
On the Warpath (Bear Hunt)

Gargoyle I


06-01-2013, 07:45 AM


Something dark flashed across the folds of snow. It must have been a shadow. What else could it be, but the shadow of a wolf? For it was far too large to below to any living creature of the canine family. Dogs and wolves of that size had not existed since the elder days when caves were the only shelters and fire was still the weapon of the gods. The mottled black shadow went from one corner of the frozen realm to the other ? from the frosty, pebbly shores of the sapphire lake, to the to the grey peaks of the Alpine-esq peaks, to the green-grey shadow of the pine forests, until he had found and spoken with the souls that he sought:

Firstly, a dark pelted male, youthful and lithe, but with violent green eyes that seemed to hold all the nightmares of a poison-induced sleep.

Secondly, to a tall, robust male of dashing visage and intricate grey markings.

Thirdly, to a creature who blew them all away in strangeness of appearance, standing in the snow with rubicund coat and inverse, zebra striped limbs.

And fourthly, a delicate, female, simply and black and lovely, with only a few faded scars to add remark to her simple ebony dress.

To the first three he gave the same simple message: ?Follow me, if you please.? They could obey their Chief, as they had sworn to do or ignore, he never once looked back. He had others to find and work to complete. Only when he came to the fourth wolf, the female, did he expand, first to her and then to them all. ?Miss Midnight, an old friend of yours has been scented within our borders, I believe, attempting to find a den for the winter. We go to deal with this, and I should like to have your senses at our disposal.?

His yellow, draconic eyes drifted over the trio of gathered males. ?Out of the pack I?ve chosen you three. Oxia, you are my Beta and only recently have proved yourself in that tangle with the snow-cat. Awaken, whatever else you are, I have seen you to be a fierce, capable warrior. And Odin, I think it?s about time we see what you?re made of.? Yes, there were all fine specimens of what Glaciem had to offer, add to them, one tiger sized Chief and they had a hunting party any creature would be right to shrink from. But now to the basics of their war path: Gargoyle raised his head and addressed them all. ?Bears, are too dangerous to be allowed to roam unchecked in our territory. As some of you have no doubt heard, one recently requested permission to stay and hibernate, and promises to do no harm to our wolves. So far, Zanire, has kept to her word and I have no problem with her. But she is more the exception that proves the rule. There is another bear, a large black one with a blind eye and a chipped ear, who, has more than enough strength and dominance to make himself a threat to our pack.? Snowflakes began to flicker down from the heavens, not the gusty, blizzard sort, just the light , dancing ones that more resembled feathers or dust mites. ?Winter is upon us,? said Gargoyle. ?And it is the best time for hunting for the bears will be slow and sleepy and stuffed with food to the point of lethargy. Even so, it will be enraged that we dare disturb it. Hopefully, with a show of force and some wounds we can drive it out of our borders and back into the south.? For the first time a tremor of feeling flavored the male?s words ? a hint of a growl ?But if not??

He let their imaginations make up the rest.

?Our first goal is to track it, which Miss Midnight shall do for us. When we find it?s cave, then we lay out a plan of attack.? The male snorted and rolled his shoulders, signifying his wrap up. ?This is the one chance for any of you to back out if you so wish.? Whatever his words might be, ti was quite clear than any who chose to do so, were doing it upon peril of exposed cowardice. Gargoyle?s real reason for this was giving them the oppurutnity to affirm their following.

After all, they didn?t want to miss the party, did they?



06-01-2013, 09:54 AM

The brute herd the news of the bear has came into the boarders of Glaciem. Oxia stood next to Gargoyle as he spoke to the others that have also gathered in the area. The words follow me came out of the chief's maw, and Oxia followed with out hesitation. They soon came to the presence of Midnight, and this was it, a fight that they have been waiting for.

Oxia stood there waiting for more words from Gargoyle, He spoke about the three that he picked to help him with this battle of the bear. Awaken, Odin, and him-self. The brute Stood there listening to Gargoyle give what instructions as to what they were going to do. The strategy that he had in mind was wonderful and Oxia was ready for what was going to happen.

Oxia waited for Gargoyle to finish speaking before he decided to speak."I am with you Gargoyle, and i will be a distraction and keep the bears attention on me. I am better in defense fighting, so i will be fine." He spoke as he followed gargoyle.

(OOC: Sorry it is short, my posts will be a bit short until i get through the situations i am in.)



