
Hopefully, this is home


05-31-2013, 01:36 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2013, 01:41 PM by Rina.)
Ooc: Sorry for the lack of table

Rina had been wandering for nearly a year now. Her brown fur was silky and full of shine and her white strip of fur was a dancing flame in the breeze. Her muscles were tense and her heart was beating fast as she trotted closer to the border. She had scented a marker m from a few thousand yards back and had taken her time in getting closer. Rina lifted her moist nose to the breeze to find it was blowing past her, which meant anyone across the border could scent her. The The Autumn sun was blistering high in the noon and Rina felt it on her fur, penetrating into her skin. She panted, small drips of sweat forming on her pelt, quickly rising in steam as the sun hit them.

After a few minutes, Rina was a respectful distance from the border, sheltering under an Oak tree. It's leaves were turning a Golden red and a few were falling around her. It was a pleasant sight indeed. How nice it is today. It would make it the best of my life if I were to find a pack also. Rina was slightly dazed by the rays of the sun and it made her thoughts light. She shook her head and snapped back to reality. She was here for a reason. She needed to find out more about this pack. Maybe she would find a place there. Sunlight was dappled across the sandy roots Rina was perched on and she sighed and took a deep breath, before letting it loose into a slightly husky, but beautiful summon for the Alpha.

Afterwards, she sat down politely in front of the border, respectfully about a metre away. She didn't want to be disrespectful or intimidating, first impressions count you know.


06-02-2013, 10:53 AM

Noon. It was not the usual time that Deteste patrolled the borders but since he had been introduced to a couple of Lucidael's current members his confidence had grown and as had his desire to serve the pack and most importantly Jupiter, who especially needed the extra hand in her state. Since his separation from Laxago the Ludicael had taken her place. There was not a moment of stillness in his day but even yet he couldn't help to think of her and desire to run off in search of her. He knew she would return. She always did. At least this was what he thought. His gait had slowed in this train of thought but it was not long before a deep howl roused him back to the physical world. From his position the call was rather loud. It was apparent that he was not far from the visitor, only upwind. He turned his back to mangrove and trotted in the direction of the summon, collecting what information he could as neared. Wetting his nose and parting his jowls slightly.

He could only begin to scent her once she was a couple meters away, such was the nature of the wind that day. It was likely that a snow storm would blow in from the north, regardless of the tropical nature of the territory. His trot slowed once he gained sight of her. Deteste had met many peculiarly decorated wolves in this country and he almost appreciated the girl's more naturally colored pelt. De offered a short and friendly bark before closing the gap between them. It was always best to allow a friendly party to be aware of one's presence. Ho there. he spoke, timbre kind and a gentle slope of a smile stretching his jowl, The Sol will be with you soon, but my name is De His crown dipped in greeting.


06-02-2013, 11:26 AM
Rina smelt a male that has the save scent of the markers. Perhaps he cooks tell her of this pack. Although, he might be here to chase her off. She backed away slightly as he rounded the slope he appeared from. She stood up, her muscles tense and cautious, yet she was curious. He was quite a handsome brute. His fur black, or brown, she couldn't tell in the harsh sunlight. As he neared, she saw he was not in the position, or looking like me was going to attack. Her muscles relaxed a little at this and she moved forward a little more.

She smiled at the brute as he explained that the 'Sol' would be here soon. She assumed 'Sol' meant Alpha. He introduced himself as De and bowed his head. Rina bowed hers in return. Is lovely to meet you, dear De. My name is Rina Sabaid. I'm looking to find out about this pack, and maybe join, if it sounds suitable. Rina replied formally.

Her stomach growled. Oh, I do beg your pardon. My stomach sometimes has a nice if it's own. Rina tried to surpress a smile, but failed. A grin danced upon her maw. She shook herself before returning her green and brown gaze to De.


06-02-2013, 06:31 PM

Deteste eyed the girl's stiff body language carefully, changing his own to be much slower and emanate stillness. Slowly lowering his rump to the sod he sat and allowed the girl to relax. When a smile was offered he widened his own and panted slightly to make himself more personable to the girl. It's lovely to meet you, dear De. My name is Rina Sabaid. The words were formal yet sweetly spoken. Deteste could see that the wolf before him was a kind character and he knew that she would easily fit in to the Ludicael.

