
That Girl



06-01-2013, 01:26 PM

It was pretty chilly, but the cold didn't bother him too much. How he got in this godforsaken place he didn't know, but he was enjoying it. He had a strong sense of adventure, and this muggy place was the perfect area to put his skills to the test. It was marshy here, which meant many predators were hidden beneath the emerald colored water. He could only imagine what was waiting for him at every turn... He loved it! Body twisted from left to right as he made his way through the dangerous terrain, a long, toothy smile plastered across his face. He figured he was the only one out here, I mean, who else would dare to come to these lands? If he wasn't such a daredevil he wouldn't dare come here. Hell, he could barley see in front of him! But, he kinda did wish someone else was out here with him. Since he had met up with Gerhardt again he hadn't met another soul, and the loneliness was getting to him. He was a social creature, so these few days of solitude weren't working for him. He came to a halt, toungue hanging out the side of his mouth as he caught some air. Was there anyone out there?

Italian Accent Speech,



06-05-2013, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 09:01 AM by Chrysanthe.)
Winter was here, and it had been a long time coming. She had dreaded it in the weeks prior, but now she felt strangely positive about it. She was an adult, a leader, she had her whole life before her and she could live it how she pleased. There was so much that she wanted to do and say and be - it excited her and made her somewhat nervous all the same. In her thoughts her paws had begun to wander, and before she knew it she had left her pack lands somewhat behind her. Should something happen, she was close enough to hear the call, but the background noise of the moore was barely white noise. A gentle hum and a thin layer of fog, these were lands she had yet to explore.

She had to focus on navigation once she realized where she had ended up, and her paws carried her as carefully as possible over the many obstacles that the marshy lands provided. So immersed in her wandering, she didn't notice the male that was taking the same path as she - and brushed against his side before bristling slightly and pulling back to look him in the eye. The fog had thickened considerably since she had initially wandered in, and his presence as a whole managed to take her by surprise. "Sorry sir, I didn't see you there!" She apologized, having to stand a bit closer than she would your average stranger to see him properly. "Honestly it's hard to see much of anything around here." And she had been having a bit too much fun with it. That unquenchable adventurous part of her that had survived through puphood.

"Would you care for some company?" She asked, noting that he smelled slightly of Seracia. He should be a benevolent man then, at least somewhat - for Valhalla's sister pack to house him.



06-06-2013, 08:34 PM

Chills rolled down his spine as something slithered along his side. He jerked back, lips curled into a silent snarl as his defenses raised. It could be anything, and since he didn't know what predators lived here, it scared him. He inhaled deeply, taking in the attackers scent... a lady? Ears perked forward as the fog cleared a bit, revealing a gorgeous woman. Who... was she? He couldn't help but stare for a moment. Her eyes were so mesmerizing, beautiful pools of crystal blue that he could stare into for days. Her colors were interesting as well, he had never seen someone with a pattern like hers. The purest of ivory dipped in a russet chocolate color around her face. He couldn't see the rest of her due to the fog, but he was already stuck on what he could see. All he could wonder was... who is she? Apology isn't necessary miss, I can barley see out here myself! His words were followed by a soft chuckle. Why was she out here? Looking for a dangerous adventure of her own? These weren't the typical hanging out lands. I would love some company, but I do have to ask. What bring you out here? These aren't the typical lands for a lady to be hanging out in." His lips curled into a smile, stub of a tail wiggling behind him. He had just met her, and he was already... What was he doing? He didn't know exactly, all he knew was she was beautiful, and he wanted her to stay right here, with him. Besides Gerhardt and Gideon he didn't know another soul out here, so the company of this lady was more than appreciated. "Also, where are you from? Are you a Rogue? Or maybe in a pack? I recently came here from my homelands to reunite with my cousin. He is in Seracia."

