
Machine Made of Flesh


05-25-2013, 07:11 PM

Well this was hardly fair. The male had joined Valhalla truly believing he would truly be accepted into the pack and be useful to them. Cairo had given him a warm welcome at the borders when he'd come to seek acceptance after finding them, but as soon as he'd been granted permission everything got bland almost. Duties weren't given out, and they'd only had a few pack meetings to discuss things he didn't quite agree with. Cairo was too old to rule, and he disagreed with Collision. Whatever was happening he didn't like it. He felt completely and utterly useless in the pack. Perhaps it was time to find fresher waters?

Tortuga wasn't much of an option. Of course his mother lived there and he loved her dearly, but he wasn't fond of their dark alignment. He was more neutral than anything else. He definitely wouldn't fit into that misfit bunch. He knew next to nothing about Ludicael. He knew much of Glaciem, but the northern pack did not interest him. That left Amenti and Seracia. Amenti was also too dark for his taste and he truly didn't believe he would make a good fit there, so that left Seracia. The Kingdom-like pack intrigued him and the thought of being a part of them was alluring. They were close allies with Valhalla, and Chrysanthe was being betrothed to their Prince. They didn't seem all that bad.

So to Seracia the young giant went. All thirty eight inches of him. A hulking mass compared to most and yet some of the beasts of Valhalla made him small. It was an oddity he couldn't quite comprehend. After a fairly easy journey he arrived at the borders of the pack and he stopped a respectful distance away. This would just be a trip to learn more about them and question them about a few things, but regardless it would hopefully tell him what he needed to know.

Black and red skull lifted to the sky as he threw back his head to let out a summoning howl. Blackened lips formed an 'o' shape before the sound drifted away into the sky and he sat patiently waiting for someone to come.




3 Years
05-27-2013, 10:10 AM

Kamala had been wandering when the howl echoed over the horizon. As fall began to draw to a close, winter's bite was hovering in the air, reminding Kamala of the upcoming cold season. And of the season of rebirth that followed it. She would reach two years in age with the coming of Spring, and that scared her a little more than she was willing to let on. For in the Spring, she wold be betrothed to Gideon, her father's brother. It was a little intimidating, despite Maverick's best attempts to comfort her. And on top of that, they had not seen hide nor tail of Valkis in some time now. She was worried about her crimson brother as well. What had happened to the brilliantly colored male? Was he happy, wherever he was? She hoped so.

It was lucky that a howl sang out right then, distracting Kamala from her thoughts. It had come from the border; someone seeking entrance to the pack, perhaps. Kamala wasn't too far from the source of the howl, so with a shrug, the gray female bounded towards its source. Her sooty tail wagged enthusiastically in the air as she made her way forward, coming to a stop only when she found her green eyes settling on an interesting creature. Black and crimson, much like Valkis was. The reminder of her brother was unsettling.

Twitching her ears slightly, Kamala inclined her head in the male's direction. "Greetings, Sir. What brings you to the borders of Seracia?" The female asked politely, examining the wolf before her calmly. He was polite enough to respect borders, which was a point in Kamala's eyes. The only wolves that she had met that weren't Seracia members had been trespassers. The barely remembered Segar, who had since settled down with Ghost and caused a good deal of drama within the Kingdom, and the black and purple wolf that she had also met across the border. That wolf had not joined Seracia, however. But perhaps this wolf would. And perhaps he wouldn't.

There was a slight flick of her tail as Kamala examined the black and red wolf, still trying to shake the similarity that he held to her brother. It was all purely superficial, but she missed Valkis enough that it was far too close for comfort.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


05-28-2013, 03:51 PM

Soon the song of another's paws padding against the earth could be heard and ears swiveled forward as his tow-toned gaze watched the land in front of him. Out popped a gray female with crimson markings like the color of his stripe and upon further speculation he took note of the appaloosa-like markings on her legs. She was a strange one, but beautiful in a way. Different was a great word for it, but he was no more normal than she.

She offered him a polite greeting. Head dipped in a soft bow to her in return. Already he was pleased with how she carried herself and how she represented her pack. Already they were making a better impression than Valhalla was. Cairo had degraded him in front of the pack and it would not be forgiven. What was said was childish and Fenrir would never forget. Always remember. Never forgive. That would be his motto. Collision fared no better in his mind and the pack was far more chaotic than even Tortuga. It would fall the shambles and he would sit back and merely watch as they fell to their own destruction. It would be Cairo's fault too. The old man no longer had his respect.

