
Dew Turns to Frost


05-31-2013, 01:22 AM
Her feet sunk slightly into the soft earth beneath her. The air was loosing its reminisce of warmer seasons, and where a warm earthy smell once wafted beneath her nose, the chill of winter was nearing. Night would soon break into morning, but the albino found herself awake regardless. She was a nocturnal creature, yet there were some days that she found herself venturing out for no more than an hour or so. Her body craved sunlight, and rejected it all of the same. She was sensitive to light and her skin would quickly grow heated beneath the sun, and so she had learned long ago that she should spend her time beneath the light of the moon.

There were birds faintly heard in the trees and underbrush here. Yet it was quiet tonight - winter was nearing, the warm months were over, soon she would be seeing snow in more than just the northern territories. Her breath was starting to fog the air at night, and where dew would cover the ground first thing in the morning, it was more likely to see frost.

The albino continued her silent trek over the marshy terrain, her magenta eyes looking for any sort of movement. At that moment she was on the hunt, searching for what could very well be her next meal. There should be plenty of large rodents living here, she only needed to take the time to find them.

Time that she didn't necessarily have with the sun slowly rising above her head.


05-31-2013, 05:41 AM

A boy of blacks and greys trotted across the freezing swamplands. It was getting colder everyday, and to a young pup it could be brutal in the life alone. Levi was alone, he had abandoned his mom and dad. Only because both of them only hurt each other, and himself. But Levi took responsibility at such a young age; the boy was only a year old and his descions may had impacted his entire life but he thought it all out. Everything he had done in the past few months would greatly hurt him, but also help him.

His paws pranced through the water, cooling his body and dampening his coat. A long tail stuck out of his mouth, bouncing with his steps threatening to whip him in his nose but he acknowledged it. It was a rat, and though he wasn't planning on eating it, he kept it in his mouth maybe to play with it a little later.

The green eyes swirling with an ocean blue looked across the lands spotting a white wolf that looked much like his mother. But it sure wasn't because the girl wasn't beat up and dying. So his little legs popped over to her, dropping the rat to the ground and looked up at the girl. "I'm Levi, what are you doing way out here?"

Walk "TALK" Think


05-31-2013, 11:10 AM
He was off all alone once again, solitary paw steps that sank into the ground. Kypsis was slightly wary of the moist ground. He had heard tales of wolves totally disappearing when they had just been walking. Their whole beings slurped up by the ground. He was sure to watch his step. He was used to long nights, but this was one that had taken especially long. The wolf found it a bit more difficult to run on the spongey earth, so he had just been depressed the whole time he was visiting the swamp.

He was also quite damp, he couldn't help but to keep landing his paws into giant puddles. He sighed, ready to get the night over with. He could already hear the first birds of the morning singing the sun's praises. He couldn't help but to be cheered by them. Their voices were too jubilant, he just wanted to take to the air with them. A smile was finally able to crawl onto his maw, he accepted defeat. It was going to be too good of a morning for his mood to stay with him.

He almost forgot the whole reason he had come to the awful swamp: carnivorous plants. He wasn't big into herbology, but the bug digesting weeds were too awesome for him to resist. He had been searching the night away, only to find nothing. He was wet, muddy and tired. He just wanted to find his plant and take a nap. Neither of which seemed soon in coming.

He kept his pace as fast as he could with out the possibility of his tripping into another big puddle. What he hadn't been expecting was a run in with two other wolves. The scent was fresh, and most definitely male. if he was forced to guess he would say the wolf was either small or quite young. He would see after plotting on for a few more moments. He saw the younger wolf first. He was taken a back just a bit after looking at his strange color, but in reality things had been getting strange since he arrived in the land of Alacritis.

He was able to hear the words that escaped the pups maw, and that was when he noticed her. She was like a rare white flower blossoming in the marshlands. He had never laid eyes upon an albino wolf before, so just her appearance had him incredibly intrigued. He let the other male have his space as his trot slowed. He didn't know either of them, so he let them have as much room as he hoped they would require. He was completely relaxed as he answered for the porcelain she wolf.

"It looks like the same activity as you, young one," he had noticed her look of concentration. She was hoping for a meal. Probably one much like the rat Levi had dropped to the earth. "Not that the lady can't speak for herself," He let his head bow in a respectful nod in her direction. "I am named, Kypsis. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

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06-02-2013, 02:02 AM
The footsteps of another were faintly heard, only really recognized because he went splashing through one of the various muddy puddles that littered the swampy area. She watched him as he bounded toward her with a rodent in his mouth, his bi colored eyes meeting hers for a moment before he dropped his rat and looked up at her. He was a gangly thing, growing into himself still - and his willingness to talk to strangers was both endearing and alarming - what would his parents say about him being so very bold?