06-01-2013, 11:08 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2013, 11:09 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken was walking down a path. His body had filled out some, he'd put on some weight and his natural muscle was showing again instead of bones. He still had a jagged six etched roughly over his eye but other than that the other gashes were almost healed up. The bruises were gone and he no longer limped. He was simply enjoying life at the moment. His ebony black fur contrasting this white wonderland. He almost forgot how long he'd been out for, untill Gargoyle had came to him. He almost missed Gargoyles command but then his ears swiveled around as the two crossed and he quickly spun around like a horse and was by his side.

He kept his head low as he kept pace with the Alpha. Speed was his thing, he was long legged and slick sided, witch made it easy to avoid attacks. However when it came to attacking he didn't fall apart. He often used his speed against enemies. Curiosity began to fade into his mind. Where were we going? What are we doing? He was truthfully exited, but his expression remained blank and hollow. Ever since the fight with Sixx he didn't feel quite right. Visions passed in and out like seasons, and the posing problem of decifering present from memory arose again. He felt himself drifting into another of his horrible visions, but as soon as he began to see flames he snapped out of it. Just in time to miss the trunk of a tree. And just in time to dodge the embarassment of face-planting infront of Gargoyle.

He nodded to each of the others in greeting as they followed. The ?as Gargoyle stoped he perked his ears up, his body seemed to feel odly, energized. He was never hyper... Ever... But the idea of an impending hunt put him on edge. He sat back on his haunches as Gargoyle spoke, his bodylanguage completely neutral aside from a small grin twards the end that made him resemble his brother.

He stood back to his regular hight. "You can count me in." He said bluntly. His voice low and quiet as usual. Awaken never really talked much, unless it was important. Or if he was angry.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


06-02-2013, 09:03 PM

midnight was sitting alone when she heard the paw beats approaching swiving her head to take in the approaching group, she stood bowing low to the alpha who led the small pack glancing around the others before gargoyle could begin speaking, it looked like a hunting party all large wolves all known to her she offered Oxia a small smile they had not had a chance to speak since he had saved her on the border and with Ashini?s sudden death all intents to thank her saviours had gone out the window, but why would a hunting party wont her sure she could scent prey but all wolves knew where deer stood in the winter they would be easy to find easy to kill. She frowned as gargoyle began to speak; she had known no other wolves had no friends before joining Glaciem. ?My senses are at you disposal,? she said dipping her head though confusion still shone in her eyes, or did until he mentioned bears, her tail end flopped slightly landing against the ground she only half listened as he continued.

she had had rules when she had first joined Glaciem taught to her by her masters, they had kept her safe and alive but so much had changed since she had come here, these where her friends her family she trusted them with her life owed them her life, she needed to protect them but hunting down a bear would be seeking trouble. But it would protect the pack so what should she do. She looked around the wolves before her and a shudder of fear ran down her spine these wolves would be fighting the beast, attacking with the idea of driving it away but what if they couldn?t? they where skilled yes but the bear was large and strong a single swipe of his paw had sent her across the clearing, Oxia would be most at risk putting himself in the way and relying on his skill in defence to protect him, but they would need all of them working together if they where to have a chance. the thought strengthened her and she stood, ?I will guide you to the best of my abilities,? she answered her voice strong as she met the alphas gaze, ?and if I need to fight ? so be it.?

She had given to much time to this bear her days far to often spent working herself in an attempt to forget nights spent huddled from the memories, it was time to fight back, she had faced Zanire on her own not knowing for sure what would happen she could face the black bear now if she had these warriors at her back. With that thought she lifted her muzzle scenting the wind, her mind whirling as she sorted through the scents she latched on to the one that she was searching for bear and death was how she had described it to Zanire and it wasn't far off. Midnight looked back over her choulder at the warriors she was ready when they where.



06-03-2013, 04:36 PM

Odin was laying under the trees, down on his side ready to have some sleep after many restless nights. Sure it was the middle of the day and he wasn't in the pack cave, but laying down in the snow was a great way to relax as he began to close his eyes and dream. Every dream he had was a nightmare, and so when he did sleep he was left with nothing but to wake up in the next hour or two.

The rush of water came across his paws, a feeling that he hadn't had in ages. And his ears ears swiveled to the sound of footsteps, looking down at the water he was now galloping in, it was the ocean. But why couldn't he stop? His mind tried to halt and slide but nothing could stop him. His head raised to look up at the never ending sea of water and himself going under and all he heard were footsteps...footsteps...footsteps...

Footsteps? The scent of the alpha reached his nose, and Gargoyle stood before him asking to be followed. The male's mis-colored eyes slowly opened as he lay there for a short time before siting up and then standing on his paws.

