
No One Cares


05-27-2013, 12:52 AM

[mature for language]

Fenrir couldn't comprehend what had happened to the pack he had once lived in. He'd left the old Valhalla to find himself, joined a pack on this new Alacritia when he'd moved far before the exodus, and then come back to Valhalla once he'd heard they'd all traveled here after the rumors of an eruption in the old lands had spread like wildfire. Needless to say he was disappointed with Valhalla, Cairo, all of them. Cairo had changed into something he no longer recognized and no respect was given anymore. Valhalla had lost any morals and values, and he also refused to think of the pack his mother lived in as enemies. The pack wanted nothing to do with Valhalla but remain in their mountain range and live quietly without being disturbed. They were all fucking idiots for calling them "enemies." It was obvious Tortuga would do nothing to cause a war, they just had their heads too far up their ass to see anything but shit. He refused to be a part of something that was failing so miserably. A horrid system that was unjust and cruel. Something that went against every moral he owned. He was too righteous for it. To proud. Too good of a wolf to remain in a fucked up world. He wouldn't stand behind them and call them family, much less give his dying last breath for half of the individuals who couldn't seem to determine right from wrong anymore.

He made no warning gesture, no signal to any of the higher ups he was leaving. He just walked. His massive form would cross the border and he would pause to look back for a moment to see if anyone would cross his path. Anyone could come say goodbye, but nothing would change his mind. He most likely would avoid Tortuga else he be viewed as a traitor. He didn't like the idea of switching to the darkly aligned pack. Too different for his taste. Glaciem wasn't his cup of tea, and he knew next to nothing about Ludicael. They probably wouldn't like it but he had every intention of going to Seracia to investigate. If they seemed like a good fit he would try and make it a place to call home. If not he'd happily stay a rogue. It was better than being a part of something so twisted and vile. It was worse that Tortuga in his eyes. They hid behind falsities and statements. All bark and no bite and no where to put themselves to. No justice. It made him sick to his stomach.

Black and red head shook as he thought about it. Pathetic rung over and over in his head. He felt sorry for the healer Erani. Her duties were still stripped and it was wrong. She was a healer and it seemed she was the only experienced healer they had. Imagine if someone were attacked. He would certainly have to laugh in their face if they came crying and pleading to her to help the wolf that was injured because all the others hadn't been given the proper training. What idiots. And how dare Cairo look at him like he'd done something wrong. They'd turned into a dictator ship and he wouldn't had it. Collision had acted no better. In fact he'd acted like a fucking child, and yet he was given an evil look. Two-faced bitch. Needless to say his anger had been fully aroused and a growl slipped out at the thought. He'd hardly been around his mother long enough to learn anything incredibly life changing from her. What he'd learned was what he taught himself or learned from his previous pack. What an idiot Cairo was. It was obvious he was being judged because his mother had told them all off and then went to Tortuga. Especially when she'd insulted Cairo at the borders. Anyone from the old Alacritia would continue to judge him simply because they were assholes. That much was obvious. So he would leave.

Giving Valhalla no last look he left with his head and tail held high in pride. Pride of who he was and what he stood for. It certainly wasn't what lay behind him, but what was ahead of him. A better future and something better to put his faith and loyalties in.

-Exit Fenrir unless stopped-

[ooc: If this doesn't have a reply by the 29th then it is presumed Fenrir went to Seracia without meeting anyone on the way out.]



05-28-2013, 07:20 PM

Rumble had just walked from talking to his sister. Pepper hadn't seen him for exactly two years, and unlike his mother, the way their conversation went actually meant something. Really all he did was get his way out of family, it seemed like all he wanted to do was help them and it just hurt them. Was there anything he could do to make them happy? Could he make any being happy? Of course not. Everything he did hurt someone and never made anyone feel better. Pepper was scarred since Rum was the favored child, and then she had to suffer his leave back on old Alacritis. Morgan wouldn't even show his poor sister affection after he was gone, and that really hurt him.

The boy wasn't quite sure where he would go from here, where was there to go? There was an option to just roam alone, but the brute didn't want to die alone; just away from the family he knew. There was really a severe problem in Rum's health, his recent abnormal coughing, almost like he was dying. But the boy was too young to die, there was no way he would believe his life was about to end so he refused to even let a thought like that into his mind.

As he was strolling around in the empty lands, another Valhallan hit his nose. Someone following me? His white nose struck the air, but this boy wasn't far from him. Maybe just out for a stroll? And so Rum decided to let his scent lead the way to this character.

Rum finally had a sight of the male, and is was someone he had met before. Yes, the one from the Range, Fenrir was it? Yes that was it. And so, with a friendly attitude, Rum started to approach his acquaintance. Even though Rum approached the male like a friend, his mood was still quiet and calm. His average personality was reserved. "Going somewhere?"




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-29-2013, 09:04 AM

Epiphron was distraught. Members of Valhalla were growing restless, and there was only so much that the young woman could do to assuage their tempers and concerns. So long as Gerhardt agreed to the slight changes of plans -- and she really wasn't sure why he wouldn't -- she would soon be passing the throne to Chrysanthe. Her rule had been short-lived, but she hoped to do at least some good while she could, to reverse the damage done by Collision. Or, at the very least, to soothe the pain he had caused.