"Looking for dinner." She answered simply, quietly, her voice just barely a whisper. Her red eyes stared back at him with an amused expression, a tiny quirk to her lips. Around too many others she had the tendency to clam up or skitter off, but this young lupine awakened no nerves within her, and she had no problem answering his question. He seemed to have found his own dinner, but since he was young he seemed to be playing with his food.

The third party seemed to see her before she spotted him. This boy was taking up much of her attention, and between his voice and her own, she had not heard him coming at all. Io didn't react to the older male until he spoke, and she subtly inclined her head to watch him. Listen to him - he had managed to sneak up on she and the younger male, but it seemed that was not his intention at all. Her heart gave a good hard thump in her chest, just as it always did when she was nervous, and a part of her was tempted to leave... but he seemed so respectful, bowing his head to a wandering woman and a child - once he introduced himself, she decided that she would stay opposed to excusing herself.

"Io Sovari, a pleasure to you too." Her voice gave away her shyness, but it held a lyrical tone in addition to the waver. She didn't give him the same nod, but she hesitantly looked him in the eye, and offered him a small smile. Atop her head her ears twitched, a nervous habit, but it was quick - easy to miss toward those that weren't looking for it. Looking down at Levi, she wondered for a moment whether he had any association to this male, Kypsis, but they smelled nothing of each other. In fact - Levi didn't really smell like anyone else at all. It seemed this gathering was consisted of rogues.


06-02-2013, 08:39 AM

She bathes in pure sensuality; engulfed whole the existance of her past, future and present. Waltzing across the scene as she would carress the dainty paws on the earths floor.The lithe fingers of the jackfrosts making wrap there skeletal fingers around the flaming bodice as if to freeze her into nothing more then a statue or wrath. It was cold but not the ice age. Lost in her own thoughts she wasnt aware of the precense of others until it was to late. Some could say she was the cause of the sins, others say she is the sin. The pelts cursed with the originality of the deepest of russets, the blood bath of the innocent. As if a flame would hit the woman out into the wide open, singling out the admiring beauty. Staying away from the figures the woman would point the small tiara up to the sky; letting loose a long mornful howl, yet it were beautiful. Secrets can be many things. Perhaps Siobhan is a secret. A secret of the past. The scent of waxy rose petals lingered in the bitter air, to trap and traumatise those who dare to bare. From afar she is the innocence from up close shes the devils daughter.



06-03-2013, 01:16 PM

Levi listened to the female before him, he showed great respect to strangers, he knew the dangers and consequences. But she didn't seem to be of any danger. She did seem different than any other wolves he had seen, but definitely not a danger to him. "Oh you can have mine! I'm not very hungry today." Even though Levi was very selfish, he was very sweet and loving and he did care about others. Though he was a pup, and he wanted to keep his small catch to himself to play with, maybe giving it to someone else would have been a better use of it. It wasn't like he had tore it up and made it look like trash.

Leviathan didn't really think much about wanting another mother, and so a thought like that slipped his mind. Soon quiet footsteps hit the water behind him, his ears swiveling in that direction and not too long after a voice struck his eardrums. It was another male, he went by the name of Kypsis and greeted himself properly. And then the female gave off her name, Io. Definitely strange to the pup. How come she didn't tell me her name first! The pup had already gotten a bit of jealousy from the male, Kypsis; his color swirling eyes turning with his head to look at the dark male. Maybe more white than black, but definitely dark. only one eyebrow went up at him, the pup too small to make it noticeable for the male but possible the female. But then he took his head back down looking onto Io's pinkish-reddish eyes, her then looking at his after speaking to the male, and Levi didn't respond to Kypsis' greeting.

And of course the three weren't alone, someone had to add themselves in by letting out a long howl. Levi only looked away from Io for a second, maybe being a little skidish to the noise. But his eyes then went back to her's if they were still down on him or not. He didn't know who this other wolf was, so he would just let the older adults take care of it.

Walk "TALK" Think


06-04-2013, 01:35 AM
He took in the name of the she wolf just as he had taken the pups. After her words left her mouth he felt a bit of a shift in energy. He caught a glance from Levi, his smaller form seeming to distance himself from Kypsis. He shrugged it off. He was glad that he got a smile from the pale maiden, he wondered if that was something she gave out often. He did not have an incredible amount of time to think about her and her response, quickly afterward a howl split the silence.
His attention was drawn to the figure that leant their voice to them from the wood. It was a sorrowful melody that touched his ears, he wondered internally why it should be so mournful. He let his head fall into a position adequate for a howl His own song joined with hers, wondering if she was there under the same cause as he. Such a grouping of random wolves was a bit odd.

[Image: tablebottom.jpg]

.ooc. bah so sorry this was such a lame post