Italian Accent Speech,



06-08-2013, 01:28 AM
He seemed startled at first, but opposed to cowering or responding with agitation of her own, she only watched and waited for him to either attack or for his defenses to fall back. Luckily for her, it was the latter, and he took a deep breath before getting a good look at her. Chrysanthe offered him a small smile, a dabble of curiosity shining in her blue eyes. Who was this brute? He seemed interested enough in her, which was enough to get her to wonder whether she would be making a new acquaintance today. He definitely smelled Seracian now that she had a moment to take him in, and she idly wondered whether he knew Gideon or Maverick.

The brute didn't seem to mind that she had run into him, and she was glad - honestly she wasn't the clumsy type but everyone had their off days. She supposed she could give herself a bit of slack as well, it was rather hard to see where you were going out here. His enthusiasm was contagious and his soft chuckle brought out a less passive expression from the alpha. She found herself smoothing out a bit herself, and relaxing to the point of being able to enjoy a bit of smalltalk. "I was thinking." She answered him, simply and shortly but there wasn't a hit of an attitude to her statement - she was being completely honesty - she had simply gotten lost in her thoughts. "Although I'm not a typical lady." The comment came with a touch of laughter to her words.

"I'm from Valhalla - a large pack not too far from here." She answered him easily, but decided to temporarily hold back on telling him that she lead there. Intimidating her company wasn't something that she wanted to do right off of the bat. "Seracia? Who is your cousin, I just might know him." She knew the ruling family a bit better than she liked to admit - although, oddly enough, she had never met the regal pack's king.



06-10-2013, 03:06 PM

He waited for her to say something, eyes shimmering with curiosity. He was already so interested in her, and they had only just met! "Thinking? Something bothering you? And I can tell, not very many wolves come out here alone, especially not someone like you. He wondered what was going through her mind. Was something bothering this princess? Better yet... Did she have lover, a mate, or anything of that sort? Or was she up for grabs? Not that he would instantly hit on her, but she was certainly something to dab at. He could at least try, and based of her reaction, get an indirect answer? He was eager to find out her relationship status, but he would wait util after some more small talk to make a move. Valhalla. What an interesting name. I have two cousins actually, their names are Gerhardt and Gideon Mathias. Gerhardt leads the pack, so he's doing well. I'm very proud of him! Gideon, well I haven't met up with him again yet. He hasn't been around the past few days I have been in Sercia. Gerhardt says he's out chasing gals, which is just typical Gideon. He shrugged, a slight chuckle following his words. Oh Gideon, he was a dog wasn't he? And Gerhardt had always been the more regal one, so him being in power wasn't surprising. Adette on the other hand... He had expected her to do something to cause Gerhardt to leave her. She was something else. So Valhalla huh? I've heard Gerhardt mention that name before. Something about his son going there to marry a princess? I don't know too much, I tend to stay out of politics. I like to focus more on other things. Like happiness for example."

Italian Accent Speech,



06-20-2013, 01:27 PM
Someone like her? She nearly laughed, but instead bit the sound back, meeting his curious gaze with an amused one of her own. It was nice, to be able to talk to a stranger, be curious about them and have them share the same interest. He was polite, but not to the point of it being hard to keep a conversation going - he was pleasant, and the young alpha was glad that she ran into him.

She wasn't too surprised that he was related to the King, as well as Gideon. The woman knew little about their family as a whole, it could take up half of Alacritia and she would be none the wiser. Listening to him speak of his family though, she was surprised at how sincere he was at his pride in his leading cousin. There didn't seem to be a hint of jealousy in his statements, he seemed to be good family. "Gerhardt sounds like an impressive King, it's a shame I've had yet to meet him." As for his words about Gideon, her ears twitched at his name, but her expression remained calm, the same natural appearance that she had worn thus far.

He wouldn't start chasing until he cut things off with her. She was sure of it.

Her spirits couldn't help but start a slow decline from there. She still wasn't sure how to handle the relationship possibly lost with Gideon. The woman still loved him, but she didn't know how to approach him after nearly betraying him. "Yes, the prince is to marry princess Epiphron. They will make a lovely couple." She was pleased though, with how this turned out - all thanks to her sister's quick thinking back at the meeting. "It may be politics, but I believe they suit eachother. They will be happy" She was sure of it, actually.

