
Staff Auditions



05-26-2013, 09:51 PM
Okay guys, we need staff, I kind of can't deny that, and I demoted some, which means there are spots open. If you were removed, feel free to re-apply, however, do expect either, a lower rank, or expect a personal note from the admins. To apply you must have one accepted character on alacritis and have been here for at least one week.

**DO NOTE: Yes, our system is returning to moderators and admins, because we, evidently, need a system where you can get promoted.

Currently we have:

Admins: Lutara & Andy -Seren is pending promotion-
Co-Admins:Serendipity & Frayer
Global Mods/Pending Co-admin status ---
Bio Moderators- Nyx & Shrapnel & OPEN
Entertainment Moderator- 1 spot available
Advertisement Moderator- 1 spot available
Player Database Moderator- 1 spot available
Clean-Up Moderator- 2 spots available
Gem Store Moderator- 2 spots available

Yes, I am adding a lot of staff, why? We're a major site. These may not all be filled, which is what I'm here for. Also, we will be returning to a system that uses the maintenance board for packs and sorting, because, I can not handle the disorganization, it literally makes me want to sob. I will be personally going through and modding things so that certain things are accessible through the ACP, and certain things are not, for each and every job. There will be quite a few changes, just massive massive massive massive updates on the way. O yeah, it'll be massive. Okay so, send in your application with, simply, what position you want, and why you should be added to the team.

Break down of jobs

Admins: Take care of most of the side and any missing anything, we mostly pay attention to the maintenance board, gem claims, and bios.
Co-Admins:Little bit of everything here, these guys are awesome, and have proven themselves for the spot they have. These guys are to pay attention, mostly, to the maintenance board and bios. They are also in charge of making sure people feel welcome to the site and things are pretty neat and orderly.
Global Mods/Pending Co-admin status This is a pretty difficult position to have, because, we expect you to work your hardest at this point. It's kind of like a final test before you get to be an admin, so, be ready for that.
Bio Moderators- Needs to accept bios. Needs to be able to do so at least once a day, do it fast, you can even add the acceptance code to your little tables holder in your profile.
Entertainment Moderator- You will be in charge of running any games, contests, and OTM's. Top poster contest, will also fall into your control. Since these things are updated in the site coding, you need to, every month, PM the admin account with the updates and winners.
Advertisement Moderator- You keep track of the affiliates, if any go dead, let us know. You are also to reply to the ads in the ad board. After you have replied to it, please, post on that topic with a note that says "linked back". That is it. Also, if you think an affiliate would be good for us to have, and we have open spots, then let us know.
Player Database Moderator- you update the player database with all the accepted members at least once a week. You will also be in charge of Activity checks and you will also have to give us a list of all characters to set inactive.
Clean-Up Moderator- You go through the entire board and clear any threads that have not recieved a reply in twenty one days. *yes the number has changed*
Gem Store Moderator- You are going to have ACP access, unless it can be modded to work through the MCP, and you will have to accept and deny any and all gem store requests, and whenever the gem requests thread is back, you will be in charge of that.


05-27-2013, 01:24 AM
If it's needed I'd be happy to teach people, who aren't familiar with how the advertising thing works, how to do it considering it was my old job back on Alacritis and on Ciroc as well. So I'm very familiar with it.



05-27-2013, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2013, 02:29 PM by Ardent.)
as stated please send in apps via pm