He came out from the trees, looking in both directions seeing which way Gargoyle had went, and then trotting to him. There were two other males, and a female. The female he had meant only once before, Midnight was it? Yes, of course. And so Odin walked behind them all until Gargoyle stopped to speak.

He talked of a bear hunt, and of what he wanted the 5 of them to do. They were to either drive it out of Glaciem, or take it down he was sure. Or they would die trying. And because the group he was with was to sure of each other, maybe a little bit of consoling words would help. "I will gladly help Gargoyle. I know none of you know me very well being a new member of Glaciem, but I would like you all to know that I will do what ever it takes to protect any of you. You can trust me in keeping you safe.

"As far as the bear goes, I will put everything I am in driving this bear out of our home." And his eyes looked at Gargoyle bowing his head a bit. "I know our teamwork will work together and drive it out."

Walk "Talk" Think

Gargoyle I


06-22-2013, 11:53 AM


(ooc: apologies for being so late - atm all my muse is going towards the challenge. and note: Tad has had to drop Oxia, we're saying that he left to track down the ones who hurt his newly reunited sister. So we'll say Gargoyle just dismissed him on some other errand.)

Gargoyle got his confirmation. First from Awaken:

"You can count me in."

From Midnight:

"...So be it."

And from Odin:

"I will gladly help.."

What Alpha could ask for better packmates? The great brute rolled his shoulders, gave a crack of his neck and pointed his nose towards the southwest. "Miss Midnight," he inclined his head "You're in the lead."

Some days ago the bear had been scented along the Glaciem waterways - some of the tributaries that fed into the giant Northern Lake. It was a common watering place for prey and predator alike, and it was as good as any place to start the hunt. It was also not far from where they were. All they needed was Midnight's nose to get the fun started.



06-23-2013, 08:44 AM
Midnight gave a shallow nod inhaling a deep breath she moved off in a slow trot. The scent was quiet faint as she followed the smell down the nearby creek moving steadily towards the great lake then began to circle back around moving back towards the mountains deeper into Glacciem territory and closer to the pack den. Time had dulled the beasts odour but patches stood strong here was fur caught on a branch, here the beast had relieved itself and there... she froze for a moment right in the middle of the path if any wolf was following close they could easily run up her back end but she couldn't move, the bear had made a kill, a large male moose lay broken and torn in the snow, she knew the danger moose presented they could easily kill a lone wolf but this one had been savaged to within an inch of recognition, its once proud form reduced to little more then a pile of meat.

A nursery rhyme, a game taught to her by the pups born of her first teacher came unbidden to her mind, 'I'm going on a bear hunt going to catch a big one' it had been a game then one pup would hide the others would seek him out chanting over and over ?I'm not scarred? she muttered it so quietly that only the closest wolf could possibly have heard, in the game the 'bear' pup would leap out at the last minute growling and laughing and chase them back to mother, but there was no running now no shelter under the protective eye of mother and no guarantee that the attack would end in good humour. She steeled herself again and moved closer to the kill, it was still quiet fresh and the scent here was stronger, and she frowned slightly why would a bear still be hunting this late in winter it should have been asleep shouldn't it.

She looked over her shoulder at the others, she had to focus but now this close to there goal and with a bear possibly still awake she was hesitant, if it leaped out whilst she had her attention focused on tracking signs she could be dead before she even knew she was under attack... but she had to trust them they trusted her to find this creature after all. She offered them a half smile, ?where close,? was all she said before turning forward once more and moving off more slowly now her nose to the ground eyes fixed to the earth.

It was only a minute or two before the cave came into sight it was large sat in the side of a mountain the climb up to its mouth was steep and made of loose stone the only sure way up was the path which ran from the left just wide enough for two wolves to stand side by side on the path. The cave entrance was formed by two large slabs of rock which had landed against each other and become jammed, there was no way to tell from where they stood how deep the cave was, or even if the bear was inside, and the scent covered the area, Midnight did not know where from, but the cave looked dark and forbidding a gaping mouth waiting to swallow them whole.

Midnight turned to the males standing so she could keep half an eye on the cave entrance, ?that?s it,? it was not lost on her how close they where to the pack den which lay on the other side of the mountain pass, she shivered as she thought of it encountering one of the pups or even another adult next spring, she flexed her shoulder feeling the pull of the scar tissue, she knew the damage he could do. She turned her gaze to Gargoyal, taking a deep breath, ?what?s the plan chief,?