As the meeting grew to a close, without her father in sight, she wondered if he would be disappointed in her for willingly stepping down from the throne. But how could he be? Chrysanthe was far more deserving of the position, for all she had done for the pack. And Epiphron was certain that she would not do the members of Valhalla wrong. Even if Icarus tried... Valhalla belonged to an Adravendi, and Epiphron would be damned if he ran the place into the ground. If need be, she would return to pick up the broken pieces, alliance aside. Valhalla was more important.

She knew that Fenrir in particular had been upset -- her father had been not backed down, even going to insult his mother. The idea of a member, albeit a fairly new one, leaving on such bad terms brought a bad taste to her mouth. He had left silent, but Epiphron was not stupid. The woman's pace increased as white and single red paw tread on the soil, her nose lowered to search of the brute's scent. She was not going to argue with him, to convince him to stay, but she wanted the male to know that she was sorry for how he'd been treated. He hadn't accepted Chrysanthe's apology, and might not even want to hear her own -- but the woman felt indebted to him.

And as she drew nearer, she caught sight of another brute. Were two wolves leaving Valhalla? Rum as well? A sigh escaped her throat, but the girl maintained a calm composure as she drew closer to them.

A gentle bark sounded, showing she meant no harm. She would not fight to claim them. Such things were pointless. But she would bid them farewell, and wish them the best, if they chose to listen to her. Tail was held high above her back, and yet it swayed slightly from side to side, despite the serious demeanor that lingered on her facade.


06-01-2013, 10:46 PM

The behemoth came to a halt and head turned towards the voice as the familiar male approached him. Head cocked sideways at the question as he pondered it for a moment before nodding his head. He was a man of little words, but regardless he would answer the male. It just seemed as though much didn't needed to be spoken. Red and green eyes studied the male for a moment before clicking a name with a face. Rum.

"Yes. I'm leaving. Valhalla holds nothing for me. And you?"

He couldn't help but wonder what the male was up to. It wasn't often that you just conveniently met another on the way out of the borders. A bark caught his attention and Fenrir turned to see Epiphron, the Alphess (According to him. He'd missed the last bit of the meeting), coming towards them both. Head dipped in respect towards her and he offered her a somewhat friendly flick of his tail. She didn't seem too pleased, but he could understand why.

"Miss Epiphron."

He addressed her formally. He still retained some respect for the Adrevendi family. At least for those who had earned it. She'd done nothing to taint his opinion of her, so he would be friendly and hold a tone of respect around her. Anyone else, like Cairo or Collision, well they could go to hell.



06-02-2013, 02:30 PM

Rum had now been face to face with the male, their red eyes lining up to each other, the blue and the green orbs almost looked the same at a distance. Fenrir had said he was leaving Valhalla, how ironic? Of course he was leaving for different more understandable reasons, but still. They happened to be leaving at the same exact time.

Fenrir had returned the question to him, and because this male had something about him, Rum actually wanted to be friends with him. They seemed like they had something in common, but he couldn't really identify it. "Oh well... I'm leaving. I'm going to find my sister." Even though Rum had just come from talking to Pepper, he didn't want anyone, especially his mother, knowing that he was truly leaving. He would come meet Morgan and this new man of hers when she called, and maybe break the news to her then, but now he wanted no one to know he was officially leaving.

Rum was about the speak when he noticed another wolf approaching and Fenrir's focus then set behind him. His head turned, stepping over to let the Alpha female have a space in their circle. He bowed his head just a little showing respect to her, even though he knew he was going to disrespect her in only a minute.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-04-2013, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2013, 03:57 PM by Epiphron.)

The meeting had been messy, to say the least. Because of the confusion and near chaos that had been created by Syrinx's sudden arrival, and attempt to claim the throne, she found herself being forced to pick up the pieces. No, it was not forced -- she wanted Fenrir and Rum to know they would not be forced to stay in Valhalla, nor would they be looked upon with hate.

"Fenrir. Rum," she greeted the two of them warmly. She was feeling much less tense than she had upon her brother's arrival. The only obstacle that stood in her way was gaining Gerhardt's acceptance to her proposal.

The last thing she wanted was to exchange bitter words; she knew neither of them well, but truly didn't want them to leave thinking ill of Valhalla. "You're lucky you two left when you did," she said somewhat airily, grinning a bit. "But you missed a bit, as well.. I have passed the throne to my sister, Chrysanthe. Though I suppose the two of us are both in a leadership position together for now. I know wrongs have been done, but I can assure you that my sister will right them. I offer my sincerest apologies in the way the two of you may have been treated while here." She was as sincere as good be; things would be different now. She was sure of it.


06-05-2013, 09:18 PM

Red and green eyes looked at Rum for a moment and he cocked his head.

"I hope you find her then."

His attention turned back to Epiphron as she began to speak. Ebony ears flicked forward with interest as he listened. He had heard whispers. Rumors of things that had happened at the meeting. It seemed as though most of them were true. Regardless Chrysanthe was their leader now. He wasn't sure what Epiphron was. She went on to offer them both an apology. Head dipped forward in respect.

