
Where the ravens gather


09-26-2014, 06:46 PM

He and Gaia had spoke, it was a good idea to stay he believed if only for the time being. He had prematurely asked Katja if he could live in her pack at the battle only to find that Gaia was not feeling it (understandably). Now that Gaia was back at her den all he had to do was see where he stood with Katja and her pack. Would she even have him? Would she try and tear him away from Gaia? He couldn't think like that, he had to think positively. This would work, Katja would let him stay. He would draw in a deep breath, closing his bicolored eyes as he moved away from Gaia's den until he was a fair distance away and they wouldn't be overheard. Head tipped back and he looses and easy howl calling for the black woman who had stolen Olympus. He held no ill feelings towards her in that sense, packs were challenged for constantly, change happened and the weak lost. He could respect her for that but it was the stealing Virgil's children that didn't settle well with the boy. But maybe they could chat, she had seemed reasonable, right..?


Katja the First


8 Years
09-26-2014, 07:25 PM

After the chaos of the challenge it was a relief to be away from it, to be in the lands originally claimed by Olympus and to begin doing a bit of... housecleaning, so to speak. Marking the boundary over top Olympus' scent markers, rolling and rubbing against trees to aid in covering the old scent. 'This is my land now' she was saying as clearly as if she spoke aloud every time she scraped her paws in a visible mark of claim. She could have - should have - been resting after the swift but brutal battle between her and the male ruler of Olympus, but she was still working off some of the simmering rage that had built up in her, and that aside she wanted to make clear her claim before she raced off for Ebony.

The call rang out summoning her and Katja immediately turned to lope after the sound. Reaching her destination found her facing the cardinal-red boy who had been with the eldest Olympus girl at the challenge. She approached him warily, but openly and without aggression. He'd spoken of wanting to join Yfir to be with his girl - was that what he wanted, still? Or had he come to plead for her release?

"What can I do for you?"


09-26-2014, 07:35 PM

ooc;; too lazy to go back and see if solo caught her name, going to assume he did :x

He would not be kept waiting long and for that he was appreciative. As soon as her dark form came into view the young male would lift himself into a standing position to greet her. Tail was held respectfully low, skull kept in line with his spine as to show no dominance. She was the queen here. But as she came to stand before him his head would dip low into a bit of a bow or recognition and respect. "Thank you for coming, I'm sure you have more pressing matters to attend then the silly whims of a child..." Fuck, there it was again. That hopelessness. He closed his eyes for a moment and drew a breath before opening them and forcing his next words. "I will take as little time as possible. First congratulations on your victory, you fought well and I respect that. Though I do not agree with you taking children I am sure you have your reasons and I respect that. So on that note may I ask what your plans are with them? With Gaia? She is to be my wife and I do care for her. If you would allow I would wish to stay with her here... Of course I would help you and your pack in any way during my time..." He cut himself off before he started rambling too much. Inwardly wincing at how much he had said already.

Katja the First


8 Years
09-26-2014, 08:55 PM

Katja regarded him impassively as he spoke, though inwardly she sighed. She'd been right in her doubts about this boy at the challenge. He had no interest in actually joining them, would not ever be content as a member of the pack if Gaia were not. She mulled over her answer in silence for a long moment. "Boy," she finally began, not being able to recall if he'd given his name in the chaos, "I am not without sympathy for you. But I cannot accept into my pack a wolf who has no intention of being part of the community - there can be no trust there, and a pack must have trust to survive." The short speech pulled at her injured muzzle, and she stopped to swipe blood from her mouth before continuing.

"However, I am not a monster, youngling." She met his eyes steadily, speaking carefully. "I did not set out to make these children miserable. To be blunt, if having you here keeps her content I would do it even if you were useless." Coldly calculating, perhaps, and there was no avoiding it being obvious even if she had been inclined to hide her own nature, but it was true. Could she face the children Raisa had borne and tell them that she had not only claimed their siblings into her pack but she had torn Gaia away from her puppy love?

"You are welcome to stay, but it will be a conditional rank only. You are welcome to the protection of the pack and to train alongside your love and her siblings, but you will not truly be a member of Yfir. If in the future you wish to join us for more reasons than simply your captive love, you will be ranked among the community but for now you will be considered simply a temporary guest. Fair?" She raised her brows at him questioningly.



09-26-2014, 10:00 PM

She didn't seem put off by his words, in fact she seems to consider each and every one of them as they rushed out of his mouth. She would pause as she pondered all his words, considering each one it seemed before finally speaking. She referred to him as 'boy' and immediately he kicked himself for not introducing himself. "Solo ma'am." He would offer softly as to not interrupt her when she spoke again. He would stand simply and listen to her without interruption, nodding here and there as he felt was needed. He watched her as blood dribbled from her lips, for a moment distracted from her words by the crimson liquid that spilled to the ground. The same colour as his pelt. 'However, i am not a monster, youngling.' Her words drew his gaze back to hers though after a moment he would shift his gaze away before returning it in a show of submission once more. A soft smile touched his lips as Katja continued, speaking of Gaia and her wishes. Could he stay? She would continue on with a longer speech this time, outlining the conditions of his stay and his rank. "More then fair, I cannot thank you enough. That is all I needed to know. If there is anything you wish of me, please do not hesitate to summon me but for now I should return." He would say, head dipping in show of his gratitude as he backed up and then turned, setting back off towards Gaia's den to tell her the good news. He only got a few steps before pausing and turning once more to look at Katja. "I would be glad to follow a leader such as you? But my loyalties for now must remain to Gaia, I can't thank you enough for understanding?" He said, nodding firmly. She was strong, knew what she wanted and had the capabilities to obtain it. Weren't those the qualities of a true leader? Maybe one day Gaia would warm up to her? If Virgil didn't kill her first. Too bad the world had a sick way of turning. He didn't wait on much longer, turning to pad back to Gaia.

-exit solo unless stopped-

Katja the First


8 Years
09-27-2014, 10:02 AM

The boy... Solo... was polite and quite obviously cared deeply for the Olympus girl. He'd be heartbroken when their love didn't work out, as puppy-love so rarely did, but he was a strong young man. Undoubtedly he'd recover. And why should she find herself even caring? But even as a temporary member he'd be invaluable, though that cardinal-red coat would likely have to be hidden somehow to make him less obvious on hunts or the battlefield. The color would just scream 'come bite me now' in a melee, and a bull elk would spot him from a mile away. Mud rubbed over the coat to dull the color maybe. Her mercury gaze didn't waver as she dipped her head in acceptance of his words, though she didn't speak, nor did she attempt to stop him as he scurried off back to his lady-love. She did sigh out loud as he disappeared into the long grass and shake her head before turning and continuing on her way. Five teenagers in the pack, four of which probably hated her for taking them from their idiot family on top of the usual teenage angst... what was she getting herself into?

-exit Katja-