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 08:31 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle followed in the small fae's pawsteps. By unspoken agreement, the group seemed to stay quiet. They didn't know what was out and they weren't about to go charging off into the snow, spitting and growling. Gargoyle let Midnight do her job; she was able to remain focused and on the trail even when things started to get mixed up or faint. Each time Gargoyle would begin to wonder if they ought to spread out and try to find a more solid clue, they'd see some bit of fur or scent marker. Yes they were close.

Gargoyle could smell blood.

Finding the moose was quite an eye opener. Gods above that bear had to be a crazy good hunter. Gargoyle's first encounter with a moose had been when he was barely a weanling, and it had cost him his tail. They were impressive creatures. And the fact that it had had the power and energy to take down a beast that size, this late in winter... Great. With Gargoyle's luck, the bear was probably half insane and half starved.

With an irrated flick of his tattered ear, Gargoyle prepared to continue on. At least they knew the creature would have an extrememly full stomach now. That meant he'd be at least a big slower, espically considering all the energy it must've taken to hunt the moose - not to mention any injuries it might've gotten from the clash.

But the column had stopped moving. Midnight was hesitating a bit. She looked over her shoulder to the rest of them. "We're close" was all she said. Gargoyle gave her a calm dip of the head. A gesture of silent, sober encouragement. He wasn't going to baby anyone, they were here to hunt. And like as not, things were going to get alot worse before they got any better.

If he needed any proof for this thought, it came when they reached the creature's den. It looked like a dragon's lair out of the old stories, sitting up there dark and forboding in the middle of the bare mountain side. Gargoyle had been expecting a hole in the snow with snoring sounds coming out of it. Not this.

"What's the plan Chief?" he heard Midnight asking.

With a snort, the Chief mentally 'saddled up'. This beast was proving to be dangerous than he'd expected? Well then, all the more reason to get it out!

...But then a thought dawned on him.

Maybe they didn't have to.

"This creature doesn't act like a normal bear. This isn't just about chasing out a rival, anymore, this is about putting down a threat. -- Look there," he rumbled quietly, his nose pointing to all the mass of loose rock and boulder that surrounded the cave. "If all of us can sneak along the trail and above the cave, we should be able to rain down enough stone to block up the hole." He glanced at his recruits, and then, ever so quietly, began to lead the way to the foot of the winding stone path that had been beaten smooth by the giant stones of the beast.

(ooc: hint- the bear is allowed to be played by anyone)

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 02:02 PM

Awaken's body was held low to keep quiet as he followed gargoyle. Knocking down stones could actualy work. ?Awaken's paws never made a sound untill he hit gravel. He hated how gravel got caught between his toes. ?He looked back over the cave as he drifted to the side of the trail. he noticed somthing.?

His ears pinned back ad he scanned to ceiling of the cave. He noticed a trail over top of the gave, but it looked like it was beaten down by animals much lighter than four wolves were. That and it was made up of stone and gravel. It looked dangerous.

"that ceiling looks aweful weak Gargoyle. Think we can make it up their without knocking any loose gravel down to early and alerting the bear?" He wispered lightly. "Even worse what if we wind up falling through into the cave after we trap the bear?" he wasnt questioning Gargoyle's judgement but he'd fallen in plenty of holes in his time, and this looked like a place his accsedent prone tendancies would bite him in the tail.

Gargoyle I


06-24-2013, 02:14 PM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle halted upon the path as Awaken spoke. His tattered ear flicked again. He shifted his head to look back over his shoulder. In his usual calm, dry voice, he rumbled, "I am aware that it is not without dangers, rookie." But so was any plan involving a giant murderous bear. He'd agreed to come along and help. Gargoyle didn't detect any tone of rudeness or rebellion in the male's voice, but he wasn't detecting and helpfulness either. And since when did Awaken show hesitance in the face of danger? This was the male had that been practically tripping over his paws in eagerness to go hunt wild boars.

Gargoyle's yellow gaze flickered over him. No hard feelings or anything for the male's comment, but it was a bit out of place. "Would you rather sit in front of the cave as bait to draw it out?" the male drawled. "Creating a cave-in gives us at least a chance of everyone coming out of this unharmed. Let's make the attempt. If it hears us-" Gargoyle rolled his massive black shoulders. "Then things get interesting."

Gargoyle started up the mountain side again. He was the heaviest (by far) of the group. If anyone was likely to trigger a rockslide by accident it would be him. At the very least - if they made it up above the cave and some sound did alert the bear, they'd be uphill of the monster - a heck of a lot more desirable than their current position.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-24-2013, 02:29 PM

Awaken shuddered at the idea of being live bait. "uh. I think id rather go over the cave, why thankyou. Sorry. he kept close, letting Gargoyle go up first, he then followed, taking his time and watching were he stepped.