"Not you're fault. I thank you though. It's a shame the apology isn't coming from those that have committed the wrong doings, but I doubt that will happen. I do apologize if I have offended anyone. I've never been one to sit idly by while someone makes decisions that effect others without being given the right to say anything. It was wrong in my opinion. It obviously lacked any thought. My actions were wrong, but I will not apologize completely for my intentions were just."



06-06-2013, 04:18 PM

Rum's eyes moved to Epiphron's once again. Her sparkling blue orbs nott really focusing on either of them. Though Rum didn't really understand what happened between Cairo and Fenrir back at the meeting, Rum wasn't treated badly at all. At least, not that he saw? Well either way, that's not what would have drove him away.

"If I may say, I'm not leaving due to the meeting. Personal reasons aside, I need to find Pepper and bring her back here."

His pupils then looked over at Fenrir, not moving his head. But they quickly moved back to Epiphron. Rum was really sick, he needed serious help but he refused to think he needed anything at all. Old Ala really hurt him, but he refused to get help. And nothing would change his mind otherwise. He would go off in a world that didn't give two shits about him and he would let himself slowly die. Alone. No Pepper, no Morgan, no one at all.

A part of him wanted to find Freak, his real father just to meet him at least once. But another part of him just hoped he died somewhere, alone and unloved like he was about to do. But Rum was doing this on purpose. And he didn't regret any of it because he knew that this was much better then sticking around and letting his family watch him suffer.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2013, 05:15 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2013, 05:16 PM by Epiphron.)

Fenrir spoke up first. The woman liked him, even though she'd never really conversed with him; he certainly seemed like a decent man. But things had happened so quickly, and she figured it would do no good to dwell on the past, to think of the things she could have -- and perhaps should have -- done.

"Well, you certainly owe no apologies to me," she said simply. "I'm confident my sister will make the right choices. As for now, I rule alongside her, but soon I plan to visit the King of Seracia and ask if he would mind if it was I that married his son, rather than Chrysanthe." It was beginning to dawn on her that she would be leaving here soon. To hopefully seal a deal that would change her life forever. "And if he accepts, I suppose I shall be the Princess of Seracia. Granted the wolves there are not opposed." She smiled gently, shrugging her shoulders. Despite her strength, it was obvious she was nervous about it all.

Then Rum spoke up. He was not leaving because of what had happened at the meeting, but for personal reasons. Still, she did not want him to view Valhalla poorly. "Either way -- I'm still sorry that Valhalla was not what you needed," she said with a sigh. "But I can't say it was perfect for me, either." Despite the fact that she had grown up there, that most of her family lived there, by going to Seracia she would be securing a strong alliance for her family. And marrying the man that she had truly fallen in love with. "Where will the two of you go, if you know?" It was conversation, if anything. Tail had lowered to rest behind her. Soon she would not be a leader of Valhalla, and it would soon be time to stop acting like that.


06-12-2013, 06:54 PM

He dipped his head. He had no personal opinions on her going to Seracia in Chrysanthe's stead. So long as she wasn't forced to doing it and she wished to do so of her own free will he had no thoughts to give. Only that he wished her the best of luck with her endeavors.

"I hope all goes well for you."

Eyes flickered over to Rum. he was quiet for the most part. He was an interesting wolf though and had a personality that suggested he and himself might get along quite well if given the chance. Crimson and green eyes then flicked back to Epiphron. Where would he go? The possibilities were endless.

"I figured I'd try for Seracia. If all else fails I'll be a loner."



06-20-2013, 05:16 PM

Rumble let Epiphron talk, listening even though his average stance resembled nothing of interest. Fenrir said he was going to Seracia, and since Epiphron was venturing there to ask change of the arranged marriage, it was possible the two could be friends in a new home. As for Rum, he would be nothing of the two. His choice was pretty strong, and at this point he didn't care what anyone thought.


His eyes looked up at Pip, then looking back at Fenrir. He didn't really feel ashamed, but his eyes dropped to the ground. What did he really feel about leaving his home? He wasn't quite sure himself.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2013, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2013, 06:27 PM by Epiphron.)

Neither of the wolves seemed particularly impressed with her presence. But it was the very least she could do for them -- to try to subdue any potentially flared egos, to make both of them know that she was not upset with either of them. That they were welcome to return, if they so desired, or to continue leaving.

"Hopefully, then, I will see you in Seracia, Fenrir. And if not, I wish you the best of luck in your travels." Epiphron nodded, offering both of them a farewell, for it seemed their meeting had come to an end quickly.

"Tortuga," she repeated with a simple nod. "Their leaders are decent wolves. We have recently forged a sort of peace treaty with them." Leave each other alone, for the most part. "So perhaps I will see you as well someday, Rum. Both of you -- good luck, and farewell." No smile was elicited, but a respectful nod. She then turned on her heels and headed back home, knowing they were both set on leaving, and not wanting to waste needless effort to try to keep them here when they were clearly unwilling.

- exit Epiphron -