"Happiness? Well, what makes you happy sir?" She asked, curious. Perhaps his lulling accent would quell the churning in her stomach by distracting her from thoughts of Gideon James. It was then that she realized she still didn't know this brute's name, it would have been considered rude, had she met him at her borders or they been talking about something serious. But this was just a bit of gossip and curiosity between two acquaintances. They would trade their names soon enough she was sure.



06-21-2013, 04:21 PM

His stump wiggled at her comment about his cousin. "He is wonderful, I've always sorta looked up to him. You should come to Seracia sometime and meet him, maybe stay for a meal? I'm a healer ya know, I've learned how to add certain herbs to meats and make them taste amazing." His tone was welcoming, and his eyes and smile were warm and sincere. He wanted nothing more than to make this lady feel comfortable, even if they were playing in the devils playground and didn't know each other for more than a few minutes. He noticed they sparkle in her eye start to dwindle. Had he said something wrong? His right ear flicked slightly as he listened to her. Oh marriage, he loved weddings, he always dreamed of being the man next to his gorgeous bride getting wedded before an entire pack. But, he needed a lady first in order to get married, and he wasn't the type to fall for just anyone. "I love weddings. Maybe i'll see you when the ceremony happens? I plan on staying in Seracia for while." He offered her a shy smile. Would she want to see her new friend again? Or was this just a one time thing? She asked him what made him happy, and he couldn't help but chuckle. So many things brought a smile he almost couldn't think of something that didn't make him happy. "What doesn't make me happy?" He suddenly leaped into the fog. Once he landed on his paws he turned to face the lady, but the fog had covered her up. Perfect. He slowly made his way toward what he presumed was her right, paw steps almost silent besides the slight crunch of snow beneath him. "I tend to see the positives in life, nothing ever seems to bring me down. Carefree living is all I see." He stopped, wondering if she had tracked his movements in the thickening fog. He was testing her, seeing if she would go out of her way to follow him. Would she? Or would she remain still, taking little interest in his movements? "What makes you happy?"



06-30-2013, 10:04 AM
He looked up to Gideon, that was something that she hadn't expected. If only because the other male seemed to be a bit different from his family. Maverick was a formal brute, and Gerdhart seemed to be even more so. this male here though, he wasn't quite strange or even roguish like his cousin in question - but happy. Sincere. It was a new spin to the family that Chrysanthe couldn't help but admire. It was hard to be honest about your feelings and be royalty - and so far it seemed that he had been nothing but truthful with her.

Simplicity in a conversation, it was something that she probably didn't get enough of.

"I've never heard of herbs being used that way." Her pallete was a wild as could be, something about refining it struck her as odd. Would Erani know about things like this? She was curious, perhaps she would ask the Theta about it later. "I don't see why I can't - Seracia and Valhalla are rather close." They would be especially after the wedding. She laughed lightly as he mentioned his enjoyment of weddings. Of course he did, he seemed the lively type, participating in such a joyous event seemed to be the perfect setting for him.

His smile was contagious, the shy little thing for her to do the same with relative ease. His laughter ebbed away at the sadness surrounding thoughts of Gideon as well, and she was thankful as he went along with her slight redirection of the conversation. She simply wasn't as honest a woman as he was a man - she would prefer to hear about him. Yet before he could go into explaining what made him so cheery he leaped away. The alpha paused for a moment, before she padded after him, holding back a bit of laughter. "Where are you running off to so quickly." She asked quietly, looking from side to side, attempting to track him through the fog.

Moments later he spoke, giving her a general know how of the way he lived his life. It was quite the way to go about things, not letting anything worry you. She herself couldn't do the same, not as an alpha, and even without the title she couldn't with the way that she was raised. While he spoke her own hears perked atop her head, and swiveled slightly in the direction that he was speaking from. Her right... the female spun to her right and lunged slightly, expecting to come face to face with him.