He shook his head. What was wrong with him today? Stress from the imposing dangers of a tiger? Perhaps. He'd been training so much lately hed hardly had any other thought in the last few weeks.?

? His silent paws worked on feeling out the stable rocks. Working not to kick up gravel.He set his paw down on a looser rock but quickly picked it back up and froze, searching for a sturdier one. Soon he was standing right beside gargoyle. ?He turned his head waiting on the others to come up as well before they let the rocks loose.


06-24-2013, 05:10 PM

His large paws stepped behind the other three. Midnight let her nose guide the way, and there were a few scent marks that only made it easier to hunt down the beast. But just as gargoyle had done, the brute inhaled the scent of blood.

And the smell of blood hit the air in an instant, an evil chuckle hit the air as blood dripped from the gray maw.

But Odin wouldn't let it happen. Not now. He kept it under control, his memories would not come to haunt him at this point. This was important to his pack mates, to his alpha.

His nose hit the air as the aroma came to his nostrils, and it was like his entire being stopped for a moment. But once he was back, he trotted up to the others, catching up. But just as he caught up, the group came to a halt and only he can imagine what they could see. His eyes tried to find their way through the mound of wolves, and then there was meat. And the brute spotted the antlered moose, and his mind took control.

An evil chuckle hit the air, and blood rained from the jaws of insanity. Only this could satisfy the devil, and yet another innocent was lost to the claws of painful fury. They hot red dyed the silver coat of the once living. An so a white paw was gently placed on her temple, and a force pushed through the devil's muscles, cracking her skull and smashing her brains into the glistening river water.

The others had started walking, and his eyes looked down at the kill, a stare nothing could faze. And his mind only gave him back his own control, as he followed the others close behind, eyeing the moose until his head was at ninety degrees. And he then had full control to continue his mission.

Midnight led them to the cave, telling them this was it and that she was ready for orders. And as Awaken and Gargoyle conversed over the matter, his eyes scanned for other ways up the mountainous terrain. There was only one way to get up as safely as possible. But they couldn't just crash the stone down on one side, the other side would be too open and the bear could find someway to escape, or maybe the stone would be too weak on the other side, but either way.

Gargoyle and Awaken started to truck up the hill, keeping quiet toes against the slippery loose rock, the only safe way. Odin turned toward Midnight a gave her a choice.

"You can come with me if you'd like. I'd rather you stay with Gargoyle to keep safe of harm."

And his eyes looked up at the two warriors ahead, before looking at his best bet to travel up the other side. And his legs found their way to the cave as he started stretching his paws and legs to venture up the side, doing his best to drop any stone and cause noise to awake the bear. But if anything were to happen, Odin would throw himself into the conflict first to take blame. He reached a place of balance and looked down to see if he should wait for the female, or she decided to go with the safer option.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-24-2013, 07:06 PM

Awaken's ears flicked back to hear a clattering of rocks falling behind them. He turned his head to see a crack in the ground. He turned lightly in his feet to examine the cracks, wich soon extended under his body. He was stuck. "Gargoyle we have got a-"

? The crack had caved, he yelped harshly and managed to grab the ledge with his front legs but the gravel was giving away. "Oh shi-" he was cut off as he fell and hit the floor of the cave with a thud. Well... He was right. It DID cave. But just on him... And now he was stuck with the bear. Great. Just great.

(ooc: who wants to play the bear?)


06-24-2013, 08:15 PM

As his head turned, there wasn't even enough time to look before he heard the rocks come crashing down. His view could only see part of Gargoyle, but he saw the other male, Awaken, with his front legs up on the mountain side.

His eyes didn't even touch the females figure, all focal was now on Awaken and so he took action quickly. He was thinking of a strategy in his mind, but he was interrupted by a roaring inside the cave. And then adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"Gargoyle! If you can't push through the hole already made, try to make a break! Ill try over here! Tell me if you have an opening and ill rush over there!"

His words have never been so kind... They were definitely someone different then what he used to be, but he started pawing at the rocks while waiting to hear what Gargyole could do.

(OOC: I think clash means anyone can play the bear in their post as in: I said that he roared. You can say that he starts attacking you or anything you want ;) if I'm wrong clash correct me !)

Walk "Talk" Think


06-24-2013, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2013, 08:29 PM by Awaken.)

Awaken gave a loud growl, his low voice making his growl even more intimidating as the beast stood. It was huge and loomed over him like a tower. He jumped to the side when the beast slammed down to dodge an incoming paw. ?He glanced around, keeping his ears pinned as he and the bear were locked in a stand off.?