Attention turned back to the female as his head raised and even a ghost of a smile was given.

"Morning Madam. Fenrir Aravice. I've come to seek knowledge about your pack. Possibly join it."

He had almost no doubt she'd answer any and all questions he had. He already could guess what they were like from rumor and how the lady held herself, but he certainly would not jump at the chance to join another pack. He would not make the same mistake he had made with Valhalla. Never again.




3 Years
06-01-2013, 12:34 PM

Ears twitching, Kamala examined the wolf curiously. Fenrir. She committed the name to memory with a twitch of her ears, inclining her head slightly in the male's direction. "Pleasure to meet you, Sir. My name is Kamala Tahir-Mathias, and I am the Grand Duchess of the Kingdom of Seracia." She was aware that her name and title were a bit of a mouthful, but most introductions for members of Seracia were.

Pausing for a moment, she examined Fenrir carefully before speaking again. "And what, Sir, do you already know about our pack? What would you like to learn?" Kamala asked curiously, scenting the air lightly. He smelled of another pack; Valhalla, to be precise. It was a scent that she recognized, though it wasn't as familiar as Ludicael's was after the 'games' that they had participated in. Luana in particular had a distinctive scent. Still, it wouldn't do for Kamala to get distracted.

Tail twitching lightly, Kamala settled back on her haunches, "I am willing to answer any questions that you might have about Seracia, Sir." Kamala added almost absently, figuring that she might as well make sure that he knew that she was willing to do whatever he required to make up his mind about her Kingdom and home. She could not shake the resemblance that he held to Valkis, however. It made her miss her brother even more than she had already missed him. He may not have been as easy to get along with as Maverick had been, but he was her brother.

And she should probably pay attention to Fenrir. A slight sigh escaped the female as she refocused her attention on the black and crimson wolf, ears pricking towards him once more.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


06-01-2013, 11:15 PM

The girl introduced herself and Fenrir had to hold back his slight surprise. She had an extremely long title. Kamala Tahir Mathias. Grand Duchess of Seracia. Not that he knew what that rank was. What was it? He gave her a quizzical look before he settled back to listen to her speak. Head would dip forward as she agreed to answering his questions. The sigh didn't go unnoticed either, but he felt that it wasn't his place to ask what plagued her mind so he stayed silent.

"For one, what is your rank exactly. I'm not familiar with your pack's ranks. Also, I'm aware that you are a kingdom, and your customs are different but after that I'm rather oblivious to how things are run. Would you mind explaining your rules and customs to me?"

He knew it was a tall order to fill, but he was curious, and certainly wouldn't make the same mistake he had made with Valhalla. He also eventually wanted to meet Gerhardt. He would settle for this for now.

[ooc: Sorry, this post really sucks]




3 Years
06-07-2013, 06:49 PM

The questions that the other male had were the ones the she had largely expected. Seracia was not the most average of packs, Kamala understood, and many wolves would have questions about how things worked. A friendly smile crossed Kamala's features and she flicked her tail slightly. "I am the . . . ah, Beta, I suppose you would say. I support my father, the King and I can accept wolves at the borders and such, clearly." Kamala nodded slightly, though the rank of 'Beta' wasn't one that she was too familiar with. It was one that another wolf had use to describe her job, however. "It's like a support position, I suppose." She added a moment later, hoping to elaborate a little on what her job was.

His next question, however, was significantly easier. Kamala inclined her head slightly, twitching her ears as she began to speak. "The Kingdom of Seracia relies a lot upon respect. Respect those of higher ranks is imperative. Obey the orders you're given, and you will do fine." Kamala paused, tilting her head slightly. What else would a new wolf need to know? "And don't do anything stupid, honestly. It's a strict pack, but it's a good place to live. We protect our own." Kamala nodded solemnly, glancing at Fenrir. How would he react to this knowledge? Would he say that Seracia wasn't the right place for him and move on? She hoped not, honestly.

Kamala wanted the best for her Kingdom, and Fenrir could surely offer a lot to the place that she had come to call her home.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


06-12-2013, 06:26 PM

Fenrir listened intently. He payed special attention as she explained what rank she was. He nodded briefly showing he understood then listened to her explanation of the pack. So they were indeed a Kingdom. That much was intriguing. The question now was, would this place be a good fit for him? It seemed like it, but he didn't want to make the same mistake as he had with Valhalla.