The feeling is mutual, Rina. he spoke, timbre welcoming. He remained quite for a moment as he pondered what to say first about the Ludicael and as he parted his jowls to speak again he held back at the maiden's vocal stomach. She was slightly underweight. Perhaps she had traveled long, just as he had, to find a home. He sincerely hoped that she would be content with the mangrove. She would surely make many friends regarding her polite disposition. Ah, he finally spoke, laughing with his eyes, would you like to find some game with me? Though winter was here the mangrove was warmer than other country. For now that warmth attracted sufficient game to feed all the members of the Ludicael.


06-03-2013, 02:04 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 02:12 PM by Rina.)

Rina smiled at the brute once more before replying. I'd love to hunt if you're willing. She relaxed her stance and listened carefully for any riding in the grass nearby. She heard a few in a small patch of deep grass. Instinctively, she crouched down into a hunting stance. Keeping her weight focused on her back paws, she crept forward to the unaware prey. She heard a quiet squeaking noise. Shrew She stopped and waited for De.

She would keep upon the prey, ending it's life swiftly. She would catch another and lay it in front of De respectfully. She would sit down, more relaxed than before, and say: Please, have a bite. She would add, tucking into hers. Please excuse me, but I must. Rina are the shrew in two small bites. She looked very lips and returned her multicoloured gaze to De.


Jupiter I


7 Years
06-03-2013, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2013, 06:08 PM by Jupiter I.)

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

mercury was a friend in all of this, always keeping track of what she missed in the pack lands from not being able to move around as much as usual. if anything, jupiter's pregnancy had matured the volatile creature into something less of a ticking bomb--he'd developed at least an inkling of tolerance since her diagnosis, and jupiter was more grateful than anything in the world for him.

on this day he woke her gently from her slumber, small paws pressed upon her side. she drowsily opened her eyes and looked at him, the forming snarl upon her lips fading as she saw the identity of her disturbance, being instead replaced by a snarl. with a yawn and a stretch the mid-pregnancy-locked woman rose, turning her gaze attentively upon him.

"deteste has met a stranger at the borders," he informed. it was amazing to jupiter how useful such a small, dark creature could be, as well as how stealthy the tasmanian could be, as well. she nodded thankfully to him and made her way in that direction with her companion in the lead.

by the time the pair arrived, the lass had already finished her meal of a small shrew, the bloodied skeleton still at her paws. something grumpily told jupiter she should chide deteste for allowing hunting this close to the lands, but then she realized she too was guilty of such a crime, going as far as allowing another to hunt inside of the lands, and allowed no disapproval to ever stain her features.

despite her slight grumpiness she managed a smile at deteste, nodding to him in greeting and then looking at the chocolate femme, eyes sweeping up and down her form. "a potential member, i suspect?" she inquired, attitude only mild as she glanced back at deteste. mercury settled down beside her, lips curled into a silent growl and beady black eyes focused intently upon the stranger.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


06-06-2013, 06:14 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 01:46 PM by Deteste.)

Deteste sat as Rina hunted. He had planned on helping her take down bigger game and possibly dragging what was left to pack lands for Lucidael. Deteste was an experienced hunter, knowing some rather untraditional methods from his time as a hired assassin, and could take down larger game without too much difficulty when he had another to help him. However he relaxed realizing that the woman could take care of herself. He watched her animated hunt. The pale strip down her back glinted like ice in the sun. She was a young adult and had a lively personality. She was pretty and her youth caused him to be glad and eased at heart. He had never felt so peaceful until he had found the Ludicael. Everyone he had met had such integrity and goodness in them and here was another well suited addition to their number.

Deteste was about to eat the share that Rina had offered him. He was not particularly hungry but appreciated her gracious gesture. But he could sense Jupiter in the distance and the east ward wind told him that she would be here soon. He would give her the option to have the meal. The wind also told him that she was accompanied by her strange, dark friend. Never had Deteste spoken with the tasmanian devil and he supposed that this was simply his nature. There was an obvious relationship between he and the Sol and Deteste respected him accordingly. He smiled softly as Jupiter came into sight, always glad to see her, and laughed inwardly at the ever present agitation that had developed with her progressing pregnancy. Laxago had once, sincerely, tried to kill him during her pregnancy. He had a plethora of nasty scars across his belly that told the tale. Deteste would never become impatient with the Sol and there was not a pregnant woman in the world who could tempt him into anger.

Sol. He spoke, timbre formal and dipping his crown lowly at Jupiter. This is Rina, and yes, she seeks acceptance. Once addressing Jupiter's inquiry he made sure to bow in respect of her companion. He had seen him frequently within the territory and he assumed that, like every other Ludicael member, he was aiding the Sol while she tended to her pregnancy. Are you hungry? he indicated the shrew with a nudge of his maw.