?He noticed a blind eye, witch meant his depth perseption was most likeley impaired. He traced a line from his current position and notice the walls were slightly curved. Too. Perfect. He tranced a plan of attack to leap off the wall and attack from the side.?

?The bear rushed him. Awaken quickly moved to the side, leaping. His front paws hit the hard stone wall, followed by his hind legs as they planted firmly. He pushed against the wall and propelled himself away, twisting his head around and his spine followed as he attacked the side of the bear. Landing a hit to the side of it's neck, holding untill the others could get in.?

He fought hard to keep his hold on the ground. The bear was biger and stronger than he was and could have easily pulled away, had he not had his cannines locked over the nape of his neck. Pulling away would create a bigger problem for the beast. The bear seemed to get fed up and stood, sending Awaken flying tward the mouth of the cave. Awaken managed to pull a chunk of flesh from the ferocious beast's neck when he was thrown.

?Awaken hit the ground painfully, he could have swore he felt ribs crack and give beneth him, but he needed to keep fighting. He worked his way back up. Rage and savagry finding its way into his eyes as he waited on the bear to rush him again. He planned to do the same to the other side of hid neck.


06-24-2013, 09:11 PM
Midnight kept quiet as the others planned this was it, win or lose after this there would be no turning back. Gargoyles plan was sound trapping the bear was the safest option, but a niggling fear ran in her mind if he wasn't in there they risked trapping themselves up the side of a mountain. She opened her mouth to speak but the others had already set off moving up the hill side with a deep sigh she started to move forward when Odin's voice got her attention she hesitated a moment as he started up the rocky slope splitting the group was a risk, if one was attacked the other would be to far off to offer instant assistance. This in mind she started after Odin, and though she did not know what help she could be, well, no wolf should be near this bear alone.

She moved with caution testing each foot hold until she reached the males position her tail was curled close to her body but she forced her mind to ignore the fear and focus on the rocks. She was just drawing level with Odin when the unmistakable tumble of rocks sounded in her ears and a familiar roar filled the air her gaze speed up one, two, where was awaken she hardly knew the wolf but he was a pack member and he was gone! she saw the hole in the rocks, and terror filled her heart, this was not the plan.

She bounded forward caution and silence forgotten, rocks tumbled in her wake as she ascended the slope, the gap looked to small for the colossal form of Gargoyle but maybe... she slipped under Gargoyles nose and rushed towards the gap. She leapt without thinking, down into the dark.

She landed in the cave and for a moment she was blind but she could still hear and smell the bear. It was roaring making its position clear and she shuffled away from it as quickly as she could. but even as she moved her eyes where adjusting and now in the inky light she could see that she had landed behind the bear, the thing of nightmare, and Awaken was beyond it, clearly the first attack had already occurred the bear was bleeding and the wolf looked worse for wear.

Midnight snarled she had promised her self that no one would get hurt and now... she was not thinking as she threw herself forward landing on the bears back she dug in her teeth in just above its spine midway up its back, claws tearing at its sides she wanted to distract it to get it away from her pack mate she did not think beyond that, the bear had not heard the other wolf enter to focused on the prey in front of him, and so the pain came as a surprise he lunged and thrashed trying to dislodge the creature and midnight clung for dear life to its back.

Only now that it was done did she think that this was not her smartest move but it was to late and so she clung the blood flowing from her jaws

Gargoyle I


06-25-2013, 06:38 AM

Masqurading as a man with a Reason

my Charade is the Event of the Season

though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man

though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


Gargoyle had been in too many combat zones for him to break silence just because something went wrong. When he heard the tremors in the stone, when he spun round just in time to see Awaken disappearing through a hole in the cieling of the cave, instinct alone held his tongue and all that came from the male was a sharp, deep inhale, as though he'd been stabbed.

He jumped back to the spot, but even as he was squinting, trying to adjust his eyes and see what was going on, a black streak shot past him. "-Midnight-!" he gasped out. He snapped out to try to hold her back, but his teeth hit only air. She disappeared so fast he didn't even have time to say 'wait'.

The bear growls sent shivers through the rock. The mountain began to rumble as the beast below roared and moved about, angered by this interruption on his slumber.

Gargoyle didn't tarry any longer at the crack. "Odin!" he shouted as he flung himself back down towards the main opening. "Get ready at the entrance! We gotta get this thing out in the open!" His paws pounded the earth, spilling stone in every direction, but he kept his balance. All that mountain goat hunting was starting to pay off. The Chief came to the top of the cave hole and dove in. Straight down the rabbit hole. Like most bear dens, this one had been dug in at an angle - Gargoyle's paws hit the dirt hit, he rolled with the momentum and popped up in the main chamber.