"I'm very interested in joining. What's the pack's policy as far as coming and going is? And what's it's standings with Tortuga?"

These things were a need to know. If he wouldn't be given the freedom to come and go as he pleased then the place was a definite no. If they were enemies with Tortuga then that would cause problems as well. He refused to fight with a pack that was enemies of the pack his mother lived in. His loyalties still did lie with his mother. She had given birth to him after all. He couldn't destroy her or the place she lived at. It was beyond wrong to him.




3 Years
06-15-2013, 05:59 PM

"I'm very interested in joining. What's the pack's policy as far as coming and going is? And what's it's standings with Tortuga?"

Coming and going? Kamala tilted her head slightly, examining Fenrir thoughtfully. The fact that he was asking questions about joining made Kamala respect him, and his respectful nature was pleasant enough. A smile flickered across Kamala's features as she twitched her ears and turned emerald eyes on Fenrir's multi-colored gaze. "Coming and going? As in leaving the pack permanently, or leaving, say, to visit other lands?" She paused for a moment, considering her answers thoughtfully, "To leave permanently is obviously acceptable. We will not hold you against your will. But it is frowned up, and it's not likely that you will be welcomed back with open arms." She paused again, "To leave temporarily, and then come back, well, I don't see how a wolf could stop you. Perhaps if you were heading somewhere for an extended period of time, it would be best to alert myself, my father, or my brother, just to ensure that no one believes that you have abandoned your pack. But other than that, honestly, just let a higher ranked wolf know if you plan on being gone for a while." Kamala nodded, pleased with herself for hopefully having explained that well enough that it would make sense to Fenrir.

His next question took her another long moment to answer. "Tortuga? It's a pack that I'm not terribly familiar with, myself. I know that we are neither allies nor enemies, though I do not know much more than that, my apologies." Tortuga, Tortuga... she had not heard much of the pack, other than that it had a darker inclination. She knew little of its laws and traditions. "What makes you ask about Tortuga in particular, Sir?" Kamala asked curiously, tilting her head slightly as she examined the black and crimson wolf thoughtfully. Family, perhaps, or close friends that inhabited the pack? Or maybe he hated the pack and wanted to know if he'd have an excuse to attack its members if he joined Seracia. The possibilities were many, and she should not jump to any conclusions until Fenrir answered her question. If he chose to do so, anyways.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


07-07-2013, 08:27 PM

Black and red head titled sideways and thickly furred ears flicked forward as he listened to her explanation on things. So far all of his questions had been answered in full and she seemed to know her rules and regulations well. Something he'd expect from a higher tiered member. Should he choose to join he would have to make sure to familiarize himself with things further, like the ranks. So far they were somewhat confusing, but he could always learn. It'd give him something to do.

He was particularly interested in what she had to say about Tortuga. She seemed to not know much about it which pleased him. It meant Tortuga hadn't gotten around to terrorizing Seracia yet giving him a good vantage point. He wasn't quite prepared for her question though. An ear flicked backwards as he wondered how to reply, a bit confused for a minute. He couldn't help but wonder if it was wise to explain. It probably couldn't hurt. He might as well explain that he wouldn't raise a paw against his mother either.

"My mother is a part of Tortuga and though I'm not fond of the pack itself I do love my mother so I'm not eager to be a part of destroying her life and well being. I didn't wish to join a pack that held ill-will towards them. It's easier in the long run so I'm not seen as disloyal."




3 Years
07-09-2013, 10:42 AM
His mother was from Tortuga? That was interesting. Kamala examined the male before her thoughtfully, tail waving idly in the air behind her. "I understand completely." Kamala murmured softly. Her mother might have vanished, but she knew that if the woman ever returned, she would not be able to lift a paw against her. "We would never expect you to hurt your mother." Gerhardt had more kindness than that.

The female nodded thoughtfully. "I doubt, at any rate, that we will have issues with Tortuga if we haven't already." Seracia had been founded a while ago, after all. Almost two years ago now. If any pack had wanted to cause issues, they had had plenty of time to do so, and none had attempted to do so. "Have I answered all of your questions, Fenrir?" Kamala asked a moment later, tilting her head slightly as she examined him. Would he still want to join Seracia? She hoped so. He would be the first, other than Segar, that she had welcomed into her pack, if he chose to join. But if he did not wish to join, she would send him on his way and hope that he found a pack worth joining.