"I enjoy being out, being with my family." Teasing Syrinx and bonding with Epiphron were two of her absolute favorite things. "Talking to strangers, apparently." She laughed, because he had made her happy, despite her best efforts to remain placid. It was alright though, right now she wasn't an alpha, just a dame with a lot on her mind. "Sparring I suppose, but it doesn't cheer me up like this." It was probably the adrenaline rush.

"Even so, I don't live life as carefree as you - I don't know how." She honestly couldn't. "A few moments of it isn't so bad, but responsibility is part of what pushes me forward. Personal motivation."



07-03-2013, 09:58 AM

"Oh yes, herbs can be used for so much more than just healing." He said with a smile. By this time he had pounced away, but he heard the woman say very quietly "Where are you running off to so quickly", and it gave him some sort of hope that she actually wanted his company. Suddenly she pounced, and to his surprise she ended up face to face with him again, only this time they were inches from each other. His cheeks burned beneath his creamy pelt, and hopefully between the fog and her attention set on his eyes, she wouldn't notice. He did not retreat though, no, he would stand completely still, hoping they would stay this close to each other. What male wouldn't want to be so close to a beautiful lady?

Before he spoke he cleared his throat uneasily, his right ear twitching ever so slightly as he listened to her. So, she enjoyed family, strangers, and fighting? What an interesting combination. Family, strangers, and brawling down. What an interesting combination miss." It was then when he realized they still hadn't given out names. How could he forget something so important? He sighed inside his mind, scolding himself for being so forgetful. He wanted to give his name, but he would wait so he didn't interrupt her while she was still talking. When she finished he spoke, carefully timing his words so he didn't cut hers off in any way. "Living carefree isn't exactly easy either. Letting things that would normally bother someone just slide off you gets pretty though sometimes." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink into her brain. He didn't want to ramble on like a moron, gotta take it slow, right? I only have motivation when I'm really determined to get something. Oh, my name is Themisto by the way. Themisto Mathias."

Italian Accent Speech



07-04-2013, 09:23 AM
Success! She had managed to find him on the first try. It was a bit difficult with the fog, but he hadn't been much of a challenge to find while he was speaking. The female couldn't help but grin, having won their little game, and her tail swished idly behind her as she looked him in the eye. Their rather close proximity didn't seem to bother her - and it wasn't until the other brute cleared his throat that she realized she may just be breaking his little bubble of personal space. "Sorry." She said, a surprisingly gentle tone to her voice. Stepping back, she gave him space to breath, and to speak.

While she was answering him, her answers seemed natural to her - but hearing him repeat them Chrysanthe realized that indeed - it was a strange combination. But he had asked, and she had told him before that she wasn't your average female. "They seem perfectly normal to me." She said, hiding a touch of laughter. Ah well, he was a bit odd as well, and they had at least the stranger part in common - he seemed to be having a good time speaking with her, and they had only just met.

He was a free spirit, but apparently even that came with difficulties. She could only imagine that he had trouble letting some things go living the way that he did. That would put him in a position where he was often left as being the one to forgive and forget or be the bigger man in tricky situations. As for Chrys, she could hold a pretty mean grudge when it came to certain subjects - that added to her current position in life, his way of living seemed damn near impossible in every possible way. "Themisto - I was wondering when I would get a name out of you." Now she had a name to the face. "I'm Chrysanthe Adravendi."

Perhaps he wasn't too informed on the family line just yet?

"I'd like to see you while you're feeling ambitious. Proper motivation can make or break most actions." She couldn't help but wonder exactly what he would fight for. "Your family is all so different - based on the way you act, I would never know that you, Gideon and Gerdhart were all related." Not to mention Maverick, who barely fit into the equation at all with his looks added into the thought. "Though I guess that's family for you." Her own varied as well - but they seemed to share the same core. Was that normal? Or were they something all their own?