It was chaos in there! Awaken was closest to the entrance, and he was treated to a bit of trenchside swearing Gargoyle passed him by. "Dammit rookie! If you so much as think 'I told you so', I'll eat your ears." Gargoyle had interesting ways of showing encouragement in the heat of battle. But the most obvious thing about his words was how they were delivered. There was no more strain or life to his tones than usual. He might've been giving a passing stranger the time of day. Whatever it was that he was saying, he was involuntarily showing his packmates that he was remaining calm.

At the moment, keeping their heads was the most important thing.

Figuratively and literally.

He blew past Awaken with his injured ribs, and made a rush at the spinning, roaring bear. The monster had been smart and agile enough to take down a full grown moose - it didn't waste time crying and bucking for long - pretty soon it was slamming itself into the cave walls, attempting smoosh the furry black tick that was clinging to it. Gargoyle, who's voice was usually kept only for low, drawling rumbles, peeled back his muzzle and barked. The sound came out like thunderclaps, his fangs flashing like the lightning. True barking was not something common among wolves, but the male was quarter Doberman on dear old mummies side. It was certainly enough to call the bear's attention. And as soon as the big thick head of the bear whirled round in his direction, Gargoyle was dodging a paw and snapping straight at the monster's nose.

When Garogyle's paws hit the earth again, the bear's black button was replaced with a wet, red wound. The Chief didn't have to bark again. The bear didn't need anymore taunting - it flung itself after it's new, larger target.

Gargoyle raced back up and out of the bear-cave, hoping Awaken had clear it in time. "Odin!" he shouted. it was a call to be ready. As the bear came crashing out after Gargoyle, Odin , so long as he'd waiting like his Alpha had said, would have the perfect opportunity to pick his target.

Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done


06-25-2013, 12:56 PM

His paws ripped at the loose rocks trying to find a way in and help. But a flash of black fur rushed past him, and all he saw was the bear. His hind spun around quickly, his ears going down to his cap but he was only alarmed by the female who had tracked the monster. Midnight leaped into the break that awaken had created, for she was small enough to slip through. His ears heard as Gargoyle shouted an order and jumped in after her.

In an instant, his paws leaped onto the declining slope, the stone ripping at his paw pads, his legs struggling to keep balance on the slippery rock. And of course all failed, his legs collapsing and his knees breaking his fall before he flipped on the slope and slumped to the ground. But there was no time to waste, and the top half of his body pushed off the ground as he jumped up from the falling position on his back. Some blood dripped from his knees, but the pain had held off until later.

He didn't dare look down at the scrapes as he stood in wait for his packmates. The crashing and the rumbling that escaped from the cracks of the barricaded cave. He could almost not take any longer, he had to help them some how, and so his body started hopping toward the break in the rock when he then heard Gargoyles voice calling him. He did not know if the other two made it out, but his eyes looked up at gargoyle, his two front paws at the very bottom of the path. And so he reared up on his hind legs and hopped over to the stone wall waiting for the monster to breach it.

The stones rumbled, pebbles falling down from the loose cracks and Odin inhaled sweetly as he braced himself for what was to come.

He was right, about the other side being weaker than the side that came stinking down. And as the bear broke through, looking for the molted male who last hit him, he found Odin instead. The beast's faded eye spun around and searched for the lost target, his nose moving quickly in the air. But not long after he saw the grey brute standing slightly to the side did his paw come down to claw at his face.

It seemed like the world had slowed down, a large paw of sharp, blood-stained claws rose in the air and instantly swiped down toward the wolf before him. And Odin's eyes closed themselves to prepare the upcoming attack. And so, he moved.

He shifted all his weight to the left side, sliding his rear end away from the oversized beast. The paw came pounding to the ground as the bear was now on 4 legs. Odin pushed himself off the ground using all the power in his hind legs, aiming to grab at his neck like the others. But the bear turned to snap at his new target, and Odin latched onto his ear. The furious bear thrashed himself away from the pain, which only caused Odin's powerful grip to rip the fragile ear off and send him flying into the piled stones. He could only hope the others were here now as he spit out the flexible cartilage of blood.

Walk "Talk" Think


06-25-2013, 09:13 PM
Midnight had been thrown free as the bear had turned on Gargoyle her teeth slipping from its dark blood stained fur she had been thrown a short distance crashing into the back wall of the cave, a few stones fell from the ceiling tumbling around her but for a few moments she lay still temporarily stunned by the solid impact. She could here the bear crashing about as it followed gargoyle towards the entrance and gargoyles call for Odin to be ready, the fight was still going on.

