or did she have something else wrong with her? So many thoughts were already flying through her head that the shewolf was having a hard time just trying to keep up with them. She was able to control it though, giving a shake of her head and taking a deep breath, calming her heart that had begun to race with excitement, or was it just curiosity?

A brow raised when the woman had become aware of Aria's presence, ear twitching at the faint click of teeth meeting. The woman had finally turned her head around, silver like eyes looking over the woman while her own green ones gazed over her body. She was of white coloring, silver of greyish eyes and smaller in size when compared to Aria. Morphine She informed Aria, but before she could give her own name to this Morphine the woman had continued. Might I ask who you are and exactly why you enjoy creeping on strangers? Such a risky thing to do, but perhaps you would have been more successful in doing so had you not said a word.

She wasn't sure whether the woman was trying to insult her stealth tactics, even though she wasn't trying to sneak up, she was literally making noise when she was carelessly exploring. Or if that was just the woman's normal attitude towards people, either way, Aria didn't care and just gave a shrug of her shoulders as she took a few steps to the side, toes touching the waters edge.

If you are going to insult somebody you should insult yourself Miss Morphine, for I was loud coming down those rocks, you should have not been zoning out. If I was sneaking up on somebody, they wouldn't know until I was already on them. Though her tones held a hint of the attitude the white woman had given her, Aria still held her usual friendly tone. The name is Aria. She added on before lowering her head, forest green orbs staring at her own reflection in the water.