She was sore all over now tomorrow she would be covered in bruises, and a small cut over her right eye sent blood flowing down her face mingling with the bear blood on her dark muzzle the white patch on her chin had long since turned red, but she was not going to let her pack mates fight him alone. Slowly she stood glancing around the cave to make sure all the others had made it out safe, she shook her head trying to clear it focusing on the task at hand she started forward just in time to see Odin be tossed to the side and the bear pull back slightly both ears now a tattered mess. She moved from the cave entrance glancing over at Odin for a moment to check he was ok before moving around, they basicly had the bear encircled. The creature roared its one gleaming brown eye stared at Odin and he began to move towards the wolf who had done him most recent damage, Midnight jumped forward snapping at his shoulder before moving back.

The creature turned to face her and she wondered for a moment if she saw recognition on its fury lined face, but the bear was swiping out its claws passing within inches of her nose she felt the unstable rocks under her feet and a thought occurred to her they where high up here if they could get the bear over the path edge then maybe its weight would pull it down bury it in rubble at least they would then be on flat ground. She needed to tell gargoyle of the idea but the bear stood between them roaring and screaming she could not yell over that an new idea she snapped at the beasts bloodied nose and the bear pulled back and up his head she ducked low and rushed underneath feeling him rear up above her as she did so but she made it through dodging his back paws she reached Gargoyles side, the bear was still moving trying to turn around to face them and so she took a moment to wipe the blood from her eyes, ?gargoyle if we can get him over the edge it might start a land slide bury him, at least get us to even footing,? muscles tensed ready for flight or fight she waited for the chiefs reply, there was fear in her eyes but also determination, this ended here.



9 Years
Extra large
06-25-2013, 10:33 PM

An ear twitched, the sounds of roars, yelps and whines piercing through the entrance of her den. Eyelids pulled back to revealed clouded violet orbs. Those sounds were not hard to understand, or to recognise. The wolves had found the bear who had been causing them trouble but from the sounds of it they did not have too many to take him down. One would question how she knew this, it was easy, her den was nearby where they were fighting. Why didn't she notice the male yet? She had been in hibernation, so she couldn't notice him.

She uncurled herself, limbs stretching out, bones cracking before finally pushing herself up and pushing through the snow that blacked the entrance to her den. Once out she turned around, using her large paws to pull the snow back, patting it down so nobody could crawl through. Once that was done she turned back around, listening for a few moments for the wolves and once she heard them she was off.

The large beast moved quickly through the snow, violet orbs scanning the place, nose sniffing the air. Following their scents, their voices. She tried to remain calm, not wanting fear to take over, didn't want to screw something up. She needed to get there, needed to help those wolves before one of them got seriously injured. None of them deserved to be terrorized by this beast, he had no reason to walk around like he was the shit and do whatever he pleased.

At last she found them, head lifting, violet orbs falling upon four wolves a bit up the steep mountainside and the bear throwing himself around. Lips pulled back to reveal her fangs, eyes narrowing into a glare, large paws carrying her body up, body growing tense.

Zanire made her way up, making sure to step onto stable rocks. Her gaze would lock onto the group ahead of her, but only for a few moments before she had to look away and focus on where she was placing her paws. She even slipped once, holding on tightly as her rear slid off the edge of a rock, but managed to pull herself up and keep going.

Finally she was there, just under the ledge they were all on. She waited for a moment, taking a deep breath, preparing herself for what might happen if she failed... or succeeded. Then she grabbed the edge and pulled herself up.

They didn't know she was coming, had no idea she had been tracking this male since she asked Gargoyle for permission to den nearby. It would be a surprise.

With a roar like thunder the shebear charged at the male, paws hitting the ground heavily, lips pulled back, going as fast as she could. She was like a train, and like it she went right into the male, using her shoulder to smash into his stomach. Both giants went to the ground with a heavy thud, the loose rocks around them being knocked out of place and raining down and the wolves. To them all they would hear were roars ad growls, but to the bears she was yelling a serious of threats and names.

Pulling away, Zanire lifted herself up onto her hind legs, just as the male did, both of them slamming their large paws into each others chest, neck, and face. Cuts forming where their claws made contact into the others flesh. Back and forth they went until the male had used both paws to knock her down, shoving her in the shoulders hard, sending her down, hitting the ground with a bone crunching thud.


Awesome image made by Clash. <3